
Chapter 2: As soon as I got back to the office, I saw a big box on my desk, the same as in previous years. (2)


People moved back. Of course, the teacher in this class was still very responsible, and asked Situ Mu's opinion before moving the seat. Originally, he planned to move him to a row and lean a little to the side, but Situ Mu directly said that he would sit at the back. The teacher persuaded him, but he didn't, so he could only follow Situ Mu's ideas. As a result, in a class of more than 20 people, Situ Mu was separated from the classmates in the front row by a "Galaxy".

By the way, Situ Mu studied very well, in his only four years of study at the time.


"I want to sit there." The podium is one step higher than the bottom. Standing on the podium, you can clearly see everyone below. Mu Yi saw Situ Mu's seat at a glance, she was going to sit there.

"It's too far back there." The head teacher didn't want Mu Yi to sit too far back. She has learned that the teaching level of the little girl's hometown is relatively low, and the little girl has only attended the "Yuhong Class" for a year and a half, which is still less than her peers. She transferred to this school because her father was transferred. The coal miners who come here are given priority by the mine leaders to take care of them, and their level of study is really unclear. Therefore, the head teacher wanted her to sit slightly forward.

"It doesn't matter." Mu Yi smiled at the teacher and walked over with his small schoolbag on his back. The head teacher thought for a while, the little girl's accent is not heavy in dialect, it sounds like she has been studied, should, maybe, maybe have other teaching methods, it will not be too bad. With that in mind, he didn't say anything. As soon as Mu was seated, the class began.

Situ Mu looked at his new tablemate with no expression, and continued to listen to himself. As for Mu Yi, she originally came to go to school, as long as she studies hard, the rest will follow. This is what Mu's father said, and Mu Yi believes it.

The primary school curriculum is not heavy. In the morning, there are two classes of Chinese and two classes of mathematics. The specific arrangement is generally one class and one homework. Mu Yi has always been serious in class, and the error rate in homework is not very high. The class teacher and the math teacher praised her twice, but she didn't care much. Years later, Situ Mu once said with a smile, "If the poor's children are in charge of the house early, if cooking is excluded, Mu Yi's interpretation is still very good," which made Jiang Yu laugh out loud.

After school at noon, according to the school's arrangement, there is a two-hour break. During this time, students can go home to eat and rest, or they can be in school, but the school does not provide free lunches. Situ Mu's house was very close to the school. As soon as school was over, he picked up his schoolbag and left without stopping. In fact, he didn't have anything to do when he went home. Situ's mother was not very busy at that time, and would come back at noon to cook him a meal. Situ Mu usually eats lunch by himself. After eating, he brushes his small bowl and spreads it out on the sofa, watching TV, playing games, or reading a book, but he has little time to turn the book. Going out to school at 1:50, it's been like this since preschool, and he's used to it.

Situ Mu went out a while earlier that day, he had no pencils, he was going to buy them, and it was still raining, he was worried that he would be late. When I entered the classroom, it was still ten minutes before class. As soon as he entered the classroom, he saw his new deskmate lying on the table, and he didn't know if he fell asleep. Anyway, he was sitting in the last row, and he didn't need someone else to make a seat to sit on his seat, so there was not much. care.

Elementary school teachers generally hold several jobs, and the class teacher Chinese teacher is no exception. In the afternoon, the art class and music class are the classes of the head teacher. The math teacher has to teach three classes, but the head teacher only manages one class, so the head teacher is usually in class all day. As soon as the Chinese teacher entered the class, she heard the children chatting and reporting to her.

"Teacher, teacher, I didn't eat at noon that day."

"Teacher, teacher, that new classmate fell asleep on the table after school at noon, and didn't eat anything."

"Teacher, teacher, that newcomer, she doesn't even eat."

The language teacher understood what was going on. Children always feel that they are different from themselves, and they should tell the teacher, because they do not have a set of standards to judge whether something is right or wrong. At this time, the "universal" teachers and parents will be their standards. Answer helper. For example, whether to eat or not, in their opinion, parents and teachers have said that children who do not eat well are not good children, so they feel that it is wrong to not eat well; but the new classmate, she did not eat at all. Right or not, they are not clear, it is best to ask the teacher.

Because today's Chinese class is in the first two sessions, at noon, I have something to tell the life teacher to help me take care of the children, but I forgot to ask the new children if they brought any money. In view of his negligence, the language teacher decided to buy something for Muyi to eat.

She walked to Mu Yi's seat, squatted down and asked Mu Yi, who had just woken up, "Will the teacher take you to eat something?"

"No need, thank you teacher." Mu Yi felt that the teacher was making a fuss. In the past, when his parents were busy, he often couldn't eat.

"But now you are all growing, how can you not eat lunch?" The language teacher felt that the child was very polite but also indifferent, something she should not have at her age. She looked at Situ Mu, there was already a little adult in the class, don't add another one, the soft and cute little dumpling! !

"It's okay, I used to be like this. It's time for class." Mu Yi still didn't appreciate it, but instead reminded the teacher that it was time for class.

Situ Mu was surprised when he heard the phrase "I used to be like this too". It was like this before. Could it be that she was abused? It looks normal, no injuries. Does her father also know that adults can't hit in obvious places? Look, the typical "Dad Injury" sequelae.

Situ Mu's father often had some scars on his body. In fact, he didn't quite understand the reason, that is, he accidentally overheard when his parents were chatting and said where he was beaten by someone, and his mother also said that it was thanks to those people. Knowing that hitting people is not slapping in the face, let the child know how embarrassing it is. Situ Mu knew at that time that if you don't want others to know that you were beaten, you should hide your scars; if you don't want others to know that you were beaten, don't hit them where your clothes can't cover them. It can only be said that this child has strong comprehension ability and good association ability.

During the class, Situ Mu kept looking at Mu Yi. Mu Yi couldn't understand what happened to this new deskmate's brain. She didn't say anything to herself in the morning, and kept looking at it in the afternoon. The teacher also saw it, but she expressed her satisfaction. Sure enough, two similar children would be curious and attracted. The next step is to make them good friends, and then let them become good friends with other children step by step. Children should be united and friendly. It can only be said that the teacher thinks too much.

Situ Mu still remembers the first words Mu Yi and Situ Mu said.

You look so good!

Situ Mu was painting at the time, when Mu Yi suddenly said this, Situ Mu didn't know how to answer. He has never heard anyone say he is good-looking, his parents' friends usually say he is handsome, his teacher says he is cute, his classmates say he is cool, and they say he is good-looking, Mu Yi is the first .

"You, do you need anything?" Situ Mu didn't think Mu Yi was someone who would take the initiative to talk to others. He thought that since she had spoken, she should have something to do with it.

"Are you used to guessing?" Mu Yi was actually more mature than the teacher imagined. Growing up in a family that wasn't complicated but also had many disputes, she taught her to be careful.

Situ Mu knew his villain's heart, so he stopped talking.

"Then lend me a pink crayon to use."

Situ Mu lived quite comfortably in his youth. Although he was calm, that was the attitude he should have had when he was taught by his parents to face others since he was a child. This kind of Mu Yi made Situ Mu very confused, but he still handed over the crayons. Mu Yi smiled at him and took it.

The head teacher saw the interaction between the two on the podium. Although he couldn't hear what they said, but looking at their expressions, the head teacher guessed that they must get along very well, and his decision was really wise! Teacher, you think too much.

Still many years later, Situ Mu and Mu Yi went on a trip together. When he remembered this incident, he asked Mu Yi what happened at the beginning. At this time, Mu Yi was in front of Situ Mu and didn't hide anything except one thing. She took the initiative to talk to Situ Mu, just to talk. Situ Mu was not surprised by this answer, but Mu Yi was too frank.

"En hum~" Sleeping in the sun is comfortable, even though I slept in the room just now.

"Awake?" Situ Mu heard the movement and pulled himself back from his memory. Turning to look at Mu Yi, Mu Yi smiled at her, just like the little girl who took his crayons back then.

"En." Mu Yi sat up, shook his head, with a naive smile on his face. Situ Mu was itching to see it, he couldn't help getting up from his chair, walked over, and kissed her.

"You have to call Jiang Yu." Sitting on the back of the chair, Situ Mu touched Mu Yi's hair and said softly. His voice was originally very magnetic, but now it was deliberately lowered, and it sounded even more heart-wrenching.

"Okay." Mu Yi raised his head, pulled his arm, waited for him to bow his head, kissed the corner of his lips, and replied softly.

☆、Jiang Yu

When the call was connected, Jiang Yu immediately started scolding, because he was using Situ Mu's mobile phone.

"You TM agreed to call me? The result? Are you... " Jiang Yu was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

"It's me." Mu Yi knew that he was not being kind, but he had no regrets in his life to have such a friend.

"You!! You girl, tell me about you, ah, there's no news after you leave, what are you going to do! Ah! You said..." Jiang Yu shouted so high that Mu Yi had to put the phone from his ear Taking it away, Situ Mu could hear it clearly, but he just looked at Mu Yi with a smile in his eyes, but he didn't speak.

Jiang Yu was tired, and Mu Yi laughed when he heard the sound of him drinking water. I thought the voice was very low, but who would have thought that Jiang Yu would still hear it.

"What are you laughing at, you are too embarrassed to laugh!" Jiang Yu was stimulated.

"Okay, I won't laugh, you can speak slowly." Situ Mu looked at Mu Yi's smiling face, but said frankly that he didn't laugh anymore, so that Jiang Yu knew that he had to explode.

"Speak slowly? Will you give me a chance to speak slowly, ah?" Jiang Yu was angry when he remembered the events of the past few years.

"Then I'll go find you, beat me, let out your anger?" Mu Yi wanted to laugh out loud, but she knew that Jiang Yu had to come back when she laughed out loud.

"You, are you really coming over?"

"Well! It's the tenth day."

In Mu Yi's plan, Jiang Yu was there. She originally planned to wait until after the first month, but now that she thinks about it, it's better to go earlier. Judging from Jiang Yu's posture, it is estimated that he might have run over in the first month. Mu Yi didn't want him to run back and forth asking for leave. Now that he has plenty of vacation time, he should come by himself.

Situ Mu had thought about going to Jiang Yu's place for a while, but it was only the tenth day...

"In the afternoon of the ninth day or the morning of the tenth day of the first day, we will go directly from Province C." This is going back to Situ Mu, "It is estimated that it will arrive at your place in the afternoon of the tenth day at the latest." This is going back to Jiang Yu, "I will probably stay for three God."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you." Jiang Yu was also very excited when he thought that Mu Yi was going to find him. It's been five years, although I'm not like Situ Mu, who had a "deep love" for Mu Yi when he was young, but he is still a childhood sweetheart. In the past five years, he could also see what Situ Mu was like; Jiang Yu knew more about the situation of the two of them than they thought, otherwise, he wouldn't have spent the New Year with Situ Mu in the Taekwondo gym. There was a fight because he believed more than Situ Mu that Mu Yi would definitely come back.

The three of them were like this, talking casually on the phone. Situ Mu talked about his students, Jiang Yu talked about his colleagues, Mu Yi listened, and occasionally gave some optional advice.

"By the way, let me tell you, our director recently signed a big order." Jiang Yu wanted to share this matter with others a few years ago, but he couldn't tell his colleagues.

"Does your unit have any other orders?" Situ Mu was curious as to why the business unit still had this.

"Oh, isn't it engineering!" Jiang Yu was very angry when he mentioned this matter. "I was the one who approached this list, because this project is my specialty, but I was cut off halfway."

"Do you want to take it back?" Mu Yi didn't think Jiang Yu was someone who would suffer, but he had already suffered a loss, and Jiang Yu would not care too much about other people's problems, he would only blame himself for being careless.

"That's not it, I just want to talk about it." Jiang Yu really didn't think there was anything to worry about in this matter. I was accidentally caught by a small handle and sued and was cut off. In the end, the person who complained didn't get any benefit, and finally returned to the director. Just be more careful in the future.

"What list?" Mu Yi didn't continue, Jiang Yu didn't care anyway.

"About Chengjian, it's mainly about Tiejian." Jiang Yu felt that Situ Mu and Mu Yi didn't understand anyway, and there was no one in the office, so there was no need to keep it secret. Moreover, I didn't say how strong the confidentiality was, but the documents hadn't arrived at my unit, and I told others as if I had a lot of skills. But that's Mu Yi and Xiao Mu, it doesn't matter. Opposite Mu Yi's invisible phone, Jiang Yu shrugged.

"If the document arrives, and it wants you to participate, please refuse." Mu Yi knew the project Jiang Yu was talking about, and also knew the next direction. To be honest, she has always been very casual about confidentiality, and it is mainly up to her to measure.


"Push it, don't do it. If you have anything else on this matter, hand it over as soon as possible. This project, well, isn't for you."

"Well, no, how did you know? You don't know what it is!"

"Foreign capital." So far, Jiang Yu is very smart, and Mu Yi never doubted this.

"I see." Jiang Yu began to figure out how much he still had about this project and how he could hand it over without any trace.

"What the hell is going on?" Situ Mu didn't understand, if it was about Tiejian, it was the government's business, Mu Yi...

"Jiang Yu's unit cooperated with a foreign-funded enterprise on this project. Originally, it was not their turn to discuss, but in recent years, administration has been streamlined, and many projects have been handed over to local governments, including this one. Of course, the responsibility is the same."

"Then why...?"

"That country has been in close contact with the Xingtiaoguo recently. The Xingtiaoguo has recently made a move against China. It is estimated that that country will 'take the lead'. When the relationship becomes deadlocked, the responsibility will be held to the individual, which is very troublesome." Mu Yi said Simple, but things are definitely not that simple.

"How did you know?" Situ Mu and Jiang Yu asked at the same time, but one was in front of him and the other was opposite the distant phone.

"Anyway, the baby is also a person who has done his best for the country and has made contributions. It's not an exaggeration to know some news." Hippie smiled sloppily. It used to be like this. He would still say it, but this time, Situ Mu was not sure.

"Don't worry, you will always know what you should know, and you can't know what you shouldn't know now." Mu Yi shook his head like an expert. Jiang Yu smiled and didn't ask any further questions. As for Situ Mu, he was very worried, but he didn't want to ask any more. That is Mu Yi, no matter what, he will stand by her side without hesitation. Betrayal of the country? She won't do it!

"Okay, I know what to do." Jiang Yu has no doubts about Mu Yi's statement. Although they don't know what Mu Yi has been doing in the past few years, Mu Yi is Mu Yi. She has her own standards and knows that What to do and what not to do. Taking a ten thousand steps back, Mu Yi would not do anything to hurt Uncle Situ and Aunt Mu, not for himself or for Xiao Mu.

"Well, let's do this first. The rest will be discussed when I find you."

"it is good."

"By the way, if you start work ahead of schedule and you can't push it off, give me a call."


After hanging up the phone, Mu Yi said that he wanted to eat steamed eggs. Situ Mu knew that she had something to do, so he helped her with two braids and went to make steamed eggs for her without paying too much attention. Mu Yi is still the same Mu Yi, a little different but nothing different, still the same person who was raised by himself.

Mu Yi actually has a lot of cleverness, which stems from her living environment when she was a child.


On the third day when Mu Yi arrived at school, there was a physical education class. In order to develop students' specialties, this physical education class needs to learn basic gymnastics movements, and students need to change their clothes. Of course, the clothes are uniformly customized by the school for students. It was a good thing, the parents were very supportive, and the students were willing to learn, but this year's first-grade children had a problem. While changing clothes, the girls' locker room suddenly became loud and noisy.

"Look, look at her lap."

"My mother said that only bad children get beaten."

"Then she must be naughty, we tell the teacher to go."

The physical education teacher is a big boy who has just graduated. The primary school students say something to me, and he was confused all of a sudden, so I could only find a child to call the head teacher over. Situ Mu stood on the side, only heard the words "a lot of cyan" and "so scary", but could not guess the complete story or who it was talking about.

The head teacher heard the students say that the PE teacher was looking for her, thinking that there was something naughty about the students in his class, and rushed over in a panic, but only after asking, the PE teacher didn't know what was going on, and only guessed that there was a little girl who looked like There were many injuries, and she thought of Mu Yi all of a sudden, because when Mu Yi came, Mu Yi's father once said that they had neglected Mu Yi before and caused her some harm, so if Mu Yi came If there is any problem in the class, I hope the teacher can contact their husband and wife as soon as possible, and don't criticize her too much. This is very different from what ordinary parents say, and it really made the head teacher stunned at that time. Later, I figured it out. Mu Yi's father is a coal miner, and his mother just gave birth to a child. Maybe he was too busy before and didn't discipline him well. In addition, he transferred the child to another school because of his own reasons. Now he wants to make up for it, but he is also afraid It has a bad influence on Kiichi. But it seems that the current situation is not what the head teacher thinks.

The head teacher hurried into the locker room, only to find that it was Mu Yi.

Mu Yilai has been wearing school uniforms for the past few days. City L is located in the northwest region of China, and the temperature difference between day and night is very large. When school just started, the temperature was not too high. There were many people wearing long clothes and trousers. When I noticed this, I never thought it was because of this.

"Kid, you, this..." The head teacher asked all the students in the locker room to go out, sat on the long bamboo bench in the locker room, and pulled Mu Yi to him, his eyes full of worry.

Mu Yi didn't seem to care, and looked blankly at the extremely excited head teacher.

"Call your parents over tomorrow." The head teacher really can't imagine what kind of parent can give such a hand to a child like this. Looking at a very kind father, this is what happened behind his back. As a mother of a child, the head teacher cannot bear this situation.

"It has nothing to do with my parents." Mu Yi didn't want to discuss this issue, let alone involve her parents. Although she was young, she knew a lot, and she also knew that the head teacher was for her good, so she lowered her head. .

But the head teacher didn't think so. She intuitively thought that Mu Yi was afraid.

"I must have a good talk with them."

"It's not Mom and Dad, it's Grandma." Mu Yi felt that the head teacher's tone was terrifying, so he told the truth, "Mom and Dad moved because of this."

The head teacher was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that Mu Yi's younger brother had just been born, and her parents had not been here for a long time, which means that her mother had taken Mu Yi and followed Mu Yi's father across most of China with a full-term belly. If you come here, if you really are a parent who is not good to your child, you have to think about yourself. Taking such a big risk, and thinking about what Mu Yi said, it turned out to be the case.

"Is your parents here because of this?" Everyone has a sense of identity.

"Well, my mother quarreled with my father because of this, and my father applied for a transfer, and my mother brought me here." Mu Yi actually resented his father a little, she didn't understand why he didn't bring his mother and his mother until he quarreled with him. He left by himself, but the head teacher knew it, and so did Mu Yi many years later.

In the years when my parents were young, the countryside was generally poor, and the family was very poor. Mu Yi's grandfather was also a coal mine worker and was often away from home, leaving only his grandmother with a few children. Grandma has to be strong all her life, and she can't tolerate others looking down on her, so her temper is getting bigger and bigger. Mu Yi's father was in poor health when he was a child, and he often took leave at home. The rest of the family went to school, went to work and went to work, and the task of cooking was handed over to Mu Yi's father. On the one hand, grandma felt that Mu Yi’s father paid the tuition fees and didn’t go to school wasted money, but on the other hand, she thought that it would be good to have someone cook at home, so that she could spend more time in the field to earn work points. After a long time, Mu Yi's father stopped going to school.

In the past, if there was a person in the family who was a public official in a coal mine, a steel mill, etc., when they retired, the children in the family could take the job, and Grandpa Mu Yi had this opportunity. But the coal mine is too hard, and it is necessary to go down to dig coal when it is just on top of the shift. Mu Yi's father has four siblings. Mu Yi's aunt is the eldest and is already married. Mu Yi's uncle is in high school. As for uncles, because he has a sister and a brother, although the family conditions are difficult, and Mu Yi's uncle is Mu Yi's grandmother Children in their thirties—although it’s not a big deal to have children in their thirties now, they were considered older mothers at that time—so Mu Yi’s uncle was very favored, he loved to play, and could not bear hardships. But this opportunity, in the eyes of the rural people at the time, was like a pie that fell from the sky, don't want it for nothing, and finally Mu Yi's father took it. At that time, Mu Yi's father was not married and was learning with others. He built a house, but was rejected by Grandma Mu Yi, and the job was unpromising.

When Mu Yi's father and Mu Yi's mother got married, both of them were already twenty-three or four. At that time, Uncle Mu's family had a son and a daughter, and the son was one year older than the daughter, so Grandma Mu Yi wanted Mu Yi's mother to have a baby as soon as possible, saying that it could continue the incense for the Mu family. When Mu Yi was born, she found out that it was a girl, and Grandma Mu Yi was very unhappy. When Mu Yi was born, Grandma Mu Yi heard that it was a girl, so she turned her head and left.

Mu Yi's mother also knew that Mu Yi's grandmother was unhappy because she was a girl, and the factory was urging her to go to work later. So not long after Mu Yi was weaned, Mu Yi's mother took the child back to her parents' home and went to work.

But Grandma Mu Yi was not happy. She thought that her daughter-in-law brought her granddaughter to her grandmother's house, which was equivalent to telling others that her grandmother disliked the child as a girl, and that she would lose face. When Mu Yi's father came home, he yelled at Mu Yi's father, making a lot of noise, he must let Mu Yi come back. Mu Yi's father had no choice but to discuss with Mu Yi's mother. Mu Yi's mother thought about it and felt that since this is the case, then Mu Yi's grandmother should not do anything to Mu Yi, so she brought Mu Yi back.

Mu Yi's mother is actually not at ease. Every time she goes home, she asks how Mu Yi is doing recently, because Mu Yi's father and Mu Yi's mother work very close to each other, but they are too far away from home. They come back once a week. It is also very reluctant. When Mu Yi couldn't speak, Mu Yi's mother came back to play with Mu Yi, and she didn't find any special circumstances, so she was relieved later. Therefore, after Mu Yi spoke, Mu Yi's mother always asked questions, and rarely checked her daughter's physical condition. Even if I occasionally take a look at it, which child has no bumps on his body, and he doesn't care too much about those small wounds. When Mu Yi went to the Yuhong class, Mu Yi's mother was pregnant, but the factory where her mother worked had a problem and was facing bankruptcy. For a while, Mu Yi's mother had to work overtime and settle accounts while she was pregnant. She was very busy, often two or three. Can't go back for months. Mu Yi's father also worked overtime because of frequent accidents in coal mines around that time, and he never went back.

After the assets of the factory where Mu Yi's mother worked was cleared, and the employees had negotiated with the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Mu Yi's mother went home to give birth. At first, Mu Yi’s grandmother didn’t let Mu Yi sleep with her mother on the grounds that Mu Yi’s mother was almost seven months pregnant. Mu Yi’s mother asked Mu Yi about her recent study and life. Mu Yi also said that it was not bad. His eyes were strange, and he always looked at his grandmother when answering questions. Although Mu Yi's mother is not often by her daughter's side, she is biological and knows her daughter very well. So one day, she said that Mu Yi hadn’t bathed for a long time, and she wanted to take Mu Yi to the bathhouse to take a bath. Although her grandmother tried her best to stop her saying that it was unsafe for a pregnant woman to take a child to the bathhouse, Mu Yi’s mother still took the child away. Before leaving, be careful and bring some extra money.

In fact, Mu Yi's mother didn't have much money, because after the marriage, grandparents and Mu Yi's family lived together, because other people, including Mu Yi's grandma, felt that Mu Yi's father took Mu Yi's grandpa's class, so the matter of the two old people It should be handled by Mu Yi's father.

After entering the bathroom and undressing for Mu Yi, Mu Yi's mother immediately put on Mu Yi's clothes again, went out of the bathroom to find a public phone and called her brother, waited for the younger brother to pick him up, and went back to her parents' house. .

Mu Yi's grandfather's house is quite far from the Mu family. When Mu Yi's uncle received his sister and niece, he originally planned to hug Mu Yi, but Mu Yi's mother stopped him. Uncle Mu Yi saw that Mu Yi's mother's face was not good, and he didn't dare to say anything, so he drove away with the people. At that time, the car was still a small three-wheeled vehicle, with absolutely nothing to hide it, and it was still cold at night. Mu Yi remembered Mu Yi's mother's face that night for the rest of his life, it was ugly and sad.

☆, the past

When they arrived at Mu Yi's grandmother's house, Mu Yi's mother took care of Mu Yi to sleep first, and then he and his younger brother went to the commune in the village to call Mu Yi's father.

"Is your unit planning to send someone to Z city recently?" Mu Yi's mother vaguely remembered that Mu Yi's father once mentioned this matter.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Mu Yi's father wondered why his wife brought this up at this time.

"You apply, and Mu Yi and I will accompany you there."

"What?" Mu Yi's father didn't understand.

"Sister, what are you thinking?" Mu Yi's uncle was also surprised by his sister's thoughts.

"If you don't transfer jobs, we will divorce." Mu Yi's mother can't tolerate everything her mother-in-law does, can't you provoke me and run away

"Oh, don't." Mu Yi's father didn't know what happened to Mu Yi's mother, "it's not impossible to transfer, but you know my father..."

Grandpa Mu Yi retired from illness when he retired. He was injured when he was working, and his leg was broken.

"Your father won't die,"

Mu Yi's father was suddenly angry. No matter what, it was his father and his wife's words, which were really hurtful, but before he could scold his wife, his wife's next sentence stunned him.

"But if you stay any longer, your daughter will die."


"It's up to you whether you want to tune it or not," Mu Yi's mother suddenly slowed down, as if she had no nostalgia for it. She loves Muyi's father. Although the two knew each other on a blind date, Muyi's father's personality moved her very much. The two said that they were introduced by someone. In fact, the relationship is still very good. A mother's love for Mu Yi's father deepened. She loves this man, loves his affection, loves his kindness, and loves his way of life. But her only opinion is that he listens too much to his mother. She understands the existence of this phenomenon. Before, she felt that the old man had suffered so much to raise his child, regardless of whether he was partial or not, but he also raised the man she liked. No matter what other people do, but you should be filial when you should be filial. Mu Yi's mother has no problem with this. But now, thinking about the bruises on Mu Yi's body, thinking about the situation when he saw the wound on Mu Yi's body, thinking about the grievances when he asked Mu Yi if it hurt or not, and when Mu Yi shook his head, Mu Yi's mother suddenly thought, why? Why do you want to treat someone who doesn't look down on your daughter at all? Just because she is the child's grandmother? But whose grandma is so cruel.

"It's up to you whether you adjust it or not, we'll get a divorce if you don't." After that, he hung up the phone.

Uncle Mu Yi didn't know what to say, her sister's mood was fluctuating so much, and she knew that her in-laws didn't really like her little niece, so she probably guessed it.

"Sister, if it really doesn't work, then get a divorce. I can still support the two of you, oh no, it's the three of you."

Mu Yi's mother smiled at Mu Yi's uncle and said, "What nonsense are you talking about, you are not married yet."

"How about that? If I don't accept my sister and my little nephew, I won't marry."

"How old are you, don't talk nonsense. It's not that big of a problem."

Later, Uncle Mu Yi remembered this midnight conversation, and still felt that his sister actually knew how things would develop at that time, otherwise she would not be so calm.

Mu Yi's father came here on the third day after Mu Yi and his mother went to his grandmother's house. In fact, Mu Yi's grandmother called Mu Yi's father the next day, saying that her daughter-in-law and granddaughter did not know where they were going. I was in a hurry, but I still had to take care of Grandpa Mu Yi, couldn't walk away, etc. He also said how good it would be if the child in Mu Yi's mother's womb had three long and two short, Mu Yi's father almost asked if Mu Yi's mother was pregnant this time. The girl is still a girl, what is Grandma Mu Yi going to do? Subconsciously, Mu Yi's father still believed in Mu Yi's mother.

When Mu Yi's father arrived, several of Mu Yi's aunts and uncles were at home, and Mu Yi's grandmother wouldn't let Mu Yi's father enter. It was Mu Yi's mother who said that things had to be resolved, and finally entered the door.

"I still say that, you transfer to Z city, we will accompany you there, or divorce."

"Let's not talk about anything else, just your current situation..."

"No matter what the situation, when you call, when will I go with you." Mu Yi's mother was very determined. "I named my child Mu Yi because I wanted her to be simple and happy, but now, I'm not even sure if she will be healthy or not, how can I ensure her happiness."

Mu Yi's mother had no intention of concealing it, nor did she want to conceal it, so she directly showed Mu Yi's father Mu Yi's injury.

There were marks of beating on the entire back, bruises, redness and swelling left after the beating that had not been treated in time, injuries from being kicked out on the legs, and black marks from kneeling on the knees, Mu Yi's father was instantly stunned. If he still wanted to excuse his mother before he came, now he has no desire at all. The handprint of the severed palm on the back near the neck is the real evidence.

"She's a girl, even if she's a boy, she can't be naughty. How long does it take to raise her? Why should I go to work... " Mu Yi's mother hugged Mu Yi sobbing, and Mu Yi's few Aunt and grandma also wiped away tears.

"Okay, divorce the two of you. Although our Tian family is not rich, we can still afford our own daughter. No matter how bad it is, there is still her brother." Grandpa Mu Yi spoke.

"Don't, Dad." Mu Yi's father's voice was trembling, "I will apply for a transfer tomorrow, I will be transferred to L City, and the approval will be fast there. I will be able to leave in more than half a month. I will go now." Said When it was over, the wind and fire left.

Originally, Grandma Mu Yi planned to stop her, but she didn't have time.

L city is much farther than Z city, but it took more than two months to go to Z city for approval. Mu Yi's father also considered Mu Yi's mother's situation, and decided to transfer to L city, far away from home, so he didn't need to come back.

In fact, this man is on the road