Return of The Underworld

Chapter 499: The ancestors of the Mo family




In this scene, the elders who watched were all discolored.

Deng Jiuling's strength made the second elder feel numb, and history finally returned to its original point, and the horns were taken out.

Ooh! Oooh!

In an instant, a low roar like an ancient roar rushed out from the sound of horns, resounding through the world.

"This is..." At the same time, the ancestor of a lantern who had just left the Tongtian Valley was suddenly shocked, and his eyes were full of shock: "The horns sound, the ancestor was born?"

boom! boom! ... Boom!

As soon as the voice fell, among the three hundred and sixty islands of Tongtian Island, the earth began to tremble at the same time.

In the center of island after island, beams of light rushed up into the sky, turning into powerful elders with powerful auras and youthful foreheads.

In the snowy area of Tianshuang Island, a glacier suddenly cracked and turned into a strong man covered in ice and snow.

Tianshuang ancestor! Born!

As soon as this person appeared, the plants on all sides were instantly frozen into ice sculptures.

"The second brother Baimei was killed by someone?"

The ancestor Tianshuang pinched a finger, and a look of anger suddenly appeared in his eyes: "No matter who you are, this seat will kill you!"

On Fengyun Island, a white-haired ancestor, with strong winds all over his body, and dark clouds in his eyes.

Fengyun ancestor! Born!

"The Mo Family's trash, it has only been seventy years, and the old man actually needs to take action?"


The ancestor of Fengyun rushed like the wind, and his feet were actually a fist distance from the ground, like a wind rolling cloud, rushing to Tongtian Island quickly.

On Black Island and White Island, the two ancestors turned into streamers and met in the waves.

"Brother Black!"

"Brother Bai!"

The two ancestors, black and white, nodded their heads in salute, and walked towards Tongtian Island step by step.

Over time, more and more ancestors, like moths, rushed to Tongtian Island.

The ancestors of the Mo family were born!


Feeling the surging weather, the elders of the Mo family were all shaking, and their eyes were excited and excited.

"That is the strongest Tianshuang ancestor on my Tianshuang Island. He will definitely avenge the ancestor Baimei!"

"God, Fengyun ancestor is not dead yet!"

"Second ancestor of black and white, this is a biological brother, I didn't expect to be born again."

The children of the Mo family pointed and pointed one by one, and their eyes were full of excitement.

The three hundred and sixty islands of the Mo family, each island has an old ancestor sitting in town!

The existence of these ancestors is the most powerful guarantee of the Mo family!

Sixty or seventy years ago, the Mo family encountered an unprecedented crisis. The horns of the crisis broke out. The ancestors were born at the same time, and they suppressed the enemy forcefully!

Sixty or seventy years later, with the low roar of the horns, the ancestors were born again!

Dang! Dang! Dang!

These ancestors are still far away, and they have given out their momentum with all their strength, and the majestic aura of the ancestors complemented each other, illuminating the entire Tongtian River completely.

Even if they are far apart, on the ice-snow mountain road outside the Tongtian Valley, the group of heroes can still feel these monstrous auras.

Among the three hundred and sixty ancestors, the ancestors rushing to the forefront, all of them are of the Ninth Stage, and they are the masters of Consummation!

Even those ancestors who rushed behind were the lowest of the eighth rank beginner!

More than three hundred ancestors, the strength of any one person surpassed the great elder Mo Tiancun who was beheaded by Deng Jiuling.

With such a terrifying and luxurious lineup, those heroes from all over the world that I watched couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning and fell into great horror.

"The Mohists have so many powerful men, it's no wonder that they have a detached position and can rise in the South China Sea!"

"Even if the big families in the world are ranked, the Mo family is also a transcendent family!"

Watching more and more ancestors come, all the heroes felt their scalp tingling.


With so many top masters coming, who can resist unless the master of the "first step in practice" comes

Among them, the ancestor Tianshuang who rushed the fastest, he raised the sky with a long roar, and suddenly rolled up thousands of waves: "Little baby, if you know you, stop quickly, otherwise this seat won't kill you!"

"Deng Jiuling, today my ancestor of the Mo family has done everything, I think you are still alive!" Caressing the white beard, the second elder laughed loudly, smiling very proudly.

But smiling, the second elder couldn't laugh anymore.


Seeing more and more ancestors coming, not only did the knife in Deng Jiuling's hand not let go, but the speed was even faster.

Pull the knife, cut!


With a slash, the sword is so powerful that it is more than ten meters long!

With a single knife, the masters were like cutting vegetables, killing them instantly!

One knife! Kill the heroes!


In this scene, all the foreign aid who watched were all amazed and regressed one after another.

Although everyone knows that once the ancestors descend, Deng Jiuling will definitely die without a place to be buried.

But before that, Deng Jiuling went crazy and murdered. Who would dare to resist

The group of heroes was here to support them, but they just wanted to indulge in the Mo family, and they didn't really have an antagonism with Deng Jiuling.

Now that Deng Jiuling is soaring, the heroes naturally dare not resist, they can only retreat one after another.

But in the blink of an eye, all the heroes from all over the world retreated to the rear.

After that, Deng Jiuling made a single knife and turned into a tornado, rushing all the way to the elders.

"not good!"

"Run away!"

"Nima, this kid is crazy!"

The elders fled for their lives.

The elders of the Mo family were originally high-level masters, but in the "throw whip and cut off the flow" combined attack, they exhausted their true energy and had no fighting power at all.

Now that the heroes from all over the world are fleeing, three thousand soldiers can't stop Deng Jiuling at all!

The elders thought that the ancestors could deter Deng Jiuling, but unexpectedly this was the result!

Damn it!

escape! Escape! Escape!

Among them, the fastest escape is the second elder!

However, the Azure Dragon Yanyue Knife in Deng Jiuling's hand suddenly dropped out, turned into a raging meteor, and quickly slashed forward.

too fast!

It's so fast!

The Qinglong Yanyue Knife is a weapon of the Four Seas, and the peerless sword that ranks first in the knife spectrum, has been beaten by Deng Jiuling to "break defense".

In addition to the horror of "drawing a knife", the three are in one, and this power is naturally extraordinary!


The blades are vertical and horizontal, wherever they go, the earth cracks!

The elders, like cutting a watermelon, didn't even scream in time, and cut them in half!


In the end, the blade light penetrated through the layers of blockade, piercing the heart of the second elder with one knife, and nailing it to the mountain wall.

One knife! Kill a hundred people!

All the elders of the Mo family are wiped out!


In this scene, the black-robed elders and the three elders who had not participated in the war were all caught in a state of great terror.

The black robe elder knew his cultivation level was not high, so he didn't participate in the war.

The three elders were in charge of commanding the soldiers, and naturally they did not participate in the war.

The elders present today are all members of the presbytery of the Mo family's direct line, and each of them is very powerful, and they are all people in charge of the power of the Mo family.

But with a single knife, Deng Jiuling killed all the elders cleanly, leaving no one behind!

Dang! Dang! Dang!

In an instant, everyone looked at Deng Jiuling with amazement!


Deng Jiuling stood up like a god with a big knife inserted into the ground, his eyes filled with gaze: "Who else?"


"Who else!"

The same thing, Deng Jiuling said several times, from the beginning everyone was disdainful, but now everyone is afraid of it, less than half an hour!

What no one knows is that at this moment, Deng Jiuling's true energy has been exhausted for the most part.

"Unexpectedly, the drawing of the sword would take so much effort!" Deng Jiuling couldn't help sighing.

Suddenly the Xuxu Pill was born, and Deng Jiuling made a decisive decision and swallowed it as expected, so that he could achieve great accomplishment and break through to the realm of the seventh-level master.

After that, Deng Jiuling made two consecutive "drawing sword styles", with one knife more powerful than the other, killing the Mo Patriarch's Association cleanly.

But after two swords, Deng Jiuling's strength was weakened to the extreme.

But even at this point, Deng Jiuling remained unmoved, but drew his sword impressively, and white light appeared on the blade.

"The Mo family was ungrateful and tried to kill me Deng Jiuling here. Today, I and the Mo family are not at odds with each other. Whoever dares to take action, as long as I am not dead today, you will be annihilated in the future!"


As soon as Deng Jiuling said this, all the heroes from all over the world were shocked and backed away.

As the heroes retreated, the children of the Mo family were exposed to Deng Jiuling's attack range.

"My Cao! This kid is crazy!"

"Nima, he killed so many people, he still wants to kill?"

"Crazy! Deng Jiuling is just a lunatic!"

escape! escape! escape!

Without any hesitation, the children of the Mo family ran away, taking out their milk-feeding energy one by one.

The Mohist is aloof and ranks first among the top families in the South China Sea.

All the children of the Mohist family are proud of the sky, and they never put anyone in their eyes.

But today, the arrogances of the Mo family, each with their tails tucked, are anxious like bereaved dogs, wishing their parents would give themselves two more legs.

However, it's too late!


With a knife like snow, Deng Jiuling contained all the true energy in his body, which was a peerless knife.

"Stop!" The ancestor Tianshuang, who was in the midst of the rush, was suddenly shocked when he saw this, and couldn't help but roar.



The second ancestor of black and white, furious at the same time.

Those ancestors who galloped far away, full of anger, couldn't help speeding up.

Deng Jiuling killed the elders of the Mo family. Although the ancestors were angry, there was not much psychological fluctuation.

After all, those elders are mostly seventy and eighty, and have been frozen all their lives, and they will die if they die. It's no big deal.

The Mo family has a population of one million, and there are three hundred and sixty islands under its command. Even if the elders of the Tongtian Island Presbyterian Church die out, that's not a big deal.

As long as the ancestors are still there, it's a big deal to mobilize people from each island to reorganize a presbytery.

But the third generation of Mohist children present today are all elite talents who are qualified to participate in the battle of inheritance.

If all these elite children died, then there would be no difference between the Mo family and being annihilated.

If a family wants to be prosperous, not only must the older generation be strong enough, but it is also important for future generations to come forth in large numbers.

If Deng Jiuling is allowed to fall with this knife, then after the death of the ancestors of the Mo family, who can carry the great foundation of the Mo family

Rely on Mo Yu

Even if Mo Yu was outstanding, if Mo Yu had no soldiers, he would be a polished commander.

"Deng Jiuling, don't mess around, stop!" Upon seeing the ancestor who had just walked out of the Tongtian Valley, he rushed to Deng Jiuling frantically with lightning speed.

However, Deng Jiuling didn't even look at the ancestor of the lamp, and with a knife that contained monstrous power, the thunder finally fell!