Returning on a Snowy Night

Chapter 30


In the twelfth year of Daqi, in mid-June, Emperor Taihe's eyes turned black early, and he fainted on the dragon chair.

His Majesty's illness has greatly stimulated the unruly hearts of the lurking beasts. The streets and alleys of Daqijing were full of discussions overnight.

Zuixianlou was full of seats again, and a small platform was built facing the open door, with a high chair on it, and a storytelling gentleman sitting on it.

The face is like a white-faced niche, but the mouth is very slippery, a story is told, the people in the audience don't eat, their faces are flushed and they only care about applauding.

At the end of the story, Mr. Pingshu was about to leave, when a student-like man in coarse sackcloth stood up from the banquet, and Gao Sheng shouted, "Mr. Gao, please stay."

Gao Su, who was called Mr. Gao, looked back at the man, "May I ask what else is there for you?"

"My next name is Liu, and the single character is one Shuo." Liu Shuo bowed.

Gao Su returned the salute, his tone was not as fast as a storyteller, neither too slow nor too impatient, "What's the matter, Mr. Liu?"

"I know that Mr. Gao is from a famous teacher, so I dare to ask you a question." Liu Shuo did not wait for Gao Su's answer, he cupped his fists and bowed to the sky, "May I ask Mr. Gao how he sees the current situation in the court."

As soon as these words came out, the quiet crowd became ebullient, and some could talk across the table, talking loudly about His Majesty's illness a few days ago.

Upstairs, there was a one surrounded by gauze curtains. Bai Lanshi sat on the main seat and looked at the scholar downstairs who was standing in the front, holding a teacup with his lips curled up.

Lu Yan peeled a peanut and threw it into his mouth with a smile, "I didn't expect to have a meal and watch the excitement."

Wu Qianqian frowned and said, "This attitude is not like asking for advice."

Although the expression could not be seen clearly through the gauze curtain, but just by hearing the tone of voice, one could tell that the expression of this person was definitely not much better.

"I don't think he is asking for advice, but he is using Gao Su to make himself famous." Lu Yan peeled another one, and before he ate it, Shi Langqi snatched it away and threw it in his mouth, "Hey, mine. "

Shi Langqi always has a way to piss people off, but he can coax them into submission afterward. It has to be said that this is also a skill.

"What's so special about Gao Su that he can make a name for himself." Wu Qianqian kicked the noisy Lu Yan under the table, her eyes signaled that her senior brother was still here, how could she be so nonsense.

Lu Yan sat down and said, "Old Guan, have you heard of it?"

Wu Qianqian shook her head, Bai Lanshi said, "Guan Yunhai."

As soon as Bai Lanshi spoke, everyone sat down and listened attentively, "When Guan Yunhai was young, he traveled to several countries, discussing the Tao, and won a large number of followers at one time. His wife died in middle age, and since then he has started to accept disciples. Gao Su is the youngest and last disciple of Guan Lao."

"Old Guan..." Wu Qianqian hesitated to speak.

Bai Lanshi chuckled, "Guan Lao is still alive, and he will no longer accept Gao Su as an apprentice, so outsiders pay more attention to Gao Su than why Guan Lao didn't accept an apprentice."

Downstairs is still going on.

Gao Su stared at the scholar meaningfully, "What's your opinion, Mr. Liu?"

Liu Shuo walked up to the table, took out the fan from the back of his waist, and opened it with a bang, both sides were white, "Birth, old age, sickness and death follow the laws of nature, but the royal family must be different from ordinary families. The prince of a country is the foundation of the country. Stand up, the country will not be a country for a day." The tone was impassioned, and the excited audience stood up one after another, as if they were going to kneel at the gate of the imperial city in the next second, begging His Majesty to establish a prince.

After finishing speaking, Liu Shuo's hands were shaking with excitement, but he still kept his voice steady and said to Gao Su, "What does Mr. Gao think about the matter of the country without a prince?"

Gao Su was smiling the whole time, as if his face was painted on. He stepped forward to take the double-sided empty fan under Liu Shuo's puzzled eyes, and folded and folded it to fit the Mansi regulations. He didn't care about the people below affected by.

The closed fan was put back on the back belt under Liu Shuo's shocked gaze, and Gao Su's expression finally relaxed, "Young Master Liu, have you finished?"

Liu Shuo blushed and said, "It's over."

After Gao Su glanced at the people under the stage, he flicked his sleeves and bowed, "Then let's go down."

"Sir hasn't answered my question yet." Liu Shuo pressed.

"I don't think Mr. Liu wants to hear what I say." After saying that, he sneered and walked away, leaving Liu Shuo with a flushed face and clenched fists standing there.

Lu Yan opened the curtain to take a look, and clicked his tongue, "Liu Shuo's face turned purple, it seems that he is very angry." After putting down the curtain, Lu Yan leaned on the chair with his arms folded and said, "If there weren't so many people Look, I'm pretty sure he'll pounce on Gao Su and kill Gao Su."

Wu Qianqian rested her chin on one hand in boredom and said, "Who paid such stupid attention to him, this guy is not smart."

Rong Le opened the curtain to enter, walked to Bai Lanshi and said, "My lord, Liu Shuo is indeed a target."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, this noisy place is not a good place to talk about things, so no one opened their mouths.

Instead, Bai Lanshi suddenly laughed to himself, beating rhythmically with his fingers on the table, "Go back, someone is still waiting."

The two girls sat in the carriage with Bai Lanshi, while Shi Langqi and Lu Yan were driving outside.

Lu Yan stuffed the rein into Shi Langqi's hands, "I'll go in and ask, and I'll ask Rong Le to come out to accompany you later."

Shi Langqi grabbed Lu Yan's hand that was about to lift the curtain, and said in a low voice, "You let a girl blow the wind outside?"

Lu Yan didn't shy away from Rong Le in the inside and said, "She's a girl? You haven't seen her wielding a big knife, she's more masculine than you."

The curtain was lifted, revealing Rong Le's round face, "Lu Yan, you are really spoiled, you have to come in quickly."

"Tsk, you are my favorite." Lu Yan sat in the carriage with a smile.

After Shi Langqi and Rong Le nodded to each other, they fell silent.

Bai Lanshi leaned against the carriage and closed his eyes to rest, Wu Qianqian opened the side curtain from time to time to observe the outside, Lu Yan sat down and said, "My lord, I didn't understand something in the restaurant just now."

Bai Lanshi tapped his fingers on his knees, and said directly, "Liu Shuo is just a person who wants to be a part-time official when he is replaced, and someone else will instigate him after he leaves."

Lu Yan nodded half-understood and said, "Indeed, Liu Shuo's face flushed so much, he must be a thin-skinned person, and he definitely wouldn't talk nonsense in front of everyone." The topic changed, "Young master, do you have any guesses?"

Bai Lanshi opened his eyes, looked at a corner of the carriage and said, "There are too many suspicious people, Prince Jing, Prince Heng, or even the ministers of the court."

Lu Yan paused, and said, "Young master missed His Royal Highness King Rui."

For a while, the carriage was eerily quiet, Wu Qianqian coughed, looked at Bai Lanshi and interrupted, "Brother just said in the restaurant that someone is waiting, who is it?"

Lu Yan also reacted, and quickly agreed.

Bai Lanshi shook his head and smiled, "No, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing."

The two were stunned for a long time before realizing what Bai Lanshi was talking about, but the carriage had already arrived at the gate of Changqing's house.

Aunt Hong came out to greet her, "My lord, Mr. Guan's disciple Gao Su is here to visit."

One of the protagonists in the farce just came to the house. Bai Lanshi saw their doubts and said, "Guan Lao and Master are old acquaintances. I lived in Guan Lao's for a while when I was young."

Sitting in the pavilion was Gao Su, with a calm face, not a Pingshu Mr. with a smile on his lips, but visiting Bai Lanshi as a disciple of Guan Yunhai.

When Gao Su saw Bai Lanshi approaching, he was indeed amazed by his appearance, but he still bowed calmly and said, "Junior Gao Su, come to visit Mr. Bai on behalf of the teacher."

Bai Lanshi just nodded and sat down, "Please sit down, Mr. Guan is in good health recently."

Gao Su left the hem of his clothes and sat down, "The teacher took his disciples out to play the piano before I entered Beijing."

"I haven't seen Guan Lao for a long time." Bai Lanshi thought of the old gentleman who always liked to take his disciples on outings, and he always coaxed Bai Lanshi when he was a child with sweets in a serious manner, his face softened a little.

"Teacher often mentions you in front of us." Gao Su said.

Bai Lanshi raised his head and smiled, "What did the old man say?"

Gao Su's answer was 1510, imitating Guan Yunhai's tone and said: "Wen Neng draws a pen to secure the world, Wu Neng rides a horse to determine the universe, I have only met one person in this life."

Bai Lanshi's eyes dimmed, "The old man is really absurd."

Gao Su saw that Bai Lanshi's limbs were slender and he didn't look like a martial artist. Although he didn't know the reason, he could hear a bit of pity for this person from his master's mouth in recent years.

It's a pity that the sky is jealous of talents and sincerely does not deceive me.

"Mr. Bai, the teacher asked me to ask you if you still want to visit his old man's house. If you don't come, he will ask you to return all the sweets you ate when you were young." Gao Su couldn't help laughing after finishing speaking.

There was also Rong Le on the side, who couldn't stand up straight because of the joy, never thought that Guan Lao would be such an interesting person.

Bai Lanshi felt aggrieved and said, "Obviously the old man forced it on me, why do you want me to pay it back now?"

Seeing this situation, Gao Su only felt his heart being scratched a bit, and he was terribly numb, "The more the teacher lives, the more childish he is, and sometimes he often speaks surprisingly."

Gao Su said again, "Mr. Bai thinks he has something important to do while staying in the capital."

"Master was entrusted by an old friend to let me come to the capital to take care of someone." Bai Lanshi picked up a teacup and smelled it.

Gao Su smiled, knowing how to stop when enough is enough. In front of people smarter than himself, any small temptation is an adventure, "Sir, I just came back from outside, and I'm tired after thinking about it. Now that I have conveyed the teacher's words, I don't want to bother you anymore." .”

Gao Su stood up, and Bai Lanshi also stood up, "I'll see you off."

"Thank you." Gao Su never refused.

The two walked side by side, Gao Su could clearly smell the medicinal fragrance from Bai Lanshi's body, and sighed inwardly.

But he couldn't resist asking, "Sir, you often take medicine."

"I hurt my muscles and bones when I was young, and I have been taking medicine to adjust it." Bai Lanshi's skin was white porcelain, covered with a layer of golden light under the sunlight, Gao Su looked at it dazzled.

"Sir, I've traveled all over the world, why don't you tell me about your symptoms, maybe I've seen something." Seeing that he was about to reach the gate, Gao Su asked impatiently, and somehow wanted to say a few more words to Bai Lanshi. The words that talk about storytelling on weekdays are completely useless now.

Bai Lanshi said, "Bai doesn't care much about her body anymore, but I have to worry about it."

The meaning of refusal was obvious, and Gao Su no longer wanted to make fun of himself, and left after saying goodbye at the door, but his heart was empty and a little uncomfortable.

Bai Lanshi turned back to the mansion, Qi Huan jumped out from nowhere and hugged Bai Lanshi from behind, whispering into his ear and asking, "Brother, who is that man?"