Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 1: rebirth


Shen Chi carefully hid at the corner of the street, and walked out after checking that no one was there.

It's only four o'clock in the morning, and no one is normal. After all, no one will wake up at this early morning at the end of December, and it's not summer.

On the streets of Taiyuan in December, there was still white snow that had not completely melted in the past few days. He squinted his eyes and looked up at the gray sky, and smiled coldly.

His current body doesn't feel much heat and cold at all. In fact, in a few years, this kind of weather will already be a luxury for human beings.

December 31.

The day of the end.

At this time, almost everyone was still asleep.


Shen Chi broke the glass of a small clothing store on the street without hesitation. As he expected, the alarm that was just for decoration did not go off at all.

In peaceful times, shops with false alarms abound. He casually scanned the row of floor-to-ceiling glass shops and didn't even see a fire extinguisher. And Shen Chi had already observed that the camera hanging above was not powered on at all.

Even if the camera caught it, no one would pay attention to the theft of a clothing store after today.

The feet in exquisite black boots stepped in.

Shen Chi stopped in front of the full-length mirror of this small clothing store.

He is no stranger to the appearance in the mirror. What he rubbed was a ripped army jacket in the game, with a dark V-neck. He looks capable and neat, handsome and slender. In reality, his whole body appears to be low-key gorgeous, even The accessories are all exquisite.

Especially those eyebrows, the familiar handsome and elegant, but the gentleness was gone, only the cold indifference remained, even a bit gloomy.

Anyone who has experienced the end of the world for fifteen years and has been sliced and studied in a research institute for three years will no longer have such a soft expression.

Putting the thousand receivers into his backpack, Shen Chi tried his best to smile, and finally pulled out a smile that wasn't too stiff.

Once again, he still wears the Tang Sect with the game system and skills, but he is no longer as innocent as before.

The price paid for trust in the last days is too tragic. Behind the seemingly glorious pursuit, there are actually crises everywhere and every step of the way is dangerous.

So what if he has a game system, so what if he has game skills, his abilities are both a blessing and a curse, he is different from those humans who have awakened supernatural powers, because of this difference, the high profile will bring him endless despair .

Therefore, this time, he only needs to live in a low-key manner, and will not give his trust easily.

He will never fall to that end again, never!

The person in the mirror is still smiling, but gradually becomes more natural.

It's just a disguise. If you live in the end of the world for ten or twenty years, as long as you are not too stupid, you will always be able to.

He concealed his headdress, tied his long hair into a simple lock with a black scrunchie from the trinket counter, and put on a knit sweater, trousers and a pair of imitation calfskin boots from the small clothing store. A gray wool trench coat that is not too thick. It is winter after all, and there are not many light clothes, but the reason why Shen Chi fell in love with this store is that there are some clothes with off-season discounts. The shoes that went in—especially leather jackets, pants, and boots, were completely wrapped with thick canvas spread on the counter, and all the leather gloves in the store were thrown in. After a moment of hesitation, I opened and stuffed four or five more The down jacket went in, packed the pile of clothes into a big bag, and put it into the game backpack invisible to others as soon as he stretched out his hand.

If it's a piece of clothing, he doesn't have so many backpack slots to put it in. If he packs a big bag like this, there will be a "pack of clothes" in the backpack, which only occupies one slot.

Shen Chi is already quite familiar with these, he has long learned to use the backpack to the extreme. I grabbed a few more pieces of the same large canvas before giving up. Finally, I took a durable dark-colored men's leather bag from the wall, folded the canvas and stuffed it in.

He paused in front of the full-length mirror. In the dim sight, the man in the mirror was tall and handsome, with picturesque features. Although he still had long hair, he was not so eye-catching after all. On the street, there is still a high rate of turning heads, but it will not be too eye-catching.

Silently thinking of his previous life, he also traveled here. He was wearing that conspicuous clothes foolishly, walking around the street for so long in the winter with half of his chest exposed. Since then, he has fallen into the eyes of some people, right

With a self-deprecating smile, he lifted his feet and left.

Then, he used the same method to break into a supermarket, but the supermarket's camera was still in use, a white light flashed, and with a "snap", the camera was smashed to pieces.

Tangmen's hidden weapons can be made in unlimited quantities, and Shen Chi has Tangmen's little pigs, who can make eight sets at once, which is very convenient.

Soon, Shen Chi had "a pack of condiments" and "a pack of food" in his backpack.

Then, there was a box of thermos cups. He put the only dozen boxes of water and scattered mineral water in the supermarket, regardless of whether they were large or small, into the largest storage box sold in the supermarket, and packed a dozen storage boxes. Tie it carefully with plastic ropes, and then throw all the remaining plastic ropes into the backpack, so that the bundled storage boxes become a whole.

He didn't prepare too much. In the last days, it's not that he can't find food, and sooner or later he has to get used to that kind of life. If he prepares too much food at this time, he will easily become dependent. What he needs is a transitional adaptation the process of. But water, especially clean water, of course, the more the better.

Not for himself, though.

Then, there are stacks of plastic bags, which are never missing in supermarkets. Kitchen knives, packed in a storage box, dozens of scattered sets of various long knives and short knives, kitchen knives and machetes. Stainless steel knives, forks, spoons and chopsticks were also thrown in together.

Fortunately, he also found several life jackets in the supermarket's special supplies section.

In the end, he broke into a children's clothing store, but he didn't know the size of that person, so he had to grab some. Thinking about it, he should not be more than ten years old now, so the ones he took were about eight to thirteen or fourteen. The clothes and shoes of a 1-year-old child, and if he is older, he should be able to wear adult clothes.

I looked at the watch I was holding at the supermarket counter, it was almost six o'clock.

Even in winter, it is not too far from dawn.

Put the watch on your wrist and put that box of button cells in your backpack.

There was not much cash in the counters of these three stores, but the store in the supermarket had a lot of coins. He took a few rolls unceremoniously. The coins were all 100 coins, but only 700 yuan, and threw them all in. into the cowhide bag he was carrying on one shoulder, and took away a few boxes of lighters at the counter along the way.

In the last days, banknotes are just a stack of waste paper, but coins are more useful. At least they are hard and not easy to deform, and their edges can be regarded as sharp. Metal is always better than paper.

The 902 bus has arrived.

Shen Chi looked at the platform carefully, and the place he was going to was on this bus line.

After inserting the coin, Shen Chi sat alone in the car.

This was the first bus, maybe because it was too early, there were only the driver and Shen Chi, who were not fully awake, on the bus.


Maybe it was because there was only one passenger, the driver asked and asked the destination clearly, he didn't have to stop at other stations, the cold wind coming in from the door in winter was enough for him, this car should have been changed long ago, winter Sitting in this car is simply suffering, with wind leaking everywhere.

"Sunshine Orphanage."

The driver was a little surprised. He had been running this line for almost ten years. Although there was a stop at the entrance of the Sunshine Orphanage, there were very few people there except for those students and teachers who went to the so-called activities and a few scattered parents who wanted to adopt their children. Get off at this stop. Because there is no village on the left and no shops on the right, and there is nothing nearby, unless they are going to the orphanage, no one will get off at that stop.

He looked at the young man in the rearview mirror, because he was not seated far back, the driver could see him clearly. Although his collar was turned up, he could still see those extraordinarily beautiful eyes, clear and cold, yet bright and warm, especially attractive.

The driver murmured to himself, if his girl was here, she might be screaming nympho.

Why does such a good-looking young man go to the orphanage? And it was strange to go alone.

Shen Chi didn't care about the driver's scrutiny. There was no malice in his eyes. Looking at the scenery passing by the window, he knew that there were less than six hours left before the human nightmare.

At twelve noon, the end came.

There was silence all the way, and the old bus bumped for about forty minutes before stopping.

The driver said, "Here we are."

Shen Chi got out of the car, looked at the dilapidated "Sunshine Orphanage" sign, and let out a breath of white air.

He knew that Liu Mu was here.

Back then, he just mentioned to him that when the end came, he was still washing dishes in the Sunshine Orphanage in Taiyuan. At that time, Shen Chi still laughed and said, ah, I never thought I was so close to you.

That's right, Shen Chi at that time was still on the streets of Taiyuan, wearing Tangmen's clothes so foolishly that he was treated as a cosplayer and surrounded by a group of little girls to take pictures.

However, this world is not his original world, it's just a parallel world, there is no such game at all, those little girls, simply because their current appearance is too outstanding, and their clothes are good-looking enough, they will be so cute. Excited.

He patted hard on the iron gate that looked like a prison fence. After a long time, an old man with gray hair and sleepy eyes answered the door. He yawned impatiently, "Who is it? It's early in the morning."

"Master, hello." Shen Chi showed his young and handsome face under his collar, and smiled kindly, "This is the Sunshine Orphanage, right?"

The guard was taken aback, and was almost dazzled by the young man's smile. He had never seen such a good-looking young man on TV!

Good-looking people always have an advantage. The guard of the orphanage was quite angry when he was woken up. Seeing that Shen Chi had a good attitude, he replied, "Yes, this is the Sunshine Orphanage."

Shen Chi breathed a sigh of relief, "Finally found it." Then he said with a smile: "Master, please let me in, I just found out about it with great difficulty, there is really something—"

The guard looked at Shen Chi, and saw that he had a sincere face, and he didn't look like he was causing trouble. If it was a man with a fierce face, he might not dare to open the door, but this young man looked tall and slender, but not strong. , good-looking, and it's not good for people to stand outside in this cold weather, so he took out the key and opened the door.

"Seeing you are so young, what are you doing in the orphanage?" the old man asked as he opened the door.

Shen Chi smiled wryly and said: "When I was young, I was ignorant and did something wrong. I found out later that she—she had a child, but she was too young to raise it, so she threw it at the gate of the orphanage..."

Having said that, the old man suddenly realized that even now, children are still abandoned here or at the entrance of the orphanage from time to time. Unfortunately, if they are not found for a while, they may be frozen to death in this weather.

"Then you have to go to the dean. There are quite a few children who have been taken away in the past few years. I don't know if they are still there..."

"Thank you, sir." Shen Chi smiled gratefully.

Although Liu Mu said that there is no good person in the Sunshine Orphanage, but just looking at the guard, he doesn't look like a bad person.

Liu Mu's words have never been fully believed. At that time, there were many powerful supernatural beings. Liu Mu had a great reputation among them, but it was not a good reputation. He was sinister, cunning, and evil. Yes, it’s okay to be extreme and ruthless, the main reason is that the bloody methods make people feel cold, and he never leaves room for others. However, although he offended many people, no one dared to really provoke them because of his eccentric bloodthirsty nature. He, what's more, he is very powerful, really powerful, if you can't kill him for a while, he will return it to you a thousand times.

Those who offend him, without exception, will not end well, so everyone can only endure him and keep away from him, let him go bad day by day, and seeing him do evil, he will probably go to hell eight times out of ten.

There are so many people who hate him that it is almost impossible to count them.

Liu Mu is such a devilish character that makes one's heart chill, but to Shen Chi, he was the only one who never betrayed and gave up on him until the end.

At that time, Shen Chi didn't like Liu Mu either, and at first he considered him a friend, but Shen Chi didn't like his extreme viciousness, he didn't like his viciousness, he thought Liu Mu was probably a little mentally ill Yes, so, later on, he also stayed away from him and avoided him. After all, at that time, Shen Chi had those "partners" who he thought were trustworthy by his side.

Until they were sent to the research institute by themselves.

Only Liu Mu has been persevering in trying to save himself. If he fails once, he will come for the second time. If the second time fails, he will come for the third time. Shen Chiyuan didn't know that he was saving himself until Liu Mu almost rushed to him that time. In front of him, Shen Chi looked at Liu Mu's body dripping with blood, but his eyes were persistent and unrepentant, and he said silently: Wait for me, I will definitely rescue you.

At that time, Dr. Yu said angrily: "This madman! This is the first time..."

Only then did Shen Chi realize that in that world, not everyone had abandoned him.

Although, after another year, Liu Mu still failed to rescue himself, but he was never a person who gave up lightly, and the troubles he caused to the institute could be seen from Dr. Yu's face.

But Shen Chi couldn't wait for that day after all. The fate was so ridiculous that it sent him back to eighteen years ago, the day when the end came.

In this life, he has already seen the faces of those people clearly. It's not that he doesn't want to take revenge, but he has to take his time.

will touch on.

Shen Chi smiled faintly.

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