Returning on a Snowy Night

Chapter 31


Bai Lanshi turned around sharply, looking at the person in front of him with surprise in his eyes, "Didn't he be left in the palace? Why did you come back?"

Ever since His Majesty fainted, the three princes have entered the palace to guard their filial piety, but after not seeing each other for a few days, they began to panic.

"Brother hasn't answered my question yet." Qi Huan took Bai Lanshi's hand and led people into the house. Although the Changqing house was located a bit out of the way, there were quite a few people coming and going.

"Does Guan Yunhai know?" Bai Lanshi said, "He is Guan Lao's apprentice, Gao Su, he came to visit me on behalf of his teacher."

"I thought my brother was snatched away by someone during my absence." Qi Huan took Qi Huan's hand, squeezed it and said with a smile.

There were slight bruises under his eyes, but his handsome face was still unstoppable, "Father is already awake, so I will rush back to see my brother."

Bai Lanshi was a little distressed, and lightly touched Qi Huan's black eyes with his fingertips, "I haven't rested recently, okay, let's go to sleep in the house?"

Qi Huan raised his hand to hold Bai Lanshi's slender hand, raised his eyebrows a little frivolously and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, brother, why don't we do something fun?"

In an instant, Bai Lanshi, who saw what he said from Qi Huan's expression, blushed, and his eyes dodged, "You must not proclaim adultery in the daytime."

Qi Huan put Bai Lanshi's hand to his mouth and kissed it, and smiled helplessly.

After all, he still didn't do anything, Qi Huan didn't agree on the truth these few days, he felt sleepy when he touched the pillow, and the smell of his brother still lingered on the bed, he was surrounded by peace of mind, and soon fell into a deep sleep .

Even Qi Huan, who was asleep, frowned, Bai Lanshi's smoothing effect was negligible, what was he worrying about.

Bai Lanshi recalled what he said in the carriage today. Qi Huan knew from the first meeting that Bai Lanshi was here to help Qi Huan win the throne, but so far, Qi Huan had never mentioned a word about royal disputes, and never There is nothing to discuss with him.

Thinking of Bai Lanshi's frowning, he vaguely felt that Qi Huan was hiding something from him. Since the two of them got together, the topics they talked about were all innocuous, and sometimes Qi Huan would deliberately avoid the topic.

Even if the other party is his lover, Bai Lanshi is not blinded by love. He knows that Qi Huan is brave and resourceful, as can be seen from the first battle in the frontier fortress.

But Qi Huan has always shown him a harmless appearance to humans and animals, Bai Lanshi is afraid that one day Qi Huan will be unable to hold back and disturb himself.

Qi Huan slept very restlessly today, always moving around, even Bai Lanshi ran back and forth from the desk to the bed and looked back and forth a few times, fearing that he would kick off the quilt and catch the cold.

When it was time for dinner, Qi Huan got up from the bed, propped his drowsy head and looked around, but he didn't see the figure he wanted to see and shouted, "Brother...Brother?"

Bai Lanshi from the front room responded and walked in. Qi Huan opened his arms and acted like a baby when he saw it. Bai Lanshi knelt on the bed and hugged him into his arms, stroking Qi Huan's hair scattered on his back, "How do you feel? You didn't sleep well."

Qi Huan sat cross-legged on the bed, wrapped his arms around Bai Lanshi's waist, buried his face in his chest, and said sullenly, "Heavy head, uncomfortable."

A faint scent of medicine lingers on the tip of the nose. Although the smell on the bed is the same as that on the elder brother's body, the medicinal fragrance on the elder brother's body is the most soothing to Qi Huan's heart.

"Let's have dinner first, and sleep later." Bai Lanshi pulled them to the stool and sat down, Qi Huan fiddled with his loose hair, thinking they were extremely annoying.

Bai Lanshi took out a hair tie from a small drawer, stood behind Qi Huan, helped him tie his hair behind his head, and tied a bow, but he didn't tell Qi Huan.

Qi Huan liked his brother's hair very much. Even if he simply tied his hair up, Qi Huan thought it looked better than any other hairstyle, so he ate it with chopsticks happily.

Did Bai Lanshi hold some chopsticks for Qi Huan, "Why did you lose weight in the palace?"

"I'm so haggard because of Yixiao, I miss my brother so much that I don't think about food or tea." Qi Huan slickly coaxed Bai Lanshi to be happy.

I don't know that no matter what Qi Huan said, Bai Lanshi was happy from the bottom of his heart.

After dinner, Qi Huan lay on Bai Lanshi's lap, harassing his elder brother who was reading from time to time. He only felt that given the current situation outside, he was stealing half a day's leisure.

I don't know what kind of bloody storm it will be in the future, but thinking of this, my eyes sank. Although Bai Lanshi was reading a book, he glanced at Qi Huan from the corner of the eye, seeing that the person's expression was not right, he remembered what he had thought before, and always felt that he should have a good communication.

"Qi Huan, do you trust me?" Bai Lanshi seldom called Qi Huan's name, and Qi Huan, who was still immersed in his thoughts, sat up in a jerk, with a sincere face, "How could brother think so?" ?”

Bai Lanshi pursed his lips, put down his book, since he started, he will settle the matter today, "Did the matter of Liu Shuo be arranged by you?"

Bai Lanshi stared at Qi Huan calmly, Qi Huan was stunned, "How did brother know about this?"

"You haven't answered my question yet, Qi Huan." Another cry made Qi Huan feel vague and guilty mixed with irritability.

"It's not me, brother." Qi Huan's face darkened, this was the first time he showed such an expression to his brother, it was because Bai Lanshi was ready, and his heart felt cold.

"Do you know who it is?" Bai Lanshi asked.

Liu Shuo said in public that there is no crown prince, the country will not be a country, using public opinion to put pressure on the emperor, urging his majesty to establish a crown prince as soon as possible, frantically testing the bottom line of the emperor.

Bai Lanshi doesn't believe that Qi Shu is old enough to forget about the prince, he must have other preparations, an old fox is an old fox after all.

Qi Huan realized that he had lost his composure, and turned his head away from Bai Lanshi, "I don't know."

A sigh came from behind, and before Bai Lanshi got up, he was thrown to the ground by a force. Qi Huan's eyes were red, and he pressed Bai Lanshi's shoulders with his hands, trapping him firmly under him, almost biting his back The word popped out of the teeth, "Let's go again."

For a moment, Bai Lanshi was so surprised that he forgot to resist, and stared at the man like Shura in a daze, until he clasped his fragile neck with his palms, Bai Lanshi finally realized, and shouted several times, the person in front of him was still immersed in himself In this world, the only thing that remains the same is the retracted hand and the repeated murmuring in the mouth, "You can't leave me." "No."

From the corner of the eye, he glanced at the cold teacup on the low table. Bai Lanshi stretched out his hand to reach it and threw it at Qi Huan. Qi Huan was confused for a moment, and there were still a few pieces of tea leaves hanging on his wet hair. , looks a little funny.

When Qi Huan came back to his senses and found that his hand was pinching Bai Lanshi's neck, he was at a loss like a child who had made a mistake, staring blankly at Bai Lanshi's neck, tears gradually accumulated in his eyes.

It was only now that Bai Lanshi was sure that Qi Huan had come back to his senses, he breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay, don't be afraid." Qi Huan bent down and buried his face deeply on Bai Lanshi's shoulder. Trembling, Bai Lanshi followed Qi Huan's back and coaxed in a low voice, "It's okay, I'm not fine, don't cry."

Qi Huan lay down for a while and then suddenly got up, far away from Bai Lanshi, standing just behind the bookshelf, the light could not pass through, and a small shadow was drawn. Qi Huan stood inside, just looking at Bai Lanshi with red eyes. Lanshi.

"Come here." Bai Lanshi sat up and waved to Qi Huan. Qi Huan shrank back, shaking his head like a rattle, and just stood there without speaking.

Bai Lanshi had no choice but to get up and grab the man's wrist and pull him out. Qi Huan was afraid of his brother's body and did not dare to struggle, allowing Bai Lanshi to pull him out of the dark corner, just like ten years ago in the mountains. No matter what happened, my brother would always protect him.

Bai Lanshi didn't mention what happened just now, and the two of them washed up and went to bed as usual.

Qi Huan, who was lying on his side, quietly stuck his fingers out of the quilt, carefully touched Bai Lanshi's fragile neck, and then clasped his hands tightly to soothe his restless heart.

Bai Lanshi closed his eyes and suddenly said, "Aren't you sleepy? Still have something on your mind?" Qi Huan knew that Bai Lanshi was still awake, and after thinking about it for a long time, he decided to confess, "I'll tell my brother one thing, but my brother must promise not to alienate me after listening. I."

Bai Lanshi smiled lightly, "My lord, do you think you still have the capital to bargain?" After speaking, Bai Lanshi lay on his side facing Qi Huan, sweating on his clasped palms, but he didn't intend to twitch back.

"Brother, I'm so stimulated that I tend to lose my mind. I'm a completely different person. He is tyrannical and cruel, and will use all despicable methods to achieve his goal." Qi Huan was a little dazed while speaking.

Bai Lanshi said seriously, "How many times has it appeared?"

Qi Huan thought about it carefully, "Three times, the first time was when my elder brother left the palace, and the maid at that time said that I sat on the bed without saying a word, it can be seen that everyone is cold, even the queen mother is no exception."

"The second time, my elder brother couldn't get up on the couch, and the Evergreen Mansion closed the door to thank the guests, so he came out again, clamoring to kick open the gate of the Evergreen Mansion, and... grabbed my brother from the bed, and locked him in my mansion... In the inner dungeon, just show it to me alone." Qi Huanyue said in a softer voice, and looked at Bai Lanshi's face before speaking again.

"The third time was the time when I communicated with my brother." Qi Huan said, "It's even just now."

"It's all about me." Bai Lanshi collected the books he had read and murmured, "Madness?"

Qi Huan's face turned ugly when he heard the name, and Bai Lanshi continued, "The illness is all related to my departure. I think my departure at that time caused a big blow to you."

"Well, let Shi Langqi see it tomorrow, he should know more." Bai Lanshi said, but Qi Huan shook his head and refused, "Brother, I don't want others to know about this."

"But this is a disease." Bai Lanshi said. Qi Huan put his arms around the man's waist, his tone was almost pleading, "Brother don't want it, I can't let others know, besides, as long as my brother doesn't leave me, I won't get sick."

Qi Huan raised his head and smiled, but his eyes were full of uneasiness, "Will brother leave me?"

Silent confrontation, in the end Bai Lanshi was the first to lose, "No, never." Qi Huan smiled, the smile was so innocent.