Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 15: mountain forest


I don't know if it's an illusion, but Shen Chi seemed to feel that his surroundings suddenly became cold when Mingyue was speaking.

After getting into the car, Shen Chi asked, "What the hell did you do just now?"

"Well, I made a brat." Mingyue said directly.

Shen Chi squinted at him: "... brat?"

Then Mingyue lowered her head and muttered, "Okay, okay, most of the corpse oil I collect is not for soaking talismans, but for raising little ghosts..."

Shen Chi: "..."

Fuck me, it really is a crooked way!

"Our Maoshan sect's method of raising little ghosts has always been upright," Mingyue said with a serious expression, but soon sighed again, "There are too many virgins who died after the end of the world, and I only made thirteen." He took out thirteen small glass bottles from his side pocket, "I soaked the talismans with the corpse oil extracted from those zombies. The corpse oil of those people was made into ghosts by me—oh, and those in Thailand Head-down masters are different!"

"What's the difference?" Ji Jia asked curiously.

Mingyue was a little proud, "Their descendants can only find boys, girls, and young girls to raise, but my master can use this corpse oil wooden coffin to raise fierce ghosts, such as those souls who are cruel by nature and not afraid of murder before. I do evil from time to time, and my soul is driven by me after death, but it is much easier to use than those little ghosts in Thailand."

Shen Chi: "..." It still sounds so evil, this guy is definitely a monster!

No wonder I felt chilly just now. Shaking his head, Shen Chi quickly put these thoughts behind him, "Let's go, let's go to town to get some gasoline first."

He decided to drive directly to the place where B-level zombies would appear. Time was running out. When summer came, Chongming would turn into hell. Whether it was a tsunami, typhoon, storm or the coming wave of zombies, these ordinary people could not handle it.

In the town, Shen Chi replaced the eye-catching Land Rover with a bright and low-key black SUV. The spacious model is more than enough for the four of them. These days, cars are not only used for transportation, but also for rest. Get ready After enough gasoline, Shen Chi got the most detailed map of the whole country in a dilapidated bookstore, and then set off towards his destination.

He didn't actually know that place, but his experience in his previous life made him very proficient at reading maps. Most of the roads built in peacetime were not damaged, and the traffic was still smooth. It's just that things like gasoline have become Luxury goods, the current car will gradually withdraw from the stage. Shen Chi remembers that seven or eight years later, the most common thing in Beijing is a solar electric car wrapped in a thin iron sheet. Of course, it is not as comfortable as a car, but it saves energy and the speed is not bad. .

The weather is still very cold, but in order to save fuel, Shen Chi will not drive the air conditioner, and the three children are huddled in their down jackets and drowsy.

The road became more and more deserted. From time to time, one or two zombies wandered beside the car at a slow speed.

There are more survivors in the countryside than in the cities. Some of the whole family has survived in the houses that are far away from each other. Moreover, the villages have the habit of storing food, which is actually better than the urban people, and they can still survive for a while.

When he got here, Shen Chi realized that his original idea was a little too simple. This place is quite big, and he doesn't know the exact location, only the time. Whether he can find it just right is a problem.

In desperation, he directly took Shen Liumu and the other three to live in a small town. Now this town has become an empty city except for the zombies. Half a year later, the survivors have all sought refuge in remote places. They picked a house at random to live in. Clothes and bedding were ready-made, which was much more comfortable than being on the road.

Thanks to the surrounding countryside, Shen Chi can occasionally meet some fat hares and birds much more than big cities. Fortunately, he is a long-range Tangmen, and the little guys around him seem to be all long-distance, and have already broken through to The second-level Shen Liumu, as a wood-type supernatural being, has an unparalleled affinity for animals. Although Shen Chi thinks that it is a bit subtle that Shen Liumu can bleed the approaching hare without blinking, the little guy is not yet. At the age of eight, this personality... is too far from the fresh and kind-hearted wooden supernatural being in the imagination, isn't it

"Dad, why did it become so hot all of a sudden..." Shen Liumu, who was wearing short-sleeved shorts, complained.

Shen Chi was standing by the window looking at a lone zombie wandering downstairs. In July, without any buffer at all, it went from winter to summer. Strong weather changes made more people sick, and winter has thick Clothes cover up. In this weather, ordinary humans who are infected by zombies have ushered in the most difficult time.

If you wear too much, you will die from the heat, and if you wear too little, you may be accidentally scratched and turned into a zombie, so most ordinary people still choose to wrap themselves tightly, even in such a hot place that makes people feel uncomfortable. In crazy weather.

"It will rain heavily in the evening, and it may be a little better." Shen Chi said indifferently.

Ji Jia's hair was completely wet with sweat, and she was concentrating on making a new doll. Her puppet dolls had expanded to three, one was Zhang Kaiyi's eyes, the other was the eyes of the female supernatural being, and the hands She is taking out a small plane from her small tool bag and carefully handling the puppet's arms. The puppet's face already has a shape, but it still lacks a pair of eyes. When I get hairy, I will calm down after watching too much. Ji Jia always carried a small goose yellow backpack when she went out, and the puppet doll with long braids was hanging on the backpack, holding her "rhubarb" in her hands. Since the doll with long braids was finished, The original "Xiao Huang" has become "Rhubarb", and the doll with long braids is Xiao Huang.

Mingyue squatted next to her and watched her make a doll, "Since this one is called Da Huang and the other is called Xiao Huang, what about this one in your hand?"

Ji Jia smiled sweetly, "Look at the clothes, I made a yellow vest for the first doll, so he is called Rhubarb, and the one with long braids is also a yellow dress—oh, it's made of the cloth on my original skirt." Oh, the new doll's clothes are made of the black skirt of the long-haired sister, of course it's called Xiao Hei."

Rhubarb, Xiao Huang, Xiao Hei, well, this name is really good...

Soon, Ji Jia sighed childishly and said, "Unfortunately, Xiao Hei still lacks a pair of eyes."

"Don't worry, there are many people who will be killed in the last days." Shen Chi said lightly, there are quite a few on his list.

Ji Jia raised her head, "Uncle Shen, I found a very strange thing. After making a doll with their eyes, it seems that the doll also has special abilities."


"Look, Uncle." Xiao Huang, who was originally hanging on the backpack, jumped down. The long braids were made by Ji Jia with withered yellow grass leaves given by the sinking driftwood. He stretched out his inflexible wooden fingers to pull out a piece of "hair" like a supernatural being who had arrived. When he saw the black snake swimming on the ground, Shen Chi felt that his fingers were a little numb. Ji Jia's The ability turned out to be far more terrifying than I imagined. If she was not a puppeteer who everyone said she was kind in her previous life, but a puppeteer who specialized in hunting and killing people with supernatural powers, I am afraid that she would be even more famous!

Shen Chi didn't know if Ji Jia in his previous life had discovered this secret, but he thought that Ji Jia in his previous life might never have tried to use the eyes of humans or other creatures to make puppets.

It's just an eye, which gives Ji Jia's puppets an unparalleled sense of eerieness.

"But it can only last for a short while." Ji Jia pointed to the snake that turned back into a blade of grass, "It's so troublesome, I have to put her hair back after pulling it out..."

Shen Liumu looked at the blade of grass, "What is this, I can give you a hand in no time!"

Mingyue praised without hesitation, "Jiajia, you are really amazing."

Ji Jia smiled shyly.

Shen Chi thought deeply, "Jiajia, will you be another puppet?"


"Like animals."

Ji Jia said honestly: "I haven't done it, but I can try it."

"You guys stay well today, I'll go out and see if there's gasoline at the gas station in the town." Shen Chi thought for a while, and had a preliminary idea, if Ji Jia could make a super-large animal-like puppet with their help , hollowed out in the middle, it can be used as their moving castle, especially if you find some giant mutated animal eyes, maybe...

Because of this idea, Shen Chi's heart was a little hot, but unfortunately this place is not suitable, he turned out the map to find the nearest famous mountain, the paradise for evolved animals needs to be in the deep mountains, but there is one thing that is very troublesome, many mountainous areas in modern times have already disappeared. After over-development, there is no pure ecological area reserved at all. In the end, he chose Huangshan, where there are still undeveloped areas, and the most important thing is that it is only six or seven hours away by car. within the acceptable range.

Gasoline is of course available, although everyone knows that gasoline is very important when driving away, but in such a remote town, there are no people passing through the north, and of course no one cares about places like gas stations, and escaped from the town Many people have already abandoned their cars, so what is the use of gasoline? Can't drink again.

Shen Chi prepared the oil, calculated that there was still about a month before the appearance of the B-level zombies, more than enough time for a trip to Huangshan.

After breakfast the next morning, the four of us set off. Even if it was sweltering in the car in this weather, it was much more comfortable to drive with all the wind blowing in than to stay in one place, so we only heard The laughter and screams of the three children.

After all, he was still a child, and when he was in a good mood, he would reveal his lively nature, which made Shen Chi feel better.

Not a single car can be seen on the highway, unlike the time when vehicles could be seen in peacetime.

"Bang!" A pitch-black bird hit their windshield, pecked hard with its hard and sharp beak, and the windshield suddenly had cracked ripples.

Shen Liumu nimbly leaned out of the car window halfway, a seed in his hand quickly germinated, and tightly bound the bird. The streamlined shape of the bird has the outline of a finch, but no matter its size or ferocity, it is different. It can't be compared with finches at all!

Mingyue caught the struggling bird, "Jiajia, try it."

Pitiful for the evolutionary bird that was delivered to the door, the eyes were given to Jiajia, and the rest of the food would be their lunch at noon.

The little puppet bird flew up crookedly, and there was a burst of cheers in the car, "Dad! It's okay!"

Shen Chi felt relieved, "Let's go, let's go to Huangshan!"

"Go to Huangshan, go to Huangshan!" Ji Jia also laughed, her laughter was clear and sweet, as if it was not the end of the world, but Shen Chi was going to take them on a trip.

And the puppet bird fluttered its wings, and was able to follow their car forward outside the car window without lagging behind at all! Looking at the sharp beak cut by Ji Jia, they had no doubts about the attack power of this little thing. Moreover, because of its small size and fast speed, it was also a good hand for monitoring and exploring the path.

The current Ji Jia can only control a puppet with ease, and she will undoubtedly become even more powerful when she advances.

If it was Huangshan in the past, July and August were the peak season for tourism this season. Now the gate is depressed, but the mountain is more lush and verdant. Obviously, without human disturbance, this mountain is actually much more prosperous. It has something to do with the fact that many animals and plants have also evolved.

"Don't run around in the mountains." Shen Chi reminded, now he began to rejoice that although the children he picked up were not so normal, Liumu was always unwilling to leave his side, Ji Jia was very obedient, and Mingyue was taciturn, but she was also a child. A steady child, not many children of this age are playful and mischievous.

It is much cooler in the mountains than the outside world, the sky is covered by giant trees, Ji Jia and Shen Liumu were a little surprised by the darkness of the forest and the steepness of the mountains, but Mingyue dismissed it.

"What's the matter, I grew up in the mountains." He said proudly.

The puppet birds fluttered their wings and hovered above their heads from time to time. Shen Chi had already started to check the map, just like zombies would be displayed as red dots on the map, so would dangerous evolutionary animals and plants, and the red dots on the map It is very dense, but most of them should be animals and evolved plants that have also become zombies. It is not easy to find their targets, and one of the red dots is not far from them!

"Uncle Shen, there's someone!" Ji Jia suddenly called out.

Shen Chi paused, swayed up and jumped onto a branch. A few simple tents were set up in a relatively flat place not far away, and some simple daily necessities were piled up around them. It was obvious that someone lived here, but with four Judging from the shape of the surrounding vegetation, they should have lived here not long ago.

He sneered coldly, with a slight mockery. These people think they are smart and hid here. It is good to avoid the zombies, but the mountains and forests are far more dangerous than the city, as if this place is not a comfortable place for human beings in peaceful times Similarly, there are zombies in the city, and there are not only zombies in the mountains. Zombies transformed from animals are more terrifying than humans, especially some mosquitoes, which may not do much harm to supernatural beings, but to ordinary people, they are deadly That's right, fortunately, the probability of mosquitoes turning into zombies is much smaller than 100% of human beings. The probability is less than 1%, which is rare in cities, but in the mountains and forests, the density exceeds human imagination! Not to mention some evolved beasts, dangerous plants and zombified beasts.

These things will not be discovered by human beings until a long time after the end of the world. What Shen Chi hates is that Dr. Yu became famous throughout Beijing because of such an academic paper on the topic of zombification of animals.


"Damn it, beat him to death!"

"It's all your bad idea. This is already the fourth one to become a zombie. What's going on!"

"How would I know! It's almost too hot outside, how can you survive if you don't come to the mountains?"

"Everything is eaten, the city is full of zombies, where can we go if we don't get here!"

"Stop arguing, come on, Hong Dong, your gun is here!"

"In the tent..."



Standing a little closer to the tent, Shen Chi had already heard the sound of messy footsteps and voices. It seemed that because of the bites of zombie mosquitoes, a fourth zombie appeared in this group of people, but they haven't found out yet that they were killed. Cause of infection.

"Bang!" The sound of the gun startled the birds in the forest, and Shen Chi was surprised to find that the red dot not far away hadn't moved at all, and was still dormant not far from the human tent.

It seems that it is very likely that this is a very threatening evolutionary plant, not the animal he imagined. Plants can be shown as hostile red dots, first of all explaining how dangerous it is.


Shen Chi raised his eyebrows, unexpectedly, someone had discovered him.

Falling down from the tree gently and deftly, he looked straight at the person who made the sound, "Are you a hearing person?"

The ordinary-looking young man looked at him in astonishment, his eyes full of vigilance.

Half a year of the apocalypse has already created such a defensive mentality among people. The seven or eight people in front of them stood vaguely in a row to fight against this handsome man who suddenly appeared.

"Father." A cute and beautiful little boy turned out from behind the tree and threw himself into the man's arms. Behind him was a little girl who was about the same age.

The young people immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Chi smiled mockingly, in a few years, they would no longer lose their guard because of their age.

The end of the world is such an era where children can be turned into demons.

Thinking about it this way, what is Liumu, Ji Jia and Mingyue like