Returning on a Snowy Night

Chapter 22


As soon as he spoke, he heard Rong Le's voice, "My lord, so you are here!"

"What's wrong?" Wu Qianqian asked.

"It's the Fuzi of Prince Rui's Mansion, I want to see you, Young Master." Before Rong Le could finish speaking, Bai Lanshi strode towards the gate.

Wu Qianqian sighed, and pulled Rong Le to follow.

Fuzi had bruises under his eyes, sitting on the chair in the front hall, his shaking legs showed his anxiety now.

Seeing Bailan and Shi Fuzi immediately stood up, his eyes lit up as if he saw the savior, and he was about to kneel down, "Mr. Bai, please persuade the prince well."

Bai Lanshi's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly supported him, his voice trembling slightly, "What happened to Qi Huan?"

Fuzi touched his tears, "Sir, let's talk as we walk, if I delay the filming, the prince will not be able to bear it."

When Wu Qianqian and Rong Le arrived, they heard Bai Lanshi order, "I want to go to Prince Rui's Mansion with Fuzi."

"I'm with senior brother." Wu Qianqian said.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Bai Lanshi nodded.

Fuzi came with a carriage, Wu Qianqian and Bai Lanshi got into the carriage, Rong Le ran out from inside holding a cloak and handed it to Wu Qianqian, "It's cold outside, put it on, young master."

Fuzi climbed up to the front horse, Wu Qianqian shook off her cloak and put it on the senior brother, looking at the raised brows of the senior brother, Wu Qianqian knew that there are some things that cannot be avoided, and the entanglement of fate will eventually tie the two together.

The plaque on the gate of King Rui's Mansion is magnificent, and it was written by His Majesty himself.

Fuzi led Bai Lanshi into the mansion, "Sir, the prince has locked himself in the room since he came back two days ago, and he refused to see anyone. He smashed things, didn't eat or drink water, so the boy just said hello." I can only come to you."

There are a lot of things in the mansion, and the people are prosperous, but Bai Lanshi always feels deserted, thinking that Qi Huan has been living in such an atmosphere, his heart can't help but pick up.

The bedroom door was closed, but Bai Lanshi stepped forward but was grabbed by Wu Qianqian's wrist, "Brother, be careful."

Bai Lanshi wiped Wu Qianqian's hand away, and knocked on the door, and there was an irritable voice from inside, "Get out." Accompanied by the sound of porcelain smashing against the door.

Fuzi turned pale with fright, and looked at Bai Lanshi in horror.

Bai Lanshi's expression remained unchanged, and he said softly, "It's me."

The atmosphere was strangely still, just the sound of tables and chairs collapsing, Qi Huan hissed, and stood at the door, drawing shadows of people with his fingertips through the window pasted with cotton paper, and smiled foolishly.

"It's not convenient for Huan'er to see my elder brother today, but tomorrow Huan'er will go to her elder brother's house."

Seeing the fading shadows on the window, Qi Huan slid and sat down against the side door as if he lost his strength. The room was full of mess and he couldn't let his brother see.

With a loud bang, the wooden door on one side was smashed open, and a large stone was pressed under the broken door panel, which was used to decorate the rockery in the yard.

Qi Huan froze in place, at a loss, his mind went blank.

Then came into the house in white clothes, Bai Lanshi looked around, but he didn't see Qi Huan, turned his head and saw Qi Huan beside him.

Fuzi thought that the prince's roar had angered Mr. Bai, but who would have thought that the gentle Bailanshi would lift up the stone next to the rockery and smash it at the door, Fuzi was dumbfounded.

However, the surprise was immediately replaced by Qi Huan's bruises on his arms and legs, "My lord! I'm injured, I'm going to call the imperial doctor right now."

Bai Lanshi stopped Fuzi, "Don't disturb others, go get the medicine box."

"But..." Fuzi looked at Qi Huan with some embarrassment, and ran away when he saw Qi Huan nodding.

Qi Huan propped himself against the wall to get up, forced a smile, "Isn't it just to find my brother tomorrow."

"Does it hurt?" Bai Lanshi took Qi Huan's hand, brought him to the bed and sat down.

The elder brother's hand was slightly cold, but the little flame in Qi Huan's heart burst out again, and he sat down stiffly, looking at the record in the room, he was too ashamed to look at his elder brother.

Fuzi moved quickly, and ran over with the medicine box in his arms. After Bai Lanshi took it, "Go and watch outside, and don't reveal what happened today."

Fuzi didn't dare to neglect, and quickly said, "Yes, the slave knows."

Wu Qianqian never went in, Fuzi came out to see her, and asked her to sit in the front hall, Wu Qianqian politely refused, and Fuzi didn't have much to say, since it was brought by Mr. Bai, and he was also called Mr. Bai's senior brother, he probably belonged to him .

The room without one person suddenly fell silent. Qi Huan held his breath and stared at Bai Lanshi squatting in front of him. He took off his boots and rolled up his pants. When the wound stretched by the sharp object appeared on his calf, Fortunately not deep.

Bai Lanshi bowed down and blew, took out the white powder from the medicine box and sprinkled it on it, and wrapped the wound neatly with gauze.

Repeating the action, he also bandaged the wound on Qi Huan's arm. From the beginning to the end, Qi Huan just stared at Bai Lanshi without saying a word.

After a lot of tossing, Bai Lanshi had no strength left, so he sat on the bed, leaning against the end of the bed to calm down his unsteady breath.

Qi Huan seemed to be in a daze, rubbing the gauze on his arm over and over again, like some rare treasure, the silence in the room was terrifying.

It took a while for Bai Lanshi to regain his strength. He was dizzy from lack of sleep, and with today's stimulation, he was exhausted.

Bai Lanshi held Qi Huan's hand rubbing the gauze, and said softly, "Does it hurt?"

Qi Huan suddenly raised his eyes to look at Bai Lanshi, a little confused, "Brother?"

Bai Lanshi sighed, sat forward and hugged Qi Huan, and said in a low voice, "My heart aches."

The body of the person in the arms was obviously startled, and then he hugged Bai Lanshi back vigorously, tears poured out uncontrollably, Qi Huan said in a crying voice, "It hurts, brother, Huan'er hurts so much."

Qi Huan was so strong that he wanted to rub Bai Lanshi into his flesh and blood, but Bai Lanshi let him pat the boy on the back non-stop.

Fuzi, who was guarding outside, was stunned when he heard the crying, and then he realized that it belonged to the prince. He subconsciously looked at Wu Qianqian, who had no expression on her face. After hearing this, she raised her foot and walked away like Qian Yuan.

Fuzi hurriedly followed, "Where are you going, girl?"

"I'm tired, go sit in the front hall." Wu Qianqian coldly glanced at the room behind her, snorted coldly, and walked towards the front yard.

Thinking of Bai Lanshi's words, Fuzi didn't dare to leave his post without authorization, so he had to retreat and guard the door in fear.

Qi Huan, who had cried enough, realized how naive his behavior was just now, his ears were red, he didn't dare to look at Bai Lanshi, but he held his hands tightly, as if he was afraid that someone would run away.

Qi Huan plucked up his courage and asked, "Brother, do you like Huan'er?"

Bai Lanshi also turned away his eyes in embarrassment, and hummed in a low voice. Qi Huan suppressed his excitement and licked his slightly dry lips, "Brother, can you say it again?"

Bai Lanshi remained silent, and Qi Huan's heart beat faster, as if rushing out of his chest. The hand was released, but Qi Huan didn't have time to grab it, his heart shrank suddenly, and his body was turned around by his shoulders.

Bai Lanshi looked into Qi Huan's red eyes, word by word, making sure that his voice could reach Qi Huan's ears soberly, "I like you seriously, after thinking about it."

The huge fireworks exploded in Qi Huan's mind, causing his expression to go blank for a second, and then impulsively pushed him down, and kissed Mengmeng's lips brutally.

The stiff body of the person below him gradually relaxed, and he responded to the boy's jerky kiss. Qi Huan was even more presumptuous, he pried open Bai Lanshi's teeth with his tongue, and messed with them indiscriminately, one hand pressed the back of his brother's head and pressed towards himself, and the other pinched Bai Lanshi's chin and lifted it up.

Forced to reveal his fragile Adam's apple, he loosened his lips, Bai Lanshi slightly opened his moist lips, his eyes were confused, but his hands were tightly clutching the corner of Qi Huan's clothes, which made Qi Huan's heart burst into joy.

Lying on Bai Lanshi's body, with his head nestled on his neck, greedily inhaling the scent of medicine on his brother's body, is it a coquettish kiss of his brother's round earlobes

Sleepiness swept over, Bai Lanshi patted the back of the person on his body, "I'm so sleepy, I need to sleep for a while."

Qi Huan raised his head, looked at Bai Lanshi who had closed his eyes with bright eyes, smiled silly, kissed the eyes of his relatives, but felt that it was not enough, filled his nose and mouth, and continued to hug Bai Lanshi greedily stone.

This time Bai Lanshi slept unexpectedly peacefully, except for the arms that were always wrapped around him, everything was fine.

Opening his eyes in a daze, he saw Qi Huan tilting his head and looking at him with a smile in his eyes, "Brother is awake."

The sky outside was already turning pale, probably after sleeping all night, the layout of the room changed, Bai Lanshi propped up his upper body and asked, "This is?"

Qi Huan sat upright, staring at Bai Lanshi without blinking, "This is a side room, the master bedroom is too messy."

"Where's Wu Qianqian?" Bai Lanshi thought of his junior sister who came with him.

"She went back and told the people in the house that my brother is sleeping with me tonight." Qi Huan hugged Bai Lanshi and sighed contentedly, "My brother looks so good sleeping."

Bai Lanshi frowned, "You haven't slept all night."

Qi Huan nodded indifferently, "I am afraid that my brother will disappear suddenly, so I dare not sleep."

"Sleep for a while, or your body won't be able to bear it." Bai Lanshi pushed the person away from his body and stuffed him into the quilt, "Sleep."

The warmth in the quilt awakened the drowsiness, Qi Huan tried to open his eyes wide, "Brother won't take advantage of me to sleep, let's go." Bai Lanshi lowered his body and kissed Qi Huan's forehead, "No, after you wake up Will see me."

Qi Huan held Bai Lanshi's hand, squinted his eyes and smiled, showing a small canine tooth, looking innocent and cute, "I believe in brother." He was probably very tired, and Qi Huan fell asleep after closing his eyes for a while .

Bai Lanshi observed the young man, and he grew up a lot. Bai Lanshi never cared about the young man's eyebrows and eyes. Now it seems that the young man's eyebrows are raised, lining the deep eye sockets, the bridge of the nose is narrow and straight, and the lips are neither thin nor thick. See what you like.

Bai Lanshi just felt that he missed a lot of time when he was a teenager.

Fuzi brought breakfast, and tiptoed in, "Mr. Bai, where is your lord?" Fuzi glanced at Qi Huan who was sleeping soundly, and whispered, "Mr. Bai, let's eat."

Bai Lanshi nodded, "Put that there first, I'll use it later."

Fuzi glanced at the bed and confirmed that she was only asleep before leaving.

Bai Lanshi leaned against the head of the bed, closed his eyes and fell asleep. For Bai Lanshi who lived a regular life, he was already hungry. Bai Lanshi slightly wanted to break free from Qi Huan's hand, but unexpectedly raised his eyes and met Qi Huan's deep eyes, "Where do you want to go, brother?"

"You didn't sleep." Bai Lanshi looked at Qi Huan in surprise.

"My brother hasn't answered my question yet." Qi Huan said coldly.

Bai Lanshi pointed to the meal on the table, "Dinner." After finishing speaking, Bai Lanshi obviously felt that Qi Huan had relaxed, "I'm hungry too, I'll go to bed with my brother after dinner."

Bai Lanshi didn't think much of it, after all, Fuzi said that Qi Huan hadn't eaten for several days.