Returning on a Snowy Night

Chapter 24


The room was silent for a while, only the sound of bowls and chopsticks clashing.

It took a while for Qi Huan to speak, "Brother."

This sentence directly caused Bai Lanshi to choke on the water he imported, coughing uncontrollably, and blushing.

Qi Huan was taken aback, and quickly got up and squatted down to pat Bai Lanshi on the back, "It's Huan'er's fault, brother is all right."

Seeing that the coughing subsided, Bai Lanshi supported Qi Huan's arm with one hand, waved his hand and said, "It's not a problem, I'm just choking."

"It's Huan'er who frightened my brother." Qi Huan's eyes were dim, and he was full of self-blame.

Although the emotion was only for a moment, it was also noticed by the approaching Bai Lanshi. He frowned, and pressed Qi Huan's head with his slender hands, "What are you afraid of?"

Qi Huan smiled, got up and sat back on the chair without saying a word, picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece for his brother and put it in the bowl, "Brother, I'm not full yet, I had a fight with Wei Wei today, and I consumed a little too much."

"Fight?" Bai Lanshi stared at Qi Huan's exposed skin for a while, seeing that there were no bruises, he asked, "Why did you fight? Is there any injury?"

"Brother, don't worry, Huan'er is also very powerful." Qi Huan bent his arms, trying to show his strength, but seeing his brother smiled, he said unhappy, "My brother doesn't believe me."

"How could it be? I have heard about your scenery in the frontier." Bai Lanshi's praise made Qi Huan's ears turn red, and he was a little embarrassed.

After the two had finished their meal, Qi Huan refused to leave and insisted on staying in the Changqing Mansion tonight. Seeing Bai Lanshi's acquiescence, Qi Huan happily took off his clothes and went to take a bath.

There was a two-meter-high bronze mirror in the bathroom. Qi Huan stripped off his clothes one by one. The mirror showed a body with well-proportioned bones and clear muscle lines.

The lower abdomen was really bruised, Qi Huan frowned and poked it, almost crying out in pain, he quickly covered his mouth and looked outside, only to relax when he saw that his brother hadn't heard anything.

Stepped towards the water and sat down, the slightly hot water caressed the whole body, gradually relaxing the sore and stiff body.

Thinking of being able to sleep together with his brother again in a while, his whole body was filled with joy, and earth-shaking changes took place in just a few days, which made Qi Huan both happy and uneasy.

At about the same time, Qi Huan was about to get up when Bai Lanshi came out from behind the screen, holding a set of clean shirts and underpants in his hands.

Qi Huan sat back quickly, pulled the small towel on the stool to cover the important parts, and the two looked at each other, only hearing the sound of water splashing in the barrel.

No matter how fast the speed was, the large bruise on the lower abdomen still stood out in Bai Lanshi's eyes.

The clean clothes were put on the shelf, and Bai Lanshi stepped on the water-stained stone slab and walked step by step, "Are you injured? Let me see."

How could Qi Huan be willing to be in such an awkward position, he tightly covered it to prevent his brother from seeing him, his ears were so red that they were about to bleed.

No one expected that the gentle and elegant brother would directly reach out and pull the towel out of the water. The wet towel hung on the edge of the barrel and fell into the water stains on the ground, making a ticking sound.

Qi Huan, who was completely exposed, covered his red face with his hands, just wanting to find a crack in the ground to get in.

I thought it was already the limit, but when my brother touched the bruise on his finger, I felt an electric current pass through my body, and my whole body seemed to explode.

In some places, he raised his head high and rubbed his brother's hand. Even the thick-skinned Qi Huan couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "Brother." His voice was a little hoarse.

It was only then that Bai Lanshi realized what he had done, tried his best to put on a sullen face, and looked away, "The clothes are there, wear them by yourself after washing." Although he looked calm, his red neck betrayed him.

Turning around to leave, there was the sound of water splashing behind him, and wet hands were holding his wrists, Qi Huan said in a low voice, slightly coquettishly, "Brother, Huan'er feels uncomfortable."

After a stick of incense, the two came out.

Qi Huan was wearing a clean and white undershirt, circling around his brother, looking like a spoiled kitten full of food.

The clothes on Bai Lanshi's body were wet and stuck to his body, the corners of his eyes were still flushed, he pursed his lips and silently changed into clean clothes.

Qi Huan on the bed stared at Bai Lanshi with sparkling eyes, and was entangled with his hands and feet as soon as he got into bed.

Qi Huan held Bai Lanshi's slender hand, kissed it, and said ambiguously against his red ears, "It smells like me."

Bai Lanshi bluntly changed the topic, "Safflower oil should be used for injuries?"

Qi Huan chuckled, "I don't care, I'm afraid my brother can't bear it."

Bai Lanshi broke free from his embrace, pulled the quilt over his head and fell down, pulled the quilt over his head, and said sullenly, "It's getting late, let's rest."

Today, he has tasted the sweetness that he never thought of. Qi Huan obediently hugged his quilt and lay down, but his hands got into the quilt beside him.

As time passed, Bai Lanshi poked his head out and looked at Qi Huan, who was breathing steadily with his eyes closed, leaned over and kissed the man on the forehead, and said in a low voice, "Don't be afraid."

Feeling a little pretentious, she got back into her quilt and turned her back in embarrassment.

The boy who closed his eyes couldn't help teardrops from the corners of his eyes, and smiled silently.

In the early morning of the next day, Qi Huan pestered his brother and insisted on dressing him, Bai Lanshi had no choice but to let him go, but Qi Huan's hands were always dishonest, either touching his waist or the back of his neck.

After putting on the outer shirt, Qi Huan wrapped his arms around Bai Lanshi's waist from behind, resting his chin on the shoulder of the man in his arms, looked at the humanity in the bronze mirror and said, "Brother is so cute."

The door creaked and pushed open from the inside, and Rong Le, who came in to help the young master wash up, saw the scene, his cheeks were quickly stained with blush, and he lowered his head and said, "I don't know... I will leave first."

Bai Lanshi tapped the hand around his waist a few times, Qi Huan reluctantly let go, his eyes lit up, "Brother, do you still remember the temple outside the city?"

"Huh?" Bai Lanshi turned around, "I remember."

"Brother will accompany me to go again tomorrow." Qi Huan took Bai Lanshi's hand and led them to sit down.

Bai Lanshi didn't ask any questions, and said with a smile, "Okay, but this time I won't be able to climb up."

Qi Huan happily kissed his smiling lips, "Brother is so kind."

"Does it still hurt?" Bai Lanshi pointed to Qi Huan's bruised area. Qi Huan shook his head, "It's all thanks to my brother last night, it doesn't hurt at all."

"Slick tongue." Although he said so, his eyes were still full of distress, and Bai Lanshi realized that love is just a hair that affects the whole body.

Living in the mountains for a long time, I thought I would eliminate the seven emotions and six desires, but I never thought that I would suddenly realize that there is emotion everywhere, and desires in every thought.

Perhaps as early as ten years ago, Qi Huan secretly planted a seed for himself. After ten years of recharging his energy, he broke out of the ground at this moment.

After finishing the meal, Qi Huan reluctantly left, and dragged Bai Lanshi to the room for a long meal before leaving.

Seeing the prince coming back, Fuzi hurried forward to pass some tea to rinse his mouth, bent down and said, "My lord, General Wei came yesterday and went to see that guy."

Even though he was in the palace, he was afraid that the walls had ears, so Fuzi clicked on it, and looked at Qi Huan who put down his teacup.

"How is the person?" Qi Huan asked.

Fuzi waved his hands quickly, with disgust on his face, "That looks like, tsk, my lord, you should go and see for yourself." This aroused Qi Huan's interest.

Except for the servants who come to clean every day, no one is allowed to enter the courtyard of King Rui's Mansion. There is a rockery in the courtyard, which is covered with moss, and bonsai pine trees are planted in the depression.

Qi Huan followed Fuzi, and the two came to the back of the rockery, removed an inconspicuous stone, and exposed an iron plate. When the iron plate was pulled, there was a dark corridor leading down the inside.

The smell of blood on the face stimulated the sense of smell. After going down the corridor, after a cup of tea, a dungeon appeared.

Fuzi stepped forward and unlocked the iron door, and saw a person lying on the ground with a puddle of saliva under his face, and the saliva was continuously dripping from the crooked corner of his mouth, pulling out filaments.

The toes of the legs are facing upwards, the calf has already been broken, the hands are limp on the ground, there is no wound on the body, seeing someone coming, the prisoner struggled to raise his head, his eyes widened when he saw the person coming, and his throat let out an unpleasant hiss Hiss.

"What did Wei Wei do?" Qi Huan took out a handkerchief and covered his nose and asked.

Fuzi loathed the people on the ground so much that he didn't even want to give alms. He said, "After Wei Wei left, the slaves came to see him. That's how people are. Is the prince still useful?"

Qi Huan smiled, looking a little gloomy in the dark dungeon, Fuzi had goosebumps all over his body, knowing that the prince would not harm him, but whenever the prince was like this, he still couldn't help but want to escape.

"It's useless." There was a pause, "Those who make brother sad can't just forget about it." Qi Huan threw away the handkerchief, turned and walked out, "Hanging him, you can't just die like this."

The general's mansion was on fire that day, although my brother hid his emotions well, but when Qin Zhu's body was carried out, his brother obviously couldn't hold back, and his whole body was shaking.

Qi Huan made unremitting efforts to grab this man in order to make him pay the price.