Return of The Underworld

Chapter 71: The oath of heaven and earth


As soon as this was said, everyone bowed their heads and dared not say anything.

"Mr. Nine, these people have wolf ambitions, it's better to kill them all." Zhang Ya said bitterly.

If Deng Jiuling were not strong enough, then not only Deng Jiuling would die at this moment, but also Zhang Ya would be ravaged, and life would be worse than death.

Now that the crisis is lifted, Zhang Ya naturally has to settle accounts after the fall.

Those Zhang Family bodyguards who had awakened gathered around one after another, drew out crossbow arrows one by one, and looked at the bodyguards with a sneer.

"Mr. Nine, I'm wrong this time. Xu Ziling is willing to serve you as a servant and ask you to forgive me." A dark Jin Dacheng martial artist suddenly walked out and knelt on the ground.

"Yun County Kou Zhong, I would like to respect Mr. Jiu." Another warrior knelt on the ground with a panic expression on his face.

"Duan Zhengyi in Li County..."

One warrior after another knelt down and looked at Deng Jiuling in awe.

But in the blink of an eye, these warriors from various cities and counties in the East China Sea knelt before Deng Jiuling, hoping to be forgiven by Deng Jiuling.

An 18-year-old scumbag can not only overwhelm the three cities of Tiannan, Haibei, and Xishan, but also overwhelm the warriors of the cities. How majestic is this


In this scene, Zhang Jiazhong's bodyguards were full of enthusiasm, and they all looked at Deng Jiuling with admiration.

Even Zhang Ya, who was accustomed to seeing celebrities and strong, had Qiu Shui's eyes flowing, quietly staring at Deng Jiuling.

At this moment, although the world is big, I am king!


But soon, Zhang Ya said, "Mr. Jiu, today you killed Lin Hu. If you let these people leave, there will be endless troubles."


Hearing this, the warriors were all panicked, sweating on their foreheads.

The so-called human heart is separated from the belly, even if these people temporarily succumb to Deng Jiuling, no one knows what they are thinking.

Lin Hu's martial arts is very high, originally with Deng Jiuling's cultivation base, it was impossible to defeat Lin Hu.

But Lin Hu didn't expect that Deng Jiuling's "sword-drawing technique" just now, and even the Taiyi epee, were nothing more than a cover.

Deng Jiuling's real ultimate move was obtained from the Qingfeng Hotel-pure Yin scabbard.

The pure Yin scabbard contained a chilling aura. Because Deng Jiuling was recognized as the master, it would not affect Deng Jiuling.

But Lin Hu didn't know the truth, so he reached out to pick it up and turned into an ice sculpture, completely cutting off the breath of life.

A weapon of spirit weapon level, even if it is only a scabbard, how can mortals be able to resist it


Deng Jiuling killed the "Tiger King" Lin Hu with a single blow. It was indeed very embarrassing, but if this matter spreads, Deng Jiuling will encounter revenge from Lin Sicong.

Lin Sicong's three major disciples were Dragon, Tiger, and Leopard in order, each of which had a power that was not inferior to Dark Jin Dacheng.

Lin Sicong himself is a consummate martial artist, a strong man who has half his foot into the master.

These forces gather, how can Deng Jiuling resist

The more I thought about it, the more worry Zhang Ya felt.

This incident also caused Deng Jiuling's brows to be slightly frowned, and he felt a little headache.

"It's not a pity for these warriors to die, but I can't kill them all?" Deng Jiuling thought secretly.

Killing Lin Hu was just an accident. If Lin Hu was a good thing, he would die if he died.

However, if all these twenty-odd warriors were killed, they would probably cause a sensation in the city and arouse huge social repercussions.

Deng Jiuling could not bear such consequences.

At least until he became stronger, Deng Jiuling could not bear it.

But if these warriors were let go in this way, Deng Jiuling would not be able to ensure their rebellion.


It seems that he understands Deng Jiuling’s doubts, life and death suddenly shine brightly, turning to a new page: "Heaven and earth oath, swear by heaven and earth, once you swear an oath, you cannot violate it, otherwise you will be punished by heaven and earth, and you will not die..."

"Heaven and Earth Oath?" Deng Jiuling's eyes lit up.

It turns out that in the underworld, the most common way to swear the oath of heaven and earth is also the most trustworthy.

Even if Hades made the oath of heaven and earth, that must not be violated, otherwise he would be punished by heaven and earth.

The oath of heaven and earth is very simple, and the way of swearing is similar to that of ordinary oaths.

But when swearing, one must add: "The sky is proof, and the earth can be seen."

Opening his eyes, Deng Jiuling's gaze was sharp and staring at everyone: "As long as you swear to the world and swear not to reveal today's affairs, then I don't care about your offense just now."

"The sky is the proof, and the earth is a lesson. If I see and hear Xu Ziling today, if there is a leak, I will not die!" Xu Ziling was the first to swear.

"The sky is proof, the earth is a lesson, I Kou Zhong..."

"The sky is the proof, the earth is a lesson, my Duan Zhengyi..."

More than 20 warriors swear one after another.

"Mr. Nine, this really works?" Zhang Ya was a little worried.

"Miss Zhang, don't worry, once the world vows are issued, if you have a heresy, you will be punished by the world and will not die." Deng Jiuling laughed.

As soon as these words came out, all the warriors nodded and agreed.

It's just that some people's eyes flicker, and some disagree.

"Mr. Nine, is the oath really so awesome?" Xu Ziling asked curiously.

"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can try to think about it and see what the consequences are." Deng Jiuling said lightly.

Hearing this, the warriors hurriedly said they did not dare.

However, in the corner, a master surnamed Wang had his eyes flickering and thought to himself: "After I leave Lei Ze, immediately go to the Provincial Military Region and Lin Sicong to receive the reward. I think you are not dead."

Lin Sicong is the chief instructor of the 100,000 Infantry in the East China Sea. If he knew that his disciple Lin Hu was dead, Deng Jiuling would definitely be a tragedy.

It's just that as soon as Master Wang came up with this vicious idea, he immediately felt like a knife in his heart, and he didn't want to live in pain.

"what… "


Accompanied by a screaming scream, Master Wang's body was suddenly red, spontaneously ignited without wind, and turned into coke in the blink of an eye, with no bones left.


This scene shakes the audience.

"If you have evil thoughts in your heart and want to betray me, he will end up." Deng Jiuling's faint voice then echoed in the void.

As soon as these words came out, all the martial artists bowed their heads and completely cut off their resistance.

"Unexpectedly, in a mere Tiannan city, there will be a strong man like Mr. Jiu, really amazing."

"It seems that Niu Shan's sword theory a year later, the champion is very difficult to say."

"Yeah, yeah, Tiannan seems to be going out of the dragon."

The warriors all felt that Deng Jiuling's future was boundless.

"Miss Zhang, since Lei Ze is the retreat of your ancestors of the Zhang family, you have to keep this notebook." Deng Jiuling handed Taiyi's notebook to Zhang Ya.

"Mr. Jiu, this notebook doesn't mean much to me. You should keep it. If there is information about my ancestors, you can copy it to me." Zhang Ya shook her head and pushed the notebook to Deng Jiuling.

"Okay." Deng Jiuling nodded and did not refuse.

Although Deng Jiuling's true martial arts is one, he doesn't care about martial arts among mortals.

But Taiyi Zhenren is a legendary warrior in the East China Sea New Area. Look at his training experience, that's not bad.

While talking, the bodyguards of the Zhang family have already begun to search the cave.

However, the search results disappointed everyone.

There is no treasure in this cave except for the bones of Taiyi Man.

Even any clues about Zhang Taixu, the ancestor of the Zhang family, can't be found here.

"Could it be that my grandfather is really going to die this time?" Zhang Ya's eyes darkened, her beautiful eyes full of disappointment.

"Miss Zhang, don't worry, I know a little about alchemy. If you don't mind, I can go to Zhang's house once." Deng Jiuling smiled.

"Miss, Qiu Shenji once said that Mr. Nine's alchemy level is not inferior to Master Turing." The butler said in a low voice.

Hearing that Zhang Ya's eyes brightened, but immediately dimmed: "Mr. Jiu's kindness is in my heart. Let this matter go away for now, let's go back first."

"Good." Deng Jiuling nodded.

The crowd left the cave and went down the mountain in file.

This time, Lei Ze's trip had twists and turns, and three people died.

But in general, the trip was thrilling, but not too dangerous.

It's just that Deng Jiuling faintly felt that he was missing something.


Just before Deng Jiuling left Lei Ze, life and death suddenly burst into light, turning into a green arrow, pointing all the way to the distant cave.

"When the green arrow appeared last time, I got the pure Yin scabbard. It seems that there is still something undiscovered in that cave." Deng Jiuling's eyes lit up.

However, it was obviously not the best time to go back to hunt for treasures. Deng Jiuling decided to come back by himself after he went back.

This treasure hunting expedition made the warriors quite disappointed. They originally thought they could find treasures, but they did not expect it to be like this in the end.

Fortunately, Zhang Ya promised that he would still give everyone a lot of money, and everyone was excited again.

Everyone left Lei Ze and returned to Qingfeng Hotel, preparing to rest and adjust, and leave after dinner.

Zhang Ya was a little depressed by herself, instead she took a rest in the guest room on the second floor.

Deng Jiuling was going to visit Lei Ze at night, so naturally it was impossible to leave.

No matter what happened, Deng Jiuling sat in the lobby alone and watched TV, drinking Longjing leisurely.


Suddenly, more than 20 big men with big arms and round waist rushed in.

These big guys bulged their temples high, holding a knife in their hands, and looked arrogant.

Young Master Zhang Yang, the son of Qingfeng County No. 1 leader, dangling a cigar, surrounded by a group of second generations, coaxed him over.

"Shao Zhang, get him!"

"Exactly, I dare to smash Shao Zhang's head in the hotel at noon. I think this kid is almost tired of his life."

All the second generations talked a lot, gloating at Deng Jiuling.

At lunch, Zhang Yang wanted to smash Deng Jiuling with a beer bottle, but Deng Jiuling blew his head back.

This incident caused Zhang Yang to be very angry. After going to a nearby hospital for a simple dressing, he immediately called a group of martial arts practitioners to trouble Deng Jiuling.

At this time, there were still many people in the hall having tea. Seeing Zhang Yang bringing people over, they were all in awe, and they didn't dare to breathe.

"What are you doing in a daze? Leave all irrelevant people, get out!"


The guests fled one after another, without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"Boy, if you still want to see the sun tomorrow, you can quickly kneel down and kowtow to Master Zhang and admit that you are a grandson. Maybe Master Zhang can spare your life!" The hall manager walked over and said with a sneer. .

Zhang Yang's father is the local leader, and Zhang Yang himself is the second-generation leader of Qingfeng County. He was beaten by Deng Jiuling on his own ground. How can he give up today

However, even at this critical juncture, Deng Jiuling was still calm and calm, and said lightly: "If I don't kowtow, what can you do with me?"