Returning to ’90s, She Became Famous in Major Surgical Fields

Chapter 2652: [2652] A sword to seal the throat


For a while, domestic manufacturers were racking their brains to think about how to achieve the goal of large aperture abroad.

"Let me ask you again, do you know why the aperture is so large?"

"Are the apertures of foreign countries large?" The man from the manufacturer said that it has always been the best to require that foreign countries can achieve foreign standards. As for the medical principles, he layman could not understand. The researchers told their manufacturers what to do and what to do.

"Even if you achieve 30 microns, it is smaller than foreign countries that are more than 50 microns."

"Isn't this up to the standard first? If it is up to the standard, your doctors should be able to use it. How can you blame our manufacturer for not being up to standard?"

"The problem is that your product can't meet the requirements of the doctor's operation. There will definitely be problems."

"I can't meet any requirements? Isn't this pore size met?"

"Let me ask you, do you mean the minimum pore size by the standard pore size?"

The people from the manufacturer obviously didn't expect her point-to-point refutation of the point-to-point rebuttal, their expressions changed drastically, and their mouths trembled.

Another classmate sitting on a small bench looked up at classmate Xie who was speaking at the moment: You are so cool and handsome, this is a sentence that seals your throat with a sword.

All the teachers present were silent.

It is a matter of course that the young teacher does not speak. After all, for these teachers, the main scientific research rights are not in power, and it is basically not their turn to invent medical equipment that leads the world. What medical consumables these teachers use in the operation is decided by the leaders, and it is not up to them themselves. It is their turn to know more about these medical devices, mostly through product sales introductions sent by representatives of manufacturers and distributors. For example, Chang Jiawei's office is full of free gifts from manufacturers.

If you think about it, the other aspect of giving away for nothing is self-evident. People exaggerate to the point of hype, saying that good is good, and the product experiment data delivered, peer feedback, whether it is true or not, you have to try it yourself after all. If it is really good after the trial, if these foreign manufacturers of high-end products have a monopoly position in patent rights, they will be treated as commercial secrets, and the performance will be: I will praise you for my product, but how good this product is, it is impossible to kill Tell you.

Understand? This is why the big cows are discussing, and there are a bunch of young teachers sitting around, all of whom come here to study and interrupt. They determined in advance that a student could not give professional opinions. According to the above reasons, it is reasonable and it cannot be called deliberately despising students.

It's just that all the teachers didn't expect this person to be a medical student who came back from the future.

Xie Wanying has learned about this artificial blood vessel in the future. This is because she used to be a doctor working in a hospital. She was asked about medical matters, asked her colleagues in the future, checked the information, and knew that some future research reports are very important. normal.

This brings up another question.

The research on medical devices actually requires the in-depth participation of doctors. The premise of doctors' in-depth participation is that the research funds are rich, or there are a large number of clinical data accumulated from such cases for doctors to study.

These words are currently invisible.

A very simple example, after the development of the entire artificial blood vessel market in the next two decades, there will be only 40,000 to 50,000 cases per year among the 1.4 billion people. At the current stage, Aki’s mother’s aortic aneurysm and aortic dissection surgery has low clinical diagnosis ability in general hospitals, and there are very few hospital doctors who can perform surgery.