Return of The Underworld

Chapter 363: Mysterious master


Although Qu Batian hated Deng Jiuling, the words just said did not deceive Deng Jiuling.

Those words are the truth!

The ancestor of Dalin Temple wanted to pass on his own "Dragon Elephant Magic Art" to his subordinates.

However, at the time of Dalin Temple, although masters were like clouds and martial arts masters came out in large numbers, there was no one who could successfully practice the "Dragon Elephant Magic Technique".

In desperation, Dalin Patriarch had no choice but to split the "Dragon Elephant Magic Art" into two parts, the "Dragon Elephant Art" and the "Dragon Elephant Classic".

"Long Xiang Shen Gong" is originally a mental method of inner gong, so the two faculties that were separated still belong to inner gong.

The difference is that the Dragon Elephant Skill is more inclined to practice the physical body horizontally, the attack is extremely fierce, and it can also be used as an external skill.

The Dragon Elephant Scripture is pure internal strength. It is difficult to get started and requires high talents. Only when you have cultivated to a high level can you have the offensive power.

But after these two faculties were created, Patriarch Dalin discovered that he had made a mistake.

Those are these two exercises. Although the difficulty of cultivation has been reduced a lot, once one has been cultivated, one of them is a must.

So if you want to practice the second type of faculty, the difficulty will be doubled.

If you want to practice two faculties at the same time, the difficulty is no different from that of directly practicing the "Dragon Elephant Divine Art".


This discovery made Dalin Patriarch also very angry.

For the sake of face, Patriarch Dalin did not tell his disciples this secret when he was still alive.

It was not until a few years later, after Dalin Patriarch was seated, that when the disciples sorted out the Patriarch's relics, they discovered this secret from the handwriting of Dalin Patriarch.


This incident was concealed by the Dalin Temple senior officials for a long time, so as not to damage the glorious image of the Patriarch.

However, as time went on, this secret eventually became known to the world.

But in the eyes of the younger disciples, this is actually nothing.

After all, it's already extremely difficult to practice a unique discipline alone.

It is almost impossible to practice two faculties at the same time.

Therefore, to Dalin Patriarch, the younger disciples still respect him very much.

Dalin Patriarch once said that whoever can master two unique skills at the same time can obtain the "dragon elephant magic".

This sentence, the younger disciples, just smiled, and didn't take it seriously.

How easy is it to practice two martial arts

Although Qu Batian hated Deng Jiuling, Deng Jiuling saved Qu Batian's life after all.

So Qu Batian did not hope that Deng Jiuling would die.

But what Qu Batian didn't expect was that Deng Jiuling had to try after listening to his warning.



"It's auspicious time, four princes, please!" The old butler's voice resounded across the audience in an instant.

As soon as the voice fell, Deng Jiuling and the other three people marched forward and stepped into the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.


An old man with a white beard almost hanging down to the ground suddenly appeared at the door of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

No one knows where this old man came from.

This person has extremely high martial arts, and even Deng Jiuling, who has opened his god eyes, did not spot the old man in advance.


Mo Jiande, Feng Yuanba, and Sedum all had their dignified eyes, and their foreheads began to sweat.

The old man was thin and skinny, and there was no real Qi fluctuation in his body.

But the old man's gaze contained divine light, as if it could penetrate everything, and put tremendous pressure on the heavenly arrogance.

"Among the composers, such a strong man is hidden!

"Feeling the old man's sharp gaze like the scorching sun, even if it is Feng Sanye standing in the distance, his pupils shrank, and his eyes were full of shock.

Feng Sanye's martial arts is extremely high, and he can be a brother to Qu Batian, and he is naturally a top master.

But even so, Feng Sanye still felt that if he was ill-intentioned, he would be killed directly by the old man.

too strong!

"This old man's martial arts is so high, I'm afraid it's not inferior to the old master of my house."

Feng Sanye shook Tiedanzi's hand, trembling slightly.

It was also the appearance of this old man that finally made Feng Sanye realize that the secret Taoist composer could replace the Qiao family and rank among the four major families in the South China Sea, despite the fact that they were sparsely populated.

"It's no wonder that the old master of my fencing family always warned me that the feudalists should not suppress the Qu family too much." Feng Sanye gasped.

Among the crowd, Qu Batian was the only one who remained calm.

But Deng Jiuling discovered that there was a hint of excitement and excitement in the corner of Qu Batian's eyes.

"It seems that even Qu Batian doesn't know the existence of this senior, or can't believe it." Deng Jiuling thought secretly.

"Senior Ge, I didn't expect you to be alive." Qu Batian was a little excited, and walked forward quickly, bowing to salute.

"Little Qu, you have cultivated for decades, why the Dragon Elephant Sutra hasn't become a master? It's really nothing, huh!" The old man glanced at Qu Batian, and hummed coldly in his nostrils.

Qu Batian is the dean of the Martial Arts College of Nanhai University. He has been teaching for decades. He is a martial arts legend in the South China Sea and has great prestige.

But this unknown old man reprimanded Qu Batian like a primary school student. This scene of blasting the sky caused a lot of discussion among everyone, and I don't know who this old man is.

"Elder Ge?" Feng Sanye's pupils shrank, and he suddenly said silently, "Could it be that you were the general Qu who followed the'South Sea Sword God' Mogu City a hundred years ago, Senior?"


As soon as these words came out, the audience shook, and all the masters breathed in air-conditioning.

The "Sword God of the South China Sea" Mo Gucheng not only used martial arts to overwhelm the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

The character and martial ethics of Mogu City are also praised and talked about by everyone.

Mo Gucheng reads wisely, uses the "gentleman" norms in Confucianism to restrain his thoughts. He is not arrogant or impetuous, and he never pretends to be compelling.

Therefore, when the city of Mogu is spreading across the world, his advisers are like clouds and military commanders are like rain, so he can lay thousands of miles of beautiful scenery, unify the martial arts in the southeast and the two seas, and become the martial arts leader of the two seas.

Among them, there are several very powerful generals under Mo Gucheng, which are legendary.

Among these legendary generals, there is a general surnamed Mo, who travels at night in Jinyi all year round and is responsible for assassinating high-level enemy troops.

This person is good at disguising, proficient in assassinations, and without using weapons every time, he shoots the enemy directly.

One hundred years ago, this man was very famous and was the king of assassination.

But even the other generals under Mo Gucheng had never seen this person, and didn't even know what his full name was.

Now that Feng Sanye said, everyone was shocked when they recalled this past event.

"That's just a few trivial things when the old man was young, so why is it true?" The old man said lightly, with an indifferent expression.

Having said that, Deng Jiuling still saw through his divine eyes, a hint of pride flashed in the corner of the old man's eyes.

"It's no wonder that those enemy generals who were assassinated were killed with one punch. It turns out that this is the power of the Dragon Elephant Sutra."

"General Qu turned out to be the old man of the Qu family, no wonder it's no wonder."

There was a commotion among the guests, and there was a feeling of sudden realization.

The term "Gu Lao" in the martial arts means the same thing as "the guard who guards the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion".

For a martial arts family, the most central place in the family is the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion!

Those who can guard the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion are all those who have the highest martial arts in the family, the most loyal to the family, and the most able to endure loneliness and do not pursue the power of the world.

The old man Qu Ge walked at night in Jinyi, drinking horses everywhere, and gold and iron horses. He was everywhere, but the world did not know his existence.

Such a strong man, who once stood at the pinnacle of power, quietly left the field and practiced in the dark, and finally achieved today's achievements.


Leaving aside Qu Ge's cultivation base, his astonishing life of over a hundred years old is enough to make people daunting.

"Master Ge, please open the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, so that these four younger generations, Tianjiao, can learn the Dragon Elephant Sutra." Qu Batian said respectfully.

"Qu Batian, you are really going back more and more, and you actually came up with a bad idea of martial arts and recruiting relatives."

Old Qu Ge sneered, his eyes full of disgust: "My Qu family has gone through hundreds of years of ups and downs. Is it possible that in this era, is it that it has fallen into such a shameless state?"

"This..." Hearing this, Qu Batian looked ashamed and put his head on his head, like a kid who did something wrong, and some did not dare to look at Qu Ge Lao.

"Senior Ge, the sword-backed young man in front of you is the third grandson of Mo Gucheng."

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was a little bad, Feng Sanye clasped his fists and said, "Senior, you were once the beloved general of Mogu City. If you don't look at the face of the monk and the face of the Buddha, can you get along

When Feng Sanye said this, Qu Ge frowned.

Without seeing any movement, Mo Jiande carried the long sword on his back and fell into the hands of Old Qu Ge.


Old Qu Ge flicked with one hand, and the long sword instantly flashed white light, and a sword aura rose into the sky.

This sword is so powerful that it is five or six meters long!

Elder Qu Ge seized the sword in the void with this hand, and everyone watching was moved and all breathed in air-conditioning.

The sword qi cuts out five or six meters, and many martial arts masters present can actually do it.

But cut out five or six meters, that is a verb.

But the old man's sword aura can be stable for five or six meters, which is "quiet".

The movement and the silence seem to be similar, but the difficulty between the two is ten times different.

It was also Qu Ge’s trick that finally made Feng Sanye finally determined that Qu Ge’s martial arts were no less inferior than Feng’s.

"In front of this old man, I have no power to resist." Deng Jiuling was calm on the surface, but his heart was shaking.

For a long time, Deng Jiuling thought that with his martial arts and various assassins, even if it is not invincible, there is no problem with self-protection within the realm of the master.

But the appearance of Elder Qu Ge made Deng Jiuling understand how ridiculous his own martial arts is in front of real martial arts masters.

"The old man Qu Ge should also be a seventh-level master, why is his martial arts so high that it almost kills me in seconds?" Deng Jiuling was a little puzzled.

But this question is obviously, even if Deng Jiuling asks questions, it is impossible for Qu Ge to speak up.

"This sword is indeed a treasure left by Mo Gu City. Go in."


Everyone did not see the movement of Old Qu Ge clearly, the long sword had returned to the scabbard that Mo Jiande was carrying.

"Thank you, senior." Mo Jiande said with a look of excitement, bending over.

"Junior is the third-generation heir of Tianfeng Pavilion, Sedum, my grandfather is Rhodiola." Sedum said respectfully.

"It turns out to be a descendant of Big Brother Red. You are very good. You can enter the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion." A glance at the folding fan in Sedum's hand, Qu Ge's indifferent face, like a dead fish, squeezed out a smile that was more ugly than crying. .

"Master Ge, Feng Yuanba is the third-generation disciple of my Nanhai Feng family, and his grandfather is Feng Lietian."

Seeing Old Qu Ge looked towards Feng Yuanba, Feng Sanye said quickly, fearing that Feng Yuanba would not be able to speak.

"Well, Brother Feng can be considered a successor, not bad."

Old Qu Ge nodded, indicating that Feng Yuanba could also enter.

In the end, Qu Ge's icy gaze fell on Deng Jiuling like a sharp blade.