
Chapter 13: As soon as I got back to the office, I saw a big box on my desk, the same as in previous years. (13)


Going to make braised pork ribs for Mu Yi, Wang Lin originally wanted to eat rice, but Situ Mu pushed back three and four. Wang Lin is not an ignorant person. Looking at his state, he knows that his partner is not very happy to talk to others, so he didn't insist. Situ Mu smiled apologetically at him and left in a hurry, leaving Wang Lin's ridicule behind him.

When Situ Mu arrived downstairs in the apartment, Mu Yi also arrived. Situ Mu was very surprised why Mu Yi came back so late, Mu Yi didn't say anything, just tossed the bag with the biscuits in his hand, Situ Mu knew that Mu Yi had already planned what to eat tomorrow.

"Can we not be so advanced?" Situ Mu took the bag in Mu Yi's hand and dragged her upstairs.

"I want to eat it when I see it. It's okay, my monthly allowance for meals is still enough." Mu Yi said nonchalantly, saying that Situ Mu wanted to beat her.

When he got home, Situ Mu had washed the rice, and planned to cook a rice porridge. He put the rice in a pot, added water, put a grate on the pot, put the steamed buns on the grate, and turned on the induction cooker. The steamed buns were delivered by Jiang Ning yesterday. After that, Situ Mu took out the spare ribs. Of course, the spare ribs were also delivered by Jiang Ning yesterday, and started to make braised spare ribs.

By the time Situ Mu finished the meal, it was almost eight o'clock. Mu Yi didn't know what to do in the bedroom. When Situ Mu went in and called her out for dinner, he saw her closing the computer very quickly. Situ Mu felt that he had been stabbed with an arrow in his heart. This was not to be trusted, and it was too uncomfortable. Mu Yi watched Situ Mu act and smacked him with a smile, and the two happily went to dinner.

When the meal was over, Mu Yi got back into the bedroom again. Situ Mu didn't know what she was doing, but he didn't even think to ask, so he checked his phone and TV for a while, and didn't go back to his bedroom until it was almost 11 o'clock.

In the bedroom, Mu Yi stared at the computer and was watching a horror movie. Situ Mu didn't know what it was, when he saw a lump of black suddenly appear on the originally white wall. After a while, the black slowly faded away, and ants He suddenly ran out, and as soon as the camera turned, he saw a man whose face was full of ants that had just crawled out of the wall. Situ Mu knew that Mu Yi liked watching movies, especially such exciting ones, but Situ Mu really disgusted such movies.

Situ Mu patted Mu Yi on the back, and Mu Yi turned his head sharply. Originally, Situ Mu wanted to frighten Mu Yi, but he was frightened by Mu Yi. He stared at Mu Yi with wide eyes. Mu Yi didn't feel anything at first, but now he suddenly felt like he had gone too far.

Mu Yi was about to say something when Situ Mu suddenly reached out and closed the computer.

"I was frightened." Situ Mu put his hand closed on Mu Yi's shoulder and whispered, "You have to be responsible."

Situ Mu deliberately lowered his voice and was trembling a little. Mu Yi never thought that such a simple clip could scare people. In her impression, although Situ Mu didn't like these kinds of movies, he was still quite courageous, but now...

"Don't you believe me?" Situ Mu bit his lower lip, looking aggrieved.

Mu Yi shook his head, not wanting to continue this topic. She has compromised on this matter.

"Then accompany me to take a bath." Situ Mu dragged Mu Yi to the bathroom.

An hour later, Mu Yi knew that the so-called fear was just a fake. Mr. Situ achieved his goal and was satisfied, Mu Yi wanted to kick him, but he was more than enough.

Class is a bit of a headache. Situ Mu's students are not too troublesome. In fact, they listen very seriously, but they always like to ask strange questions. Although Situ Mu had no problem coping with it, that was before, and now, I always feel a little guilty.

Jiang Yu and Zeng Nuo's plane arrives here tonight, and Situ Mu and Mu Yi have to pick them up. When Situ Mu went out in the morning, Mu Yi was still asleep, not sure if he was awake now.

After two classes, Situ Mu returned to the office. Yesterday, he told Mu Yi that he was eating out with Wang Lin at noon today, so he would not be in the apartment. He asked Mu Yi to come to him by himself, and Mu Yi replied in a daze.

"Let's send a text message later." Situ Mu thought, and turned on the computer to prepare for the lesson.

When Mu Yi was there, as long as Mu Yi didn't rest, Situ Mu didn't have the time to prepare lessons, and it was more convenient to stay in the office to prepare lessons.

After Situ Mu sent a text message to Mu Yi, he began to prepare lessons with peace of mind, but after a class passed, he did not receive a reply from Mu Yi. He was thinking about whether to call Mu Yi when Mu Yi's text message came in.

"I remember. But you may need to make a reservation first. It was about ten past twelve when I went to your office." Mu Yi's text message said so. Situ Mu thought that he might have something to do, so he replied, "I see, no problem." Then he told Wang Lin, he booked a restaurant again, and continued to prepare his own lessons.

When school was over at twelve o'clock, Situ Mu saved the courseware, turned off the computer, and waited for Mu Yi to come over.

After 12:00, a student came in with a large stack of workbooks, placed it on Situ Mu's original desk, and then stood by the desk and waited for the teacher to come.

"The students in the Chinese department are pretty disciplined." Situ Mu looked at this student and thought about his own students, the contrast was obvious. But now it has come to the appointed time with Mu Yi, why haven't people come yet.

Just thinking about it, Mu Yi pushed the door and entered. Situ Mu stood up, and just as he was about to speak, the students around him spoke first. "Teacher, there are 32 people in the class, and 30 of them hand in homework."

"Well, two people asking for leave." Mu Yi smiled at Situ Mu, pulled out the stool, and sat down facing the student. "Go back and tell the two of them that the 4,000-word homework has been completed. I won't care about this time off."

The student seemed very embarrassed, Mu Yi shook his head and lamented the "methods" of these students, which were too low-end.

"It's not the best policy to pretend to be sick and ask for leave. It's hard to get away with it." Seeing that the student's expression changed, Mu continued, "I'm still saying that, I don't care if you hand in four thousand words. Oh yes. Well, before class tomorrow afternoon at the latest. Let's go."

The student let out a long sigh of relief and left.

There are other teachers in the office. In university courses, electives are generally two-way choices, and compulsory courses are focused on answering, so few teachers will embarrass students. But like Mu Yi, he can even figure out why students ask for leave, and it is even rarer. So everyone looked at her, wondering what kind of teacher was so responsible, but what they saw was a little girl.

"You..." Situ Mu had a lot of questions, but he didn't know how to speak.

"I've eaten, I've starved to death." Mu Yi pulled Situ Mu and walked out, his face full of grievances, as if she was hungry because Situ Mu abused her.

"I didn't abuse you. It's your fault that you are hungry. Who told you not to eat in the morning." Situ Mu heard Mu Yi's stomach growl and guessed that she probably didn't eat anything in the morning.

Mu Yi knew that it was his own fault for not eating breakfast, so he didn't talk about the problem, he just dragged Situ Mu out.

"Wait, there are still people with us." Situ Mu grabbed her and called Wang Lin back.

Mu Yi remembered what Situ Mu said, he has a friend who will have dinner with them today. Just now, I was just trying to stop Situ Mu from worrying about his lack of breakfast, and forgot about Situ Mu's friends.

Wang Lin watched a play and was in a good mood. He happily went out to dinner with Situ Mu and the others. The other teachers looked at each other in dismay. This new Chinese teacher actually knew Situ Mu

When the three of them arrived at the restaurant they had ordered, the waiter at the front desk saw them and directly greeted another waiter to take them to the private room, during which a few of them were chatting and laughing. As soon as Mu Yi saw this posture, he knew that these people knew each other.

"You know each other well?" After ordering the meal, Mu Yi looked at them. Wang Lin thought it was interesting that Situ Mu and Mu Yi were talking, so he just watched and didn't speak.

Situ Mu felt that Mu Yi was jealous, and instead of being angry, he was quite happy. "The teachers from our school often eat here, and they are quite familiar with the people here." Situ Mu stroked Mu Yi's hair and smoothed it for her. Of course, this idea is absolutely not let Mu Yi know. "Come, let me introduce you, this is Wang Lin, my colleague, and your colleague in the future."

"Hey, beauty." Wang Lin waved at Mu Yi, Mu nodded and smiled.

"I know you. You also know Jiang Yu." Mu Yi knew Wang Lin, but he actually knew it from the information given by Jiang Ning, but this cannot be said.

"Yes, I know Jiang Yu, Situ Mu's good friend." Wang Lin said, suddenly remembering what Jiang Yu and Situ Mu had said before, it seems that they have a little friend, a girl, "Don't you Yes?"

Mu Yi guessed that Situ Mu and Jiang Yu had talked about themselves in front of Wang Lin, so they didn't hide it. "Well, I'm Muyi, we grew up together."

"Oh~~ let me tell you..."

After a meal, the three of them chatted happily. Wang Lin told Mu Yi a lot about Situ Mu’s school. Situ Mu glared at him and explained that he had to serve Mu Yi with vegetables. , only Mu Yi was full.

Mu Yi had no class in the afternoon, Situ Mu had class, and Mu Yi went back first. Wang Lin took Situ Mu and asked him to tell the story of He Muyi, but Situ Mu didn't know where to start, so he casually said a couple of things about their childhood and sent Wang Lin away, then sat in his own room. At work, he looked at Mu Yi's desk and began to be in a daze.

There were not many people in the office, but some people were not so curious after hearing what Situ Mu said to Wang Lin about Mu Yi. Only Situ Mu had a lot of questions but didn't know how to ask them. When Mu Yi came back, he was only excited and forgot everything.

In the afternoon class, the students obviously felt that Teacher Situ was not paying attention, and everyone didn't dare to say anything more, so they could only listen to the class obediently. After class, Situ Mu put away his things and left without staying a minute longer.

"Oh, my mother, today's Teacher Situ is so terrifying." A girl had lingering fears.

"Yes, yes, today's Teacher Situ feels like an evil spirit possessed." Even the boys felt terrified.

Everyone guessed what happened to Situ Mu. And their teacher Situ didn't even deliver the book to the office, and went straight back to the teacher's apartment.

When I went back, I found that Mu Yi was sitting in the living room with a notebook and beating. Mu Yi's right shoulder showed signs of healing, so he could raise his hand and do simple exercises. So Mu Yi was beating on the computer now, but Situ Mu didn't say anything.

Situ Mu walked over and saw Mu Yi working on the courseware. "Why did you become a teacher of the Chinese Department of University A?"

Before Mu Yi could say anything, Situ Mu suddenly remembered that there was Jiang Yu. "By the way, we still have to pick up Jiang Yu and Zeng Nuo, let's go." Situ Mu didn't change his shoes when he entered the room, and now he pushes Mu Yi directly into the room to change his clothes.

Mu Pair Situ Mu's current state is very helpless. Situ Mu has grown up since he was a child. If there are no unexpected situations, he has always been calm and composed, but now, he wants to lose his temper at every turn, and his behavior is impatient, and he does not have the demeanor that a teacher should have.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will tell you slowly. Jiang Yu is not in a hurry, there are still three hours." Mu Yi slowly put on his clothes and followed Situ Mu out the door.

Situ Mu has worked here for five years, and it is unlikely that he will leave in the future, so he also bought a car here. Situ Mu's car was blocked as soon as he left the school gate.

X City is an ancient city, and A University is also a century-old famous school. It is said that the development in recent years is not as good as that of schools in other developed areas, but the cultural heritage that it should have is still there. Therefore, the flow of people here is also very large, and traffic jams are also the norm.

"Turn on the music." Seeing that Situ Mu was a little impatient, Mu told him to turn on the music.

Situ Mu only has Gufeng albums in his car, because he prefers ancient styles, especially gentle and tender songs. So the singing came out, the whole car was gentle and gentle, and the atmosphere was very peaceful.

"I was going to go to work in that unit, but my current health is not suitable, so I arranged to be here first and be a teacher for a period of time. It is said that I feel that I will leave it alone, and I will pay white-collar wages. The above is very resentful. I'll make a contribution." Speaking of this, Mu Yi got angry. She is still a patient, although she has run all the way back to L City from the imperial capital, but that is because there is a Situ Mu there, it does not mean that she wants to work. But the old man actually let her go to work. He also said that this is a great contribution to coaching the future pillars of the country. Isn't it because he graduated from here, he always felt that the government did not pay enough attention to this school, so let her, who is now in the limelight, be the "leader".

"Then how long will you stay here?" Situ Mu asked Mu Yi. Just as the car in front started to move, Situ Mu started the car and started to move forward.

"About half a year. Because the wound will heal in about half a year." Mu Yi didn't want to talk about this, and was irritable.

There was one more thing that Situ Mu didn't quite understand. "Then you won't need any physical strength for your future work, so why do you want to do this now?"

"It doesn't require physical strength, but brain power. The situation here is more complicated than imagined, so the mental power consumption is greater than the physical power consumption." Mu Yi thought about his future work and had a headache.

"But then, aren't Jiang Yu and Zeng Nuo dangerous?"

"No. Now that group of people doesn't know his details at all, and his direct supervisors haven't started to work, so they don't dare to act rashly. But Jiang Yu and Zeng Nuo's work will be boring."

"How to say?"

"Without a boss, no one will embarrass them, but correspondingly, no one will protect them, and they will not be in contact with what should be their work. That group of people will never give Jiang Yu and the others what they should do. They won't teach them to handle things."

"People here don't know you yet?"

"Like Jiang Yu's boss, who thought he was an old man or an old lady, at least he must be about the same age as them."

"Then when you go to work, won't you?"

"There will be problems, but it's not big. After all, I was also sent from above, and they dare not do anything in a short time. When they dare to do something, they will almost be cleared." Mu Yi hates officialdom and politics, but Now, even the military system has begun to take this, especially their branch, which is definitely not a good thing for China. It is absolutely sad when politics begins to infiltrate an institution that is not led and controlled by any institution and is only loyal to the state.

"Oh." Situ Mu had always been ignorant of these matters. He didn't like it, and Mu Yi and Jiang Yu didn't like it either, but now they had to touch it, Situ Mu didn't know if it was their sorrow or the sorrow of the society or the country.

"Actually, it's nothing if you think about it. Jiang Yu and Zeng Nuo have been idle for the past six months. Even if they take time off from work and go out to play for half a year, they still have their wages and corresponding benefits, and they are much more than his original wages. Too much." Mu Yi pouted, very unhappy, why, hum, "But they will be busy when they turn around." Mu Yi put his elbows by the car window, stomped his face, and lamented his life.

"But they will be very busy in the future, and they may never have a vacation." Situ Mu was driving the car, looking at the road conditions, he had to draw out his mind to comfort Mu Yi.

"But I will be very busy in the future, I will only be busier than them. At least my brain cells will definitely die more than his, hum." Mu Yi thought of his tragic fate in the future, and he didn't think about it at all. It's past tomorrow.

These few days I have been thinking about my future life, and I am really asking for trouble, which is really not a good thing. Mu Yi felt that he was in a bad mood recently and might need to adjust his mental state.

Situ Mu felt Mu Yi's irritability, his eyes were still fixed on the road, but he still took out a hand and patted Mu Yi's head. In fact, he really wanted to kiss her, but now there is no time and it is not suitable.

After receiving Jiang Yu and Zeng Nuo, Situ Mu listened to Mu Yi and took them to the address Mu Yi said. There is accommodation arranged for the two by the unit where Jiang Yu will work in the future.

"How did you persuade them to arrange a house for us?" After Mu Yi told Jiang Yu and Zeng Nuo about the accommodation situation, Zeng Nuo asked her.

"It's nothing, just let Sun Han tell them that the two of you are single and good friends, and that one is my assistant and the other is a secretary. It is more convenient to live together and work. So they arranged a house." In fact, Mu Yiyi I don't know how Sun Han told those people, but in order not to make Jiang Yu and the others suspicious, he made up an excuse. She believed in Sun Han and wouldn't say anything that shouldn't be said casually.

"Oh." Zeng Nuo got the answer he wanted and didn't bother anymore. Jiang Yu and Situ Mu chatted with each other, Zeng Nuo packed up the day's things the day before, very tired and lethargic, Mu Yi, has been in this state recently, so both of them are dizzy almost.

When they got there, both Mu Yi and Zeng Nuo were awake. Mu Yi walked over to the guard and took out a document from his bag. Because of the particularity of the people staying here, soldiers stand guard. After the little soldier saw the certificate, he saluted Chong Muyi again, turned around and waved to the hall, and another little soldier came out with a key in his hand. He also gave Mu Yi a salute, and then gave the key to Mu Yi. Mu Yi waved his hand to signal that Situ Mu could drive in the car.

After Situ Mu drove in the car, following Mu Yi's guidance, he arrived at Building 11. The unit arranged for Jiang Yu and Zeng Nuo to stay in House 3 on the 12th floor of Building 11. After the four people brought their things upstairs, they cleaned up again, and it was almost 10 o'clock when they were done.

Mu Yi ordered takeout when it was almost done, and the four of them just packed up when the takeout arrived. After the four of them ate takeout, Mu Yi and Situ Mu left. Before leaving, they told Jiang Yu and Zeng Nuo to report in three days.

Originally, Situ Mu felt that it was already very late, so he could go to sleep directly after he went back, but Mu Yi actually asked him to make egg tarts after he went back, and he even made up his face.

"Why, it's so late." Situ Mu didn't understand.

Mu Yi felt that Situ Mu's brain now seemed to have run away from home, how smart he was in the past. Although his life is not as good as Jiang Yu, he is also very slippery. Why can't he turn around now

"Have you ever thought about it, you only introduced Wang Lin to me today. If I were just a teacher of the Chinese Department, then it would be understandable, but now, I am not only a teacher of the Chinese Department, but also with you. But you didn't introduce us to know each other, so you're not afraid of them..." Mu Yi raised his eyebrows and didn't say it clearly, but Situ Mu still understood.

Situ Mu really didn't think about this level, mainly because he didn't care, because in the past few years, he got along well with these people, and there was no conflict or anything, but now, there is Mu Yi, and Mu Yi is there. The existence of Yi is rather embarrassing. She did not apply for a formal job or was dispatched, but was airborne. In this case, it is inevitable that people will not have doubts. Mu Yi now asks him to make egg tarts and give them to his colleagues tomorrow. In this way, he can save his image.

Situ Mu was making egg tarts, and Mu Yi was sitting by the side preparing for the lesson. Situ Mu looked at Mu Yi seriously, and it was funny. "You said that the two of us, during this evening, either you are preparing lessons or I am preparing lessons, which is also interesting."

Mu Yi also thought it was very interesting when he thought about the situation of Qing in the past few days. "Don't you think it's very interesting? In the quiet night, each does his own thing, but as soon as he turns his head," Mu Yi said, he turned his head, "you can see each other."

Situ Mu saw the infinite tenderness in Mu Yi's eyes, and his heart was warm. He wanted to say something, but he felt that words could not express his feelings, so he could only look at Mu Yi with the same tenderness, but his hand did not stop. Still pouring my own egg tarts.

The computer indicated that there was an email coming, Mu Yi turned to look at the computer, and found that it was an email sent to her by the younger brother.

"Senior sister, Wei has a problem. The details are in the annex. You must read it carefully."

Mu Yi frowned and opened the email. The attachment contained a complete personal data. When he was a few years old, he still wet the bed, and now he has "contacted" with a person. The more Mu Yi looked down, the more embarrassed her face became. She didn't expect this person to be like this now.

"What's wrong?" Situ Mu felt that Mu Yi was in a complicated mood just by looking at his back.

Mu Yi didn't know if he should tell him, after all there were Jiang Yu and Zeng Nuo. After thinking about it, she decided not to tell Situ Mu. "It's nothing, it's just an email." After reading the email, Mu Yi shredded the file and used the encryption system to encrypt the mailbox.

Situ Mu made the egg tarts and it was very late. Mu Yi turned off the computer and went back to the bedroom. Situ Mu was suddenly in a good mood when he remembered that he would have no class tomorrow morning.

"Do you have class tomorrow morning?" When Situ Mu entered the bedroom, he heard noises from the bathroom, so he walked over to lean against the bathroom wall, looked at the closed door of the bathroom, and asked Mu Yi.

"No, it's in the afternoon." The sound coming from the bathroom door and wall was a little distorted, but Situ Mu found it unusually sexy.

As soon as Mu came out, he saw Situ Mu beside the bathroom and was startled. Mu Yi looked at Situ Mu up and down with a smile on his face. "Mr. Situ is very leisurely."

"You can't be as exciting as Miss Mu." Situ Mu crossed his arms and looked at Mu Yi.

Mu Yi knew that he was "invincible", so he might as well follow Situ Mu's heart.

Mu Yi didn't understand why a person who was cold could become prosperous. For her, no matter what Situ Mu wanted to do, she would agree to it. But just because she couldn't refuse Situ Mu, she was even more depressed.

Situ Mu also knew that he was a little out of control, but he couldn't control himself, and he couldn't do anything about it. Although he didn't do it often, he did it several times each time, and it took a long time. He also knew that it was more difficult for Mu Yi's body, but he just couldn't control it.

Mu Yi fell asleep, but Situ Mu was blaming himself, and he was blaming himself while paying back what, which made Situ Mu even more desperate.

The next day, Situ Mu woke up first than Muyi. He stared at Mu for a while, then got up to move his muscles and bones, went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then made breakfast, in fact, toasted a piece of bread and warmed a glass of milk before calling Mu to get up.

Mu Yi has a sense of getting up, but as long as she is a little awake and sees Situ Mu, her sense of getting up will disappear. This is the experience Situ Mu has gained over the years.

When Mu Yi saw Situ Mu in a daze, he reached out to Situ Mu to hug him. Situ Mu smiled dotingly, picked her up, took her to the bathroom, squeezed out the toothpaste for her, told her to brush her teeth well, and went out first.

When Mu Yi came out, Situ Mu had already eaten. Mu Yi didn't like to drink milk, but Situ Mu sat across from him and looked at her. She didn't dare not drink it. In the end, she had to endure the discomfort and drink the milk without eating much bread.

Originally, Situ Mu wanted to take Muyi to go shopping with Jiang Yu and Zeng Nuo. After all, Jiang Yu and Zeng Nuo had just arrived, and there were still many things to prepare. But just now Jiang Yu called and said that he and Zeng Nuo would be fine. Without Situ Mu and Mu Yi to accompany him, Situ Mu told him to call him if something happened, but he didn't insist.

Mu Yi and Situ Mu became the same as last night: Mu Yi took a computer to prepare lessons, Situ Mu made a fruit platter and put it on the coffee table, and then took a computer to prepare lessons; Mu Yi prepared for a while Lesson, if you are thirsty, go and pour a glass of water, and by the way, bring a glass of water to Situ Mu; Situ Mu will pick up the clean plate after a while, wash it, put some snacks and take it, Mu Yi stretches out his hand to take it One ate, and then continued to type on the keyboard, Situ Mu also kept typing...

At noon, Situ Mu didn't want to cook, so he ordered takeout. Mu Yi took a few bites, but he didn't like it very much, so he stopped eating it. Situ Mu saw this and put the shop on the blacklist.

The class started at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and the two of them took a break. Situ Mu helped Mu Yi hold the courseware and books, and the two went to the teaching area together. In this afternoon's class, the teaching buildings where the two of them are located are adjacent to each other. Along the way, many people saw that Teacher Situ from the Department of Finance was with a girl, and only the students of the Department of Chinese complained: Mom. Ah, this new teacher actually met Teacher Situ, and I felt a sense of disillusionment in an instant. One is a gentle and refined person who is well-known in the entire A University, but the other one just took a class and made the entire Chinese Department feel terrified. These two are together, so, so simple. The students of the Chinese Department said that they really did not know how to do this. describe.

When they reached the downstairs of the classroom, the two of them went north and south, each taking their own classes.

When Mu Yi entered the classroom, the students in the literature class basically knew that she and Situ Mu knew each other, but no one dared to ask. Everyone was ready to listen to the class quietly, but Teacher Mu put the textbook and the USB flash drive on the table, leaned against the desk and went somewhere, and then spoke. "We won't teach today, let's talk."

Mu Yi raised his head and glanced at the situation in the class, and said, "Well, today is a good day. Everyone is gathered, so let's introduce ourselves. Name, gender, dormitory, hobbies, and the rest you can talk about yourself."

The students in the class wanted to laugh at this teacher, but they even asked someone to introduce their gender, and they were also drunk. But they are teachers, so there is no other way but to listen.

"My name is Zhu Yi, male, I live in Room 4211, Building 4, Dormitory Building. I like to read books and newspapers, and I like to watch entertainment news the most. The goddess is Ling Yan..."

"My name is Fan Xinyi, female, I live in Room 3421, Building 3, dormitory building. My hobby is playing badminton and playing mobile games..."

"My name is Li Ran, female. I live in Room 3413, Building 3, Dormitory Building. My hobby is reading and traveling."

Everyone in the class introduced themselves, but everyone found that Mu Yi didn't seem to care because she kept her head down the whole time.

"Well, there's one more left."

Originally, everyone thought that since the teacher didn't respect us, we could also make the teacher make a fool of himself, and we encouraged the last classmate not to stand up and introduce himself. As a result, this new teacher actually listened and knew. Someone didn't introduce himself. God.

The last classmate stood up embarrassed and introduced himself. After Mu Yi heard it, he finally raised his head.

"I was preparing for class in the morning, and I kept my head down for too long. When I looked up, my neck always hurt." Mu Yi raised his left hand to press his neck. Well, it really hurts. "So there's no class today." Mu Yi really couldn't complain about these playful and clever students. Their tricks now are the leftovers they played back then, and now they want to use such means to fool her, which is childish.

The monitor Liu Jie raised her hand to indicate that she had a question to ask. In the past, they just stood up and asked, but this new teacher is really unpredictable, so they didn't dare to make trouble.


"Teacher, we won't be in this class, so what are we going to do?"

"Ask each other."


"Don't ask, how do you know how you're going to get along with me in the next six months?" Mu Yi twisted his neck, feeling that the pain was no longer so bad, and began to inspect the situation in the class.

The students in the literature class were also seeing such a teacher for the first time. Some people really wanted to ask questions, but they didn't dare to ask. They all seemed to be submissive, which was really ugly.

"If you have any questions, ask them quickly, and you won't have to ask them later, but don't say that I don't give face."

Finally someone stood up.

"Teacher, I want to ask why you came to teach here?"

"Because, I happened to have half a year of free time, so I came to teach books for half a year."

"Then; teacher, what school and what major are you in?"

"The undergraduate degree is from Imperial College, majoring in medicine, and the master's and doctoral degrees are from Elsevier University, majoring in literature."

The people were in an uproar. It is not easy for a medical student to change his major to study literature in his master's degree. As a result, this person was admitted to the master's degree and doctorate degree of Elsway University. Elsevier University is one of the most famous universities in the world today. Its literature majors hardly fall out of the top three in the world every year. It is the best ideal for many literature majors who want to continue their studies. But this school is really very strict in terms of admissions, so it is difficult to get in. I didn't expect this new teacher to be from that school. But does this new teacher have a brain problem? They all graduated from Elvis University with a Ph.D. Why should they bring their group of undergraduates, isn't it better for graduate students? People slandered.

"I only have half a year of free time. It can be regarded as compulsory teaching. There is no way for master students to take them to graduate, so I can only take you for one semester." Mu Yi knew what they were thinking at a glance. These students love to play. He is careful but he has no scheming, everything is written on his face, and he does not know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

When one person starts, the next one continues. After the serious questioning is over, it is time to gossip.

"Teacher, I prefer gossip, so..." A girl with short hair stood up, and Mu Yi remembered that her name was Yuan Yuanyuan, a very cute name.

"Well, say it." Mu Yi almost guessed what he was going to ask. Since she came with Situ Mu just now, she was ready to be asked about gossip.

"Who are you and Teacher Situ?"

"Well, we plan to get married, but the wedding date is undecided."

"Oh~~ fiancee." In fact, everyone thought of this possibility.

Mr. Situ from the Department of Finance has always been the white moonlight in the hearts of students. He is young but stable, energetic but wise, and he knows how to take care of the students' hearts, so everyone likes him very much. However, as far as everyone knows, although Teacher Situ has been in love, they both broke up in the end. A good classmate has inquired that Mr. Situ broke up with his former girlfriend. It seems that Mr. Situ is humble and polite to everyone, which makes his ex-girlfriends unacceptable. Everyone thinks that Teacher Situ's ex-girlfriends are more demanding. After all, there are really not many teachers who will give the students a fake slip when they come to the aunt and find someone to take care of them. What a good teacher. But there are also rumors in the market that it is because Teacher Situ never asks for sex, so his ex-girlfriends all think that Teacher Situ is cold and so they broke up. But no matter what the rumors are, the students of University A still support Teacher Situ in the annual selection of charming teachers, and the high number of votes makes other teachers envious.

In fact, it is not that no students have actively pursued Teacher Situ. The school spirit of University A is open, and the love between teachers and students is nothing in this school, so there is no problem for teachers to chase students. However, among those who pursued Teacher Situ, whether they were school beauties, department flowers, academic tyrants or ordinary people, they all lost in the end and abandoned them one after another. Someone asked these girls who were chasing Situ Mu how they felt when they were chasing Situ Mu. They said the same thing. Basically, they were all: Teacher Situ can only be seen from a distance, and cannot be approached at all. All the warmth is just a means for him to hide his indifference.

But such a warm and indifferent person would actually help a new teacher with courseware, hold other people's hands, and take other people's shoulders. This is not normal. So before Mu Yi entered the classroom, some students speculated that the two might be a couple. Everyone was enthusiastic when they were guessing, but now it has been confirmed. The hanging stone fell to the ground. A pit, which makes everyone feel a sense of loss.
