Return of The Underworld

Chapter 381: Don't pretend to be forced


A purple bamboo sword flower that could not last a few million, was called out by Wu Xiaoqiang for a sky-high price of one billion!

Dang! Dang! Dang!

As soon as Wu Xiaoqiang said this, the old dean just picked up the second cup of tea, pouting, and the tea sprayed all over the floor.

"Haha, you deserve to be the boss."

"For the average kid, who dare to show off his wealth in front of our boss, what is it?"

The two younger brothers sneered.

Leopard Leopard, his legs were soft, and the pee came out in terror.

Too horrible Nima!

A billion, actually just to buy a medicinal plant

What the hell!

This... Isn't this awesome

Even the old man Huang was flushed, and his whole body began to tremble with excitement.

One billion!


This... This is not fifty cents, nor is it green vegetables or carrots, but real money!

Although the Huang family is the No. 1 family of Chinese medicine in the South China Sea, the annual turnover is several billion.

But in fact, after deducting various costs, the Huang family's annual turnover is only three to five billion.

Moreover, with so many people in the Huang family, after sharing the money, the money that fell into the hands of the old man was only 100 million.

But Wu Xiaoqiang just throws one billion, which is equal to the income of Mr. Huang for ten years. Can you say he is not excited

"Nine Spirits, look, this...?" Father Huang opened his mouth and looked at Deng Jiuling embarrassedly.

The identity of a registered disciple, and the wealth of one billion, it is really difficult for Mr. Huang to choose.

"Deng Jiuling, aren't you very rich? Continue to increase the price? There is a way that you can continue to increase by 500 million and try?"

After smoking a cigar, Wu Xiaoqiang raised Erlang's legs and hummed "Beier Shuang" with a smug expression on his face.

Ten billion, this is all Wu Xiaoqiang's private money now.

If it wasn't for the old man of the Wu family who had a terminal illness "guanyin spot", he would have to use Zizhu Jianhua for medical treatment.

Then Wu Xiaoqiang was absolutely impossible, and he was bleeding out of one billion!

"Huh, Deng Jiuling, you forced me to make this young master spend a billion dollars, grass!" Wu Xiaoqiang was a little annoyed.

However, Wu Xiaoqiang is still very cool to be able to pretend to be forceful in public and to show off his wealth.

After today's events spread throughout the South China Sea, Wu Xiaoqiang was angrily throwing a billion yuan to buy medicinal materials for his grandfather. The news will surely make a sensation in the South China Sea.

At that time, Wu Xiaoqiang not only demonstrated his financial strength to the world, but also gained a good reputation.


The more I thought about it, the smile on Wu Xiaoqiang's face became thicker.

However, even if Wu Xiaoqiang pretended to be so forceful, Deng Jiuling still looked calm, without any emotions: "10 billion, right."


These words were like thunder on the ground, shaking the audience instantly.

"100 million? Old man... really?" Old man Huang looked excited.

"Handsome!" The old dean grumbled sharply and couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

The two younger brothers of Wu Xiaoqiang were shocked.

The bodyguard Abao, an excited plop, almost flew up coolly.

This medicinal plant was collected by Abao, not by a medicinal picker.

According to Mr. Huang's promise, once the medicinal materials are sold, Abao can get a 10% commission.

"10% of 100 million? Can I be a billionaire?"

Haha, so cool!

The huge excitement and excitement caused Ah Leopard to suddenly fall to the ground, almost having a heart attack.

In the study, Wu Xiaoqiang stared at Deng Jiuling blankly, and suddenly he snorted, and a mouthful of old blood spewed out.

10 billion, which is an astronomical figure for Wu Xiaoqiang!

It's not that Wu Xiaoqiang can't provide 10 billion, but if Wu Xiaoqiang wants to mobilize 10 billion, he must report to the Wu family board of directors and review it at various levels. The cycle is very long.

If the old man of the Wu family is not in a coma, then it only takes one sentence and Wu Xiaoqiang can bypass all the audits and get the money directly.

But now the old man of the Wu family is in a coma. Although Wu Xiaoqiang is the heir, he hasn't inherited the Wu family, so he can't get that much money.

And even if Wu Xiaoqiang, immediately returned to Wu's house to report.

Those shareholders of the Wu family who only recognize money but not family affection will not be able to pass this decision.

Although the Wu family is the second largest family in the South China Sea, it is also a super giant family in the South China Sea, with a net worth of trillions.

But the problem is that the Wu family has a lot of money, it is the family's more money, not the individual's money.

There are several hundred direct descendants of the Wu family, and two to three thousand collateral descendants. The total number of people in the family is almost 10,000, including those who are related to the family.

If it is averaged down, one person is only one billion.

Moreover, a super family like the Wu family, the richer they are, the more stingy they are. They regard money as their fate, and are reluctant to spend a little bit of money.

The old man of the Wu family is for the Wu family's Dinghai Shenzhen, and no one wants him to die.

But the problem is that even the old dean, Professor Hao, and Mr. Huang have all gone to see Mr. Wu.

These three, who were the three strongest medical masters in the South China Sea, all believed that the Wu family's illness was hopeless.

But Wu Xiaoqiang is better. He actually listened to a wandering monk. What was he looking for, a century-old sword flower of purple bamboo

What the hell!

What an international joke!

If the purple bamboo sword flower, it can really cure Elder Wu 100%.

Don't say 10 billion, even if it is 100 billion, the Wu family seniors are willing to pay the money!

But the problem is that even the wandering monk admitted frankly that even if he finds Zizhu Jianhua, there is only a 10% chance of curing the disease.

With a 10% chance, for the senior Wu family, there is no difference between feeding a dog with money and meat buns.

So Wu Xiaoqiang suddenly understood that he had lost!

"The boss pretended to be innumerable in college. He was called'a generation to force the king.' This time he pretended to be forced to lose?"

"I'll go, could it be that this is the legendary pretense, but instead pretending to be a stupid?"

The two younger brothers glanced at each other, their eyes full of bitterness.

too strong!

It's really awesome!

From beginning to end, Deng Jiuling was calm and calm, drinking tea leisurely.

But as soon as Deng Jiuling spoke, he made an understatement. There was no change in the expression on his face. He actually threw out 10 billion

Nima, this is not a big carrot, but 10 billion!

"Nine... Nine Spirits, you... really want to spend 10 billion?" Elder Huang said with a trembling voice.

With so much wealth, the continuation of Mr. Huang's life is not so much.

Too Nima hi!

Because this matter was too shocking, Mr. Huang couldn't believe it.

"Of course." Deng Jiuling nodded, his expression indifferent.

Deng Jiuling took over Snake Lord's industry in an all-round way since he destroyed the Snake Lord.

Among them, Elder Bai checked and found that Lord Snake had collected a lot of wealth in secret.

The amount of these wealth is huge, even if it was a few months longer, Elder Bai did not count the specific figures.

It is precisely because of this that Deng Jiuling has no pressure on buying medicinal materials for 10 billion yuan.

At Deng Jiuling's current level, no matter how much money is in front of him, it is just an increase in numbers, nothing more.

Suffering, sadness, anger, all kinds of negative emotions, instantly appeared in Wu Xiaoqiang's eyes.

What a shame!

Although he wanted to find this place back, Wu Xiaoqiang understood that he couldn't hold on to it.

"Deng Jiuling, I don't believe you have so much money!"

With his nails embedded in his palms, Wu Xiaoqiang became irritated: "You said you have 10 billion, then you really have it? Why would I say that I have 100 billion?"

"Is the money much?" Deng Jiuling shrugged, with a look of contempt.

This contemptuous look is the contempt and disdain of the people at the pinnacle of the carnivorous chain.

A similar look, Wu Xiaoqiang has always had it in the past two decades.

Wu Xiaoqiang never thought that one day, a similar look of contempt would be used by others to despise himself.

What the hell!

This... What a shame Nima!

But even at this point, Wu Xiaoqiang still felt that Deng Jiuling was trying to force him!

"The young master is the heir of the second family in the South China Sea, and the cash flow he can control is only one billion."

"You kid, even if you are a disciple of a super big family, you can't be so rich!"

Wu Xiaoqiang looked resentful and thought about it fiercely.

With a cash flow of 10 billion, even in the Wu family, only a few old men of the first generation and a few major shareholders of the second generation are eligible to be transferred!

But even those big people who can mobilize 10 billion in cash flow are not absolutely impossible. Like Deng Jiuling, 10 billion is used as fifty cents!

"Unless it's my grandfather, his old man has the foundation, and he throws tens of billions in one breath without the need to frown!" Wu Xiaoqiang thought bitterly.

"Old Huang, I don't know how much money is in my bank card," Deng Jiuling said lightly.

As soon as he said this, Wu Xiaoqiang's eyes lit up and he laughed loudly: "Deng Jiuling, you are forced, I know that you are forcibly pretending to be forced!"

"You don't have any money in your bank card, so you dare to bid with this young master?"

Upon hearing this, Deng Jiuling said indifferently: "Who told you that there is no money in my bank card?"

"I don't know exactly how much money is in my bank card."

"It's not just a mere 10 billion, I just pay cash directly."


As soon as Deng Jiuling said this, the audience sucked in air-conditioning, all in an uproar.

"Even if it is 200 million yuan, it can fill a room of 100 square meters, let alone 10 billion. How big is this room?"

"This kid is really bragging. Even if there are local tyrants with 10 billion, it is impossible to pay in cash!"

The two younger brothers of Wu Xiaoqiang looked mocking.

"I'm going, could it be this kid, this is forcibly pretending to be forced? Is his head broken? Damn! My one billion commission, ah!"

Leopard, the bodyguard, collapsed.

"Jiuling, you...really not kidding?" the old dean asked in amazement.

"Do you think I am like a joke?" Deng Jiuling said lightly.

"But where exactly are your ten billion?" Elder Huang said with a trembling voice.

"This room is too small, let's go to the outside compound." Deng Jiuling stood up and walked to the door confidently.

"Deng Jiuling, force, if you can really put out so much money, this young master will run away in public!" Wu Xiaoqiang gritted his teeth.

"Don't worry, I will fulfill your wishes."

In the wind, Deng Jiuling suddenly heard a majestic voice full of confidence!