Returning on a Snowy Night

Chapter 25


In the early morning, at the foot of a melting snow mountain outside the city, a horse-drawn carriage drove up. The horse-drawn carriage drove up the spacious dirt road without stopping too much, and the tassels hanging on the corners of the car swayed along with the bumpy dirt road.

Lifting up the side curtain with one hand, revealing eyes as clean and warm as ice and snow melting, "Nothing has changed."

There are endless forests on both sides of the road, with the breeze swaying the branches, listening to the rustling sounds is refreshing, and the sun is shining, which makes Bai Lanshi's body not as cold as it was a few days ago.

After looking at it for a while, he stopped covering his hands, clasped his fingers, wrapped his arms around Bai Lanshi's waist, and pulled him into his arms.

The side curtain lost its support, and fell to cover the outside, Bai Lanshi pushed his head restless on the neck with his empty hand, "I'm restless."

Rubbing his head against his palm, Qi Huan hugged him tightly, "Huan'er only treats my elder brother like this."

Bai Lanshi has never been a hard-hearted person, Qi Huan knew this since he was a child.

Every time the elder brother said that this is not good, that is not good, and sometimes beat himself, but in the end he always softened his heart and satisfied Qi Huan's small requests one by one.

Bai Lanshi is the kind who rejects your unreasonable requests first, and punches you when necessary, and then completes those unreasonable things with a disappointed you.

Sure enough, when Qi Huan acted like a baby, Bai Lanshi lost his temper, took a step back and coaxed, "Go back and kiss again, now is not the time."

Qi Huan pursed his lips in silence, looked straight at Bai Lanshi, and said after a while, "Brother, do you know that saying these words in a serious manner will only make me want to get closer to you even more crazily."

Some of the most common words, spoken out of his brother's mouth, will only make Qi Huan want to take possession of the person in front of him, but his brother still doesn't know how attractive he is, and Qi Huan who teases him is miserable.

The blunt words made Bai Lanshi startled, Qi Huan realized what he said, and uneasy let go of his brother, his eyes dodged, "Brother, Huan'er said the wrong thing."

Qi Huan is like a child who has done something wrong, at a loss, trying to cover up his mistake, but it gets worse and worse. In the end, he can only shut up and wait for Bai Lanshi's reaction.

Bai Lanshi smiled lightly, leaned closer and planted a light kiss on Qi Huan's forehead, Qi Huan suddenly raised his head, his wide eyes were filled with disbelief.

"elder brother... .."

Bai Lanshi realized later, a little embarrassed, turned his head awkwardly and said, "It's almost here."

Qi Huan lowered his eyes to conceal the turbulent waves in them, and when he lifted them up again, only Qingming remained, "Hurry up." He leaned over and hugged his brother in his arms, greedily absorbing the faint scent of medicine on his body.

He just felt that the smell of rouge and gouache in the world was far inferior to the faint scent of medicine on his brother's body, which made him feel at ease.

Probably this is preference, love someone, even if it is a shortcoming, you can feel a different taste.

After wandering around for a stick of incense, the carriage stopped at the gate of the temple. There are very few people today. It is said that there is a new temple 30 miles outside the city, and the monks in it are all from Tianzhu. It is very effective.

Many people traveled thousands of miles to go, and this temple was left out in the cold.

The walls of the temple were peeling off, and the winding wall-climbing grass occupied many places. Bai Lanshi stood at the gate of the temple and looked up, only to find that the temple was called Queji Temple.

The gate of the temple was open, and there was a young monk wearing baggy clothes and holding a special broom, cleaning the yard. Seeing a pilgrim coming, his eyes lit up, and he dropped his things and ran over.

Hastily stood still in front of Bailanshi, clasped his palms together in a dignified manner, and said, "Oh Amitabha."

Bai Lanshi returned the salute, "Oh Amitabha."

"Brother, no matter how hard you practice, you don't wear a cloak. What if you're freezing?" Qi Huan held the black cloak he took out from the carriage and put it on for Bai Lanshi.

Seeing Qi Huan, the little monk said, "Big brother is here." His eyes wandered back and forth between the two of them, and he immediately understood, "Big brother is here to fulfill his wish."

Bai Lanshi looked at Qi Huan suspiciously, Qi Huan's ears turned red, he changed the subject and asked, "Where's the abbot?"

The little monk scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Master is meditating in the main hall. I can't take you there. Master punished me to clean the yard."

Qi Huan took out a bag of maltose from his pocket and threw it to the young monk, "Don't tell your master."

The little monk nodded quickly, holding the parcel with sparkling eyes.

Qi Huan walked in with Bai Lanshi in his arms, although he didn't see any pilgrims, he looked quiet and Zen-like.

Bai Lanshi's vague memory coincides with the scene in front of him, nothing has changed, even the stone the size of a fist that fell outside the hall is still there after ten years.

The abbot seemed to have expected it long ago, standing at the door of the main hall and looking at the two people who stepped in with compassion in his eyes.

The two abbots had many age spots, their backs were bent a lot, and they were still as calm and unhurried as when they first met ten years ago.

All the fame and fortune are just a passing cloud in his eyes, and the presiding officer said, "King Rui is here to fulfill his wish."

Staring at Bai Lanshi's eyes and nodding, he took out the heavy money bag and put it in the merit box, took three incense sticks, knelt on the futon, devout.

Bai Lanshi stood beside Qi Huan, raised his sleeves and looked up at the tall Buddha, who closed his eyes compassionately, overlooking the struggle of all living beings.

Qi Huan sat and chatted with the abbot, Bai Lanshi retreated consciously, Qi Huan grabbed Bai Lanshi's wrist, "Brother."

"I'll go outside and have a look." Bai Lanshi patted the back of Qi Huan's hand, as a gesture of reassurance.

Qi Huan hesitated for a while before letting go, "Brother, don't go far."


The little monk was still sweeping the yard bitterly, with one cheek puffed up, humming a nursery rhyme, and sweeping rhythmically.

Seeing Bai Lanshi, he stopped and ran over, "Benefactor, there is a peach forest behind the temple, and it is now the season of flowering."

The world is full of fragrance in April, and the peach blossoms in the mountain temple begin to bloom.

Bai Lanshi squatted down and looked at the little monk, and smiled, "How do you know that you came out to hang out?"

The little monk looked at the enlarged face, his heart was pounding, his face was blushing, and he said uncomfortably, "Every time my little brother comes, I have to talk to Master for a long time."

"Oh." Bai Lanshi squinted and asked, "How long have you been here?"

When the little monk mentioned this moment, his eyes slowly filled with pride, "It's been six years, and I grew up here since I was a child."

Not surprisingly, the child was an abandoned baby, presumably picked up by the old abbot, and raised in the temple.

In the past six years, how many times Qi Huan has come here and begged, I guess I can't figure it out.

Bai Lanshi stood up, "I'll go and have a look at the back."

The little monk ran to pick up the broom on the ground again, and swept it again and again.

There are 50 acres of peach trees planted in the back mountain, and more or less lucky plaques are hung on each tree. After experiencing wind and rain, some of them still cannot read the original handwriting clearly.

One can imagine what a beautiful scene this must have been when the incense was flourishing.

Bai Lanshi found a fairly flat stone and sat down, wrapped himself in an airtight cloak, and quietly watched the distance.

The dense fog and water vapor covered the distant green hills looming, and the cool breeze blew across the cheeks, and one could smell the unique smell of green grass inside.

Leaning against the peach tree behind him, listening to the melodious chirping of birds, his eyelids became heavier and heavier.

When Qi Huan came out, he searched around the temple but couldn't find anyone. He panicked suddenly, and all kinds of accidents played out in his mind.

The little monk saw Qi Huan who was wandering around in and out, and said, "Are you looking for Brother Immortal?"

"He's in the back mountain." The little monk said.

Qi Huan relaxed after hearing this, and grabbed the little monk's ear and said, "Who allowed you to be called Brother Immortal?"

The little monk understood immediately, and struggled to say, "Stingy, immature."

Qi Huan put down the little monk, turned around and walked towards the back mountain.

Bai Lanshi, known as the black plush cloak, has extremely fair skin. With the hem of the clothes floating in the breeze, he leans against a peach tree and takes a nap lazily, like a fairy passing by and resting for a while.

Qi Huan approached and leaned down to cover the sun's rays. Bai Lanshi frowned, opened his eyes, straightened up sleepily and said, "It's over, I accidentally fell asleep."

Qi Huan sat down beside him and said, "Brother, really, what if you catch a cold?"

Bai Lanshi also felt that something should not be done. He was recovering from a serious illness and he fell asleep on the mountain. Fortunately, the cloak was thick enough and his hands and feet were still hot.

"Finished?" Bai Lanshi asked.

"Well, brother has been waiting for a long time." Qi Huan hugged him tightly through the cloak, and said with his lips brushing Bai Lanshi's earlobe.

"It hasn't been long." Bai Lanshi said uncomfortably, "I heard from the little monk that you often come here?"

"Well, let me take a look at the abbot." Qi Huan didn't tell the whole truth, Bai Lanshi said, "I've been here for ten years, have you been here since the last time?"

Qi Huan was slightly stunned, "Did the little monk tell my brother?"

"Sure enough." Bai Lanshi smiled, "What wish did you make that time ten years ago?" Bai Lanshi couldn't break free, so he simply leaned his upper body against Qi Huan's body, and beat Qi Huan's chest time after time. the back of the hand.

"Brother is so smart." Bai Lanshi casually blasted Qi Huan, and Qi Huan lost his position. The people behind him remained silent for a long time, and Bai Lanshi waited patiently. Be careful, "I said, brother, don't be angry."

Bai Lanshi pursed his lips, expressing intention, "Let's talk first."

Qi Huan pursed his lips, hugged him tightly, and after a lot of mental construction, he opened his mouth, "I saw my brother for the first time, and I just thought how could there be such a good-looking person, and I wanted to cling to my brother more and go to the temple to pray for blessings." Time is to be with my brother forever."

Seeing that the person in his arms didn't respond, Qi Huan said, "I was still young at the time, and I didn't understand what it meant. As time went by, my feelings for my brother became more and more intense. Only then did I realize that it was weird when I was young. There is an explanation for his actions.”

Qi Huan's confession exhausted all his courage. He didn't know what would happen to his brother when he heard it, and he might feel dirty, but Qi Huan didn't want to hide it anymore. He loved his brother, and he began to hope that his brother could know what happened to him. Including the side that has been unknown.

The silence of the man in his arms made his heart sink little by little, and he pointed out bluntly, "I have been coveting my brother since I was a child." Qi Huan laughed at himself, "My brother will feel disgusting."

Bai Lanshi struggled to no avail. He didn't know that Qi Huan's explosive point was touched this time, and he bit Bai Lanshi's earlobe, and said in a low voice, "Brother, don't hide from me."

Bai Lanshi, who remained silent, said, "Ten years, are you tired?"

Qi Huan was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes were moist. He put his head on his brother's shoulder and smiled, "My brother doesn't feel sick, he's been being spied on all the time."

Bai Lanshi thought for a while, "I think I will gouge people's eyes out, but who told me to fall in love with you now, if I insist on being romantic, this is probably fate."

Love is so unreasonable.

The author has something to say: Take a bubble to prove that I am not a machine that only knows how to code... ..