Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 35: Complete materials


Three o'clock in the morning is the darkest hour before dawn, and it is also the hour when farmers in the mountains sleep the deepest.

There was only a loud bang, like a muffled thunder on the ground, at the foot of Zhaishanping, waking up the sleeping villagers.

The sleepy villagers muttered in their mouths, turned over and continued to sleep.

Some people listened for a while and found that there was no unusual sound except the horrifying hoot of an owl, and they slowly fell asleep.

Suddenly, what fell from the sky and hit the ground was a man and a snake.

The man and the snake were clearly Tang Xiu and the black python who had fought at the top of Zhaishanping.

At this time, the black giant python had completely lost its life. Its body curled up into a ball. In the center of the ball, Tang Xiu grinned with a frightened look on his face.

At the last moment when Tang Xiu's life was at stake, when he found that the black giant python had a weak life breath and no longer had any resistance, he rolled his eyes, and then without hesitation, he wrapped the black giant python's body around his body. .

In a few breaths, Tang Xiu wrapped himself tightly like a rice dumpling, not exposing any part of his body at all.

The black giant python discovered Tang Xiu's intention immediately. It subconsciously wanted to use its rock-hard skin and huge strength to crush Tang Xiu into a pulp.

Just as this thought came into the black python's mind, its body had already landed with a crash.

Under the huge impact force, the black giant python, whose life was hanging by a thread, died immediately. It could no longer harm Tang Xiu in the slightest. Even its rock-hard skin was torn apart by the huge impact force.

After a long while, Tang Xiu untied the python tail wrapped around his body and climbed up from the ground unsteadily.

Seeing the black giant python that was smashed to pieces, Tang Xiu couldn't help but secretly rejoice. If he hadn't thought of an escape plan when his life was hanging by a thread, he would have turned into meat like the black giant python, and he might have died. It gets worse.

After all, the black python's skin is as solid as a rock, but his body is a mortal body and is vulnerable to a blow.

Although Tang Xiu used the black giant python to save his life at the critical moment, under the huge impact, his whole body seemed to fall apart, and there were a few more bumps on his head.

After wasting a long time, Tang Xiu finally regained his breath. Then he took out a three-edged dagger and peeled off the skin of the black python bit by bit.

"The skin of the black python, in addition to being used for refining medicine, can be made into at least three sets of clothes, one for my mother, one for myself, and one for the fat man." Skinning the snake skin with difficulty, Tang Xiu made some calculations in his mind.

"The viscera of the black giant python is the main ingredient used in medicine. However, the viscera of this black giant python is a bit big and cannot be used to refine the body quenching fluid. Therefore, the rest can be considered to be brewed into medicinal wine and sold. At the same time, it can also help the mother to recuperate her body. .”

"Part of the black python's sinews is used to refine body quenching liquid, and part of it is used to refine weapons."

"Although the meat of the black giant python is a great tonic, it is also a very poisonous thing. It is obviously not suitable for ordinary people to eat. You can only enjoy it yourself."

It took Tang Xiu a full three hours to dismantle the materials from the black python. After standing up straight and stretching, Tang Xiu was dumbfounded.

This giant black python had been practicing for who knows how many years. Its body was as thick as a bucket and more than twenty meters long. So when it was dismantled, the material in its body was piled up like a mountain, almost approaching Tang Xiu's height.

"Not having a storage ring is trouble!" Tang Xiu smiled bitterly and looked around. After feeling that it was impossible for anyone to arrive in this rocky area so early, he turned back and climbed up to the top of the mountain.

When they were barbecuing game meat, Tang Xiu put his schoolbag aside and put his cell phone, wallet and other things inside.

Half an hour later, Tang Xiu successfully climbed to the top of the mountain and found his schoolbag in the mess.

The rare herbs in the schoolbag had been destroyed in Tang Xiu's battle with the black python, and some special emergency items were also destroyed.

To Tang Xiu's relief, when he took out the mobile phone he bought last night from his schoolbag, he found that the screen was still on.

If the phone breaks down, Tang Xiu may have to alert many people if he wants to transport the mountain of python materials back to the main city.

"Wrench, find me a truck with better sealing, and let Nail help rent a freezer..." After the call was dialed, Tang Xiu ordered in a deep voice.

Wrench and Nail were the gangsters who followed Heisan to cause trouble in the restaurant next door a few days ago. After being severely punished by Tang Xiu, they now followed Tang Xiu's lead and obeyed Tang Xiu's orders.

It turned out that after Tang Xiu severely punished Hei San and others in the hotel that day, Tang Xiu did not let the seven people go easily, but tampered with them to prevent them from breaking their promise and ignoring the renovation of the hotel. Just run away and leave.

After Hei San and his party left the hotel, they indeed turned a deaf ear to Tang Xiu's words. Hei San did the same, the green-haired gangster did the same, the wrench and the nail did the same, and everyone else was no exception.

After being tortured by Tang Xiu, they wanted to hide as far away as possible, because Tang Xiu left such a deep impression on them. He was ruthless, cold, cruel, violent, and yet extremely powerful. , leaving them without the strength to resist.

Heisan and others felt that as long as they found a place to hide, it would be impossible for Tang Xiu to find them. As long as they no longer had the trouble of searching for the restaurant next door, everything would be fine for them and their group.

For fear that Tang Xiu would find them through Naofumi Real Estate, Heizi and the others did not even dare to ask for the remaining half of the reward from Naofumi Real Estate.

When most of the day passed and they learned that Tang Xiu only wandered around the entrance of the hotel for a moment and then left, seemingly helpless with them, Hei San and others were still secretly happy, feeling that their decision was the right one.

After that night, Hei San and others felt so regretful that the place was green.

Almost at the same moment, Hei San and others began to suffer severe pain all over their bodies. No matter whether they went to the hospital or saw a sprain doctor, they could not find out what was wrong with their bodies, and there was no way to relieve the pain.

After Hei San and others inquired about each other's situation, they determined one thing, that is, the severe pain on their bodies was related to Tang Xiu, and only Tang Xiu could help them relieve pain.

Then the seven people didn't care that their injuries were still recovering, or that it was already midnight. They all gathered in front of the door of the neighboring hotel.

It was naturally impossible for Tang Xiu to wait for them in the neighboring hotel in the middle of the night. It was not until the next morning that Tang Xiu walked to the hotel casually. By this time, Hei San and others had been tortured by severe pain all night.

After seeing Tang Xiu, Hei San and others bowed their heads as if they were seeing their biological father, begging Tang Xiu to help them relieve pain, and kept self-examination and assurance. Their attitude was as sincere as they wanted.

Tang Xiu smiled and did not embarrass them. He just helped them relieve the pain, then said "Renovate the hotel well" and walked away, leaving Hei San and others standing at the door of the hotel looking at each other.

This time, Heisan and others naturally did not dare to turn a deaf ear to Tang Xiu's words, let alone be lazy and slippery.

In order to satisfy Tang Xiu and completely relieve the pain of himself and others, Hei San and others racked their brains and thought when renovating the hotel.

In just two days, Hei San and others renovated the hotel next door.

Heisan and others paid a huge sum of nearly 600,000 yuan for this. Not only did they put in all the money paid to them by Shangwen Real Estate to deal with Tang Xiu, they also put in all their savings.

Because the pain caused by the restriction is too unbearable, it is not only physical destruction, but also soul torture. They never want to suffer such pain again in their lifetime.

Tang Xiu was obviously very satisfied with the high efficiency and quality of Hei San and others, so he simply lifted the restrictions on Wrench, Nail and others, and even healed their injuries.

Of course, the exception was Hei San and the green-haired gangster. Although Tang Xiu had lifted the restrictions on the two of them, he was too lazy to heal their injuries. To Tang Xiu, not taking their lives was considered lucky for them. Naturally, they should not expect Tang Xiu to heal their injuries.

As the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. After this confrontation, Hei San and Green Haired Gangster were in awe of Tang Xiu and never dared to provoke Tang Xiu again. Wrench, Nail and others were shocked by Tang Xiu. They could see that Tang Xiu was the kind of person who had clear grudges, so instead of being afraid of Tang Xiu, they shamelessly pestered Tang Xiu, praying that Tang Xiu could teach them a move.

Tang Xiu was naturally too lazy to pay attention to Wrench, Nail and the others, but he did not deliberately alienate Wrench and Nail either.

Because Tang Xiu knows that there will never be a shortage of small people like wrenches and nails in this world. They are often inconspicuous, but the power they burst out at critical moments is even more terrifying than the big people.

Before Tang Xiu had accumulated enough strength, Tang Xiu didn't mind letting this power be used for his own use.

Wrench moved quickly. Even at six o'clock in the morning, he drove a large truck to the place designated by Tang Xiu at the foot of Zhaishan Ping within half an hour.

Three other people arrived at Zhaishanping with Wanwan at the same time. They were the three people who went to the neighboring restaurant with Wanwan to cause trouble.

"Boss, Naileda is looking for a suitable warehouse and hasn't come over. You said the less people know about this, the better, so I only called the three of them over. Just tell us whatever you need us to do." Seeing Tang After repairing it, Wanwan hurriedly took a step forward and reported the report with excitement on his face.

Wrench and the others had been pestering Tang Xiu for several days. Tang Xiu had always ignored them. This was the first time that Tang Xiu asked them to help with something. This meant that at least Tang Xiu no longer hated them. Wrench and the others naturally Very happy.