Returning on a Snowy Night

Chapter 9


Fuzi delivered the letter to Bai Lanshi and then turned and slipped away. After Bai Lanshi returned to the house, Shuyan came.

"Sir, there are a few characters I don't know how to write." Shuyan came to Bai Lanshi with some large-character papers.

Bai Lanshi put the letter on the short-legged table, walked to the desk and saw the characters brought by Shu Yan, "You are still young, why do you write such difficult characters?" Bai Lanshi smiled.

Shuyan scratched his head, "Sir, Shuyan wants to grow up quickly." The child thought that if he learned something unknown, he would grow up quickly, Bai Lanshi smiled lightly, and took Shuyan's hand from behind, writing Several times, "Do you feel it?"

Shuyan nodded, and Bai Lanshi patted Shuyan on the head, "Just practice here with me, and you can ask me if you don't understand anything."

Shu Yan beamed with joy, picked up the brush and imitated Bai Lanshi's handwriting over and over again.

Bai Lanshi leaned on the proof, and opened the letter from Fuzi, which said that his brother had personally signed it.

Brother, if you see this letter, it must be because my brother didn't come to send me off, so I have no choice but to write down what I want to say to my brother on these papers.

Yesterday, I heard people say that the lotus in Haihu Lake was in full bloom. I wanted to invite my brother to swim in the lake, but I was packed and sent to the frontier by my brother. I don't know when I'll be back, brother, you have to take care of yourself and wait for Huan'er to come back.

Qi Huanliu

Bai Lanshi chuckled, put Qi Huan's letter in a small box and put it away. After thinking about it, this was the first time Qi Huan wrote a letter to himself, and it was worth remembering.

Because he didn't sleep last night, Bai Lanshi went to bed early today to rest.

On the second day, Qi Jing's carriage was waiting outside, Bai Lanshi asked Qi Jing to have breakfast together before leaving in the carriage.

Bai Lanshi is leading Lu Yan today, and regarding Qi Jingrui's behavior yesterday, Bai Lanshi knows that Qi Jingrui is not a good leader. It is impossible for the three of them to visit the lake to enjoy the flowers, and they will inevitably invite some young masters in the capital to bring along a little girl, Rong Le, so they will inevitably be harassed by them.

There is a big boat parked by the lake. The boat is decorated with pink veils and hung with a circle of red lanterns. Unfortunately, it is daytime, and it may be beautiful at night.

Bai Lanshi and Qi Jing boarded the boat under the guidance of the servants, but as expected there were still two people sitting on the boat.

After seated, the boat started to move towards the center of the lake. The lake was full of lotus flowers, and there were many calligraphy and paintings related to lotus flowers on the cruise ship. There were even shadows of lotus flowers on the tables and cushions.

Lu Yan sat behind Bai Lanshi and said in a low voice: "My lord, the two young masters are not easy-going lamps. The one who is shaking the fan is Pan Shiyi, the young master of the Pan family. After leaving the Imperial Merchant, I checked secretly, and the Pan family had contacts with Dongying people."

Lu Yan paused and said again, "The person next to Pan Shiyi wearing black clothes is Lu Kaide, the head of the Zinmen Escort Bureau. People have come to their senses, and only know that he has some deals with King Heng."

At this time, a group of maids came up, with tulle hanging on their bodies, their delicate shoulders were exposed, and they came up with plates of food. Then a group of dancers came out, dancing their sleeves with the quietness floating on the lake. The dancers in pink dance skirts gathered together and shook their water sleeves. A woman with a red tube top and western region bloomers, with a light gauze covering her face, revealing only a pair of winking eyes.

There were bells hanging around the woman's waist, wrists, and ankles, and they jingled when they twisted, causing everyone present to gasp.

As soon as the woman finished dancing, she ran towards Qi Jingrui with bare feet. Qi Jingrui stretched out his hand and naturally hugged the shy woman into his arms, and smiled at everyone's gaze, "This is Qin Shu. Back then, this king was at the Western Regions slave market. Buying people, I don’t want to be looking for treasures.”

Pan Shiyi raised his glass with a smile, "His Royal Highness Prince Heng has the eyes to recognize people, and you are far behind."

Seeing that Qi Jing kept bowing his head in silence, Bai Lanshi asked softly, "What's on your mind, Your Highness?"

"Sir." Qi Jing frowned, "Sir, if I say that I didn't know what the third brother's lake tour banquet was like, would you be credible?"

"Prince Heng is surly, it's not surprising that he does anything, but what I'm curious about is that there are beauties and good scenery, why is His Highness unhappy?" Bai Lanshi looked at Qi Jing and said.

"The people in the frontier fortress are living in dire straits. I thought I would just come here for a boat tour, but I didn't expect Qi Jingrui to be having fun at this time. How grateful are the soldiers on the front line!" Qi Jing clenched his fists coldly Looking at the beauty in his arms across the way, the group of people who were drinking and drinking.

After a while, Qi Jingrui was so entangled by the beauty that he couldn't bear it anymore. He walked into the cabin with the beauty in his arms, and the people on the deck watched the scenery by themselves.

If aside from Qi Jingrui's actions just now, this sea lake can be filled with lotus flowers, which is quite a spectacle. The boats are moored in the center of the lake, and there are some family boats passing by.

Bai Lanshi stood by the boat and received many lotus flowers from peasant girls picking lotus. Lu Yan helped to take them and embraced them. Hearing footsteps behind him, Bai Lanshi embraced the bunch of lotus flowers handed by the last peasant girl in his arms, then turned and looked behind.

The lotus stalk was very long, holding the stalk, the flower rubbed against Bai Lanshi's face, with a lingering smile on his face, quietly watching Qi Jing walking towards him.

"Sir, it's dangerous beside the boat, it's better to be careful." Qi Jing avoided Bai Lanshi's eyes.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your concern, but these peasant girls are really enthusiastic, so it's hard for me to refuse." Bai Lanshi greeted Lu Yan and put the flowers on the table beside him.

Lu Yan joked, "Young Master, it seems that you have to take all these flowers back soon, otherwise the girls should be sad."

Bai Lanshi nodded, and patted Lu Yan on the shoulder, "It makes sense, take this flower back and put it in your room, don't throw it away if it doesn't wither." Lu Yan immediately looked at the lotus on the table and wrinkled his face .

Seeing that Bai Lanshi looked a little more agile, Qi Jing couldn't help laughing, "Sir, don't bully Lu Yan."

Pan Shiyi's voice was heard before the words fell, "His Royal Highness Kang Wang."

Qi Jing restrained his smile, "Mr. Pan."

Pan Shiyi looked at Bai Lanshi who was beside him, "This is Mr. Bai."

Bai Lanshi nodded slightly, "It's right here."

"When I was escorting the darts, I passed by the Xuanji Pavilion mountain, but the mountain is so complicated that I can't enter it, which makes me feel very sorry." Lu Kaide on the side said slightly regretfully.

"The master has set up various formations in the mountain, if it is not guided by the people in the pavilion, it is easy to get lost in the jungle." Bai Lanshi.

Lu Kaide smiled and said, "I have experienced it myself. At that time, I was young and energetic, and I wanted to go to this place that people in the world know. I didn't expect to be trapped in the woods for several days. If I hadn't met a little girl , I’m afraid I won’t be able to come back.”

"Dare to ask, do you know that you have a baby face and like little girls with small throwing knives on their waists." Lu Kaide gestured.

Bai Lanshi shook his head when he heard the words, "No, I have been bedridden all the time, so the people in Xuanji Pavilion only know about Master and Aunt Hong who has been taking care of me."

Lu Kaide felt a little regretful, "I still wanted to thank that little girl, but it's a pity that I don't have a fate!"

Qi Jing looked slightly at Bai Lanshi when he heard the words, and the latter blinked his eyes to show his response. Qi Jing moved his eyes away unnaturally, and his ears were slightly red.

The boat didn't dock until the afternoon, and when everyone disembarked, Qi Jingrui bid farewell with Qin Shu in his arms, and then Bai Lanshi followed Qi Jing into the carriage.

The carriage was swaying, and Bai Lanshi was overwhelmed by half a day's work, so he leaned against the carriage and closed his eyes to rest.

Qi Jing took out the thin quilt from the hidden compartment of the carriage, and gently covered Bai Lanshi's legs. Because Bai Lanshi hugged the lotus today, the fragrance of the lotus still lingered on his body.

Bai Lanshi opened his eyes slightly, and saw Qi Jing who was close at hand. Qi Jing seemed to be frightened, so he hurriedly sat upright.

"Did I disturb my husband's rest?" Qi Jing's eyes moved away unnaturally.

Bai Lanshi pulled the thin quilt closer to his body, "It's none of His Highness's business, I didn't sleep at all."

Qi Jing hummed, but remained silent.

Bai Lanshi chuckled, "Your Highness doesn't have to be so cautious in front of Bai, Bai Lanshi is still the Bai Lanshi His Highness knew in the palace that day."

"Sir, do you still remember buying sugar figurines when you were in the palace?" Qi Jing asked.

At that time, Qi Huan was attached to Bai Lanshi and never let it go for a moment. He was annoyed so much every day that he didn't pay attention to Qi Jing until one day, on Qixi Festival, Bian Yujing asked Bai Lanshi to take Qi Huan and Qi Jing out to play. The name is to show Bai Lanshi the Qixi Festival customs in Chang'an, but in fact it is to throw the two children to Bai Lanshi and take them out, so as not to disturb the adults to have fun.

Bai Lanshi and two children were walking on the crowded street. Luckily, Qi Jing stayed by Bai Lanshi's side obediently, but Qi Huan was so dishonest that he ran around everywhere. Will get separated, Bai Lanshi's temples throbbed when he was disturbed.

In the blink of an eye, Qi Huan disappeared again. Bai Lanshi led Qi Jing to search for a long time before he found Qi Huan squatting in front of a sugar figurine shop, watching the master craftsman making sugar figurines.

Seeing Bai Lanshi coming, he pointed to Tangren and said, "Brother, Huan'er wants Tangren."

Bai Lanshi kicked Qi Huan's butt first, and then responded coldly.

The master sugar figurine looked at the little pink figurine who was slapping his butt, and looked at the finished sugar painting with shining eyes, and said with a kind smile, "What does the young master want to look like!"

Qi Huan thought for a while, and said seriously, "Can Grandpa write?"

"Hey, what character do you want to write, young master?" The old master smiled and began to squeeze candy.

"Bai Lanshi, I want to write about Bai Lanshi." Qi Huan said seriously, and then looked at Bai Lanshi beside him and said, "Is it okay? Brother."

"Whatever you want." Bai Lanshi asked Qi Jing who was beside him, "What kind of look do you want?"

Just as Qi Jing was about to speak, Qi Huan on the other end pulled Bai Lanshi's hand, "Brother, Qi Jing doesn't like this thing." Bai Lanshi looked at Qi Jing.

Qi Huan smiled and said, "Right, brother."

The latter nodded slowly.

Just as Bai Lanshi was about to say something, he heard the old master say, "My lord, what is Lan?"

"Above is the long sky of Qingming, and below is the waves of Lushui." Bai Lanshi said.

After a while the sugar painting was ready, Qi Huan took the sugar painting and licked it cautiously, then suddenly smiled and said, "It's so sweet!" Then he ran to the acrobats in front to watch.

The boy softened a lot under the warm yellow light. Seeing Qi Jing's eyes were full of tears, Bai Lanshi knelt down and asked Qi Jing who had been silent all the time, "You really don't like it?"

Qi Jing looked at Bai Lanshi, pursed his lips slightly, and glanced at the candy stall next to him.

"Brother, come here quickly, it's amazing, he can breathe fire." Qi Huan's voice came from a distance, Bai Lanshi ignored it, just quietly waiting for the child in front of him to answer.

It wasn't until seeing the person in front of him nodding slightly that he got up and led Qi Jing to walk in Qi Huan's direction.

"Why did you mention this?" Bai Lanshi laughed.

Qi Jing pursed his lips, as if making up his mind, "Can you give me a candy man, sir?"

Bai Lanshi was a little surprised, but he didn't ask why, and told the horse-riding master outside that he stopped at a sugar man's shop on the road.

After a while, the carriage stopped, and the sugar figure master smiled and said to the two people in front of him, "What kind of sugar figure do you two adults want?"

"Bai Lanshi." Qi Jing glanced at Bai Lanshi beside him, and said slowly, "Lan is, there is a long sky of Qingming above, and waves of Lushui below."

Arriving at Changqing Mansion, after Bai Lanshi got off the car, Qi Jing held the sugar painting with Bai Lanshi's name on it in a daze, licked it for a while, and smiled, "It's so sweet!"

When Shi Langqi passed the door, he saw Lu Yan holding a bunch of lotus flowers in his hands, and a bunch of bundled lotus flowers hanging on his waist, and he staggered towards the house.

"Junior brother picked all the lotus flowers in the lake!" Shi Langqi laughed.

"Liar Shi, stop your sarcastic remarks and get some for me quickly." Lu Yan shouted towards Shi Langqi through the gap between bunches of flower stalks.

Shi Langqi took the bunch hanging from Lu Yan's waist, and heard Lu Yan slyly smile, "Hahaha, liar Shi, you take it and it's yours!" He ran away quickly holding the lotus.

Bai Lanshi looked at Shi Langqi, who shrugged helplessly, resigned himself to his fate and walked towards his room with a bunch of lotus flowers in his arms.

Bai Lanshi went back to the room for a nap, and woke up at dinner time. Rong Le ran over with a smile and said, "My lord, Miss Qin has already settled in the house."

Lu Yan entered the room and saw that dimple was still on the corner of Rong Le's mouth, "Grandma, why are you still lighting this thing!"

Rong Le glared at Lu Yan, and said coquettishly, "My lord says I'm pretty."

Lu Yan looked at Bai Lanshi, who was dodging his eyes, and said with a wry smile, "Young Master, that's comforting you, now you look like a New Year's baby who just popped out of a New Year picture."

Rong Le snorted towards Lu Yan, and left angrily. Lu Yan looked at Rong Le's leaving back and said with emotion, "Sure enough, a woman is someone who pleases herself."

Bai Lanshi smiled and said, "You made Rong Le anxious and she used a big knife, what do you use to defend yourself?"

Lu Yan imagined the scene of Rong Le chasing after him with a knife, couldn't help but stand on end, and secretly decided that he must find a soft armor to protect him in the future.

"My lord, after Lu Kaide got off the boat, he sent someone to spy on us secretly. I'm afraid he came here for Rong Le." Lu Yan said.

Bai Lanshi frowned slightly and thought, "Let him go, as long as Rong Le is in Chang'an, it's only a matter of time to find out with Lu Kaide's strength."

"But... But will this be bad for Rong Le?" Lu Yan asked.

"Although I'm not in good health, I can still protect people."

Because he slept for a while when he came back, after dinner, Bai Lanshi sat in the yard and watched the moon.

Bai Lanshi looked at the Magnolia in the yard, wearing a white coat, and suddenly there were dots of fireflies in front of his eyes. The fireflies came out of the grass in the yard, twisting their shiny buttocks.

Bai Lanshi remembered that every night in summer there would be swarms of fireflies flying in the forest. At that time, Bai Lanshi would use his sword to kill the flying fireflies to exercise his speed.