Returning on a Snowy Night

Chapter 16


"Will you come to see the slave? King Rui is spying on something else." Wu Qianqian took the jade bowl and said bluntly.

Qi Huan, "I didn't expect you to care so much about me, I'm really flattered."

"Wang Rui is heroic and heroic. No one in Beijing's daughter's family doesn't admire her, but I would like to advise you, if you can't force it, be careful to fetch water from the bamboo basket." Wu Qianqian got up holding the tray and looked down at Qi Huan.

Qi Huan propped his hands behind his back, and his body fell backwards, "Miss Wu, if you are wronged, you will go to whoever provokes you. How can you only pick soft persimmons?"

As he spoke, he winked at Bai Lanshi, "Really, brother."

"You and your sister are difficult to deal with." Wu Qianqian said angrily.

"Okay, why are you two able to pinch each other as soon as you meet?" Bai Lanshi said.

Wu Qianqian gave Qi Huan a hard look, as if to vent his anger on him, "Brother, I'll go prepare the meal." She walked out quickly.

Bai Lanshi raised his eyes to Qi Huan, who immediately sat up and explained, "My brother can't blame me for this matter, it's Qi Xiaoya."

Qi Huan said discouragedly, "The girl didn't know how to know Wu Qianqian, she regarded her as a man, pestered her every day, and kept saying that she liked her. Later, I told her that Wu Qianqian was a daughter, and that girl still didn't give up. I guess Wu Qianqian was taken by her. If you get annoyed, take my sister's anger on me." Qi Huan said that he was really wronged.

Bai Lanshi nodded, "Love in this world has nothing to do with gender, but if it's not for the love between the two, I'm afraid that entanglement will only add to the sadness."

Qi Huan's eyes lit up, and he asked tentatively, "Brother also thinks that as long as there is love, everything is not a problem?"

Bai Lanshi shook his head slightly self-deprecating, "Now what I say sounds good, but if it really falls on me, I don't know what to do with moral principles."

"Together if you love, separate if you don't love." Qi Huan was a little anxious, "There are so many right and wrong."

Bai Lanshi smiled and said, "King Rui is more transparent about love affairs than Bai."

"Oh... brother..." Qi Huan quickly waved his hands, "Brother, I have held the hands of my mother and Qi Xiaoya at this age."

"Why are you nervous?" Bai Lanshi raised his lips slightly, and seemed to be in a good mood. When he got up, Qi Huan hurried to help him, "Let's go to the front room for dinner."

The cloth meal is Rong Le, a plate of steamed fish, a plate of shredded cucumber, and a plate of fried cabbage, with salt water for mouthwashing.

"Where's Wu Qianqian?" Bai Lanshi asked.

Rong Le put away the bowls and chopsticks and said, "It seems that the princess is blocking people outside, and Sister Qianqian slipped out from behind."

Bai Lanshi nodded. He had met Qi Xiaoya at His Majesty's birthday banquet, and he was indeed a eccentric master, but Bai Lanshi still admired him a little for doing such an outrageous thing.

"Brother, eat fish." Qi Huan held a chopstick to Bai Lanshi, "Don't worry, brother, I know Qi Xiaoya, she just watched Wu Qianqian grow up and look good, with Wu Qianqian's attitude, she felt bored, It will be forgotten in a few days."

Bai Lanshi was thoughtful, put down his chopsticks and looked at Qi Huan who was eating happily, and said seriously, "Didn't you say you like it? How can you be so sure that she will forget it in a few days."

"Brother, you don't know that Qi Xiaoya just likes Wu Qianqian's face. I can see her sister thoroughly. What I can't get is always good."

Bai Lanshi frowned slightly, but still didn't understand, "Since I said I like it, how can I not like it so easily?"

"Brother, ouch, what should I tell you." Qi Huan patted his forehead and said sadly. Not only worried about Bai Lanshi, but also worried about himself. My brother is so smart but doesn't understand that love in this world is chaotic.

Bai Lanshi picked up the chopsticks again, "If you like the word, you can't take it back. A gentleman should make a promise." It seemed that what he said to Qi Huan was also for himself.

Qi Huan hurriedly said, "Brother, then you can't casually say you like the word!"

If my elder brother fell in love with someone else before I succeeded, based on what my elder brother said now, I might not even be able to get through the cracks, no, no, no, I have to be anxious about this matter.

Qi Huan originally thought of the way of boiling frogs in warm water, and infiltrated his love into Bai Lanshi little by little, and he discovered his heart unconsciously.

He won't scare the snake, but he can stay by his brother's side in an open and honest manner.

Bai Lanshi smiled and said, "That's natural."

"Brother, haven't you ever thought of finding someone?" Qi Huan pretended to lower his head to eat, but glanced at Bai Lanshi.

Bai Lanshi smiled and said, "One day I live is one day I earn. If I die early, don't drag any girl down for nothing."

"Bah! Bah! Bah! My brother will live a long life, don't talk nonsense." Qi Huan said.

Bai Lanshi smiled and said nothing.

Qi Huan lingered on after eating, Bai Lanshi didn't mention it, and the two just sat opposite each other in the room.

On a rare sunny day today, Bai Lanshi wrapped his cloak tightly and opened the sliding door across the courtyard. The snow covered outside was dazzling under the warm sun.

Bai Lanshi stretched out his slender and pale hands, and slowly opened his curled fingers. Facing the rare winter breeze, Bai Lanshi smiled.

Qi Huan sat on the side and watched quietly, his heart hurt like being stabbed, but he was clumsy and couldn't say a word of comfort, so he just accompanied him quietly.

Bai Lanshi felt the cold wind gliding over his nails, taking away the last warmth from his hands, so he retracted his hands.

Qi Huan naturally covered the blue and purple hands that had been frozen in the palm of his hand, and rubbed them with his dry, warm and callused hands.

Things that the master never cherished, but he regarded them as treasures, and carefully cared for them in a way that suited his identity.

Qi Huan gasped, and when his hands warmed up, he let go of his frowning, raised his head and smiled, "Brother, when you recover, Huan'er will take you to a snowball fight."

Bai Lanshi's heart skipped a beat, something was about to come out, but he couldn't figure it out. Bai Lanshi once felt that if he had more experience and read more books, would he be able to understand his mood at the moment.

Knowing that this is nonsense, Bai Lanshi still nodded his head in a strange way, with a voice in his heart, he didn't want the person in front of him to be sad.

Lu Yan sat on the chair with his thighs crossed and looked at the medical skills. From time to time, he picked up the snacks on the side and ate a few mouthfuls of tea, feeling very comfortable.

Suddenly, a snowball flew over from outside and smashed into his collar. Lu Yan jumped up and jumped up and down as if he was scalded by water.

"Which bastard, come out!" Lu Yan reached out to touch the snow in his clothes, but because of the temperature of his body, the snow melted quickly, forming a puddle of water on his back.

Shuyan slipped out of the corner quietly, holding a snowball in his hand, and looked at Lu Yan with a smile, "Lv Yan, give me a trick." He said and threw the snowball in his hand towards Lu Yan's front.

Lu Yan bent back after being hit, wiped his face, looked at the book words where he was, rolled up his sleeves, pointed at the book words and said, "If you don't teach me a lesson, the dog will be turned upside down!"

After chasing them out, the two came back and forth in the yard, rubbing snowballs at each other and hitting each other, having a great time.

In the end, they all lay down in the snow exhausted, and Lu Yan kicked Shuyan, "Aren't you in the barracks? Come back?"

Shuyan raised his arm, spread his five fingers, and squinted his eyes to look at the sky, "I heard that Mr. Wei is ill. General Wei and I will make a report. Come back and have a look."

Shuyan got up and pulled Lu Yan up by the way, "Don't lie on the ground, you'll catch the wind and cold soon."

Leveraging his strength, Lu Yan climbed up from the ground, only to realize that Shuyan was half a head taller than him, "Why are you so tall?"

"It's because you are too short, I'm relatively short in the army." Shu Yan said.

The upper bodies of the two were covered with broken snow, and they walked towards the house side by side, Lu Yan said, "It's a pity, I won't grow any longer."

Shuyan smiled, "You're a doctor, and you don't use knives on the battlefield, so why are you so high?"

Lu Yan puffed out his chest unconvinced, "Men all hope that they are taller and burlier."

Shi Langqi walked towards him and frowned slightly, "Who are you?"

Lu Yan squatted down quickly, rubbed a snowball, and threw it at Shi Langqi. Shi Langqi turned slightly, and the snowball flew over while wiping his clothes.

Shi Langqi raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at the snow slag on the upper bodies of the two, smiled, opened his arms and said, "I won't move, you smash it."

Lu Yan was in high spirits again, gearing up his fists, "Don't hit yourself later... ah, cut."

Shu Yan, "Are you okay?"

Lu Yan waved his hand, "It's okay, just a small problem."

Shi Langqi walked over quickly and saw Lu Yan's lips that were already purple from the cold, "It's nothing, hurry up and soak me in hot water."

Lu Yan muttered in a low voice, "What an evil."

Shi Langqi ignored him, and said to Shuyan at the side, "Shuyan, you came back to visit Mr., the house is reserved, change your clothes first, and then go to see Mr." go to the house.

Pulling Lu Yan to walk quickly, Lu Yan looked at the surrounding houses and said excitedly, "Hey, this is not the direction of my house!!!"

"Go back to my room, there is hot water inside." Shi Langqi said.

"Why do you keep hot water in your nice house?" Lu Yan said.

After entering the room, "I was planning to come back and take a bath to get rid of the cold." Shi Langqi gestured behind the screen, "What are you looking at, take off your clothes and take a bath."

Lu Yan smiled, "It's so warm in your room, hahaha."

The hot water wrapped Lu Yan's limbs, and he didn't feel anything at first, but as soon as he came into contact with the heat source, Lu Yan felt that his hands and feet were extremely cold, and he was indeed frozen.

"Ginger?" Shi Langqi walked behind the screen, and Lu Yan wrapped his arms around his chest, "What are you doing here!"

Shi Langqi went to the tub, took some herbs from the jar, and threw them into the tub, Lu Yan picked it up, and said in surprise, "I never thought that senior brother would be so delicate."

"As a doctor, your life is not as healthy as that of ordinary people. What do you think?" Shi Langqi took a stool and sat aside.

Lu Yan lay on the side of the bathtub and said with emotion, "Oh, I thought I was young and durable, but compared with Shuyan today, I am really weak."

There was a sound of rushing water, and Lu Yan leaned back into the bathtub, "I don't know what kind of food that kid eats in the barracks, and he jumped taller than me if he didn't pay attention."

Shi Langqi got up and threw the towel on Lu Yan's face, "You care about him so much?"

Lu Yan was not annoyed, he took off the towel and soaked it, and wiped his body, "You don't understand how it feels to be an old father." After finishing speaking, he lay down on the side of the bathtub and looked at Shi Langqi, "I saw you for the first time. When I was writing the book, that little guy's head was wet, I thought nothing of it at the time, but after he lived in the house, I found out that he is such a clean person, why did he look like that at the time."

Lu Yanyue spoke more and more vigorously, and didn't notice Shi Langqi's expression at all, "Guess what, I found out later that when the child came to return the things, he felt dirty, so he ran to the river to wash his head and face before coming here. Sigh, If Aunt Hong hadn't told me, I'm afraid that kid wouldn't say a word."

"Since I knew about that, I have treated Shuyan as my own son." Lu Yan said.

Shi Langqi raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Son?"

"That's right! This child has neither mother nor father love, how pitiful." Lu Yan said naturally.

"Well, keep it up, I also think Shuyan needs a father to love, or I will treat Shuyan as my son in the future." Shi Langqi laughed.

"Hey!" Lu Yan quickly waved his hands, "You are a father, what should I be?"

Shi Langqi tilted his head and smiled, "Mother!"

"Oh!" Lu Yan came to his senses fiercely, seeing Shi Langqi had already flashed out of the bathroom, Lu Yan patted the water and shouted, "Mother, you sister! How dare you tease me!"