Return of The Underworld

Chapter 39: Thousand-year treasure


"Huh, life and death actually called me?" Deng Jiuling was immediately moved.

Since getting life and death in Fengdu Ghost City, this thing has nothing peculiar in addition to recording various yin and yang events.

But this time, Life and Death actually started to summon Deng Jiuling, this... What is going on

In the void, a red arrow that no one could see suddenly appeared, pointing all the way to Fu Bo.

"Could it be that life and death are thin and want to eat Fu Bo?" Deng Jiuling frowned slightly.

The feeling that life and death conveyed to Deng Jiuling was a desire, a feeling of wanting to swallow something.

Devouring Fubo

No, this is unreasonable!

"I understand, life and death is thin and want to swallow Fu Bo's back, that cheongsam beauty is holding the things in the box!" Deng Jiuling suddenly realized.

The Night Banquet of the Qiu Family is held once a year. It is not only the birthday of Qiu Shenji, but also a large-scale auction of Chinese medicinal materials.

This time every year, celebrities and Chinese herbal medicine owners from Tiannan, Haibei, and Xishan gather together, hoping to photograph the finale.

But unlike ordinary auctions, the first auction item for Qiu's Yeyan auction was the finale.

When the final piece of the Qiu family is auctioned, the celebrities and Chinese herbal medicine owners will bid for the precious herbal medicines they bring one by one.

Even those who do not participate in the auction will use the opportunity of the Qiu family's night banquet to build relationships and expand their contacts or discuss business.

In short, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, destined to be a grand gathering of celebrities and wealth.


Fubo smiled slightly, and the old and powerful voice resounded throughout the audience in an instant: "Everyone is coming from afar today, I believe you must be a little impatient, and I won't say much about the old man. This year's Qiu Family Night Banquet Auction will ,Officially begin!"


As soon as these words came out, whether it was the VIP seats or the public seats, the celebrities were in a commotion and they were all excited.

"This year is the 60th birthday of Qiu Shenji. The finale is definitely not trivial."

"No, I heard that Mr. Qiu had sent Qing Bo to the home of Miao Jiang's ancestor not long ago and brought back many good medicinal materials, including some rare Chinese medicines that are almost extinct."

The celebrities talked a lot, and Deng Jiuling was thoughtful.

Fearing the enemy to seek revenge, Qiu Shenji was eager to break through the martial arts cultivation base, so he naturally did not hesitate to pay a lot of money to let Qing Bo go to Miaojiang to find medicine.

The Qiu family was originally from the Miaojiang tribe, and the ancestors had given birth to witches. They have a close relationship with the local natives in Miaojiang and can find many good medicinal materials that outsiders cannot find.

Some of these medicinal materials are used by Qiu Shenji to refine Qinghua Pill, and some medicinal materials that are not used but still precious are naturally suitable for auction.

"The old rule is that it is strictly forbidden to take pictures during the auction. Please store your mobile phones temporarily in Yaowanggu." Fubo clapped his hands and said with a smile.

Immediately there were staff in suits and leather shoes, holding small plates, and walking past everyone one by one.

One by one, celebrities put their phones on their plates.

Even the young masters of the Qiu family such as Qiu Jin and Lin Jia put their mobile phones on the plate, and Deng Jiuling is no exception.

Anyway, a second-hand mobile phone is nothing, and Deng Jiuling will not feel a pity.

After receiving all the mobile phones, Fu Bo nodded to Qing Uncle.

"Ada, A2, you bring people to block the entrance. During the auction period, no one can enter the valley without permission, and no one can leave early." Qing Bo said in a deep voice.


Hearing that, the two powerful men that Deng Jiuling had met, nodded respectfully, and left with a group of security guards.

Then, Uncle Qing, a master of inner strength, stood at the entrance of the rostrum in person, looking guarded in all directions.

In this scene, the celebrities cited became more and more curious.

Everyone knows that this year's auction of the Qiu family is probably not trivial, and it is even stronger than in previous years.

However, no one knows what the auction item is.

Facing the scorching eyes of everyone, Uncle Fu lightly stroked the white beard, and the old and thick voice resounded through the night sky again: "Come here, present the finale."

As soon as the words fell, the cheongsam beauty behind her smiled, stretched out Qianqianyu's hand, and opened the sandalwood box.


In an instant, the whole audience was overwhelmed by the wind, and everyone who blew it was a little bit timid.

The surrounding temperature dropped by at least five degrees Celsius in an instant!


When the celebrities were in panic, the cheongsam beauty covered the sandalwood box.

The yin wind disappeared instantly, and the surrounding temperature returned to normal again.


The audience shook, and all the celebrities were immediately moved.

"Fu Bo, what exactly is this?"

"A mere taste of Chinese medicinal materials can actually change the surrounding temperature, my God!"

The celebrities talked a lot, and the atmosphere was fiery.

How strong is a Chinese medicinal material that can cause local environmental changes

"Life and death are thin, do you want to eat this Chinese herbal medicine?" Deng Jiuling said silently in his heart.


As soon as the voice fell, life and death kept trembling, and the red glow was overwhelming, giving Deng Jiuling a feeling of excitement.

"I understand, no matter how much you pay today, I will definitely help you get the finale." Deng Jiuling nodded, his eyes full of war.

Life and death are of great help to Deng Jiuling, making Deng Jiuling no longer ordinary, from an unknown kid, step by step into Donghai New Area.

Now that life and death have little requirements, Deng Jiuling will satisfy his wishes even if he devotes everything to him.

Moreover, Deng Jiuling had a faint feeling that the stronger the life and death, the more benefits he would get.

Whether for life or death, or for his own future, the finale Deng Jiuling is determined to win.

As if seeing Deng Jiuling's thoughts, Lin Jia quietly gave Deng Jiuling a bank card: "Senior, I have money in this card. Come on."

"No." Deng Jiuling shook his head and said with a smile: "I still have some money, I can borrow it from you if I don't have enough."

"Okay." Lin Jia nodded and didn't say much.

When he was in Tiannan Repulse Bay, Deng Jiuling drew his sword and cut his brother, saving the lives of Shangguan Lingyun and Tang Sanye, and both of them transferred a lot of money.

This time Deng Jiuling helped Qiu Shenji to make alchemy, and he could be regarded as Qiu Shenji's second-born parents. Do you think Deng Jiuling would be short of money

Of course not bad money!

"Fu Bo, what is this thing called? Just talk about it." In the crowd, a Chinese herbal medicine boss from Tiannan couldn't help but exclaimed.

Deng Jiuling was a little funny when Xu Weiming went.

It turned out that between these words, it was Ge Lao Wang, the boss of Shangshan Tang, the largest Chinese medicine shop in Tiannan.

Boss Wang is a well-known Chinese herbal medicine boss in Tiannan. It is not surprising that he came to Yaowanggu not far away.

It's just that this guy looks anxious and anxious, and Deng Jiuling wants to laugh a little while watching it.

"Pharaoh, I'm really sorry. Today, no one except me wants to take the finale." Deng Jiuling shook his head slightly.

After Boss Wang spoke, all the celebrities booed, all wondering what the finale was.

There are many mountains and forests in the Miao area. Between the virgin forest and the lofty mountains, there are many unknown medicinal materials. It is normal for everyone to not understand.

"Quiet." Uncle Qing was standing at the entrance of the rostrum, frowning slightly, a deep voice containing innocence, which resounded through the audience in an instant.

The hustle and bustle all around stopped abruptly, and everyone's eyes fell on Fu Bo on the rostrum.

Uncle Fu didn't talk nonsense, and said with a smile: "No one knows what this thing is called, but according to our Qiu Family Medicine King Valley's speculation, this thing may be the legendary-Thousand Years Tai Sui."

"It turned out to be Tai Sui!" In the public seat, Murong Chu's pupils shrank, and a raging flame suddenly rose in his eyes.

In fact, as Murong Chu, he is fully qualified to sit in the VIP seats.

It's just that Murong Chu didn't want to reveal his identity, and his relationship with the older generation of the Qiu family, so he didn't want to go to the VIP table.

Almost all the second generations of the younger generation are concentrated in the public seats, which seems less restrictive.

"Young Master Chu, what exactly is Tai Sui?" Hua Jie was a little confused.

"According to Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica", Tai Sui is also called Meat Ganoderma. It is non-toxic, nourishes the body, nourishes vital energy, and increases wisdom. Origins, come one by one.

"Ah, doesn't this mean that you can live forever after eating too old?" Wu Tingting exclaimed, her beautiful eyes full of shock.

The second generations are also a little excited, inexplicably excited.

Murong Chu shook his head and said angrily: "Although Tai Sui is a legendary spiritual creature, it can only slow down people's aging. Who in this world can live forever?"

"Can Tai Sui have beauty? Can I make it beautiful if I eat it?" Wu Tingting looked curious.

"Of course, but... can you buy it?" Murong Chu said lightly.

"Hey." Wu Tingting put his head on hearing this, a little depressed.

Wu Tingting is now getting better with Hua Jie, but Hua Jie’s father, Hua Gang, has a net worth of tens of millions, so how could it be possible to buy it for a thousand years

"Young Master Chu, we can't afford it, you must be able to afford it, come on!" Hua Jie smiled.

"For ordinary people, this thing is just to slow down labor and strengthen physical fitness."

"But for me, after taking it, I can break through the cultivation base and directly step into the realm of a master of internal strength."

"Even if I go to find an alchemy master, I can refine Tai Sui into a spiritual pill, and directly break through to the inner strength!"

With his fists clenched, Murong Chu's eyes burst out with a dazzling light.

"Young Master Chu is a young master from the provincial capital. I am afraid that for what he wants this time, the local tyrants in the three cities in the Donghai New Area can't compete with him at all." Hua Jie was a little excited, ready to watch the show.

On the rostrum, Fu Bo said about the effect of Tai Sui about once.

Although Fubo also said, there is no guarantee that this thing is really the legendary Millennium Tai Sui, but the celebrities are still excited.

Especially for the older giants, at their age, no matter how much money is, it is only a number, and health and longevity are the most important things.

On the other side of the VIP table, Master Du beamed his eyes and said to Hai Tao: "This Tai Sui is extremely extraordinary and contains a very strong Yin and evil spirit. As long as it can be obtained by the old man, the old man has the confidence to refine the second grade spirit. Dan, raise the level of pill cultivation to the second rank!"

Hearing this, Hai Tao looked excited: "At that time, teacher, your status is higher than that of Deng Jiuling. According to the law of practice, he must respectfully salute you when he sees you, haha."

The appearance of the Qiu family's Tai Sui, let the celebrities and celebrities eagerly fist, is bound to win.

In the next moment, Fubo’s old and powerful voice echoed throughout the Yaowang Valley: “The finale auction has officially started. The starting price is 5 million yuan, and each increase cannot be less than 10,000 yuan, everyone please!”