
Chapter 15: As soon as I got back to the office, I saw a big box on my desk, the same as in previous years. (15)


In the wood one.

This is what Wang Lin saw when he came back: Mu Yi was lying on his stomach, Situ Mu was very close to her, one hand was still on Mu Yi's face, because Situ Mu was sitting on the right side of Mu Yi, just blocking Wang Lin. Lin's gaze made Wang Lin think that the two of them were sticking together while he was in the bathroom.

"Cough, cough," Wang Lin pretended to cough twice, reminding the two who "did not know the rules".

As a result, the two people still maintained their original postures, and Mu Yi actually sneered at him. "Go take medicine if you have a cold, or get a drip if you have an inflammation. I have no medicine for you to prescribe." After Mu Yi finished scolding him, Situ Mu actually laughed at him. Wang Lin felt that it was a shame to invite him for this meal today.

When ordering, Wang Lin ordered a full spicy banquet. Maybe I couldn't bear it, and finally ordered a non-spicy dish. Mu Yi's face darkened when he heard Wang Lin's order. Wang Lin was overjoyed, OS: Let you hate me. Situ Mu didn't show much, just asked for hot water.

Originally, Wang Lin thought that this meal would make Mu Yi very uncomfortable, but he gave Situ Muxiu another bite. Situ Mu actually rinsed the slightly less spicy dishes with hot water before serving them to Mu Yi. Wang Lin felt that he must be cautious about inviting them to dinner in the future.

Originally, they should go back to their respective houses after eating, and Wang Lin also made up his mind to have less contact with Mu Yi, but in the end he couldn't stand the temptation, and Mu Yi invited him to eat dessert and milk and fruit meal made by Situ Mu.

The two finally had a little conscience, and did not do anything extravagant. The three of them just ate some dessert and watched a literary film, and Wang Lin went back.

The days passed, and the winter went to spring, and the upper part of Mu Yi's shoulder was healed, but the scar was still there, which was a little ugly. But Situ Mu didn't care. Every time he did something indescribable or helped Muyi change clothes and take a bath, he didn't pay too much attention to the scars on Muyi's shoulders, so Muyi felt that although these scars were ugly, But it doesn't matter too much. It's just a little itchy when it rains, especially when it rains a lot in X City.

Since Mu Yi came back, Situ Mu doesn't seem to care about online activities anymore. He hasn't been online since he used chat software for the first time during the Chinese New Year, and the social software has been written that it will not accept new updates. It has been a drama for several months. , Not a single song was released.

Originally, Mu Yi didn't think there was anything. But one day when Jiang Yu and Zeng Nuo were having dinner with them, they suddenly mentioned that a very familiar plan was looking for him, but he never showed up, and people kept looking for him. When Mu Yi heard it, he looked at Situ Mu, who kept eating in embarrassment, not even knowing what to cook.

Mu Yi originally planned to witness the historic moment when Situ Mu sang on the chat software again after several months, but after posting the information on the social software to set the time, she suddenly received a call from her boss and wanted to go on a business trip.

"Mao, I'm a wounded and wounded now, and I'm now in charge of A, and I'm on a business trip!!!" Mu Duo was mad at the phone, and the old man on the other end laughed, but he still said this firmly. As soon as Mui had to go, angrily Mu shouted "wait for me to go back to work and see how I torment you" and hung up the phone.

Originally, Mu Yi really wanted to be like a romance drama, and he dropped the phone when he was angry, but the phone is really expensive, and he had to apply for it.

Situ Mu handed Mu Yi a glass of orange juice and said softly to her, "It's okay, I can change the time, eh?" Situ Mu knew that Mu Yi was actually looking forward to this concert.

"No need." Mu Yi sighed, "It's not good to be untrustworthy, I'll wait for the next time." Mu Yi thought of the old man, her current boss, and went crazy. I knew that I shouldn't have agreed to his request in the first place. In the end, I was too impatient at the beginning. If I didn't agree to his request at the beginning, I wouldn't be so controlled by others now. When you go back to work, you must find it.

"What did he ask you to do?" Situ Mu couldn't figure out what Mu Yi could do for them now.

"Help me move a program." Speaking of which, Mu Yi became even more angry, "The devil knows what it is. If I have a programmer myself, I have to go there, and those who don't know think I'm a professional. Ma Dan , I am a literature major!!!”

"No swearing." Situ Mu saw that Mu Yi drank the orange juice, and took the cup over to wash it.

Life is always unexpected, changing, sometimes exciting, sometimes maddening. Followed by all kinds of accidents, all kinds of troubles. So many times, when you do nothing in peace, troubles will come to you, such as the arrogant Mu Yi, such as the low-key Situ Mu.

Mu Yi's business trip was very unpleasant. The other party had a programmer but couldn't solve the problem. The old man transferred her and the younger brother to help. Originally, the younger brother thought that it would be a big trouble to transfer his work. With his own senior sister, it means that the trouble is still there. Not just a technical hassle. After the results came, I found out that God TM is troublesome. If the programmers of this unit did not come in through the back door, then they went through the back door after coming in. If there are no patches and files left, I will leave a shortcut and an application. If this works, the younger brother decides to write his name upside down.

The younger brother is very depressed, and the consequences are very serious.

The younger brother also met his senior sister with great difficulty. He was happy at first, but now he is full of anger. In the end, it was the old man who came forward and asked them to solve this problem, do something else by the way, and promised to do a good job of rewarding him with three months' salary. Only then did he appease the younger brother, who was reluctant to stay. down.

Mu Yi's original plan was to pack up in two days, and leave the rest of the work to them, so he went back first, so that he could catch up with Situ Mu's live broadcast. As a result, if the old man said a word, he had to stay for a week.

Situ Mu talks to Muyi on the phone every day, basically at a fixed time. Jiang Yu also contacted Mu Yi and asked a few questions about work. Everything was peaceful until the day Situ Mu went live.

The unit entrusted by the old man was a family and business unit, which kept a lot of messy documents. The old man said that he wanted Mu Yi and his younger brother to help him find a few documents from these messy materials, but the time was only one week. Therefore, Situ Mu and his younger brother had to work overtime.

Situ Mu was in a bad mood, but he didn't show much in front of Mu Yi. Jiang Yu always thought that Situ Mu and Mu Yi had talked about it. After all, this matter was rather troublesome. It turned out that Situ Mu only knew about it on the day of the live broadcast, but Mu Yi didn't know it at all.

"Have you ever thought about the consequences when Dao Muyi comes back and finds out about this?" Jiang Yu didn't quite understand what Situ Mu was thinking, so he could basically conclude that she could destroy her. that group of people.

"Let's talk when she comes back. I'm on a business trip now, and I don't want to distract her." Situ Mu disagreed. Although his mood was indeed greatly reduced because of this incident, he still hoped that Mu Yi could work with peace of mind.

Originally, both Situ Mu and Jiang Yu felt that this incident was a commotion on major forums. Unexpectedly, during the live broadcast, some people would openly abuse Situ Mu on the public screen. Although the management staff quickly blocked the account, it attracted more onlookers. passers-by felt that Situ Mu was guilty.

Situ Mu, who was singing, saw everything on the public screen, a joyful song, and became sad in the ears of fans who firmly supported him and believed in him.

Jiang Yu felt that he couldn't go on like this, so he called Mu Yi.

When Mu Yi answered the phone, he was working overtime. The other unit didn't know what was going on today. It seemed that he was suddenly enlightened after being struck by lightning. From the morning until now, people have been staring at them, irritable.

"If you have something to say, get out of here, I'm annoying." The younger brother looked at the irritable senior sister and moved the stool to the side. Grumpy women are scary.

The secretary of a certain boss who came to "supervise" stared at the irritable Mu Yi, as if she would sell their unit.

Jiang Yu briefly explained what happened and Situ Mu's current situation, but got no response from Mu Yi.

"You're talking, girl." Jiang Yu thought Mu Yi was angry and said cautiously. He didn't think Mu Yi sighed.

"Give me the link and channel information, and I'll take a look." Mu Yi said while switching the interface of the computer.

Jiang Yu quickly gave Mu Yi the link to the post and the channel where Situ Mu is now. There are a lot of link sources, so Mu Yi patted the younger brother and gave him more than half of the links to check.

"You don't meet the rules." The secretary said suddenly.

The secretary didn't like Mu Yi very much, because after Mu Yi came, all the original technicians from the unit were kicked out, and she didn't allow the people from her unit to interfere in this matter.

Actually, it's not Mu Yi's fault. The original group of people made the program. They thought that they just deleted some hidden files and made the program unusable. Mu Yi thought they were really idiots. An idiot, or a madman. It’s okay to delete the file, but when you feel that the computer program and the application program are incompatible, you want to change the computer program, you TM will not change the application program, and the data entry software is not the only one. As a result, the entire computer crashed, and I don't know what else the group of people did, and all the computers in the archive room had problems. Talent, Mu Yi is sure that these people did not come in through the back door, that is, there is a problem with the leaders who recruited them.

"The rule? The rule is that you can swipe the mobile phone wirelessly, but I can't use the computer to connect to the Internet?" Mu Yiren has been talking about it for a long time, but yesterday he actually said that the current running program is too troublesome, so I want to make a program for them. This is a software that only needs to enter keywords to record the complete information. You think you are a fairy, and all the work can be done automatically with a snort.

"The mobile phone I use is different from yours. You are not entitled to use our computer at will."

"Okay", Mu paused for a while, and continued, "Let's take care of it. First, your boss's boss asked my boss for this job, and my boss asked a few of us to help, so our status You are at least one level higher than your boss, and you are not qualified to control us; second, we have clearly said that no one is allowed to disturb, you have already interfered with our work; third, even if you work in your unit, you No right to restrict our freedom; fourth, take your junk food and get out."

The secretary was so angry that Mu Yi said that, his face was flushed, and he even wanted to do it. The younger brother and several other colleagues put down their work and looked at her at the same time. The hero does not suffer immediate losses, and the secretary runs away.

"Sister," everyone continued their work. The younger brother felt that what happened just now might have a bad impact. "What if she goes to complain?"

"If she dares to sue me, I can get her and her boss down from their current positions." Mu Yi replied while registering the information.

"not understand."

Junior Junior Brother was as concise as ever, Mu Yi patted his head, and the rest of the staff looked terrified. This little junior brother never lets others touch him, and Mu Yi can actually scratch his head! !

"She wears the same necklace as her boss. She can't afford the clothes she's wearing now with her income."

"That could also be because her family has money?" the group member asked.

"No. Her trousers, shoes and watches don't match the price of her tops, mobile phones and necklaces, lipsticks and eyeshadows, and earrings and so on." Mu Yi listed the gaps in the secretary one by one. , Everyone else was stunned, it turns out that girls are so particular about their decorations. "The most important thing is that every time she and her boss are with her, they look at each other with ambiguous eyes."

"But... is her boss married?"

"Yes. I knew before I came here, that person is married."


"Okay, okay, don't make a fuss, just do your own work. Little Junior Brother, are you done?"

"All right."

When Mu Yi saw the information sent by the younger brother, his face instantly sank. If Jiang Yu's words just now gave her a reason to be angry, then the information sent by the younger brother now makes her want to kill.

Mu Yi entered the channel Jiang Yu gave her and saw that both Situ Mu and Jiang Yu were on the microphone. It may be that Situ Mu acquiesced, but there was no management to stop the quarrel and remarks on the public screen. Situ Mu is singing, his famous song, "Love".

Mu Yi poked Jiang Yu privately, but Jiang Yu set up to block strangers, as did Situ Mu. Mu Yi sent a message to Jiang Yu, and after Jiang Yu received it, he carried her to Mai.

The people in Mai Xia saw that Yu Xuan suddenly hugged Mai's girl's vest, and most of them forgot to quarrel, and the speed of chatting on the public screen was quite slow. The management thought it was a software swipe, and the newcomer went to the wheat by himself, but Yuxuan saw that the newcomer and Situ Mu were connected to the wheat, and he also changed the newcomer's name to girl.

The newlyweds after getting on the wheat didn't say anything, just listened to Situ Mu sing quietly, and the wheat was arguing again.

After Situ Mu sang a song, he suddenly found that there was a girl's vest on the wheat, and he was in a state with himself. Jiang Yu poked Situ Mu privately, and Situ Mu quarreled with Jiang Yu in a private chat, but in the end, he was persuaded by Jiang Yu, because Jiang Yu said, "How do you know she doesn't want to bear it with you? After all She missed you for five years."


"Work, work overtime, and go back next Monday." Speaking of work, Mu Yi felt powerless.

"It's so late, have you eaten yet?" Situ Mu didn't know much about Mu Yi's work, but as long as she ate and worked for a while, Situ Mu could also agree.

"I ate it, but it was so unpalatable. I miss your braised pork ribs." Mu Yi sniffed, as if smelling the braised pork ribs.

"The braised pork ribs I ate at night." Jiang Yu said suddenly, with a smile in his words.

"You go out!!" Mu Pair Jiang Yu was ashamed of Jiang Yu's retaliation.

"You are too unpromising. Your man has a complete collection of cuisines, and you only like braised pork ribs." Although Jiang Yu often cooks, in fact, among several people, Situ Mu is the most skilled at cooking. .

"The braised pork ribs is very good, and it's not too complicated." Mu Yi collected the work and documents in his hand and began to concentrate on chatting with them.

"I said," Mu glanced at the public screen, thought about it, and decided to say it directly.

"What?" Situ Mu felt that this matter could not be avoided.

"I want to say, I've only been away for four days, and you've become someone else's third party? Are you going around the speed of light?" After Mu Yi finished speaking, the entire channel was quiet, and no one swiped messages. Everyone else in the office stopped working and looked at Mu Yi.

"What are you looking at? Just listen, you have to watch it, it doesn't work." Mu Yi roared at them lazily.

"Are you with someone else?" Situ Mu knew that Mu Yi was not alone on a business trip, but at this point, he still worked overtime together.

"Yeah. Hurry up and leave soon." Mu Yi seemed to dislike this job.

"Then also pay attention to your body." Situ Mu urged her.

"I have my senses, it doesn't matter." After Mu Yi finished speaking, he found that he was being led astray by Situ Mu.

Situ Mu really didn't want Mu Yi to interfere in this matter. He knew when it first happened that there was a conspiracy of love and hate behind it. After all, he and that person were friends before, and he didn't want things to be irreversible. It is difficult to clean up, and one of the three will eventually be ruined in this circle.

But now, Mu Yi knew. Terukiichi's temper, she will definitely handle this matter to the end.

"Also, don't change the subject." Mu Yi knew Situ Mu's personality and would definitely help to hide it, but he didn't expect him to even dig himself into it. "In the end, you just want to protect that person, but how do you know that they are willing to accept your love?"

"Mu Yi, I'll take care of this matter, okay?" Situ Mu already had a pleading message in his words. But Mu Yi did not accept it.

When the people on the public screen heard the two people discussing, they knew that this matter must not be that simple. But the reason why black fans are black fans is that no matter what you do, they can be misinterpreted in another direction. For example, now, someone is recording, and then intercepts some of them, and finally piece together a dialogue to prove the second-dimensional god-level The character Lin He is a scumbag.

"You accept some things first, and then tell me what to do after you've read them." Mu Yi sent Situ Mu what his younger brother found out, but he was controlling someone's computer from afar.

After Situ Mu received the information, he realized that the matter was not as simple as the person told him, and the person was not as frank as when he communicated with him.

"So, I'm still not as smart as you." Situ Mu said to Mu Yi with a smile.

In fact, Situ Mu at this moment is much more relaxed than before. Knowing that you are a useful tool in the eyes of others, you don't have to worry that the other party will be questioned when they come to you, and you don't have to worry that the other party will frame Lai Muyi.

"You're not as smart as I am, but you're too soft-hearted. One day, your soft-heartedness will bring me annoyance." Mu Yi was almost done, "Also, you're not as good as me. A powerful helper, thank you my little brother."

"I can do it too." Jiang Yu disagreed.

"But you didn't think how to check it. Look at my little junior brother, and when you see the link, you know you want to check the relationship of everyone in it."

"You praise your junior brother so much, and you're not afraid of your man being jealous?"

"Are you trying to sow discord?"

"What are you doing now?" Situ Mu heard the constant pounding of the keyboard, but Mu Yi had already collected a lot of information. What are you doing now? Work

"I didn't do anything, I just found something." Mu Yi didn't say much.

The people on the public screen are very anxious. They wanted to know exactly what they were passing on to each other, but they couldn't ask directly, they could only chat below. As for those black fans, still waiting for the next news. They have a hunch that this time the news is not the most explosive, only more explosive. Black who is not black, anyway, some black will do.

"Have you thought about what to do? Or, leave it to me?" Mu Yi didn't expect that person to be so bold. He didn't even set a password, so he put the things on the table carelessly. easy.

Situ Mu was not sure what the consequences of calling Mu Yi would be, but he knew that if he handled it himself, Mu Yi would definitely not be satisfied.

"Leave it to me." Jiang Yu guessed that no matter who dealt with the results, Jiang Yu might as well let him deal with it.

"What are you going to do with it?" Mu Yi asked Jiang Yu. She was quite willing to give it to Jiang Yu, after all, according to his personality, if she really did it, it was estimated that the two of them would lose half their lives.

"Don't worry about it, I promise to satisfy you, how about that?"

"it is good."

Mu Yi passed everything to Jiang Yu, Situ Mu continued to sing his own songs, and Mu Yi continued to do his own thing. Half an hour later, Mu Yi asked a few colleagues to get off work, took his mobile phone, and went back.

"Senior sister", the younger brother doesn't quite understand why the senior sister didn't do it herself. After all, even people who are often involved in officialdom may not have such a "perfect" design behind this incident.

"Lessons, well, just make sense, you don't have to get satisfactory results."

"But you're not happy."

"You still know me." When Mu Yi saw someone buying candied haws, he ran over to buy two bunches and gave one to the younger brother. "But that's Situ Mu."

The younger brother ate the candied haws without opening his mouth. He is someone who has experienced these five years. He knows his senior sister's feelings for Situ Mu, but he is not qualified to comment.

The younger brother was young. He showed his talent for computers when he was a teenager. Later, he was absorbed by a certain department of the country by chance. The first case he participated in was related to Mu Yi, and Mu Yi also gave him a lot of guidance. When Mu Yi went to participate in the case, the younger brother and sister were technical personnel in China to ensure the safety of the senior and sister in technical communication. In a loose sense, he can be regarded as someone who has been with his senior sister for five years. In the past five years, he has watched his senior sister become more and more indifferent, but he doesn't know how to help her. For a long time, he had wondered whether it would be better if he asked Situ Mu to speak to his senior sister, but he couldn't, because this way, senior sister would be in danger. He still remembered that once, Senior Sister was sitting on the bay window where he lived, looking out the window. There were those people in the room. Senior Sister tapped the window with her hands and drew circles on the window to pass on the message. But in her eyes, there was no luster, very dim, as if there was no hope of surviving. But he knew that Senior Sister missed Situ Mu very much, but she couldn't say it. At the end of the mission, Senior Sister was brought back from Star Striped Country by a special plane, and he was the first to rush into the hospital. Before seeing the senior sister, he was thinking that the senior sister must be seriously injured, and he wondered if the doctor could help her. If the domestic doctor couldn't, he would hack the international medical system and find a doctor who could help the senior sister; see After arriving, he firmly believed that Senior Sister would wake up, because there is still a person named Situ Mu still alive in this world, Senior Sister will definitely find him. In fact, the senior sister who is with Situ Mu is not as happy as she has shown, but the younger brother knows that his senior sister is already very happy. The younger brother also knows, in fact, Situ Mu also knows, this can be felt from what Situ Mu said just now, but Situ Mu also knows that he can do nothing about such a situation, because of these things, he can only wait for Mu Yi to resolve it.

Back at the hotel where they were staying, the two of them had already finished eating the candied haws, and Mu Yi asked for the sticks of the candied haws, and the two of them went back to their houses.

After Mu Yi returned to the house, he washed the wooden stick with detergent, and cooked a bowl of noodles to eat. His phone was still logged into Situ Mu's channel. After the noodles are cooked, Mu Yi eats the noodles with the two sticks he just washed, but they are too thin and not easy to use. Mu Yi remembered the chopsticks he accidentally flushed into the toilet before, and was really annoyed at his previous negligence.

Situ Mu had already sung quite a few songs, and many people were urging him to take a break. Although Jiang Yu was hanging on Mai, he went to deal with the matter and kept Mai closed without speaking. After Situ Mu finished singing a song, Mu Yi just had a bowl of noodles, opened his notebook, and logged into the channel with his notebook.

Situ Mu has given Mu Yi the channel permission, and Mu Yi can serve the wheat by himself. Mu Yi took out the gum from the side drawer, chewed it, and opened the wheat.

"Is there some inaccuracies in this song?" Mu Yi said.

Situ Mu heard the sound of her chewing something over there, and said, "What are you eating?"

Mu Yi curled his lips, and the man said, "chewing gum. I'll brush my teeth, wash my face and sleep later."

"Well, I did sing a few wrong notes just now." Situ Mu knew that he sang it wrong just now, because he was distracted just now.

The two of them chatted like this, occasionally watching what everyone said on the public screen, and picking one or two questions that didn't involve privacy to answer. When it was almost 12 o'clock, Situ Mu urged Mu Yi to go to bed, Mu Yi asked him to go offline first, and finally said something irrelevant. Both of them went offline, leaving Jiang Yu's account alone. hanging on the wheat.

That day, the matter was not resolved after all. However, two days later, the remaining two people in the matter sent long articles to tell the passage of time and clarify the facts. In the end, the incident ended with those two withdrawing from the circle. Jiang Yu knew Mu Yi well. He knew that the ending of this matter was far from satisfying Mu Yi, so he used some of his contacts to do something. It won't be too good.

Although Jiang Yu was unlucky before, he still has connections.

Mu Yi was quite satisfied with the result, and Situ Mu had no objection, so everyone was happy.

During this period of time, in the entire online circle, as long as they know Lin He and Yuxuan, almost everyone knows that Lin He has a partner, and they all know that Lin He has been wronged, and of course they all know the person who wronged Lin He. He has already left this circle, and he deserves it. Then, Lin He and Jiang Yu became more famous in this circle, and more troubles, because more and more people began to pay attention to them, but more people were still guessing about the girl who appeared that night. When did the girl who brought a turning point to the whole rogue incident appeared in the lives of Lin He and Yuxuan.

Although everyone is gossiping, they can't find any clues. Only those who have known Lin He for a long time and added his friends to his private chat software know that Lin He has quietly changed his personal information to be in love during the Chinese New Year, and even sent a log, saying that he was very lucky and that he had waited for many years to end. become a reality. However, people who can be friends with him are generally more able to keep secrets, so everyone defaults to this as personal privacy and no rumors.

The work on Mu Yi's side probably took two more days of work, and it was finally completed on the weekend. Originally, several other people said they wanted to eat together, but Mu Yi was in a hurry to go back. The younger brother was not naturally gregarious, and in the end, the "break-up meal" was not finished.

While waiting for the plane at the airport, Mu Yi sent the information he got to the old man. The old man said that he did a good job and that the money was credited in less than ten minutes. The younger brother also sent a message, saying that the money was in hand, and he went back and invited the sister to dinner. Mu Yi returned to the message that the younger brother had also become slippery. The airport prompted to board the plane, and as soon as Mu turned off the computer, he went to check the ticket.

When she went back, Situ Mu was waiting for her at the airport, Mu Yi was very happy, the weather was brilliant today.

Situ Mu watched Mu Yi walk out of the airport, and somehow remembered that Mu Yi once said that he was going to take him to meet someone, but there was no further text. Situ Mu was also in a good mood when he received the person, so he planned to take the person to a big dinner, and called Jiang Yu and Zeng Nuo by the way.

While the four of them were eating, Mu Yi's phone rang.

"What's wrong, my boss?" Mu Ying was still very respectful to this old boss, even though he wanted to strangle him every time he answered the phone.

"The information you sent back is one page missing."

Mu Yi frowned, it shouldn't be. "It doesn't happen to be the page you want most, right?"


The atmosphere was quiet and solemn, the other party was waiting for her answer, Situ Mu, Jiang Yu and Zeng Nuo were looking at her, but she really had no answer.

"There's nothing I can do." Mu Yi rubbed between her brows, her first failure made her feel very depressed. Situ Mu handed her a glass of water, Mu Yi took two sips, as if he suddenly remembered something, turned his head and kissed Situ Mu before replying. "Old man, take a look at the documents I have passed on, zoom in on the lower right corner, and look carefully. Yes, there is nothing on the front of those documents, but the back is marked with page numbers, which were typed by a coder. I don't quite understand. Why are the page numbers printed on the back, but those page numbers are indeed consecutive. Yes, these documents were complete when they were recorded. As for why there is one page missing in the middle, I don't know. I don't know if you ask so many. , I have done everything I can, and I can guarantee that I have not missed any pages. I have read all the documents, and there is indeed none. Old man, it is already illegal for me to do this. Don't ask for that much, okay? Mu Yi took another sip of water and continued; "If you really want to find that page, it's probably impossible. However, some things don't need to be recorded on paper, they can be recorded in the brain. Old man, You have to understand that if you can't ask, it means you haven't grasped his weakness. Think about how you attacked me, and you can use it on others. Okay, I don't want to hear you say sorry, Sorry and so on, what I promised will definitely be done, not to mention, hehe, old man, have you ever thought that if you are tossing me so much now, I will be a person who wants to be on an equal footing with you in the future. Yes, yes. , I am also a person who may have a higher position than you, so why are you tossing me like this? Forget it, I have done everything I should do anyway, and the rest is your own business. Hey, that's me A serious warning, please don't interfere."

Although the three of them couldn't fully understand everything from the dialogue, they could hear everything. Almost the person on the phone and Mu Yi should be in the same department. Now his position is higher than Mu Yi. He wants Mu Yi to do some things, but there is a little error in the middle. Mu Yi gave him a trick, and this It seemed that those people had used it on Mu Yi for some reason. As for the final warning, it is estimated that it is related to the three of them.

Mu Yi hung up the phone, looked at the eyes of the three people looking at him, and knew that they had almost guessed, so they added a piece of braised pork and started eating. The three people saw that Mu Yi started to eat, so they started to use chopsticks.

When Mu Yi didn't want to talk, there was no need to ask again.

After dinner, Mu Yi found out that Jiang Yu had already bought a car.

"I asked, and you don't think it's possible to transfer from here in a short time, so I bought a car. It turned out that the car was sold." Jiang Yu explained. "Hey, I said, what I won't receive is false information, right?"

Situ Mu looked embarrassed. In fact, he didn't know what it was, but he heard Mu Yi talk on the phone once, probably saying that it would be impossible to transfer for at least five years, so when Jiang Yu came to ask, he relayed it to Jiang Yu.

Mu Yi casually touched Situ Mu's face and said it didn't matter. Situ Mu smiled.

After Jiang Yu and Zeng Nuo went back, Zeng Nuo asked Jiang Yu, "Why didn't you ask clearly?"

"Because she is Mu Yi." Jiang Yu suddenly realized that although Zeng Nuo and Mu Yi are getting along very well now, he still doesn't know her after all. "Muyi, that's it. Usually, what she doesn't want to say, if she is stubborn and has to ask, is basically the rhythm of a quarrel." Jiang Yu lay on the bed, with Erlang's legs crossed, and slowly explained to Zeng Nuo: " Mu Yi is actually very stubborn. Sometimes, even Xiao Mu can't persuade her."

"This stubbornness? That's not a good thing sometimes."

"Mu was very bitter when I was young." Jiang Yu smiled and went to pull Zeng Nuo's hand. Having been with this man for a few years, every time Jiang Yu looks like this, it means that he doesn't want to recall that incident. "When I was actually Mu Yi, she was already very good. When Xiao Mu met the girl, she was injured all over her body and was beaten by people from her hometown, so Mu Yi has rarely been seen for so many years. Go back to my hometown. You are also familiar with the situation at my home with Xiaomu. Most of our friends are from that circle. Among them, Xiaomu and I have the best relationship. Who would have thought, when I went back, suddenly When I found out that an outsider came in, I actually didn't like her very much at the time. But Xiao Mu liked her very much, and I actually thought at that time that Xiao Mu might be inseparable from Mu Yi in the future." Thinking of the past, there are actually many things. happy times.

"And then what?"

"Later, during a physical examination, the girl was found to have osteoporosis and calcium deficiency, so she was more prone to fractures. Xiao Mu began to learn to cook non-stop, and asked Uncle Mu and Aunt Situ to help her. She bought calcium supplements, during that time, Xiaomu and I were guessing whether the girl would become a big fat man, hehe."

"It turns out that Mu Yi is in good shape and hasn't gotten fat."

"Yes, this is the happiest thing for Xiaomu. Speaking of which, we had discussed for a long time if the girl became fat, how would we help her lose weight."

"You have such a good relationship." Zeng Nuo had never met such a person in the first half of his life that he could let him go in and out of the house at will.

"Haha, jealous?"

"Yes, jealous."

"It's not necessary. You know what? Xiaomu brought the girl home by herself. In order to bring Muyi back,