Return Together

Chapter 12


Seeing that Lei Xiao's speech was a bit sluggish, Zhuang Lan slowed down his tone, "Since Guardian Lei has come to Jiangnan, why not go to Suzhou together, and let me wait for the landlord's kindness."

He is calm by nature, and he always leaves room for the other party in everything he does. This sentence is already a step up, but Lei Xiao just sneered slightly and didn't answer.

Wei Xing, who hadn't interrupted the conversation until now, chuckled and said, "Even if we want to go, we're afraid we'll die and go back to Jiangbei."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn. After all, no matter how discord between Flying Eagle Fort and Yi Shuimeng was, it was not to the point where the two families fought openly and secretly.

Shen Hong snorted coldly, "Yi Shuimeng acted openly and aboveboard, this time he posted a heroic post to invite fellow martial artists, but the noble faction is so careful, could it be that in Jiangnan martial arts are enemies everywhere?"

Wei Xing still had a smile on his face, and replied: "Don't dare, Elder Wu Cheng of the Despise Sect died in the south of the Yangtze River more than a year ago, and I haven't dared to forget about it."

Zhuang Lan frowned and said, "Our lord once personally edited the book with your lord, and explained the whole story, why bring up the old story again today?"

Wu Cheng went south that year to deal with the affairs of Flying Eagle Fort. He neither died in Suzhou City, nor had he negotiated with the branches of Yishui League. There are different opinions on the cause of his death, some say it was an ordinary dispute, some say he was killed by a killer, but none of them have anything to do with Yi Shuimeng. However, it was because Yi Shuimeng was very powerful in Jiangnan martial arts, and Ye Ziyun was the leader of the martial arts alliance at that time, so he intervened in the investigation of this matter.

Fan Yue smiled sinisterly, "Hey, our castle master can bring up the old things again, but some people can't die and come back to life."

As soon as these words came out, Shen Hong suddenly stepped in front of them, and the sword at his waist was pulled out a few inches, the cold light was dazzling, and Lei Xiao's pupils also shrank suddenly.

There was a moment of silence in the restaurant, even the panting of the people around could be heard clearly.

Facing each other across the table, Lei Xiao sat still and sneered slightly: "Does Master Shen want to make a move now?"

There was anger in Shen Hong's eyes, but his expression was solemn and indifferent, "Those who offend the lord will never be forgiven lightly."

Fan Yue was forced by her aura and was unable to say anything for a moment.

At this time, among the onlookers, someone laughed and said, "Do they dare to fight Shen Tang? My parents died in the south of the Yangtze River, and I have to blame the heroes of the Yishui League for not being their bodyguards." With a scream, the man covered his mouth with his hands, blood dripping between his fingers.

Fan Yue shrank his hands back, but how could his movements be hidden from the eyes of experts, not to mention that he is one of the two masters of hidden weapons in Flying Eagle Fort, and everyone in the world has heard of it.

Shen Hong knew that Lei Xiao's martial arts was the best among Feiyingbao's group, so she was always on guard against his sudden attack, and most of her attention was on him. Fan Yue's movements were subtle, and when she noticed something, she was too close to react in time. If Fan Yue wanted to plot against her, she was sure to avoid it, but the hidden weapon was going in another direction, and it was too late to shoot down or catch up to the hidden weapon.

She and Zhuang Lan rushed to the wounded man almost at the same time, leaned over to examine carefully, but saw that the man's lip was broken and all his front teeth were knocked out. Although his life was not in danger, he suffered a lot.

This person's name is Han Yu, he is a disciple of a small sect in the south of the Yangtze River, he doesn't show much in martial arts, but he is a heroic person and has a lot of friends. He was having a drink here with his close friends today, and he didn't want to encounter such a thing. His friend was also not from the Jianghu, and seeing this situation, he was also very indignant, and for a moment he didn't care about being afraid of the sword, so he started yelling and cursing.

Shen Hong called someone to treat Han Yu's wounds, she stood up, her bright eyes locked on Fan Yue, their eyes were as frosty as blades, and everyone who met her eyes was terrified.

Shen Hong's voice was also as cold as ice: "Guardian Lei, I will definitely ask your subordinate for an explanation today."

Lei Xiao's face was still calm: "It's just a quarrel, why does Master Shen make such a fuss?"

Shen Hong sneered and said: "There was a quarrel, why did you plot to hurt someone? As long as the hurter apologizes according to the rules of the world, our Jiangnan martial arts comrades will never be unforgiving."

Lei Xiao sneered and said: "Yi Shuimeng is so powerful, everything on the Jiangnan martial arts path depends on you to take the lead."

Shen Hong resolutely said: "Even if the person hurt is not a friend of Jiangnan martial arts, but just an ordinary person who doesn't know martial arts, we can't just sit back and watch such bullying."

Lei Xiao suddenly stood up: "The man was brought out by Mr. Lei. If you want my brother to kowtow to apologize, then let's see the truth."

Killing people is nothing more than nodding, kowtowing and kneeling in the eyes of the people in the Jianghu, is a great shame, just now Shen Hong did not ask for this, Lei Xiao obviously said this on purpose, intending to squeeze the other party, but Shen Hong didn't care at all. let.

"Okay! According to the rules of martial arts, I will take over this battle. If I lose, I will let you handle it; if I win, I will follow what Hufa Lei said just now, and let that person kowtow to his injured friend to make amends."

Luo Yin's hand was also on the scabbard. If Ye Ziyun hadn't been sitting beside him, he might have made a move already, instead of sitting and watching the imminent battle. Looking sideways at his friend, he saw that his expression was calm, but the hand on the teacup hadn't been moved for a long time.

If Luo Yin is a confidant to him, then Yi Shuimeng's brothers and sisters are like brothers and sisters to him. They got acquainted because of congeniality, but they seem to be connected by blood.

Luo Yin stood up, "I'm going to dismiss it."

Ye Ziyun shook his head, took the pen and ink from the case, spread out the rice paper, and just started writing.

Luo Yin had seen a lot of him in the past, but he clearly saw that he was not in a calm mood, obviously worried about his former robes, but in a blink of an eye he began to write leisurely again.

He couldn't help but walked to the door and looked at the scene below through the gap.

Zhuang Lan couldn't help taking a step forward, although he knew that his martial arts were similar to Shen Hong's, and if Shen Hong couldn't deal with Lei Xiao, he was not sure, but since he was a man, he should stand in front of a woman.

Shen Hong said softly: "Second brother Zhuang, let me do it."

Lei Xiao smiled and said: "That's right! It is said that Hall Master Shen's sword skills are unparalleled in the world. Lei has long wanted to see it. Fortunately, although this person has gone, the sword skills have not been brought into the grave, right?"

Luo Yin's hand holding the scabbard exploded with astonishing strength in an instant, but no one knew it. He was silent for a moment, and said to the person behind him:

"Miss Shen's martial arts are slightly inferior to Lei Xiao's, but Lei Xiao is also quite afraid of Miss Shen's swordsmanship, so he wants to provoke her."

Everyone in the world knows that in the Yishui League, Jin Yan and Shen Hong received the most advice on martial arts from Ye Ziyun. Jin Yan was the most talented, and all his unique skills were taught by Ye Ziyun, but Shen Hong was the only one who learned Ye Ziyun's unique swordsmanship.

Ye Ziyun wrote fifty-two characters in one go, then nodded and said: "Although Lei Xiao's idea is good, but he is going to be disappointed." Then he called the assistant and asked him to take it down to the black-clothed man. woman.

Lei Xiao obviously knew about Shen Hong's personality and intended to anger her, but he didn't know that Shen Hong's swordsmanship was different. If there was a bit of anger and paranoia, it would be more able to show the true meaning of the swordsmanship.

Ye Ziyun taught Shen Hong swordsmanship, some people said that it was because Master Shen was strong and courageous, not inferior to men, and compatible with swordsmanship; some people guessed that because Shen Hong was a woman, her skill was slightly inferior to that of men, so Master Ye taught her the subtlety Sword move self-defense. But no one knew that this set of sword techniques was originally created by a woman.

In the past, Ye Ziyun traveled around the rivers and lakes and met friends from all walks of life. There was a time when a group of rich people gathered to drink to their heart's content, and made friends with martial arts impromptu. Ye Ziyun defeated the people present with a set of sword skills, among them there are many masters in the world, and they were defeated in just a few moves, and they all curiously asked about the sword skills.

Ye Ziyun casually carved two words on the stone, and then took advantage of the wine to dance the whole set of swordsmanship, like a dragon swimming, swaying freehand, the audience was mesmerized.

On the second day, when everyone sobered up and went to look again, they saw that half of the stele had been chopped off, leaving only the word "Evergreen".

Everyone in the world thinks it comes from the meaning of "blue sky evergreen", and since then the name "Evergreen Sword Art" has spread all over the world.

No one knows that the real name of the sword technique is "Xianqing", which was originally created by a woman.

There is no second set of swordsmanship in the world, and every move Ye Ziyun has learned is the same as the one taught to Miss Shen. But if the same trick is used by Ye Ziyun, it will be different from other people in the world.

Although Luo Yin saw that Ye Ziyun had used this set of sword techniques, he only felt that he was carefree and relaxed, so he didn't understand what he meant just now.

Shen Hong's hand holding the scabbard was a little white due to the force, but her breath was not disturbed at all, and her aura became even fiercer.

Lei Xiao watched her movements closely, waiting for an opportunity to make a move, when Wei Xing on the side stepped forward with a smile and said, "Why do you need Guardian Zuo to make a move yourself, why don't you let your subordinates know Hall Master Shen."

Lei Xiao's heart moved, he also wanted to take the opportunity to see Shen Hong's swordsmanship first, so he didn't say anything to stop him.

Wei Xing took a step forward and was about to draw his sword, but the smile on his face froze. No matter how hard he tried, the knife seemed to be rusted in the scabbard, and he couldn't pull it out no matter what.

Lei Xiao's complexion turned ugly again, he called him back with a sullen face, and said to Shen Hong: "I can't use my hands and feet here, Hall Master Shen, let's go outside for a competition." After speaking, he walked out first.

However, Luo Yin understood that the swords of Flying Eagle Fort were not so accident-prone. No wonder he was writing so calmly. It turned out that someone was "pretending to be a ghost" for him. Qing thought of another way to stop him.

When Shen Hong and Zhuang Lan were about to go out, they suddenly heard someone shouting from behind, and saw a waiter running out of breath, "Miss Shen, stay here, a young master wants this to be handed over to the girl."

Zhuang Lan was cautious by nature, her brows were slightly frowned, and she was about to reach out to stop her, but Shen Hong had already taken the note.

After opening it and taking a look, her hand suddenly trembled uncontrollably.

Zhuang Lan's complexion changed suddenly, and she took a step forward. Before she could ask, she raised her head, and the light in her eyes was astonishingly bright.

"Guardian Lei, I'll ask you for advice on thirteen tricks. If you can't win, you are willing to admit defeat and admit that your skills are inferior to others."

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