Return of The Underworld

Chapter 70: Treasure


The field of vision is suddenly clear, the leaves are flying in front, the peach blossoms on both sides are like clouds, and butterflies are flying from time to time, just like a peach blossom source.

"It deserves to be the No. 1 master in Donghai New Area a hundred years ago, who almost stepped into the realm of Grandmaster Taiyi's retreat." Lin Hu exclaimed.

All the martial artists nodded one after another, all felt that this place was very suitable for cultivation and cultivation, and it was an excellent place to practice martial arts.

"Everyone, be careful. Although there is no evil here, I always feel bad." Deng Jiuling said solemnly.


At this moment of life and death, the masterpiece of red light turns into countless red arrows pointing in all directions.

Except for Deng Jiuling, a scarlet skull pattern appeared on everyone's head.

Deng Jiuling had encountered a similar situation when he was in Tiannan, at the official Lingyun birthday banquet in Repulse Bay, when Brother Ba was about to attack.

It's just that when Brother Ba attacked, Deng Jiuling probably inferred that he knew the source of the danger.

But this time, Deng Jiuling had no clue and could only speak to remind.

"Boy, if you are scared, just go outside and wait for us." Lin Hu said with disdain.

"We have so many martial arts practitioners, so many guns, what are we afraid of?"

"This place has a wide field of vision, even if there is any ambush, it can be clear at a glance."

All the warriors talked a lot, feeling that Deng Jiuling was alarmist.

"Everyone is still careful, everything is based on Mr. Jiu's words." Zhang Ya smiled.

It's just that even though he said that, Deng Jiuling could still feel that Zhang Ya was a bit disapproving.

This is inside the cave. Naturally, there is no sky thunder invaded. What are you afraid of

Keep going all the way, the environment is very beautiful, so everyone is a little intoxicated.

But the anxiety in Deng Jiuling's heart grew stronger.

A small cave appeared in front of everyone.

The cave is not very big, but there are stone tables, pots and bowls inside, which were obviously excavated manually.

"finally reached."

"Great, this trip has twists and turns, and finally succeeded!"

All the warriors talked a lot and looked excited.

Stepping into it, a dead bone that had sat down appeared in front of everyone.

On the stone table, there is a notebook with the word "Tai Yi" written on it.

"It seems that this is the remains of Taiyi Man." Zhang Ya sighed slightly.

One hundred years ago, the real Taiyi ruled over the three cities, majestic, and almost stepped into the realm of the martial arts master.

Such a strong person, even after a hundred years, is still awe-inspiring.

Zhang Ya picked up the notebook and flipped through it, sighing: "This is Tai Yizhen's notebook before his life. It records his cultivation experience and what he has seen and heard."

As soon as these words were spoken, the breathing of the warriors instantly became anxious.

Taiyi real person is very talented, if he hadn't been injured, he would have entered the realm of martial arts master.

The training notes of such a strong person are naturally precious and unusual.

Even Lin Hu's teacher, Lin Sicong, was just a martial arts master.

If you can get Taiyi Zhenren's training notes, not to mention becoming a martial arts master, but it is not difficult to be invincible in the master realm!


Suddenly, a warrior turned into an afterimage, and suddenly pounced on the nearest Zhang family bodyguard.


More than 20 warriors suddenly shot at the same time, all rushing to their nearest Zhang family bodyguard.

This scene happened so quickly that before Zhang Ya woke up, all the bodyguards were knocked to the ground.

All the guns fell into the hands of the warriors.

Among them, Lin Hu was holding a cigar and turning a desert eagle, his eyes full of jealousy.

"No wonder I couldn't find the source of the danger. It turned out that the danger was not in Lei Ze, but in these warriors." Deng Jiuling suddenly realized.

"Tiger King, what do you mean?" Zhang Yadai frowned slightly, a trace of anger flashed in her beautiful eyes.

For this expedition, the Zhang family prepared for several years, and then spent several hundred million yuan in hiring people.

Unexpectedly, when success was imminent, Lin Hu led a rebellion. Isn't this too an asshole

"It doesn't mean anything." Lin Hu sneered: "Hand over the practice notes, and squat on the side obediently, otherwise, don't blame Lao Tzu for being ruthless."

"In this practice notebook, it is very likely that the ancestor Zhang Taixu's affairs are recorded. How could I give it to you?" Zhang Ya was furious.



As soon as the voice fell, Lin Hu slapped Zhang Ya's face fiercely: "I'm a master of martial arts, how can you be a little girl who can control you, bring it!"

"Lin Hu, you are too much, the old man will definitely tell Lin Sicong about this!" the housekeeper Zhang shouted angrily.


As soon as the voice fell, Lin Hu suddenly shot the butler to death.


In this scene, everyone who saw it was shocked, and they all breathed in air-conditioning.

Lin Hu said that killing people would kill people. Isn't this too cruel

But thinking of the temptation to practice notes, everyone became hot again.

For a martial arts master like Lin Hu, it is very difficult for martial arts to go further.

If there is a practice note from Taiyi Zhenren, there may be a chance to step into the martial arts master, so Lin Hu will not take risks unscrupulously.

As for those inner strength warriors, their talents are limited. Although they are enthusiastic about the practice notes, they are not enough to kill Duobao.

"Zhang Ya, Lao Tzu is not afraid to tell you the truth. In fact, before coming here, Lao Tzu and these warriors have already discussed in advance, and everyone will share Lei Ze's treasure together." Lin Hujie said with a smile.

"Boss Tiger, after I divide up the treasure in a while, this girl will give me coolness, will it succeed?" said a warrior wretchedly.

"Sure, haha." Lin Hu laughed loudly.


The warriors laughed loudly and arrogantly.

Hearing this, Zhang Yaqiao turned pale and couldn't help but step back a few steps.

But at this moment, a strong and warm hand suddenly grabbed Zhang Ya's hand.

"Don't be afraid, there is me!" Deng Jiuling's confident voice suddenly echoed in Zhang Ya's ear.

"Don't be afraid, there is me!"

Although these four words are very simple, they fell in Zhang Ya's ears, but like a warm current, Zhang Ya suddenly became no longer afraid.

This voice also attracted the attention of the warriors.


In an instant, a dozen guns pointed at Deng Jiuling at the same time.

"Boy, I've seen you upset for a long time, go to hell!" The desert eagle in Lin Hu's hand had already aimed at Deng Jiuling.

"As a disciple of Lin Sicong, you are so unrighteous. If you let your teacher know about this matter, let me see how you explain it!" Deng Jiuling said with disdain.

If you change someone, you might really be afraid of Lin Hu.

But unfortunately, Lin Hu met Deng Jiuling.

Ever since Deng Jiuling merged with the power of the Thousand Years Tai Sui, his body has become impenetrable, impenetrable with swords and guns, and withstands fire and water.

Although he had never tested it, Deng Jiuling was certain that the bullet was not a threat to him.

"Death is coming, this kid is still stiff?"

"Boss Tiger, don't talk nonsense with him, do it!"

All the warriors shouted one after another, with a shameless expression.

"Dead!" Lin Hu laughed and pulled the trigger impressively.


In an instant, a tongue of flame rushed towards Deng Jiuling in an instant.

"No!" Zhang Yaqiao turned pale and screamed in fear.

However, at this moment, Deng Jiuling suddenly stretched out two fingers and gently clamped the bullet in his hand.

The world is still at this moment, and the whole audience can breathe.

"This kid can actually resist bullets with bare hands?"

"God! This... Isn't this too exaggerated?"


The warriors boiled, all in amazement.

The physical body resists bullets, this is the power that the martial arts master possesses.

This kid... Is it a martial arts master


The more I thought about it, everyone couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning.

"Go to hell!"


Lin Hu drew his sword awe-inspiringly, and a dazzling blade slashed towards Deng Jiuling.

Lin Hu is a master of secret strength and a disciple of Lin Sicong. His martial arts are unfathomable and his realm is not inferior to Uncle Xiao.

With Deng Jiuling's current martial arts, even Uncle Xiao could not beat Lin Hu.

This knife contained Lin Hu's lifelong qi, and it was the strongest one when it came up. Don't even say it was a mortal body, even if a large truck rushed over, it could be split in half more easily than easily.

too strong!

Lin Hu's knife was extremely vicious, even if Deng Jiuling could resist it, Zhang Ya behind him would be killed.

Zhang Ya also understood this, and couldn't help but tremble with her delicate body, and closed her eyes in despair.

However, at this critical juncture, Deng Jiuling was not afraid of the danger, and said lightly: "Drawing swordsmanship."


As soon as the voice fell, Taiyi's epee was unscathed.

In an instant, a raging fire sword light slashed towards Lin Hu in an instant.

It's just that although this fiery sword aura is powerful, it is still inferior to Lin Hu's monstrous sword light.

Even when the sword energy was charging, it was torn apart by the blade's light.

Set a verdict on top of one another!

In this scene, all the warriors who watched were all excited.

Deng Jiuling can hold the bullet, and if he wins, all warriors will be tragedy.

But under Lin Hu's monstrous knife, I see how you hide!

"Although your kid is very talented, after all, he is too young to be Lao Tzu's opponent at all, haha..." Lin Hu laughed loudly, smiling very proudly.

However, Lin Hu smiled and couldn't laugh anymore.

However, seeing a disdainful smile at the corner of Deng Jiuling's mouth, he threw the scabbard in his hand at Lin Hu.


Wherever the scabbard went, the blades of the sword burst and became invisible.

"This... what kind of scabbard is this!" Lin Hu shook his face as he grabbed the scabbard.

The unthinkable happened.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lin Hu, a powerful and powerful man, instantly turned into an ice sculpture, and the scabbard in his hand fell to the ground.

After everyone hadn't awakened, they felt a huge force coming and fell to the ground one after another.

When everyone woke up, Deng Jiuling had a pile of scrap metal at his feet.

All the guns were crushed to pieces by Deng Jiuling.


In this scene, everyone who saw it was shocked, and they all breathed in air-conditioning.

Deng Jiuling was only eighteen years old, but he was able to defeat Lin Hu, and he instantly fisted away all his guns. Isn't this too exaggerated


This amazing martial arts shocked everyone.

Even the arrogant and cold beauty Zhang Ya has beautiful eyes and looks at Deng Jiuling in admiration.

"After all, this is the third time he saved me?" Zhang Ya felt like a deer, her face flushed.

Although the world is big, at this moment, I am king!


At this moment, Deng Jiuling stood with his hand in his hand, his eyes as sharp as a blade, staring at all the martial artists.

Wherever your gaze is, who will fight for it!

A majestic and invincible voice suddenly came out from Deng Jiuling's mouth: "Who is not convinced? Just come to fight!"