Returning on a Snowy Night

Chapter 37


Until the first snowfall, Qi Huan had never set foot in the Evergreen Mansion, and Bai Lanshi had never sent anyone to inquire about him.

The upper and lower members of the Changqing House kept silent, everyone did what they had to do.

Bai Lanshi is also very obedient, taking medicine when he should, and wrapping himself up tightly every day, but he likes to look at the branches in the yard in a daze.

The branches of the magnolia tree are bare, very conspicuous, Rong Le doesn't know what's so good about it, the young master can look at it all day without getting bored.

In the middle, Lu Kaide came to look for him once, and told Bai Lanshi vaguely that there would be great changes in the capital, so he took Rong Le and left quickly, otherwise no one would be able to get out.

Bai Lanshi summoned all the people in the Changqing House, and relayed Lu Kaide's words verbatim in front of everyone, leaving only one sentence at the end.

Most of the Changqing House left with a bang, and there were also native Chang'an people who were reluctant to leave their hometown, even if they died, they would fall down on the land of their hometown.

Bai Lanshi didn't want to say anything, but the wages of the workers left behind were twice as much as usual.

The first snow fell, and it was so heavy that it reached the bare feet. His Majesty was bedridden, and every day he could see the guarding troops patrolling the city, and people were panic-stricken.

Seeing the young master getting thinner, Rong Le finally couldn't bear the lingering death, "Sir, His Royal Highness King Rui is not coming to see you anymore, so don't miss him."

Wu Qianqian grabbed Rong Le, but she was still a step late. After she uttered the first sentence, it was easier to speak, "Don't stop me, although I don't know feelings, and I have never had someone I admire, but I know , no matter what happens between the two of you, the most important thing is to ask what the other person is thinking, instead of you waiting for him and him waiting for you to torture each other meaninglessly and consume each other."

"After getting along for so many days, I can feel that His Highness likes Young Master, and Young Master also likes His Highness. His Highness left without saying a word. Are you just here to mourn, Young Master, without doing anything?"

The words made Bai Lanshi slightly stunned, and then said, "He said he wanted to be alone, and I'm giving him time to think."

Wu Qianqian also looked at Rong Le in shock, she didn't expect the little girl to be so transparent.

"It's been two months, and I should have thought through everything, my lord, how do you know if His Highness has thought it through if you don't ask?" Rong Le said.

"Yes." He murmured, "Yes... I should ask." Bai Lanshi quickly took the black cloak from the shelf and put it on his upper body, "Prepare the carriage for me and go to Prince Rui's Mansion."

At this time, he rushed out from the outside, with snow slag on his shoulders, and said in a short tone, "Mister is not good, Your Highness is going to force the palace today."

Bai Lanshi's boiling blood immediately cooled down, "How do you know?"

"I was accepted by General Wei as a bodyguard, and then I was taken under the command of King Rui, and I followed King Rui." Shuyan was still panting.

Bai Lanshi frowned, "What is Qi Huan doing?"

"With the help of the Minister of the Ministry of War, His Highness quietly formed an army, and will directly attack the imperial city with General Wei, forcing His Majesty to abdicate." Shu Yan said.

"Where's your horse?"

"Horse?" Shuyan responded, "The horse is outside, and it hasn't had time to tie it yet."

Bai Lanshi walked towards the outside quickly, seeing the brown steed standing by the door, he turned over without thinking, and his cloak drew an arc in the air.

Shu Yan who followed was stunned in place, Rong Le who came out from the side door with his horse almost lost his mind when he saw it, so he hurriedly called out to stop Bai Lanshi.

But Bai Lanshi's legs crossed his belly, and he galloped away. Rong Le seemed to see the charming appearance of the young Bai Lanshi in a trance.

Wu Qianqian directly untied a horse and rode on it, and said to Rong Le, "Follow."

After running, the temperature of the exposed skin of the wind-blown Bailanshi was rapidly losing, and both feet began to feel numb, as if sharp knives were scratching at random in the lungs.

But Bai Lanshi couldn't care about so much anymore, his mind was full of Qi Huan not being able to force the palace, at least not sending troops without a legitimate reason.

Wu Qianqian followed closely behind, watching Bailan Shixin in front of her was suspended high, the cold wind usually couldn't blow it, let alone the cold air now. .

The horse stopped steadily at the entrance of Prince Rui's Mansion. Bai Lanshi got off the horse and his hands were already stiff and rolled off the horse. Wu Qianqian shouted after seeing it, "Senior brother."

Bai Lanshi didn't care, he stood up with his hands on the thick snow branch, staggered and patted on the gate of Prince Rui's Mansion, and was supported by Wu Qianqian when he was about to fall.

Only then did Wu Qianqian see that Bai Lanshi's face was frozen pale, his lips had lost all color, and his thin arms were trembling slightly.

It was Fuzi who opened the door, seeing the surprise on Bai Lanshi's face, "It's so cold, why is Mr. here?"

"I want to see Qi Huan." Bai Lanshi said directly.

Fuzi remembered Qi Huan's words that Mr. Bai couldn't be stopped when he came, so he let him in.

Bai Lanshi went straight to the study, and opened the door violently, there was a room full of soldiers standing inside.

Qi Huan, who was standing at the front of the table, could not hide his astonishment when he saw Bai Lanshi's face, put away the map on the table, and said to the generals, "Let's talk about this first today, and please go back to rest in the mansion now." .”

Bai Lanshi leaned against the door and waited for someone to leave before entering. Qi Huan hurriedly called to Fuzi, "Burn a few more pots of charcoal and put them in."

Wu Qianqian retreated consciously, and Qi Huan hugged Bai Lanshi, only to find that the body was covered with biting cold, even touching his hands was cold, Qi Huan stroked Bai Lanshi's face, his complexion suddenly sank, "Brother , how did you come here?"

Bai Lanshi didn't answer, but instead asked, "Qi Huan, what are you doing?"

Qi Huan held Bai Lanshi in his arms and whispered, "Brother doesn't need to know."

"Qi Huan, you can't do this, bear with it any longer." Bai Lanshi said softly.

I don't know how to touch Qi Huan's suppressed anger, and he lost control. For the first time, he yelled at Bai Lanshi, "You keep saying forbearance! Forbearance! Forbearance!"

Qi Huan pointed at the door with trembling fingers, "My mother and my younger sister live in the palace. If Qi Jing ascends the throne, I will have nothing. Will he let my mother and Qi Xiaoya go? How can I bear it, now only the strong military power has the right to speak."

Bai Lanshi frowned, "Why did Qi Jing move the queen?"

"The queen mother killed Qi Jing's biological mother. If Qi Jing ascends the throne, the first striker will be the queen mother, brother, and you will be the second. Qi Jing will use his power to take you away from me. Xiao Ya, I don't dare to bet on what kind of marriage Qi Jing will arrange for her, you are my most important people, I can't afford to bet." Qi Huan broke down.

Bai Lanshi stretched out his hand to hold Qi Huan's slightly cold hand, and covered it in the palm of his hand. Although his hand was colder than Qi Huan's, it was a subconscious comforting action, "Everything is not yet determined. Sending troops is treason. Waiting for balance." Wang Dongjing, King Heng rebelled, and you will have the opportunity to lead troops into the palace in the name of resistance, and then threaten His Majesty to win the throne, now you must calm down."

Qi Huan withdrew his hand with red eyes, and walked outside without saying a word with a cold face. Before he stepped out of the room, he heard Bai Lanshi slapping the table and angrily saying, "Qi Huan! If you dare to go out of this door today, I will not go out." I'll take care of your life."

Qi Huan turned his face slightly, gritted his back molars and squeezed out, "As you like."

Bai Lanshi only felt his blood surge up, his throat was sweet, his eyes turned black, and the whole world was spinning.

Bai Lanshi swayed, put one hand on the table, spit out a big mouthful of blood, his legs were weak, and he fell straight forward.

In the last scene, Wu Qianqian pushed Qi Huan, who was blocking the doorway, and rushed in. Qi Huan stood there at a loss, looking at Bai Lanshi lying on the ground with tears in his eyes.

Bai Lanshi slowly closed his eyes, feeling that someone was lifting him up, and he heard Qi Huan crying, why does this child like to cry so much.

There are intermittent voices in my ears.

very noisy.

so tired.

Let me be clean for a while.

Just sleep for a while.

You must wake me up, this child Qi Huan can't live without me, he will cry.

In the past few days, the gate of Changqing Mansion was closed, and no one came out of the house. Groups of soldiers under the throne of Rui were surrounded outside the house, and the two sides were in an endless stalemate.

Bai Lanshi's whole body was cold, only the slight sound of breathing showed that the master was still breathing. A group of people stood by the couch day and night, not daring to close their eyes.

The room was filled with the bitter smell of traditional Chinese medicine, almost Wu Qianqian pinched Bai Lanshi's chin and poured it in, and even spit out a lot of it on the collar.

Rong Le hurried forward to wipe the Bailan Stone with tears in his eyes, Shi Langqi said to Lu Yan who was beside him, "Go fry another bowl, you must drink enough."

Lu Yan nodded, turned around and ran out of the house.

Wu Qianqian touched Bai Lanshi's face with trembling hands, and murmured absentmindedly, "Brother, you have to hold on, you must hold on."

Rong Le couldn't bear it anymore, and fell to the ground, covering her mouth tightly, not daring to make a sound, tears like broken pearls, washing her face.

Shi Langqi turned his back, unable to bear to watch.

Wu Qianqian suddenly said, "Go back, go back to Xuanji Pavilion, master, yes, let's go back to Xuanji Pavilion, don't stay in this absurd capital, go fuck it."

In the main hall of the Tai Chi Palace, there is a couch for the imperial concubine, on which lies a graceful and luxurious woman.

Tong Yuwan is still the same as a few years ago, her appearance has not changed, but there are a few strands of silver hair in the neatly combed black hair, showing the vicissitudes of a woman.

The gate of Tai Chi Palace was open, and outside the gate was the vermilion wall. Tong Yuwan leaned her head on the handrail, and everything she saw was cut into square objects by the gate of the main hall, with walls within walls, layer upon layer. .

Tong Yuwan murmured, "Everyone knows that these women in the harem are trapped in this high palace wall, it's very pitiful. But who knows that what traps this palace is not only the high wall, but also the tenderness of His Majesty .” The final sigh was inaudible, floating in the air.

Kneeling next to the imperial concubine was a young girl. The girl was wearing a tender pink skirt, her head was hanging on her shoulders, and her shoulders were covered with white velvet. She held Tong Yuwan's hand and said with red eyes, "Mother, I really like Miss Wu. I know that the etiquette, righteousness and shame in the world do not tolerate such feelings, but I am not afraid. Although the status of Miss Wu and the minister are very different, the minister is willing not to be the princess of Daqi, but to be with Miss Wu. Let's go, and hope that the queen mother will be fulfilled."

Qi Xiaoya didn't dare to look at Tong Yuwan, and felt extremely guilty in her heart. She was ashamed of her father, mother, and Daqi's people. She should have helped Daqi reach a marriage with a few tribes and bring them closer, but she was wayward. Want to pursue what you love.

Transparent tears welled up in her eyes, Tong Yuwan rolled her hands and held Qi Xiaoya's hand tightly, "My queen's good daughter, my mother doesn't want you to associate with that person, it has nothing to do with your status! It's my mother's selfishness! My mother doesn't want to be alone Staying in this lonely and cold palace, the empress wants Ya'er to be with the empress forever!"

Qi Xiaoya stared blankly at the woman in front of her, her face blank for a moment.

Tong Yuwan straightened up, and smiled bitterly, "Your father is already a candle in the wind, could it be that Ya'er has the heart to leave her mother alone in this big and cold Taiji Palace, the mother is afraid and lonely, Huan'er is already There is no need for a queen mother, so is Ya'er going to leave her mother too?"

The woman spoke sadly and burst into tears, Qi Xiaoya just stared blankly at Tong Yuwan, who was streaming down her face, and called out in a daze, "Mother's queen."

In the early morning, the side door of the Changqing Mansion slowly opened, and a carriage drove out of it. The soldiers surrounding the outside immediately stopped the carriage and went to report to King Rui.

Shi Langqi and Lu Yan sat on high horses, with their hands on the swords at their waists, guarding the side of the carriage.

Qi Huan was followed by a group of heavily armored soldiers, who immediately came and surrounded the carriage.

Shu Yan also came with Qi Huan, and Shu Yan looked at Lu Yan who was on the horse with a bad complexion, but Lu Yan ignored him, but looked straight at Qi Huan, with obvious provocation in his eyes.

Qi Huan couldn't bear to show weakness and looked back, Shi Langqi led his horse forward a few steps, and stood in front of Lu Yan, "King Rui, what is the meaning of this?"

Qi Huan was wearing armor with a cold expression, "Brother can be inside."

Wu Qianqian opened the curtain, sat on the board outside, pursed her lips slightly and said, "Brother is inside, and I won't see you."

"I want to see him, let's see who dares to stop him!" Qi Huan said coldly.

A group of soldiers pulled out their sabers from their backs one after another, staring fixedly at the carriage. Shi Langqi and Lu Yan also drew out their swords, guarding against the soldiers around them like tigers and wolves. Their murderous spirit was everywhere, and both sides reached a critical point. .

Wu Qianqian shouted loudly, "How dare you!"

"Qi Huan, isn't it enough for you to hurt senior brother? You just want him to die that much." Wu Qianqian said angrily.

Qi Huan's expression was still indifferent, "I want to see my brother."

"Impossible, senior brother is already unconscious, it's useless for you to see him." Seeing the momentary pain on Qi Huan's face, Wu Qianqian felt relieved, "I don't know what happened between you two, it will hurt senior brother. It’s like this, but let me tell you Qi Huan, senior brother doesn’t owe you anything.”

"I just want to see him." Qi Huan's eyes were red, and he stared at the curtains of the carriage, trying to see the people inside clearly through the curtains.

"King Rui, brother wants to go back to Xuanji Pavilion for treatment, let your people get out of the way, brother wakes up, he has his own choice." Wu Qianqian calmed down, took a step back, seeing that Qi Huan didn't answer, she said to the driver, "Walk!"

Qi Huan tightly gripped the saber at his waist, and shouted loudly, "No one should come out of this city gate today."

A group of soldiers roared loudly, deafeningly loud, Rong Le in the carriage hurriedly covered Bai Lanshi's ears, Bai Lanshi lying on the soft cushion did not sleep well, as if caught in a nightmare, he could not stop staying sweating.

"Qi Huan! You're crazy!" Lu Yan pointed the sword at him angrily, but Shuyan stepped forward and pushed it away, retracting the scabbard for him.

"You kid..." Lu Yan gritted his teeth.

Shu Yan looked as usual, and retreated behind Qi Huan.

The sound of bells came from the original place, a carriage drove up, and a young girl alighted from the carriage. The girl wore luxurious belts, and Qi Huan's pupils shrank sharply when he saw the person clearly.

All the soldiers knelt down to salute, Qi Xiaoya walked slowly with her skirt in hand, Zhu Cui swayed with her footsteps, Qi Xiaoya stood beside Qi Huan.

Looking at Wu Qianqian with red eyes, she turned to Qi Huan, "Brother... let Mr. Bai go."

Qi Huan looked at her and said nothing, Qi Xiaoya lifted her skirt and knelt down, tears rolled down her face instantly, "Brother, Ya'er has never begged you for anything, this time Ya'er begs you, please let Mr. go! "

Qi Xiaoya reached out to hold Qi Huan's hand, but was thrown away by the latter. A princess could not make a sound when she cried, and could only let her tears flow. Qi Xiaoya took a deep breath, "Brother, there are so many strange people in Xuanji Pavilion. Master, Mr. Bai will only be disturbed in Beijing, brother, you taught me that love is perfect, brother."

When Qi Huan heard the last sentence, he let out a sigh of relief and raised his left hand. All the soldiers retracted their weapons and stood aside.

Qi Huan took a deep breath, and bowed towards the carriage, "Huan'er... I wish my brother a life as long as the Nanshan pine, and good luck like the long stream of the North Sea."

"Let go!" With an order, the soldiers formed a line and made way for a wide road.

Wu Qianqian glanced at Qi Xiaoya who was kneeling on the ground, and the latter smiled bitterly. Wu Qianqian took the coachman's whip with a cold face and swung it away. No one saw the whip almost flew out of her hand. Shi Langqi and Lu Yan followed behind the carriage, wary of Qi Huan.

Qi Xiaoya fell to the ground, crying loudly, Qi Huan grabbed Qi Xiaoya's arm, and dragged her to the opposite direction of the carriage, without looking back.

Shuyan watched the carriage leaving slowly, kowtowed three times on his knees, then turned around and walked forward quickly, following Qi Huan closely.

In the eighth year of Daqi, in February, King Heng Qi Jingrui joined forces with foreign enemies to break the gate of Daqi City. Qi Jing led the soldiers to fight, but was outnumbered, King Heng broke through the city and entered.

In the imperial bedroom, the emperor Qi Shu was already so thin that he was out of shape. Lying on the bed, he rolled his eyes to look at Qi Huan, who was kneeling below him in heavy armor, and laughed hoarsely.

"Sit down." The emperor patted the bed with his dry hands.

Qi Huan said, "Father, my son dare not."

"Why don't you dare!" The emperor roared, causing coughs, and eased his emotions, "Your big brother's soldiers were eaten away by you, and now he can only take the soldiers to resist. "Sighed a turbid breath, "Say it! How can I keep Daqi."

Qi Huan raised his head, looked at the thin old man on the couch, and said word by word, "I want the throne."

The eunuch on the side staggered in fright, widened his eyes in disbelief, hesitated for a moment, then rushed towards the wall, knocked his head against the wall, and slid down along the wall weakly, dragging out a Bright red blood.

The two people in the room didn't pay attention to the movement, the emperor squinted his eyes and said, "Of all my sons, you are the one who resembles me the most, affectionate but tyrannical."

Qi Shu's expression was unprecedentedly gentle, "When I saw Yu Wan in the mansion back then, I knew that I was afraid of falling, but the Empress Dowager insisted on me marrying her, so I had no choice but to make Yu Wan a concubine , she is very considerate of me, she does not cry or quarrel with me, but instead comes to comfort me."

"You all said that the Queen's sudden death was caused by Yu Wan, hahaha, but who would have thought that it was I who ordered people to add medicine to the food, who would come to investigate me, hahaha!" Qi Shu coughed violently again "But your mother found out, and she helped me resist other people's comments without a word, without a single complaint, but I don't regret it, I never regret it."

"I want my queen to accompany me. After I die, no one will protect her. I can't bear her to stay in this capital where snakes and scorpions are lurking."

The emperor fumbled for a scroll of imperial decree from the hidden compartment on the couch, threw it to Qi Huan who was kneeling on the ground, and waved his hand, "Take it, whoever loves this emperor should be the one. Don't lose it and then..."

The generation of great emperor with gray temples on the couch slowly closed his eyes, his expression relaxed like never before.

Gao Chao beside him lay on the dragon bed with tears on his face and burst into tears. When His Majesty was still a prince, Gao Chao was arranged by Tong Yuwan's side to help Tong Yuwan resist the poisonous arrows in the harem, and dealt with many people in private.

Qi Huan picked up the scattered imperial decree, rolled it up, and handed it to Fuzi who was waiting outside. Fuzi took it respectfully with a smile. There were full court officials kneeling outside, surrounded by heavily armored soldiers.

Fuzi read out the imperial decree aloud, and all the officials looked at each other in dismay, and then they all put their heads on the ground, shouting, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

All the soldiers were on the ground, and the white jade slab was shaking slightly.

The voices came and went continuously.

In the eighth year of Daqi, in February, the new emperor named the country Langya.

King Heng was captured and exiled. On the same day, King Yongkang was made a prince, and General Huwei was given to guard the frontier fortress, and he was not allowed to enter Beijing without a call.

In April of the same year, the Xuanji Pavilion released the news that the small pavilion owner Bai Lanshi died in the pavilion due to illness. The Xuanji Mountain was covered with white ribbons on the trees overnight, and the whole mountain seemed to be covered with white snow.

As soon as the news came out, people in the rivers and lakes lamented that talented people have lost their lives. The night in the palace was terribly quiet, and not a single lamp was ever lit.

The bronze bells of the 333 temples outside the city of Chang'an rang for seven consecutive days. People in the city respected the emperor's order. A white lantern was hung at the door of each house. The whole country mourned for three years, and all the singing and dancing feasts were quiet.

Everyone thinks His Majesty is filial, but no one knows what His Majesty thinks.

At the time of the Xuanji Pavilion's funeral, Shuyan was ordered by the emperor to escort the coffin into the earth with a hundred thousand armored horsemen, and treated the Xuanji Pavilion in an extremely dignified manner.

Everyone in Xuanji Pavilion looked indifferent, wearing plain clothes with plain gauze on their heads, standing on both sides of the coffin to protect them.

The young emperor stood on the tower, staring blankly into the distance, while Fuzi on the side put on his coat.

"Your Majesty, it's still cold in spring." Fuzi said.

Qi Huan wore thin clothes, but simply tied up his hair. He didn't look like the new emperor's high spirits at all. He felt a little depressed. Looking at the white lanterns all over the city, "You said, if I was strong enough to keep people back, it would be It wouldn’t be the case now.”

Then he shook his head and murmured, "Then my brother will be sad, Huan'er can't make my brother sad."

Fuzi sighed silently, and retreated silently. Before leaving, he looked back. The young man stood there like a pine and cypress, standing upright and fragile. On the wrist behind his back, a section of plain yarn was exposed, which was wrapped around his wrist.

The jade pendant hanging on the waist was inlaid with gold at the cracks, so that the torn jade pendant could be pieced together. When the jade was broken, the emperor didn't cry or make a fuss. He just stood by the craftsman quietly, his eyes fixed on .

The craftsmen watching were sweating profusely, for fear that a shaking hand would break things.

In the first year of Langya, Wei Fu and Menghong led iron cavalry to encircle and suppress Chu State. In the first battle of Chu State, Langya attacked the imperial city of Chu State with an unstoppable force.

When capturing the king, Wei Wei heard the low melodious sound of the Guqin, and was beheaded by the enemy general in a daze, and the blood was splashed on the battlefield. This is a folk legend.

In fact, no one knew. All they knew was that although the army had defeated the Chu State, the day the army returned to court, the emperor was furious, and all the officials knelt outside the hall in the rain.

After that night, there was a strange man wearing a bamboo hat and coir raincoat fishing by the riverside of Chang'an Street.

On the frontier, Qi Jing, who was wearing soft armor, looked at the gentle and jade-like person in front of him, feeling a little unreal, "Sir?"

Bai Lanshi slightly bent his eyes, "Your Highness hasn't seen you for a few years, and he looks like a general."

"Sir, isn't it..." Qi Jing said.

Bai Lanshi played with the cup in his hand, "There is no Bai Lanshi in the Xuanji Pavilion in the world, only Bai Lanshi, a scattered man from Jianghu."

Qi Jing nodded and smiled openly for the first time.

"Sir, I understand what you said to me. My feelings for my husband are not admiration, but longing for Qi Huan's childhood life, so I think that if I get my husband, I can get the happiness of my childhood." Qi Jing smiled.

Bai Lanshi nodded slightly, and bowed, "It's good that your Highness understands, everything is just because of mediocrity, and the most important thing is to think clearly about what you want."

"Sir, please stay here for a few more days!" Qi Jing made tea for him.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness. Bai has some old friends who are going to visit. This time, I just passed by to see how Your Highness is doing." Bai Lanshi said.

Qi Jing hesitated to speak, and said, "Sir, Qi Huan..."

Bai Lanshi paused for a moment, smiled and said nothing, and Qi Jing also knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, so he didn't say any more.

The two talked about what they had seen and heard in the past few years, without any emotions involved, just like close friends, and they put aside the things that have been brooding over the years while talking and laughing.

Qi Jing escorted Bai Lanshi's carriage away from the frontier, turned his head to look at the soldiers behind him, and said with a smile, "Tonight, the king will lead a black and blind man to comfort the soldiers."

After hearing this, everyone is gearing up and competing with each other on riding and shooting. They are all passionate men, and no one is willing to admit defeat.

Qi Jing flicked his whip, and led a group of soldiers to gallop across the border of Langya, guarding a piece of land, with the lights of thousands of families behind him.

Bai Lanshi's carriage wobbled to a stop at the inn outside the city. The waiter saw someone thinking about it, so he approached him with a smile, "Guest officer, I remember you, you have stayed in our inn."

Bai Lanshi was wearing a plain robe, with his hair partly tied up, making him as white as glazed porcelain. He handed a silver ingot to the waiter, "Wait for the feed right now, open a room."

"Okay, does the guest officer want to eat?" the waiter in the shop asked earnestly.

"No, I have something else to do." Bai Lanshi turned and walked outside.

I haven't seen him for two years, and Chang'an City is as prosperous as when we first saw him. Bai Lanshi walked into the city and handed the customs clearance document to the soldiers guarding the city. The soldiers took a look at him and let him in.

Bai Lanshi wandered around Chang'an City, looking at the Changqing Mansion whose gate was sealed, and sighed slightly.

Everything in the past seems to have happened yesterday, and it is still vivid in my mind, but things have changed.

The Changqing Mansion stood alone in a corner of the capital. Since that time, no one has opened the door. It seems that there is some kind of beast locked in the door. The people would rather take a detour than pass through it.

Bai Lanshi walked towards Chang'an Street, and saw a person sitting by the river.

Wearing a bamboo hat and a coir raincoat, this person was sitting by the river in the busiest street in Luoyang City, fishing with a slender bamboo pole, with a burnt blue tassel hanging from the end of the bamboo pole that was stained with blood.

Bai Lanshi asked that the merchants around him shook their heads and sighed. This strange man sat there fishing every morning and left at dusk. It has been like this for three years, and he doesn't know his name.

There was a man in the middle who looked for him, he was quite handsome, he was a military master, but no matter how much the man persuaded him, the strange man didn't answer a word, the man sat with him for a while and then left, and I didn't see anyone with him have spoken.

There were a few naughty children who wanted to throw stones at the strange man, but Bai Lanshi kicked them on the buttocks. The children shed tears and snot together, and went back to their families crying.

Bai Lanshi walked over and sat beside the weird man with his sleeves rolled up. The weird man glanced at him and pulled down his bamboo hat with a smile to cover a scar extending from his forehead to his right eye submerged in his jaw.

Bai Lanshi straightened his sleeves and said, "General Wei, long time no see."

Wei Wei, "I am no longer General Wei, I am Wei Wei, a peasant."

Bai Lanshi nodded, "Brother Wei is so affectionate that he can endure these wasted years."

Wei Wei chuckled, "It's just that there is someone in my heart, and it's softened. The youthful pride that throws away the head and sprinkles blood has turned into a full-bodied love for children, lingering and lingering endlessly."

Bai Lanshi held the envelope in his hand, inside was the letter Qin Zhu handed him for the first time, Bai Lanshi read it, and it wrote:

My son, I know that following the soldiers will be affected sooner or later. Wei Lang is an infatuated and stubborn person. I hope that after Qin Zhu's death, the son can tell Wei Lang the truth. If the lamp is extinguished after death, I don't want Wei Lang to blame himself for the rest of his life. Remember the time spent in slavery.

Wei Wei glanced at the sky, put away the fishing rod, untied the tassels and put them in his arms, and said softly to the river, "I'm going back, I'll be with you tomorrow."

Turning to look at Bai Lanshi, "Mr. Bai, I'm afraid someone is coming." Without waiting for Bai Lanshi to answer, he left on his own.

Bai Lanshi still didn't speak, and waited until Wei Ting's figure disappeared into the crowd, then took out the letter from his sleeve and threw it into the lake. The lake water wet the letter, and soon disappeared.

Sure enough, an army sprang out from one end to clear the way, and then a bright yellow Luanyu drove up, and a man came down from it, wearing a five-claw dragon robe and a golden crown on his head.

Bai Lanshi stood up, crossed his hands in front of him, looked at the bewildered emperor with a smile on his face, Qi Huan stumbled and ran over to hug the person in front of him tightly.

Bai Lanshi patted the back of the person in his arms, and under the afterglow of the setting sun, he looked extremely gentle, and said, "My lord, aren't you afraid of making you laugh forever?"

Qi Huan hugged him tightly, always feeling that if he loosened up, he would be gone again. He has been torturing himself for the past few years, and his body hurts, and it seems that his heart will not hurt so much.

As an emperor, he must maintain sobriety and determination at all times. He can't even get drunk. Every day, when he dreams at midnight, no one will fall into his dream. Every time, self-doubt wears down his fragile nerves a little bit.

Love to look forward to, love to fear, love to gain, love to lose, love to madness, love to regain.

Qi Huan's shoulders trembled, thousands of words were turned into a breath, and he choked up, "Brother, Huan'er knows I was wrong, Huan'er hurts so much!"

Fuzi arrived in time, seeing Bai Lanshi was startled first, then smiled from the bottom of his heart, His Majesty finally made it through.

Fuzi ordered people to clear out the whole street, and the child looked through the gap in the window.

Suddenly there was a burst of crying outside, the child blinked and pointed at the person in bright yellow clothes outside, then turned his head and asked, "Mom, why is he crying?"

The woman behind stretched out her hands to cover the child's ears, and sighed, "It's just another love-hate entanglement."

-----use up------

The author has something to say: This is my first completed novel and my first attempt.

Although not many people read it, three of the nine collections are mine, but the other six are the motivation for me to stick to it.

I know that my writing and plot are more or less deficient, and I will fill in some loopholes in the extra episode.

I will drop the sweet episode right away ヽ(○^?^)

Thank you very much for your company all the way. The story of "Returning on a Snowy Night" is over, but the story of me and you has just begun.

Welcome to VB to play with me, VB: Sifang Xiaodoufu

Thanks again everyone.

Record the article completed for the first time at the age of seventeen.

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