Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 19: Debt collection


Ten minutes later, Tang Xiu and his mother appeared in front of a low shanty house.

Due to financial constraints, Tang Xiu and his mother did not own their own house in Star City. They rented a house in the cheapest shantytown in the old district of He Street as a temporary residence.

Gently placing his mother on the short wooden board, Tang Xiu began to get busy in the house.

During the thousands of years in the immortal world, Tang Xiu had long been accustomed to having clothes on his hands and food to open his mouth. Sometimes he could go without eating or drinking for hundreds of years without any problem. When Tang Xiu was suddenly asked to take care of the house, he was obviously not used to it.

After a while, Tang Xiu's movements slowly changed from unfamiliar to skillful, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

The room is not big, only about 40 square meters, and is divided into four rooms. The living room and dining room are connected together, with a shabby sofa as the dividing line, and then there is the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom.

Looking at the clean pillows and old quilts on the sofa, Tang Xiu felt sad.

Because the room was too small and had only one bedroom, Su Lingyun left the bedroom to Tang Xiu, but she kept sleeping on the sofa. Even when Tang Xiu was staying at school, Su Lingyun still insisted on sleeping on the sofa and refused to step into the bedroom.

In Su Lingyun's words, Tang Xiu has grown up and must have his own independent space.

It was Su Lingyun's meticulous care and doting that made Tang Xiu unable to cut off his attachment to his mother in the immortal world for thousands of years.

Half an hour later, the whole house became orderly, spotless inside and out, and the whole house had a brand new look.

Seeing that it was getting late and remembering that his mother had not eaten yet, Tang Xiu tiptoed into the kitchen.

While Tang Xiu was cleaning up his house at home, a human tragedy was taking place in the restaurant next door.

An hour ago, after Yuan Chuling handed in his papers, he happily walked to the examination room where Tang Xiu was, wanting to share his joy with Tang Xiu. He never thought that Tang Xiu had already left the school before him.

Yuan Chuling, who was familiar with Xiu's whereabouts, rushed to the hotel next door without hesitation. Then Yuan Chuling saw a scene that made him stunned. The hotel that Su Lingyun, Tang Xiu, mother and son regarded as their property and life was smashed beyond recognition.

For a moment, Yuan Chuling was filled with regrets. He blamed himself for being too selfish. He clearly had enough ability to help Tang Xiu improve his life but never took action.

Just when Yuan Chuling was about to call the police, he heard faint voices coming from the kitchen, and Yuan Chuling passed the test without hesitation.

In the kitchen, Hei San and Lu Mao did not notice Yuan Chuling's arrival at all. They were still gnashing their teeth and cursing Su Lingyun and Tang Xiu's mother and son, while planning how to retaliate against Su Lingyun and Tang Xiu's mother and son.

Hei San and Lu Mao were first beaten to death by Tang Xiu today, and then betrayed by Wanwan and his group. At this time, they were already psychologically distorted and completely blinded by hatred, so the only thought in their hearts was revenge.

Just as the two of them were discussing how to humiliate Su Lingyun, Yuan Chuling stepped into the kitchen with a dark face.

In the blank gazes of Hei San and Lu Mao, Yuan Chuling picked up a bench in his hand and smashed it down on them.

If it were before Hei San and Lu Mao were injured, with their rich combat experience and fighting skills, Yuan Chuling would definitely not be the opponent of any of them. Unfortunately, Hei San had already suffered fractures in both hands by Tang Xiu, and Lu Mao had already suffered fractures in both hands. Several ribs were broken, and the two of them were almost useless at this time. Even ordinary people could deal with them, let alone Yuan Chuling, who was so powerful.

Yuan Chuling continued to pound for more than ten minutes, and he did not stop until his hands became sour and soft. By this time, Hei San and Lu Mao had already fainted. They were covered in blood, and no intact part of their bodies could be seen.

"I... I killed someone?" After venting his anger, Yuan Chuling finally came to his senses. When he saw the shocking scene on the ground, his face turned pale, and then he turned and ran away.

Almost as soon as Yuan Chuling left the hotel, Wrench and Nail and their group left and returned.

When Wrench accidentally saw a line of bloody footprints extending from the kitchen to the door of the restaurant, his expression changed drastically, and he quickly rushed into the kitchen.

Behind Wrench, Nailizhi and others also vaguely guessed what happened, and they hurriedly followed in.

Seeing Hei San and Lu Mao lying motionless in a pool of blood, the pupils of the gangsters led by Wrench shrank and their faces turned pale.

"Hurry, they are still breathing, call an ambulance!" After carefully checking the injuries of Hei San and Lu Mao, Wanwan subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief and ordered sternly.

Hearing that Hei San and Lu Mao were not dead yet, the others felt relaxed and quickly got busy.

However, seeing the miserable situation of Hei San and Lu Mao, they couldn't help but feel sad.

These people know that if they had not chosen to follow the wrench and the nail at the critical moment, but continued to follow Black Three and Green Hair, then they would have ended up in the same fate as Black Three and Green Hair.

"Wrench, who made Heisan and Lvmao look like this? This is a rhythm that will kill them." Looking at Heisan and Lvmao on the ground, whose faces turned pale due to excessive blood loss, Nail He said with lingering fear.

Nailizhi knew that if his group hadn't arrived in time, Hei San and Lu Mao would never have escaped death.

After hearing Nail's words, Tang Xiu's figure flashed subconsciously in Wrench's mind, and then he shuddered, but did not dare to express his guess.

Although Nail didn't speak, Wrench and others already knew it.

Outside the hotel, after Yuan Chuling ran for a long distance, he couldn't help but turn back. However, after seeing the longing figures in the hotel, he did not dare to enter the room. Instead, he hid outside to check for movement until he heard that no one was dead. His hanging heart finally settled down.

Hejie old district, shanty town.

After nearly an hour of busy work, Tang Xiu finally prepared a table full of dishes, with a heartfelt smile on his face.

In order to prepare this table of dishes, Tang Xiu even went to the vegetable market twice.

When Tang Xiu went to the vegetable market for the first time, he only bought some common vegetables. However, when Tang Xiu checked his mother's body and found that her mother's body was in a state of severe overdraft and there were many hidden diseases in her body, he couldn't help but I went to the vegetable market and bought some astragalus and red ginseng.

After carefully tasting the food on the table and confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, Tang Xiu walked into the bedroom and woke his mother up.

"Xiu'er, weren't we in a hotel? Why did we get home and still fall asleep?" When Su Lingyun opened her eyes and saw clearly where she was, she couldn't help but look confused.

"Mom, you were too tired during this period, and you were so angry that you fainted." Tang Xiu explained with a smile.

"Mom, the matter at the hotel has been resolved. After my repeated pleas, Hei San and others have promised not to harass the hotel again, and will help decorate the hotel." Before his mother could ask, Tang Xiu asked his mother The worries in my heart were expressed.

Su Lingyun's face was full of disbelief when she heard this, and then she hurriedly picked up Tang Xiu's clothes and checked Tang Xiu's body. After confirming that Tang Xiu was not injured, she muttered in disbelief: "Those people from Hei San are... The underworld that eats people without spitting out their bones, how could they let our hotel go so easily?"

"Mom, as the saying goes, add salt to the tofu, and everything will be reduced. They originally ignored me, but after I showed the business cards of Officer Cheng Xuemei and Officer Hu Wenxu, they were like mice seeing a cat. They wilted instantly. Afraid that I would sue Police Officer Cheng Xuemei, in addition to promising to help restore the hotel, they also took out their money and jewelry and gave them to me... "

In order to completely reassure his mother, Tang Xiu had to rack his brains to weave a story.

When Tang Xiu was pleasantly surprised, he discovered that his ability to weave stories was not very strong, but he had even fooled himself, let alone his mother who was extremely trusting of him.

"Xiu'er, you are smarter. Mom will take the time to visit Officer Cheng and Officer Hu. We restaurant owners should get closer to the authorities so that those gangsters will be wary. Mom is far inferior to you in this regard. "Su Lingyun touched Tang Xiu's head lovingly and sighed softly.

"Mom, we'll talk about other things later. Let's eat first, otherwise the food will get cold later." Tang Xiu saw that his mother still wanted to sigh and boo, so he pushed her out of the bedroom.

"Okay, I'll get the food right away... Hey, why are you ordering takeout for so much food?" Su Lingyun was confused and didn't hear Tang Xiu's words clearly. She subconsciously walked into the kitchen to get the food. When she saw the table was full When eating the food, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Mom, this is the meal I worked hard for an hour. It's all what you like to eat. Do you think it suits your taste?" Tang Xiu pushed his mother to the seat and gave her a full bowl. Cai, then he said with a nervous look on his face.

Tang Xiu made a total of four dishes and one pot of medicated meals. The four dishes were taro chicken, steamed fish, stir-fried rapeseed hearts, and day lily soup. The medicated meal was porridge to replenish deficiency and righteousness.

Smelling the alluring aroma on the dinner table, Su Lingyun moved her index fingers, and she couldn't wait to hold the rice bowl and wolf it down.

"Mom, eat slowly and don't choke. If the food on the table is not enough, I will cook it for you." Seeing his mother swallowing jujubes while eating, Tang Xiu felt a surge of great achievement in his heart. This sense of accomplishment is even more intense than his breakthrough in cultivation.

"Xiu'er, don't just watch Mom eat, you should eat some too." After Su Lingyun ate for a long time, she realized that her son was looking at her dreamily. For a moment, she blushed and greeted her hurriedly.

"Okay, let's eat together." This was the first time Tang Xiu saw his mother acting gloomy. He smiled, then picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started chewing carefully.

While the mother and son were enjoying a cozy dinner, suddenly there was a loud bang outside, the whole house shook violently, and then three big men in suits and ties stormed into the house menacingly.

Glancing at the mother and son Su Lingyun and Tang Xiu who were enjoying their meal, Ban Cuntou, the leader, gave a sinister laugh, raised his thigh, and kicked the low wooden table hard.

There was only a random sound of ping ping ping pong, and the rickety wooden table declared its end of life and fell into a ball, with the food on the table also drying on the floor.

"You have money to eat but no money to pay back. You are treating me like a monkey!" After kicking the table over, Ban Cun Tou roared angrily, swung his palm and slapped Su Lingyun in the face.