Return Together

Chapter 14


After changing two cups of tea, Ye Ziyun couldn't help but sighed with a smile: "Have you thought about how to ask?" Luo Yin has never been able to hide things in front of him. They have always talked about everything. Now, sitting like this Looking at him thoughtfully, why

Since he was perplexed, Luo Yin didn't hesitate, and went straight to the point: "Since the Lantern Festival farewell that year, in the past six months... your martial arts seem to have improved again."

After Ye Ziyun suffered an internal injury that year, he should not use his true energy, and the genius doctor of Yishuimeng explicitly restricted him from practicing sword. For more than three years, although he was forced to fight with others, Luo Yin knew that the seemingly lightly won battle was still a great burden on his body.

Even so, instead of stopping or regressing in his martial arts realm, he was improving by leaps and bounds, and only Luo Yin who was by his side knew this best. Ye Ziyun also said to him that day: Practicing the sword is more about training the mind. But Luo Yin has never been able to break through this level.

"If you can still hold the sword, you should have already reached the realm of the sword of the heart. I'm afraid it's far behind." In the past, when he traveled together in the world, the only person he could compare with Ye Ziyun was swordsmanship. There is always some dissatisfaction.

Ye Ziyun stared at his right hand, held it lightly, and then smiled faintly: "No matter how hard I am, if you want to pursue the highest level of swordsmanship, you shouldn't put all your eyes on me."

Luo Yin's heart trembled, and he said in a choked voice, "You—"

He was hesitant to speak before, because he didn't want to touch the pain of the past, but thinking of Ye Ziyun's words "The past is gone, and the coming can be pursued", these days he has also secretly reflected on himself, a good man should not indulge It's hard to extricate yourself from the past. However, even though I was slowly letting go of my embrace, hearing such straightforward words, I still had mixed feelings and couldn't put into words. He turned his head and changed the subject with some difficulty:

"That year in Hebei, I only met Lei Xiao once, and I happened to see him fighting Guan Tian, but you saw through all his weaknesses in martial arts." It is extremely difficult to predict the enemy's first opportunity. It's not easy, let alone guessing the possible response of the opponent before he makes a move.

"Lei Xiao is cautious and suspicious. When his moves are restrained and all of his shots fall into the opponent's expectation, he will lose his position and weaken his fighting spirit by five points. Otherwise, his palm technique is long and deep, and he is the best in the Yishui League. Gu Wei, who is in the palm of his hand, will also be at a disadvantage against him, and there are countless people who can beat him in the martial arts."

Even though he was the enemy, Ye Ziyun still commented impartially, and added two words of praise at the end. But this master with few people can be defeated was forced to give up by the thirteen moves of swordsmanship he wrote down, Luo Yin thought silently, but did not answer.

When he was young and practicing swordsmanship, Luo Yin's master once told him that the improvement of swordsmanship depends on talent and diligence at the beginning, but it depends on vision and mind in the later stage. When he first came out of the rivers and lakes, he didn't meet any opponents, and he walked alone, so he didn't really understand the meaning of this sentence.

Ye Ziyun's rise in the martial arts world, as well as the praise and reputation he won, have always been regarded as legends. Some people have commented that this is because he is upright by nature, clear in handling things, and has friends all over the world. But Ye Ziyun's relationship with others is only in the four characters of similar temperament, if they meet, they will get together, and if they don't, they will disperse.

When making friends, he doesn't pay much attention to the other party's identity, origin, or even talent. As long as there is no loss in character, traffickers and pawns can be friends; people who are fishing for fame, even if they are famous in the martial arts, it is difficult for him to look at him more. Yishuimeng has Yang Shao and Cheng Shi who are two excellent people, and when the leader of the alliance does not show up, they still have the ability to make the visitors not feel neglected.

Until he took over as the leader of the martial arts alliance, he had to have frequent talks with people from various martial arts factions, and he could be said to be dedicated to his duties. When discussing important matters, he would not deliberately refute anyone's face, but he was extremely fair and left people speechless. In normal times, when you meet someone who is privately entrusted to you, and you still want to avoid seeing them, you will say that you want to rest on the grounds of being ill.

There was once a senior senior of a famous decent sect who was always kind and welcoming with a smile on his face, but a person who knew the sect well once confided after drinking that this person was easy to take credit for blame and often took advantage of the master's convenience to send The achievements of the juniors in the sect are taken into account by themselves, and when things are not handled properly, they try their best to shirk them. Someone made a curious investigation and confirmed that it was all true. But because that person is very popular in Jianghu, some people cover up his ugliness, and even though he has a lack of virtue, it can hardly be regarded as a big villain, and the internal affairs of his faction are difficult for others to comment on.

One day that person also made a special trip to pay a visit to the leader, Ye Ziyun is generous and rarely speaks harshly, but he only commented on that person with "a pleasant smile and a hideous face". Yi Shuimeng couldn't let that person annoy the leader, so that he couldn't drink the soup, so he bluntly said that the leader's old injury has relapsed recently, and the hero Luo Yin is here to heal him. Everyone in the Jianghu knows that the most avoiding interference is to heal injuries with internal strength. Hearing this, the man recalled that he had just seen a young man in black coming out of the inner hall and ordering people to cook medicine. It was rumored in the martial arts that Luo Yin was cold and seldom talk, and there were very few people who were willing to sell face, and his swordsmanship was superb No one can beat it. The man didn't dare to disturb him, and left in a humble manner.

Luo Yin recalled the past, and his thoughts went away for a moment.

The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the sky is like washing.

In front of the tea stand, there was an endless stream of people coming and going. They turned to Jingkou to find people before, but now they still plan to cross the river and go to Qizhou.

A young man was eating noodles at the noodle stall diagonally opposite. He looked like a man who had been working as a coolie for a living all year round, wearing a gray-black coarse cloth shirt, with a dull expression, and it was difficult for anyone to look at him in the crowd.

Ye Ziyun's eyes paused for a moment, and then moved away without a trace. Luo Yin and him were connected with each other when they were walking in the rivers and lakes, and at this moment, they had already sensed it, so they turned to look at that person.

That person didn't have anything eye-catching, and his actions seemed to be the same as ordinary people who don't know martial arts. If he really doesn't know martial arts, he is someone who is very good at concealing his breath.

A team of chariots and horses passed by, and it was an official with his family on his way to his post. The man got up and wanted to leave after eating, his back was still facing the street, but he had already caught a glimpse of the approaching convoy from the corner of his eye, and his breath changed imperceptibly.

At this moment, Luo Yin pressed the scabbard with his right hand, and the man suddenly felt the awe-inspiring sword behind him, but he didn't dare to turn around, but the natural reaction of the body when he encountered a strong enemy for a moment could not be hidden from the master.

Whether it is body tension, muscle trembling, or subtle changes in breathing, to distinguish it from a distance of several feet requires profound skills and extraordinary powers of observation, which Ye Ziyun cannot do now. arrived. Luo Yin didn't expect that his senses were still so keen, and he inadvertently glanced at the crowd, and discovered something unusual about this person.

Ye Ziyun didn't say a word, seeing that the man was just an accident. No matter who it is, people who have killed themselves will always be particularly impressed.

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