Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 16: Fight violence with violence


"You are discussing the issue of compensation with me. Are you sure your mind is okay?" Although he was surprised by Tang Xiu's fighting power, Hei San was not intimidated by Tang Xiu. Instead, he had a fierce look in his eyes and a look on his face. A playful smile.

Although Tang Xiu showed extremely superb combat experience and skills in the battle, Hei San, as an ordinary person, could not see the reason at all. Hei San subconsciously mistook Tang Xiu for a hot-blooded young man with brute strength. .

"I smashed your hotel, but you injured our people. Do you think it is the hotel that is more valuable, or the people that are more valuable?" Hei San approached Tang Xiu step by step and asked in a deep voice.

"Brother Hei, the child is ignorant, we apologize to you, and please don't remember the villain's fault." Seeing Hei San's fierce look, Su Lingyun panicked, straightened her body, like an eagle protecting a chick, and once again He protected Tang Xiu behind him.

"Ignorant? You want to send us away with just one ignorant word. You think we are beggars!" Hei San snorted coldly and wanted to reach out and push Su Lingyun aside.

But before Hei San's hand made any contact with Su Lingyun's body, Tang Xiu gently held his mother in his arms and said softly: "Mom, it's okay. Let me handle this. You can watch from the side. That’s it.”

While Tang Xiu was speaking, he held his mother's hand tightly, and inadvertently pressed his thumb against the Shenmen point in the depression of the horizontal stripe on the wrist on the side of his mother's little finger and gently rubbed it.

The Shenmen point has the effect of promoting sleep. For a month, she has been harassed by a group of gangsters led by Hei San. The hotel's business has been bleak. Su Lingyun has long been exhausted physically and mentally. It's just the huge pressure that makes her tossing and turning and unable to sleep. In Tang Xiu's With the help, Su Lingyun soon couldn't resist the attack of fatigue, and her upper and lower eyelids kept fighting.

Tang Xiu had long expected that this would happen. With a rare tenderness on his face, he stretched out his other hand to touch the sleeping point at the midpoint between the depression behind his mother's earlobe and the depression under her occipital bone.

Anmian point, like Shenmen point, also has the effect of calming and promoting sleep.

Under Tang Xiu's kneading, Su Lingyun quickly tilted her head, fell on Tang Xiu's shoulder, and fell asleep very simply.

When Su Lingyun fell asleep, her frown gradually relaxed, and a peaceful and sweet smile even appeared on her face.

"You... you..." Witnessing Tang Xiu's behavior of hypnotizing Su Lingyun with his own eyes, Hei San's eyes almost widened, his mouth opened slightly, and he was speechless for a long time.

Tang Xiu's act of hypnotizing Su Lingyun set off a storm in Hei San's heart, far exceeding the shock caused by Tang Xiu knocking down the six gangsters.

You must know that Su Lingyun was originally in a state of high tension and excitement. In this state, Su Lingyun could not sleep even if she was exhausted, let alone there were several people around her who were howling like ghosts.

However, Tang Xiu made Su Lingyun fall asleep in just one minute. This ability was so unbelievable that the playful smile on Hei San's face had long since disappeared, replaced by a solemn look on his face.

"My mother is asleep. Now we can discuss the compensation issue. How do you think we should solve the compensation issue?" Tang Xiu ignored Heisan's fussy reaction and asked indifferently.

"How do you want to solve it?" Hei San was afraid that Tang Xiu would suddenly give him such a blow and make him fall asleep. He felt that it was meaningless to continue to insist on making Tang Xiu pay compensation, and a compromise was already born in his heart. decision.

"You have the final say on how to solve this problem. If you don't show enough sincerity, I don't mind letting you remember a little longer!" Tang Xiu said sternly with a cold look on his face.

"You!" Hei San obviously did not expect Tang Xiu's attitude to be so tough, and Tang Xiu's condescending attitude also made him very unhappy.

After staring at Tang Xiu for a long time, Hei San couldn't help but laugh angrily. He pointed at Tang Xiu's nose and said: "Boy, Hei San has seen countless people, and you are the most knowledgeable person I have ever seen. Don't think that you If you know some crude acupuncture skills, you can be unscrupulous. When Hei San started to wander around the world, your kid was still in his mother's womb!"

"I originally planned to settle the matter and treat it as a friend. Since you are so ignorant, don't blame me for being cruel." While Hei San spoke, he took out a butterfly knife from his hand, and his eyes showed bloodthirsty. of light.

The butterfly knife danced happily in Hei San's hand, making people dazzled. The howling wind gave people a great sense of oppression. Hei San's eyes towards Tang Xiu were full of ridicule and disdain.

Butterfly knives have no lethality. Those who know martial arts will not regard butterfly knives as their own weapons. Daggers, bayonets, swing sticks, police canes, and even kitchen knives and machetes are more lethal than butterfly knives.

However, Hei San particularly likes the butterfly knife, because the butterfly knife is so handsome when turned. For more than 20 years, Hei San has worked hard to practice the butterfly knife, and even customized countless butterfly knives for himself. He has already mastered the butterfly knife. My own routine.

So much so that after more than twenty years, the butterfly knife, which was just a trick in the eyes of others, has become a killer weapon in the hands of Hei San.

Under the pressure of Heisan's aggressive momentum, Tang Xiu took one step back, and then another step.

The kitchen space was already narrow. After Tang Xiu took six steps back, his back was already pressed against the wall and there was no way to retreat.

"Boy, I think you are not mentally ill as the rumors say, but a very independent person. How about you convince your mother to live with me, and I will protect you mother and son from now on?" Seeing Tang Xiu was forced into a desperate situation by himself, Hei San's face showed a hint of ferocity, and he smiled playfully.

"When you say this, no one can save you!" Tang Xiu sighed, and then with a kick of his feet, the green-haired gangster who was lying on the ground flew up and hit him hard. Black three.

Hei San subconsciously wanted to wave the butterfly knife in his hand, but after seeing clearly what was hitting him, he had to withdraw the butterfly knife and block the green-haired gangster's body with his arms.

Just when Hei San thought he could easily block the green-haired gangster's body, the next moment, his expression changed drastically.

Hei San was horrified to realize that he had actually ignored the speed at which the green-haired gangster's body hit him.

It was precisely because of the negligence of this detail that Hei San suffered fatal pain.

The green-haired gangster's body was like a fast-moving train, slamming into Hei San and sending Hei San's body flying.

There was only a crisp "click" sound, and Hei San's hands were declared broken.

Things didn't end there. After the green-haired gangster's body hit Heisan's body, their bodies continued to fly in mid-air.

After a while, only a muffled sound was heard. The bodies of the green-haired gangster and Hei San hit the wall at the same time, and then fell to the ground weakly.

After this collision, both the black brother and the green-haired gangster fainted.

"Wake those two people up. If you pretend that you can't stand up, you'll never get up again!" After Tang Xiu kicked Brother Hei away, he glanced at the other five gangsters who were lying on the ground dumbfounded, and scolded him sternly. road.

After hearing Tang Xiu's words, the five gangsters stood up from the ground.

However, the five gangsters did not obey Tang Xiu's order to wake up Hei San and the green-haired gangster. Instead, they rushed toward the kitchen door, trying to escape from this hellish place.

"You want to leave, do I let you go?" As Tang Xiu spoke, he raised his palm, and five chopsticks shot out from his hand, directly inserted into the thighs of the five gangsters, causing them to collapse to the ground. .

Tang Xiu has been dominant in the fairy world for thousands of years. He has long been accustomed to bossing around. Now that he has returned to Earth, although he has been cultivating himself in school for a month, his arrogance and domineering spirit have not diminished at all. Now he is being bullied by a bunch of gangsters. For a moment, he seemed to have returned to the world of immortality, a world of decisive killing.

"If you continue to wail and howl, the chopsticks in my hand will pierce your brains instead of inserting into your thighs. Do you want to give it a try!" Tang Xiu ignored the miserable situation of the five gangsters and said indifferently.

After hearing Tang Xiu's words, the screams and wails in the kitchen suddenly stopped, and the five gangsters looked at Tang Xiu with eyes filled with horror and fear.

You must know that these people usually only scare the old, weak, women and children, and have never seen blood at all. The reason why they dare to come and harass the restaurant next door is because they know the background of the restaurant next door, a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken. , plus a senior high school student who is weak and mentally ill.

These five people never dreamed that a piece of bone that was originally very easy to chew suddenly turned into a hard bone and directly broke their teeth.

Under Tang Xiu's sharp gaze, the five gangsters endured the severe pain. They limped to the side of Hei San and the green-haired gangster, then scooped up a spoonful of tap water and poured it on their heads.

Under the pouring of cold water, Hei San and the green-haired gangster quickly woke up.

"Everyone, come together and kill this little bastard. I'll be responsible for anyone's life!" Hei San just opened his eyes and roared hysterically.

As soon as Hei San finished his words, he heard a crisp sound, and then a burning pain on his face.

At the same time, Hei San felt a salty hot liquid welling up in his mouth, mixed with small hard pieces.

Hei San reached out to touch the corner of his mouth with difficulty, and then discovered a bright red color on his palm and a small section of broken teeth.

That flash of bright red was so dazzling and dazzling in Hei San's eyes that Hei San's eyes flashed with gold and his expression was in a trance.

Was he actually taken care of

Was he taken care of without any ability to fight back

Looking at Tang Xiu with a mocking look on his face, Hei San's eyes were full of disbelief.