Return of The Underworld

Chapter 74: Big knife Zhang Wu


As soon as Deng Jiuling said this, the valley was as silent as death, and only the echo rolled and reverberated in the valley.

"You won't come out, are you?" Deng Jiuling smiled disdainfully, and a white light appeared between his palms.


Accompanied by the shaking of the mountain, this huge stone weighing a thousand catties was instantly chopped by the sword energy and turned into nothingness.

After the dust, the ground was messed up and broken stones.

However, the surroundings were still quiet, and there was no trace of anyone at all.

"So Jun's light work!" Deng Jiuling couldn't help but exclaimed.

Zhang family was a family of alchemists when Emperor Yongzheng.

Zhang Taixu, the ancestor of the Zhang family, was even the chief alchemist under the command of Emperor Yongzheng.

After Emperor Qianlong came to power, he expelled the palace alchemists, and the Zhang family declined since then.

Zhang Taixu returned to Lei Ze, trying to get a glimpse of the immortality through alchemy.

No one knows what the final result will be.

Although Zhang Ya's words are cryptic, according to Deng Jiuling's speculation, there must be a trace of Zhang Taixu in the Zhang family at the seaport.

After all, blood is thicker than water, even if Zhang Taixu doesn't pass it to posterity, he can't just sit back and watch the descendants fail to save their lives.

"Maybe Zhang Bancheng and Zhang Ya don't understand martial arts, but Zhang Wuye must not be a fuel-efficient lamp!" Deng Jiuling thought secretly.

So the question is, where did Zhang Wuye hide

Rao is now that Deng Jiuling's martial arts is good, and in a while, he didn't find out how Zhang Wuye left.

But it doesn't matter, Deng Jiuling is fragile and afraid of Mao!


The red arrow suddenly points to the mountain wall behind.

"Zhang Wuye, fortunately, you are still a predecessor who has been famous for many years. I also came to get Lei Dan for your Zhang family this time. Is it really interesting that you hide your head and show your tail?" Deng Jiuling said with a sneer.

However, as soon as these words came out, there was no movement on the mountain wall, and it was dead silent.

This time Deng Jiuling pretended to be careless and suddenly drew the Taiyi epee.


In an instant, the pure sun sword energy shining like a blazing fire drew out overwhelming sparks in the moonlit night, slashing straight towards the mountain wall.

Deng Jiuling's sword-drawing skill is already powerful, and after activating the Taiyi Epee, it can double the attack.

With such a sword spirit, another sneak attack broke out. Who can resist it


The sword air was like a rainbow, directly chopping the ground like tofu, spreading all the way forward, and finally cut a huge gap in the mountain wall.

too strong!

Not to mention the original Lin Hu, even if Uncle Xiao came, I am afraid it would not be able to stop it.

In the falling rocks flying all over the sky, an old man wearing a yellow mantle of the Qing Dynasty suddenly appeared.

Haigang District, the provincial capital, Zhang Wuye!

Zhang Wuye should be very old, but he looks only in his early fifties, his hair is slightly gray, and his eyes are full of fierce look.

It's just that for such a strong person, there was a splash of red blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, which was obviously a serious injury.

"Unexpectedly, in this small East China Sea New Area, there is actually a young hero like you, Mr. Jiu, admire and admire you!" Zhang Wuye said with cold eyes and hate.

Zhang Wuye is actually almost 80 years old. Although he is a master of martial arts with great dark energy, he has not lived for many years.

Although the martial arts master is strong, how can he be as carefree as the martial arts master like the Nine Heavens Dragon

One day is not as good as the master state, one day is a worm!

If I become a master in the future, I will fly into the heavens and transform into a dragon!

This is Zhang Wuye's lifelong dream!

The existence of Zhang Wuye is the root cause of Zhang's name moving the seaport, and Zhang Jiacheng is also known as the root cause of "Zhang Bancheng"!

Such a strong man, from the very beginning, hid in the dark, like a black hand behind the scenes, controlling Zhang Ya to Lei Ze's treasure hunting adventure.

But what Zhang Wuye didn't expect was that he had manipulated multiple expedition teams for many years, and none of them had been discovered. This time, Deng Jiuling got a glimpse of the secret of the sailing ship in the gutter.

If it's just that, that's all.

What shocked Zhang Wuye even more was that after he urged the "Invisible Talisman", he was still discovered by Deng Jiuling.

Unprepared, Zhang Wuye was hurt by Chunyang Jianqi and had to show his traces.

"If I'm not wrong, in the past few decades, you have also released the rumors about Lei Ze's fierce land. The purpose is to prevent explorers from all over the world from coming to explore, right?" Shouted sharply.

"Yes." Zhang Wuye nodded and said proudly: "Leize was originally the alchemy site of Zhang Taixu, my ancestor of the Zhang family. The reason why my Zhang family wanted to split the territory in the harbor area was to protect Leize."

"In the past few decades, those expeditions have never returned. They are your masterpieces?" Deng Jiuling asked again.

Hearing this, Zhang Wuye shook his head and said coldly: "Those people are greedy by themselves, dream of getting treasures, and finally being split by thunder. What does this have to do with the old man?"

It turned out that after Zhang Taixu retreated Lei Ze, even the Zhang family did not know whether or not Lei Dan was refined.

Even where Zhang Taixu's real cave mansion is, the Zhang family doesn't even know.

However, since Emperor Qianlong's reign, the Zhang family has followed Zhang Taixu's legacy and has been guarding Lei Ze to prevent people from entering.

However, a hundred years ago, Tai Yizheng came and seized Lei Ze. Zhang's family has been insulated from Lei Ze ever since.

It was not until Zhang Taixu practiced martial arts that the Zhang family rose again, and gradually dominated the harbor area, sealed the territory by cracks, and ranked among the provincial capitals.

But now it is the 21st century after all. If martial arts cannot step into the realm of masters, it is not of great significance to a family like the Zhang family.

So Zhang Wuye never thought of letting his descendants practice martial arts for generations from the beginning.

Zhang Wuye’s son, Zhang Jiacheng, has a fortune of tens of billions, and the money is enough to buy half of the city, known as "Zhang Bancheng."

Zhang Wuye's grandson, Zhang Yulang, is now the head of the harbor area. He is a big local official, and he is very famous.

Under such intertwined power and money, Zhang Wuye hid under the secret control, took the Daqingshan Mountains from the hands of the Donghai New Area alive, and assigned it to the harbor area.

Then, Zhang Wuye released another news, saying that Lei Ze was too dangerous and was a forbidden place for mankind.

But there are still some expeditions who are not afraid of death, risking their lives to explore Lei Ze.

Each of these expedition teams is under Zhang Wuye's monitoring.

Zhang Wuye hid in the dark, silently watching them enter Lei Ze, hoping to find the real location of Zhang Taixu's cave.

However, decades later, Zhang Wuye was disappointed again and again.

In the past few years, Zhang Wuye himself felt that the time limit was approaching, and he was so unwilling to worry about it.

Zhang Ya felt sorry for Grandpa, and only then convened people and horses to try to find Leidan.

Although Zhang Wuye was not optimistic about Zhang Ya, he was a little worried about Zhang Ya, so he followed all the way, hiding in the dark with the "invisible talisman" left by Zhang Taixu.

This is the truth!

When Zhang Wuye finished speaking, he realized that Deng Jiuling had an indifferent face and was not surprised.

"These things the old man said can't be explained by science at all. You are a modern intellectual youth, are you not surprised at all?" Zhang Wuye was a little surprised.

"I'm just a scumbag in high school, not as educated as you think." Deng Jiuling smiled.


Hearing that, Zhang Wuye's face turned dark, and he secretly said that no one said that.

However, Deng Jiuling's "frankness" immediately made Zhang Wuye feel good about it.

"Deng Jiuling, the old man has been observing you for a long time and found that you seem to have the power to predict misfortune and good fortune, don't you?" Zhang Wuye stepped forward and looked at Deng Jiuling scorchingly.

"So what is it, what is it not?" Deng Jiuling remained silent, full of anger, and began to secretly gain momentum.


In Deng Jiuling's mind, life and death were thinned into red glow, and a line of small characters: "Zhang Wuye, a bloodthirsty man, has lurked Lei Ze for the past 50 years and killed countless people. I like to take advantage of the other party's shock and violent attack ,Danger!"

Deng Jiuling had a good impression of Zhang Ya, but to Zhang Wuye, he could only say "haha".

Most people hide stubbornness and filth behind the huge wealth.

Zhangjiafuze Harbor, ranked first in the harbor, has a net worth of tens of billions, and even bought Daqingshan Mountain.

How can there be no blood and dirt behind such a huge family

What Deng Jiuling did not expect was that the huge wealth of the Zhang family was built on such blood and killing!


But you Zhang Wuye is dangling, so what

Since you want to kill me Deng Jiuling, would I be polite to you

"If you can really predict good fortune and misfortune, then surrender to the old man and deduce how to enter Zhang Taixu's cave!"

Zhang Wuye took a step forward, the sword behind his back trembling fiercely, and proudly said: "If you can't speculate about misfortune and good fortune, just because you know so many secrets, then you go to die!"


As soon as the voice fell, the big knife behind Zhang Wuye unsheathed instantly, bursting into the sky.

"This knife?" Deng Jiuling's pupils shrunk slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes: "This knife, is it true that Taiyi's profound iron sword a hundred years ago?"

The Xuan Tie Bao Knife is made of the Xuan Tie outside the sky. It blows the hair, cuts the hair and cuts the iron like mud.

The sword is the overlord of the soldiers. Taiyi Chen killed the sky in his early years, so he is naturally suitable for the sword.

But after the age of fifty, Taiyi Zhenren had achieved great martial arts, abandoned the sword and used the sword, and the mysterious iron sword has never stopped in the world.

If Brother Ba had attacked with a profound iron sword when he was in Tiannan, ten Deng Jiuling would not be an opponent.

This treasured sword, which had been lost for a century, unexpectedly reappeared in Zhang Wuye's hands. How can Deng Jiuling not be surprised

"Good boy, you have eyesight." Zhang Wuye nodded, his old eyes were full of jealousy: "Since you have read Taiyi's practice notes, you should naturally understand that you want to open Zhang Taixu's real cave. The two keys of Yin and Yang must be brought together."

"The key to the pure Yang is the Taiyi epee in your hand. This sword is pure and vast. It was handed to Jiang Taiyi by the old man, and then it fell into your hands."

"As for this pure Yin key, the old man still has no clue."

"When the real Taiyi died, after discovering that the key to yin and yang was needed to open the cave, Zeng used the Taiyi epee as pure yang and the profound iron sword as pure yin, hoping that yin and yang would converge."

"But it's a pity that in the end, Tai Yizheng's ending took ten years in vain."

Speaking of this, Zhang Wuye's eyes were murderous, holding the profound iron sword in his hand, pointing to Deng Jiuling and sternly shouted:

"Boy, are you willing to be a dog for the old man? Or are you willing to be killed by the old man, Lei Ze, you choose yourself, Jie Jie!"