Return Together

Chapter 15


"Father, go to Jingkou Pier to board the ship, it won't be long..." The elegant and soft voice came from the car, drowned in the noise of the wheels and the street market.

A naughty boy was playing and running, and almost ran into the carriage. The driver stopped the horse and scolded with a sullen face. There were faint words of restraint from inside the carriage. The children chased each other and ran away, and the convoy continued to move forward.

But in an instant, the long street was empty, and there was no trace of that ordinary-looking young man.

Luo Yin stood up and said, "Let's go."

Ye Ziyun nodded and moved.

In just a short moment, they passed by, but they ran in the opposite direction.


"The one you are looking for is Zhang Banxian, right?" I searched for random people in the market, but I didn't expect it to be so smooth.

The speaker was a butcher from this place, he was born with a bold temperament, had a wide range of contacts, and knew everything about the neighbors. He smiled and pointed to the pendant hanging on Ye Ziyun's waist, "This is the thing that the old man hangs on his body and never leaves his body."

The Taoist traveled to other places and returned after a few days. Therefore, Luo Yin and Ye Ziyun lived here. The folk customs in Qizhou are simple and honest, and neighbors help each other. Although Luo Yin didn't seem to be approachable, he never said a word to those who needed help around. As time passed, everyone knew that this cold-faced young man was actually a warm-hearted person; popularity.

Luo Yin looked at the young man who was enthusiastically surrounded by the neighbors and had a gentle and calm smile. Even though he looked like this, Luo Yin always felt that his temper was a little more out of touch than before.

His temperament and behavior have not changed, but there seems to be something different. It is not that Luo Yin is the only one who thinks this way; even if he is with other people in Yishui League day and night, they will gradually Feel it.

But no matter what, there is only one Ye Ziyun in the world, who is still by his side...

At noon that day, when Luo Yin passed by Xinghualou, he thought of bringing some food and wine back home. Walking in, he found that it was the time when the business of the restaurant was booming, and he was about to wait for the deputy seat head, when suddenly a younger brother came over and said that a guest asked him to move around.

He looked up, and met a pair of bright eyes that had some impressions in his memory, with a shrewd and shrewd light flashing on his oval face. He didn't respond, and found an empty seat nearby.

The little brother ran back with a sad face, and came back after a while, and said cautiously: "The girl sent a message from the little one, and I want to ask you, is there some truth to the face that was approved that day?" He had never seen a girl whom a man talked to, but he could only do what he could to take money.

Luo Yin frowned, he never cared about the meeting that day. He deliberately ignored her, but if the woman kept pestering her, it would not be difficult to inquire about two strangers who had just come here, and if those words reached the ears of the neighbors, it would cause some trouble for nothing.

Seeing him coming, the girl's eyes lit up immediately, thinking that the words just now moved him, and she was scratching her head thinking about some mysterious terminology, trying to convince him of her ability in one fell swoop.

But seeing the black-clothed knight come and sit down, he immediately said: "Luo never believed in the theory of fortune-telling, ghosts and gods, girl, don't talk about such nonsense in broad daylight in the market."

The woman froze for a moment, then looked at Luo Yin intently, but the ghostly aura of that day faded away. She was puzzled, but it was so easy to meet again, so she put aside the unimportant things for the time being, "Just treat it as my apprenticeship." Not good, please don't be offended by heroes."

She smiled and said: "My name is Fu Yu, and there is only one elder brother in my family. This is the first time I have traveled away from home... to other places. I thank the hero for helping me that day. I haven't asked the hero's name yet. I don't know Where is the hero's fairyland, what age is it, is there any marriage in the family?"

Luo Yin: "..."

He took out an ingot of silver and put it on the table, got up and left, "I'll pay for the meal."

Fu Yu stared blankly at his back, and lowered his head to look at the silver taels on the table, a look of embarrassment could not help but appear on his face. Hey, this girl is not doing it for free...

"Come with me, there is something good to see."

That day Qin Qing just came back from a stroll outside, pulled Ye Ziyun and left.

"There is an academy at the foot of the green hill not far away. I was wandering there today, but I was almost bumped into by a fox that ran out of nowhere. Right now, that coquettish fox is abducting a scholar to go to the ruined temple on the mountain. I think I'm going to do something like that..."

Sao Fox, scholar, ruined temple.

Ye Ziyun thought he was reading a strange novel like "Sou Shen Ji", but he was standing in front of the temple gate of the dilapidated temple, and he heard whispers coming from inside, sweet and greasy. The meaning of ecstasy.

When they opened the door and entered, the woman who was leaning over to ask for sex was startled, and turned around, her charming face was full of unkind expressions. She took the man here with great difficulty and became unconscious. Just as she was about to do something, even the scholar's clothes hadn't been taken off, someone came here to disturb him, and it didn't look like a stranger.

The fox demon took a look at Ye Ziyun, seemed to be surprised by his appearance, was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "Who are you, maybe you are a fellow who wants to share a piece of the pie?"

She is still inexperienced, so she can't see Ye Ziyun's origin. When their clan changed form, they transformed their faces to seduce men. The women of this clan are all very beautiful, and few of them make her feel ashamed.

Ye Ziyun was bold and upright when he was walking in the rivers and lakes, and he was even more arrogant when he was in charge of the Yishuimeng group of heroes. There was a natural majesty in his gestures, and people rarely paid attention to his appearance. After waking up this time, this feeling has faded away, and the beautiful appearance inherited from his mother is often enviable.

Ye Ziyun looked in, the young scholar passed out on the ground, he didn't know what happened to him, he walked, the fox demon's beautiful face turned cold, and he raised his slender fingers with long coquettish nails, "Stop!"

Monsters are still afraid of being punished by heaven when they hurt people, but they never show mercy when fighting among their own kind. But maybe because of the complexion of the person in front of her, she subconsciously just made a move as soon as she made a move.

Ye Ziyun only felt that his body was bound by an invisible object, unable to move his hands and feet. Just at this moment, a gust of breeze blows by, the discomfort disappears immediately, and freedom of movement is restored.

A childish voice whispered next to his ear: "Small tricks."

Ye Ziyun smiled slightly: "You are quite powerful."

"That's right! After all, she lived hundreds of years longer than her..." Even if it was a ball, how dare the coquettish fox pretend not to see it

The crisp childish voice is matched with an old-fashioned tone. Ye Ziyun didn't realize it and smiled, even though he lived several hundred years longer, but his mind and body were much younger than that fox girl.

"Tell me, what should I do with this fox?" Qin Qing circled around the banshee, watching her look pale and showing a panicked expression. At this time, a voice came from behind:

"Two, please listen to Xiaosheng."

Ye Ziyun saw the scholar standing up, presumably it was just when he confronted the fox girl that Qin Qing lifted the spell on the scholar.

It was only after waking up that it was a bit extraordinary to be able to address Qin Qing as "two" calmly. But seeing him stepping forward, he said: "She only wants to be happy for one night. Although Xiaosheng can't agree, he also knows that she is not like an evil spirit who murders people. Please, two, er, two righteous men, raise your hands high."

Ye Ziyun looked at Qin Qing, and she nodded. Although some banshees use men's yang energy to cultivate, they are also afraid of violating the rules of heaven. They know how to stop and stop killing people.

The fox girl never thought that the scholar would intercede for her, she looked overjoyed, her eyes rolled, and she said affectionately: "My lord, my family sincerely admires you, since my lord understands that my family has no intention of harming others, why should you care about the difference between human beings... "

"The girl led Xiaosheng here to avoid the thunderstorm, and Ende will keep it in her heart."

Qin Qing listened on the sidelines, and said in his heart: Sao Fox just escaped a catastrophe, just thinking of seducing people, that scholar is also an idiot, she lured you here, how could she have good intentions

But the scholar said again: "... However, the girl intends to deceive first, and then casts a spell on her, how can she say the word "sincerity"? The difference between a transvestite does not lie in the racial description, but in the heart. Its intention is not sincere , how to win people's trust?"

When the fox girl heard the words, she was ashamed, covered her clothes, and hurried away.

Ye Ziyun couldn't help admiring from the bottom of his heart, although this scholar is a weak person, but with such a spirit, he should be able to make friends with him.

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