
Chapter 10: As soon as I got back to the office, I saw a big box on my desk, the same as in previous years. (10)


We will take the high-speed train to the airport from here tomorrow. "

"Well, I see, go to sleep."

"I love you."

Before Situ Mu could say anything, Mu Yi closed his eyes. Mu Yi really couldn't hold it anymore, she didn't rest all day today, she was really tired. Situ Mu looked at her for a while to make sure that she was indeed asleep, and then said in a low voice "I love you too" with a smile, then hugged her and fell asleep slowly.

The next morning, it was Jiang Ning who came to call them.

"You go out and pick up a car to take Mu Yao to the mall," Mu said to Situ Mu, "I'll finish packing up here. After you send him away, come back to get the things."

"Okay." Situ Mu did not hesitate.

"He believes in you quite a bit." Mu Yi was packing things, Jiang Ning didn't know what to do, so he could only leave the room next to him to make it easier for her to pack up.

In fact, Situ Mu had almost done it yesterday, and Mu Yi just put away what he used this morning.

"You have nothing to worry about." Mu Yi didn't care about Jiang Ning's words, "Where's Sun Han?"

"It's down there." Speaking of this, Jiang Ning hated, this Sun Han was really cunning.

Mu Jing stared at Jiang Ning, is this kid looking for a fight

"Sun Han came by car." Mu Yi stared at Jiang Ning, "You too, if not... I really want to beat you."

Jiang Ning was secretly ashamed. He did it on purpose. He admitted that although Mu Yao was Mu Yi's younger brother, in the end, he was not Mu Yi, and he was not the object of his protection, so... he just didn't expect Mu Yi to be able to guess.

Situ Mu suddenly pushed the door and entered.

"So fast? Hold the grass!" Jiang Ning was surprised when he saw Situ Mu, then suddenly thought of something, and jumped into a frenzy.

"You can't protect me even if you are a living person, and you can count on an ordinary car?" Mu Yi despised this person, and she didn't have the face to admit that she knew this person.

"Uh..." Jiang Ning was blocked by her words. He really couldn't admit that he was inferior to a car.

Situ Mu did not participate in this topic. From the moment Mu Yi told him about these two people, he knew that Mu Yi gave him "rights" and could "command" the "rights" of these two people. Obviously, Sun Han is smarter than Jiang Ning.

Situ Mu asked Mu Yi to get on the bed, quickly packed up his things, and then went to check out.

The little girl at the front desk was the one who helped them. After Mu Yi checked out, she gave the little girl 200 yuan.

"I've been abroad for a long time, and I just came back a few days ago, and I'm still adapting to the domestic format. The habit of tipping hasn't changed yet, so please take it." Mu Yi kept facing the girl at the front desk. Laugh, the laughing little sister is embarrassed.

"You take it, she's not feeling well, don't let her hold it all the time." Situ Mu said this, and the little sister hurriedly took the money.

After the three of them went out, Jiang Ning went to stop the car, and Situ Mu asked Mu Yi why he insisted on tipping the little girl at the front desk.

"The people of the Mu family are not so easy to deal with. The front desk was indeed wronged that day." Mu Yi didn't want to think about what the Mu family said that day, but as far as she knew, those people would definitely not know the front desk. polite.

"So, have you changed your habit of tipping?" Situ Mu teased.

"Ah?" Mu Yi looked at Situ Mu, saw the teasing in Situ Mu's eyes, and knew that he was being teased, "You will come when you need to pay in the future." Mu Yi shook his head and stuck his tongue out at Situ Mu.

Situ Mu went to hold Mu Yi's hand and clasped his fingers. Jiang Ning stopped a taxi, and the three of them set off for the station.

Nothing happened on the high-speed train or the plane, but Mu Yi was resting all the time, Jiang Ning was always alert, Situ Mu was quite leisurely on the high-speed train, but on the plane, he ran into an old classmate who happened to be a flight attendant, no By two hours, drinks were served four times. When he got off the plane, the other party asked him for a phone number. Mu Yi looked at him like that and didn't help him at all. In the end, Situ Mu had to give the other party a phone number that he didn't use often. Now Situ Mu can't remember where it was. Put it aside, I was afraid that when the other party called, the phone would ring in the room, but thinking about it, it's been a long time since I saw that phone, it's probably out of power, and Situ Mu didn't worry about it anymore.

Jiang Ning, as usual, sent the two people to the place and left. Situ Mu originally wanted to ask him where he lived, but after thinking about it, it was fine.

Situ Mu and Mu Yi walked into the elevator while calling Jiang Yu.

"Hey, we're downstairs with you, we're coming up directly."

The call signal in the elevator was not very good. Jiang Yu confirmed it several times. When the call was hung up, he was almost at the floor where Jiang Yu was.

When the elevator arrived, Jiang Yu stood at the elevator entrance and waited for them. Situ Mu unceremoniously threw the luggage to Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu looked disgusted, but he could only take over.

Jiang Yu now lives in a house he rents. His unit has a house, but Jiang Yu disliked its poor sound insulation, so he took the housing supplement, added a little more, and rented a two-bedroom, one-living room here, one as a bedroom, and the other one. When the guest room plus study plus recording studio. In fact, Jiang Yu didn't sleep much in the bedroom, in order to facilitate recording, and also in case of guests coming, it is not easy to tell people that I sleep in the guest room and you sleep in the bedroom, so when someone comes to the family, Jiang Yu always tells them that the bedroom It is a guest room.

Mu Yi and Situ Mu walked around the room, looking around to see where they were, and finally returned to the living room and sat on the sofa. Jiang Yu took their luggage to the study. Mu Yi said earlier that it was the tenth day of the year. Jiang Yu had already washed the sheets and quilts and dried the quilts and mattresses, so there was no need to worry about being uncomfortable sleeping. When Jiang Yu came out, he saw Situ Mu peeling oranges and Mu Yi eating oranges.

"Didn't you mean to come tomorrow?" Jiang Yu also sat on the short sofa, picked up a pear and started to eat. The fruits in the fruit bowl on the table are all washed, so don't worry that you can't eat them without washing.

Jiang Yu raised a large dog named Yaya. When he saw Jiang Yu sitting on the sofa, he ran out from the balcony and lay at Jiang Yu's feet.

"The dog is well raised, it's time to cut it." Mu Yi glanced at it and calmly commented on Yaya.

Yaya was very satisfied with her current state, and when she heard someone say that it should be sheared, she made a whimpering sound.

"Okay, okay, she's just talking." Jiang Yu comforted Yaya, "Don't intimidate Yaya, be careful it bites you."

"Yaya? Mother's?" Mu Yi wondered why Jiang Yu would keep a female dog.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Mu Yi ignored him, just looked left and right, and nodded secretly.

"So, what about your partner?"

"Wh, what object? I don't know what you're talking about." Jiang Yu dodged, but Yaya made a whimpering sound again.

"How do you know he has someone?" Situ Mu knew that Jiang Yu had someone he liked, but he didn't know if he caught up with him.

"Here." Mu Yi raised his chin and motioned Situ Mu to look over the table.

Situ Mu glanced at the table and understood. Jiang Yu can be regarded as a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder. There are two photo frames on the table. Depending on the angle, there is at least one photo frame there, but now it is empty.

"So, what about the photos there?" Situ Mu put the last orange in his mouth and asked Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu was actually quite embarrassed. He had put away the photo in a hurry, but now Mu Yi pointed it out, and he was very embarrassed.

"We're not outsiders, so you're still hiding." Mu Yi took off his shoes, sat cross-legged on the sofa, pouted his mouth, barbara hair, leaned back again, adjusted his sitting position, and leaned in a comfortable position. On the sofa.


Jiang Yu was also embarrassed for a while, Situ Mu was changing the channel with the remote control, Jiang Yu still went and took out the photo of himself in the drawer. There were two boys in the photo, one was Jiang Yu, the other was The person Jiang Yu once told Situ Mu he likes is Zeng Nuo.

"Man, it's no wonder your family doesn't object." Mu looked at the photo, "You look good."

"You, aren't you curious?" Jiang Yu was very pleased with Mu Yi's attitude, but he was also puzzled.

"What's my business?" Mu Yi took another orange and threw it to Jiang Yu to let him peel it. "It's only my business when he treats you badly. Just look at this."

When Situ Mu heard Mu Yi say just look at this, he stopped pressing the remote control. The whole room was filled with haha from the late stage of the variety show, and even Yaya felt embarrassed and went to her nest on the balcony again.

After Jiang Yu peeled the oranges, he walked over to Mu Yi and handed them to Mu Yi one by one. Mu Yi stretched out his hand and put it into his mouth one by one, until the last one, she handed it to Mu Yi. Situ Mu.

"You're still like this, you must keep some of what you have for Xiaomu." Jiang Yu knew that Mu Yi was still the same Mu Yi.

"You're still the same you." Mu Yi said casually, but it gave Jiang Yu a great shock.

Yes, he is still the same. A few years after graduation, he came to N City from the imperial capital. He was depressed, he was unhappy, he was irritable, he gave up, he thought he was no longer who he was, and he thought that his high fighting spirit and lofty goals are now only left. After getting off Xiaomu and Muyi, he began to hide, to avoid, and even to lie, he became like most people, he became what the book said, after graduation, at work, we were decadent, we were lonely, and finally lost myself, I don't know where to go. But today, Mu Yi told him that he was still the same him.

"Why did you come here from the imperial capital?" Mu Yi raised his head and asked him, "Sit down, your neck hurts when I see you like this."

Jiang Yu sat down, not knowing where to start. "Our current director is the section chief when I was in the imperial capital. He brought me here when he was transferred here."

"When their director was transferred, the previous director left behind several projects, and the personnel and everything were determined. After the new director arrived, he could only direct the overall situation, so his ability has not been shown, and because of this, He has always been in the position of a clerk. This time, a new project was launched a few years ago, but he was cut off, which is why he is so depressed." Situ Mu knew this paragraph very well, so he finished speaking for Jiang Yu.

"I'm not depressed. My current job is very leisurely and the salary is generous." Jiang Yu is optimistic.

"How much still unhappy?" Mu Yi didn't hide it, he never needed to beat around the bush for Jiang Yu.

"Yes." Facing this girl, Jiang Yu couldn't lie.

"So now there is an opportunity in front of you, do you want it?"

On the plane back to L City, Mu Yi had already obtained all the information of Jiang Yu in the past few years, including Zeng Nuo's. She didn't say it, just because she wanted Jiang Yu to speak for herself. She came here with a purpose in itself.

"what chance?"

Jiang Yu looked at Mu Yi and then at Situ Mu, Situ Mu shook his head to indicate that he knew nothing about this matter, so both of them could only stare at Mu Yi.

"I started working after the new year, and I won't be in the unit I want to work for at the beginning, but I need an assistant to go to that unit for me first. After I pass, the assistant needs to take care of my daily life, so I want to come If you want to go, you are the most suitable." Mu Yi leaned on Situ Mu's shoulder and said to Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yuchu was quite surprised to hear this, after all, he could be with the two of them in this way. When Muyi went abroad, Situ Mu went to University A. He originally wanted to go there too, but Situ Mu persuaded him to focus on his future, so he chose to stay in the imperial capital. Now he has the opportunity to be with them, Jiang Yu is of course very happy. However, Zeno...

"When I start working, you will be very busy, and there will be another secretary to help you. Well, according to the statement of large companies, you are similar to a special assistant, and then there will be a secretary to help you. "

This is simply a surprise to Jiang Yu. However, he still asked for Zeng Nuo's opinion. Although the two of them are already together, they haven't come out to everyone yet, and their workplaces are far apart, so they don't usually live together. At this time, if you want to change jobs, you must ask Zeng Nuo's opinion, which is the least respect.

"Okay, I'm fine. But you'd better ask now and give me an answer by tomorrow afternoon."

"In such a hurry?" Before Jiang Yu could say anything, Situ Mu asked first. After all, this is related to future survival, and it is impossible to make a decision so quickly, not to mention that Mu Yi didn't say anything. It will definitely take time for Jiang Yu to convince Zeng Nuo.

"At 8 o'clock tomorrow night, your unit and partner will have a banquet, you know."

"I know." Jiang Yu was curious, how Mu Yi knew everything.

"Anyway, I'm also the one who came to dig the wall, how can I not understand the situation of the other party." Mu Yi blinked and smiled, "I will attend the banquet tomorrow night, a few people in your unit know me, if you don't tell me when the time comes. Whether you want to transfer or not, according to the traditional way of working in units, you will definitely be reused and start participating in many projects, then I will not be able to help you if you want to transfer." Mu Yi changed his posture, resting his head on Situ Mu She lay down on her thigh, and Situ Mu helped her straighten her hair. "For now, the people in your unit have already started to arrange work for you. You have to be thankful that you won't go to work tomorrow."

"You come here, they know?" Situ Mu felt that he had only been here for a few hours, how could this be

"Anyway, I'm also a big man in the future. Although I don't have real power, they don't know it." Mu paused for a while, but then said it out, "Jiang Ning used to be the king of soldiers, Sun Han, the grandson of a certain figure in the imperial capital."

"Then why do they keep following you?" Situ Mu didn't understand, why did these two powerful people come to "protect" Mu Yi

"In that case, I haven't been tried or sentenced yet. They have to guarantee my safety, because that person won't say it lightly." Mu Yi's voice became lower and lower, until the last few words The sound has been silenced, and neither Jiang Yu nor Situ Mu can hear it clearly.

What's the matter with her

I do not know.

Are you not with her

She didn't say it.

you won't ask

I'll wait for her to speak.

Situ Mu and Jiang Yu exchanged expressions on and off like this. In the end, Jiang Yu couldn't take it anymore, so he picked up the phone and went back to his room to call Zeng Nuo.

Jiang Yu was on the phone for a while, and Mu Yi woke up when he came out. However, Jiang Yu's face was not very good-looking.

Situ Mu was about to ask Jiang Yu when Jiang Yu's phone rang.

Jiang Yu didn't speak after answering the phone, but his face became more and more ugly. Mu Yi asked Situ Mu to call Jiang Yu, Situ Mu kicked Jiang Yu directly, Jiang Yu turned his head and saw Mu Yi's open palm, very embarrassed. Mu Yi kept reaching out and staring at him, Jiang Yu had to give him the phone.

Mu Yi got the phone and opened it directly.

"Jiang Yu, let me tell you that I won't agree. Who knows what the hell is going on. You say she's your sister and you believe her, so why should I believe her? She hasn't heard from her for several years, but now she suddenly appears. You believe her if you don't even know what she's doing now, are you stupid? You..." It seemed that the other party was angry at Jiang Yu's proposal.

"Zeng Nuo," Mu Yi saw Situ Mu's almost twisted face and clenched fists, guessing that Jiang Yu might suffer for a while, so he spoke quickly. Although she spoke hastily, her voice was still cold. "I suggest you take the following words back."

"Who are you?" Zeng Nuo didn't expect the change of person on the other side. He had a guess, hesitated for a moment, and then asked.

"Mu Yi." Mu Yi was calm, not in a hurry at all. Jiang Yu's veins are about to burst.

"You are Muyi? Why do you want Jiang Yu to give up his current job? Who do you think you are? Jiang Yu is stupid, but I am not stupid. You haven't come back in the past few years, and now he will give up his original job when he comes back, who knows Are you engaged in pyramid schemes?" Zeng Nuo said so much just now that he was already thirsty, but he couldn't just lose face in front of Mu Yi.

"Zeng Nuo, if you don't agree, how can you prove whether I am a liar?" Mu Yi didn't think Zeng Nuo's suspicions were unreasonable, but his inability to think was his fault.

"How to prove it?"

"If Jiang Yu's unit receives his transfer order before six o'clock tomorrow night, then you have to go with Jiang Yu, how about it?"

"Girl." Jiang Yu didn't want to embarrass Zeng Nuo about this matter. Lovers need to run in and trust each other, but as far as this matter is concerned, he understands Zeng Nuo's thoughts, after all, he doesn't know Mu Yi.

Mu Yi ignored him and continued talking about himself.

"Can you?"

Zeng Nuo was silent for a while, Jiang Yu was worried that he would be angry, and he was also worried that Mu Yi would make trouble.

"Okay." Zeng Nuo felt that this gamble could be tried. If he won, Jiang Yu would get a satisfactory job. If he lost, it would have no effect. The only difference between this bet and what Jiang Yu said is that his resignation comes before or after.

It has to be said that Mu Yi is an exquisite person, she has considered everything, including Zeng Nuo's concerns and thoughts.

Jiang Yu took the phone to chat with his boyfriend, but Situ Mu asked Mu Yi a question.

"Even if you give orders now, you won't be able to arrive tomorrow?" Situ Mu waited until Mu Yi finished the phone call before talking to Mu Yi.

"The transfer is now compulsory and voluntary." Mu Yi stood up and took a glass of water.

"What?" Situ Mu didn't understand, how could he be voluntary if he was forced

☆、Speechless mourning

"Let's put it this way. Today's national units all have a common system. The transfer order is issued at the same time as the system and the paper version. After running in the system, it basically takes one day at most to reach the destination. After the unit, the related work in the hands of the transferred person will be arranged to stop and wait for the arrival of the paper version of the transfer order; when the paper version of the transfer order arrives, after the transferee signs, upload the copy to the system and transfer it back to the issuing agency, then you can Take the paper version of the transfer order directly to the post."

"I still don't quite understand..."

"Mandatory, that is, after the transfer order is transferred to the transferee's original unit, the unit must start to transfer the transferee's file to his next post, without his own consent; voluntary is the paper version of the transfer order. When the time comes, the transferee can choose whether to sign or not, and if he does not sign, he can not take the post, but the file has been transferred, so it is still a matter of time."

"Why do you want to do this? Wouldn't it be incompatible with the system?"

"There are also loopholes in the national system. In the past, when a person was transferred to another unit, it took about half a month from the time the transfer order was issued to the person who went through the formalities. Although this time is not long, there will be a lot of trouble in the future, such as files. Incomplete, for example, the handover procedures of the previous unit have not been completed, and because the situation of each unit is different, the formalities cannot be handled after the person arrives, and the relevant materials are lost, etc. The current files are basically stored in The archives bureau where the first unit is located, and the system that all future transfers will follow, ensures the integrity of the data.”

"What if that person has been reluctant to sign?"

"Then there will be people like me who will keep persuading him. In fact, it is voluntary, that is, a process based on humanitarianism. At most half a year, if he is not in office, he will be investigated."


"If you don't have any interests, will you have to stick to a place and stick to it?"

"Then maybe it's because of the demotion that you don't want to?"

"There are only two situations in which you are demoted. One is that you are very lucky, and you are going to the power center. After being demoted, you have real power, and basically you will be transferred to the power center within three years. Why not transfer in such a situation? The second is to make a mistake and be demoted, so why don't you hurry up at this time and wait for a bigger mistake to be discovered?"

Situ Mu really didn't expect it to be so troublesome to change jobs now. He was in A University after graduating from college, so he never paid attention to these things.

"Then what if the Archives lost the file?"

Situ Mu thought this was a problem, but why was Mu Yi's eyes so strange

"You think too much. If the files that have been in the Archives Bureau can be lost, then it is the Archives Bureau's problem. All documents need to be filled by themselves. This is what the responsible individual system says."

"oh oh."

Situ Mu picked up the water glass to drink water, and glared at him as soon as the wood was gone. Situ Mu thought it was cute when he saw it, and after taking another sip, he gave her the water glass, and wiped some oil by the way.

Mu had finished drinking the water, but Jiang Yu hadn't come out yet.

"He won't go back on it, right?" Mu Yi scratched his head, with a look of sadness on his face, Jiang Yu wouldn't fall out with Zeng Nuo again.

"That person Zeng Nuo is as his name suggests, don't worry." Situ Mu and Zeng Nuo had brief contact, Jiang Yu also mentioned it many times, so he still understands.

"The problem is Jiang Yu, brother. The problem was never with Zeng Nuo, but with Jiang Yu." Mu Yi grimaced, but he was still worried.

"Don't worry, it's alright." Situ Mu patted Mu Yi's shoulder to comfort her. "The key for you now is how to deal with that group of people tomorrow. Jiang Yu has nothing to consider."

"I just deal with my feelings casually, right?" Jiang Yu came out after calling, just in time to hear Situ Mu complaining about himself.

"You don't need to deal with it at all!" Situ Mu didn't even bother to pay attention to him.

"Have you discussed it?" Mu Yi really really wanted to know what Jiang Yu was talking about with Zeng Nuo.

"I asked him to come over for dinner in the evening and see you." Jiang Yu said something, and finally persuaded Zeng Nuo. Zeng Nuo didn't want to eat with Mu Yi. He didn't like people who threatened him, not even Jiang Yu's favorite girl.

"Well, it's hard for you." Mu Yi didn't care, he didn't want to eat people.

"Be polite at night. Even if it's a man, it's your brother that I spent a lot of effort chasing after you. If you run away, will you pay me back?!" Jiang Yu joked with her.

"Then you have to fight with Situ Mu first." Mu Yi also hated other people's threats and was not happy.

"Did you forget that he can't beat me, eh?" Jiang Yu walked to Mu Yi and refused to take Situ Mu's gaze.

"But you can't kill him." Mu Yi was very confident about this. Although Situ Mu lost to Jiang Yu back then, in fact, the two of them were evenly divided.

"You want us to fight so much?" Jiang Yu couldn't understand Mu Yi's thinking, who are these people! Situ Mu, stop it, this is my house, stop rubbing your hands, I won't fight! !

"No, I just want you to lose." Mu paused, then said, "Someone who loses will be hurt."

The topic suddenly became warm, which made Jiang Yu very uncomfortable. The Jiang family and the Situ family have always followed the style of strict education. Although they fully respect the wishes of the children, in fact, if these wishes do not conform to the wishes of the elders, someone will keep brainwashing you. equivalent to compulsory education. So the people of the two families, in fact, except for Mu Yi, are really not used to taking the warm route. Mu Yi is a second son and doesn't know much about comfort, but if someone who doesn't know how to comfort others suddenly tries to comfort others, the effect of comfort will be doubled. For example, now, Mu Yi said that he didn't care, but Jiang Yu was moved.

"You guys have decided to eat together tonight. You'd better restrain yourself, don't think that I won't dare to beat you if you are hurt." Jiang Yu put down the warning viciously, but his eyes were full of tenderness.

"Got it, the world is big, you are the biggest target, okay." Mu Yi fiddled with his mobile phone, and couldn't stand Jiang Yu's dog-leg behavior at all.

"When you talk to someone, you have to look at them to show respect, have you forgotten?" Situ Mu put his hand under the wooden chin and raised her chin to let her look at Jiang Yu and educate her.

"I'm not an outsider, what about you?" Jiang Yu despised Situ Mu's behavior of thinking "Muyi is me and the rest are outsiders".

"It's just basic etiquette, it doesn't matter who it is."

"I want to cover up."

Mu Yi also raised his head. She was sleepy and didn't want to talk.

The phone rang suddenly, it was Mu Yi. As soon as Mu answered the phone, he said "I know" and disappeared, and he didn't know what was going on.

Mu Yi hung up the phone, thought for a while, and decided to tell the truth.

"The order has been issued, but..." Mu Yi hesitated, the problem that appeared was something she did not expect. Although things would be easy to handle under such circumstances, it also meant that she had to go to the imperial capital.

Situ Mu and Jiang Yu stared at her nervously. Situ Mu was worried that the result would not be what she wanted, while Jiang Yu thought that this problem was nothing to Mu Yi, and he was more worried that Zeng Nuo would lose his temper.

"You have been transferred here for three years, why is your electronic file still in the original unit?" Logically speaking, this is impossible, but the current situation is indeed like this.

"I don't know about this either." Jiang Yu really didn't know what was going on. At the beginning, he was transferred here with his boss and now the director of the unit.

"Your boss's current director's file has already been transferred, but yours is still in place."

"Is there any problem with this?" Situ Mu felt that there must be some problem here, otherwise Mu Yi would not have been struggling with this problem.

"There should be no problem, didn't you say that the order has been issued?" Jiang Yu was quite sure that he heard Mu Yi say that the order had been issued. If that's the case, what's the problem

"You're fine, but I'll be in trouble." Mu Yi was very depressed. Although she wanted to transfer Jiang Yu anyway, she really didn't want to go to the imperial capital. "The elder brother of the director of your former unit is my former boss." Mu Yi was powerless, she didn't want to do anything now, she just wanted to withdraw the transfer order issued, but unfortunately it was impossible.

"I didn't even greet him when I left. Do you think that if he knows I'm back and doesn't see him, he won't be able to chase and kill me." Thinking of the temper of his teacher and former boss, Mu Yi was heartbroken. tired.

"You were transferred by me, and it has my signature on it; your file is in the original unit, and the original director also needs to sign it. I went to dinner with them back then, and he knew me. Under such circumstances, How likely do you think my teacher will know?" Mu Yichou felt that he might lose his head overnight.

"Anyway, it's a teacher, let's see you." Situ Mu was very optimistic. After all, he was his apprentice back then. No matter how much he complained, nothing would happen.

"But once I go to the imperial capital, I will definitely be asked to see that person, and I don't want to see him at all." Mu Yi took the pillow behind him and held it in his arms, "Don't ask me who I am and who I am with. Hurry, I won't listen, I won't listen." Saying that, he lay on the sofa with his pillow in his arms, closing his eyes and pretending to be a rogue.

Situ Mu and Jiang Yu looked at each other, but they didn't dare to ask.

"Oh, don't ask, I'll tell you when the time is right. It's a long story and a lot of trouble." Mu Yi was so irritable that his accent came out. It was still Huaguo's southern accent, which had nothing to do with all of them. .

The Jiang family, the Situ family, and the Mu family are all from the north.

☆, buy chicken

"Okay, okay, we know, don't ask." Situ Mu pulled her up and straightened her hair. "Get up, let's go out to buy groceries."

Jiang Yu went into the house to get the money.

"Ah? Now? Around this time, I can't find it in four or six. Is the food fresh?"

"There is a farmer's market nearby. I know a few uncles and aunties who live not far away, so you can pick them now." Jiang Yu paused, "Xiaomu said you were injured, I told an uncle yesterday that it's okay, Go to his house this afternoon to catch a chicken, kill it now, and make soup for you." Jiang Yu stared at her, expecting a response.

"Okay, then I'll accompany you out." Mu Yi said that this was a gift for you, got up and tidied up his clothes, ready to go out.

"It's Her Royal Highness." Jiang Yu behaved like a gentleman.

Situ Mu just watched the two perform, picked up the car key on the table, and went to open the door. "Princess and knight, we should go."

"We are a princess and a knight, so what are you?" Jiang Yu confirmed that he had brought everything he should bring, closed the door, and pressed the elevator.

"I'm the prince." Situ Mu was very calm and laughed, Jiang Yu's face changed instantly. I have seen shameless, never seen such shameless, is this really my little friend? Jiang Yu was manic in his heart.

After inquiries from three aunts, stares from five aunts, and calls from four children, finally three of them arrived in front of the parking space.

The community where Jiang Yu rented had no underground parking lot, and the parking spaces were on both sides of the road, so the left aisle in the middle was very narrow, and it was necessary to have good driving skills to park the car.

"Can you do it?" Situ Mu threw the car key to Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu caught it and rolled his eyes back at him.

"Anyway, I've been living here for almost three years, why don't you come?" Jiang Yu couldn't understand how much this Situ Mu did not trust him.

"It's better for you to come, the two of us will wait there." Situ Mu pulled Mu Yi and was about to leave.

"Why don't you come and try Mu Yi?" Jiang Yu remembered, Mu Yi seems to have rarely driven since he got his driver's license, and he doesn't know if he will.

"No, I've been driving relatively well in the past few years. Well, it's relatively fast. It's not suitable for driving in China. You should do it yourself."

Jiang Yu drove the car out of the community, Mu Yi and Situ Mu were waiting at the gate of the community, with the security guard of the community property standing beside them.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yu rolled down the window and asked.

"It's nothing, this gentleman is here to ask if we're looking for someone." Situ Mu opened the door and let Mu Yi go in first, then went in and waved goodbye to the security guard.

The three of them chatted about something, like "the chicken legs in this restaurant are delicious", "well, then come back and try it", "the porridge in that restaurant is also good", "then come to eat it another day. Breakfast" or something.

The farmers market is not far away. When he is resting, Jiang Yu usually chooses to cook by himself, so he still comes here often. Many people also know him. This time, seeing him bring two people with him, he is very curious, but he doesn't like it. Good to ask.

At this time, it is the "afternoon session" of the farmers' market, and basically everyone has just come here. Jiang Yu found the uncle who had discussed with him, and saw that he brought his grandson over, and was very grateful.

"Uncle Chen, good afternoon." Jiang Yu greeted Uncle Chen skillfully, and at first glance he was a regular customer.

Mu Yi watched from the side and gestured to Situ Mu with his eyes.

"He's quite happy here alone."

"Who said one person, there is obviously Zeng Nuo."

"Didn't Zeng Nuo meet him after he came here?"

"That's two people."

"Is there a difference? Anyway, he and the people around him are very friendly."

"Jiang Yu is naturally good at communication."

"He should be a businessman or a politician, what kind of engineering."

"Aren't you taking him on the right path now?"

"makes sense."

"I said, are you two listening to me?" Jiang Yu called Mu Yi several times but couldn't hear a response. When he turned his head, he found that the two were flirting with each other, which was enough. "There are still children here, can't you two restrain yourself?"

"I didn't do anything, just discussed you."

"Do you use your eyes to discuss others? You don't even look at your blushing and affectionate look."

"Cut! Is something wrong?"

"We're going to Uncle Chen's house to catch that chicken."

"Ah?" Mu Yi didn't understand, wasn't the chicken killed in the vegetable market? Why go to someone else's house.

"I don't sell chicken, I sell vegetables. Xiao Jiang told me that he wanted a pheasant, which happened to be in my family, but there are chickens here, and I don't know.