Returning to ’90s, She Became Famous in Major Surgical Fields

Chapter 369: [369] Teacher Tan was shocked by her


Teacher Fu actually likes to drink tea. Xie Wanying turned around and saw this scene and thought to herself.

Wu Lixuan noticed her eyes, understood something, and said to her: "The teacher likes black tea. I'll save some for you later."

Because northerners don't drink Kung Fu tea, there are all ceramic beakers in the restaurant with tea lids. Knowing that people here don't drink strong tea, Wu Lixuan diluted the color of the tea soup.

The brewed tea was put on the table by the waiter cup by cup. Everyone took a glass and drank in dead silence. It can be seen that the atmosphere has not adjusted after that phone call.

Xie Wanying and Fa Xiao sat back on their seats, they were busy making tea and didn't know what happened.

"People from Puwaiyi and Teacher Tan called you." Luo Yanfen gave her a wink to tell her to be careful.

What did Puwai want her for? Xie Wanying was thinking about who it would be.

"You—" Tan Kelin just said this, and found that all the people in the private room who were drinking tea raised their heads, and couldn't help but look cold: Good guy, his student is indeed a figure that attracts everyone's attention.

"Teacher Tan, did you call me?" Xie Wanying asked.

"Yes, you call the child's father—" Tan Kelin frowned, pondering. Puwaiyi's call made him realize that maybe he still underestimated the students' strength.

"Did Teacher Tan say that Yazhi was admitted to the hospital?" Xie Wanying was overjoyed when she heard what the teacher said.

Look at his student, his head is so rigid that he didn't even listen to who he was arguing with just now, Tan Kelin put his left hand on his forehead: "Yes—"

"I'll call her father right now." Xie Wanying picked up her mobile phone non-stop and called the patient's family members, and went around the table to discuss with the teacher, "Teacher Tan, why don't you put her in the temporary extra bed first, and wait The bed can be transferred immediately. I told the sister nurse. I gave her a post-hospitalization doctor's order first, and did all the routine check-ups for admission, blood tests, and shortened the time, so that I can perform surgery on her as soon as possible."

A group of doctors watched her take out the clinical notebook from her pocket, and were surprised that she even had this in her pocket when she came out to eat. Not only that, Xie Wanying opened it, and there was a treatment plan and medical orders that she had planned for Xiao Yazhi before.

"Hello!" Liu Chengran had to pull her to remind her that she was not eating or drinking tea in the hospital.

Tan Kelin leaned back on the back of the chair, and his indifferent eyes flashed with surprise: he had just opened his mouth, but she had already prepared a set and brought it out.

Unlike Puwai Er, there were a bunch of theatergoers next to them, some were just laughing and laughing, and some couldn't help but spit out a sip of tea.

"Student Xie, you female King Kong." Sun Yubo beckoned to the student after seeing something bad, "Come back and sit down!"

Realizing that she was too anxious, Xie Wanying turned around and walked back, holding the mobile phone to her ear and talking with the patient's family: "Is that Yazhi's father? I am Dr. Xie, and I am a student of Dr. Tan. Dr. Tan asked me to inform you that you can bring Yazhi is here to go through the admission procedures. You can come over tomorrow, I will wait for you in the hospital—”

"Medical students are enthusiastic when they first enter the clinic." Yu Xuexian sighed seeing Xie Wanying like this.

It is questionable how long medical rookies can retain this enthusiasm. Clinical practice can make people insensitive.

A group of professional bosses didn't pay attention to whether she was enthusiastic or not, but they suddenly noticed the open notebook in her hand.