Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 16: Injuried


No matter how powerful the young man with three and a half older children was, he was less defensive psychologically, and the expressions of these seven or eight young people immediately relaxed.

"Superhumans?" They obviously don't know much about this.

Shen Chi smiled, "I advise you to leave this place." He didn't want to save them, but a word of reminder didn't hinder anything, he didn't want people around to watch when they did something.

"Why?" The answer was a little unfriendly, "We found this place first!" The leader of the youth emphasized.

Shen Chi took a slow look at the man who discovered him, "I think you should have discovered something."

The man's face turned ugly in an instant.

"The sound of zombified mosquitoes is different from that of ordinary mosquitoes. They fly slowly, and they look much more terrifying when you look at them with a magnifying glass. The sound of their wings vibrating is much softer than ordinary mosquitoes, so they are not easy to detect, but you should I can hear you."

The face of the leading youth changed drastically, "Zombies—mosquitoes?"

"Yes, zombified mosquitoes." Shen Chi said softly, "That's why some of you were infected into zombies."

With a conversion rate of 1%, the number of mosquitoes in this mountain forest is countless, and there is only a small probability of mosquitoes with their heads still alive when they die. Most of them are directly swallowed by their natural enemies in the forest. Ordinary people are not necessarily infected under the bites of mosquitoes, but after two or three bites, they will 100% become zombies.

This time their faces turned a little blue, and the young man in the lead didn't give up, "Then why did you come in even though you knew the danger!"

Shen Chi's smile faded, "Because people with supernatural abilities won't become zombies."

"Is the supernatural person you're talking about someone who suddenly has special abilities after the end of the world?" said the young man who found Shen Chi.


"... My hearing is indeed much stronger than before," he himself hesitated, and continued after a pause, "It's too much stronger."

Immediately, the young people around him looked at him a little bit wrong. People with supernatural powers won't turn into zombies, so it means that the rest of them are in danger, and only he will be fine

The young man in the lead had a square face and fierce eyes, obviously not the type to be easily persuaded, "Why should we trust you, don't tell me that the children around you are all supernatural beings!"

Shen Chi raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly, "They really are."

The puppet bird in the air circled around and landed lightly on Ji Jia's shoulder, only then did they realize that it was not a real bird.

Shen Liumu actually didn't pay attention to the conversation between Shen Chi and those people, he was staring intently in one direction.

Shen Chi noticed something was wrong with him, "Liumu, what's wrong?"

"There's a weird feeling..."

Mingyue sniffed, "The smell is not right!" With a swipe, a talisman was pasted on her body, and her face suddenly looked better, "Be careful!"

Shen Chi watched helplessly as the seven people in front of him fell limply, only the hearing man persisted for a little longer, but soon fell too, and he himself also had a disadvantageous state, this disadvantageous state It was so strong that he was amazed!

Celestial Maiden Fragrance: Unfavorable effect of causing dizziness, the duration is unknown!

With his strength, he felt a little dizzy for a moment—

Mingyue's talisman played a big role. Although Tangmen's output is strong, its weakness is that it does not have any skills to remove the status.

Only Shen Liumu seemed to be completely unaffected by this unfavorable state, but instead walked forward slowly.

Large tracts of vegetation swayed around him, flourishing in an instant, withering in an instant, one green and one yellow, and withered in the blink of an eye. This kind of scene was so spectacular that even Shen Chi was momentarily stunned.

Goddess flower, Shen Chi had never heard of this kind of flower, but it was obviously the evolved plant.

Those tents were lifted up by the growing plants, and they were in a mess in an instant, and then it was revealed that on the shady slope behind these tents, there was a lush green plant, which was more than ten meters high. It looks like a small deciduous tree, but it looks like a big tree in its height, and it's not right at first glance.

Its leaves are so green that they can be dripping emerald, and the snow-white flowers are hidden among them. When the Shen Liumu is getting closer, the petals and green leaves are automatic without wind, and the clusters are noisy, and the white petals are flying and circling, which is too beautiful to behold.

Shen Chi finally knew why it was called Tiannvhua, and it really looked as beautiful as Tiannv scattered flowers.

Corresponding to its beauty is its danger!

The talisman paper that Mingyue pasted on them actually had cracks, and Shen Chi discovered that the real hidden dragon and crouching tiger were indeed hidden in the mountains and forests!

"Flowwood!" Jianyun stepped forward step by step, and he set up the Thousand Machine Crossbow.

"Father, it's okay!" Shen Liumu looked intently at the abnormally tall celestial maiden flower tree.

There was a rustling sound, and the petals fell like rain, and the fragrance was overwhelming!

The flowers in Shen Liumu's palm bloomed and fell instantly, Bisi swayed, and a huge vine tree sprang up under his feet to support him, when his slender white fingers touched the petals as white as snow jade, the whole flower tree shook suddenly.

A green vine whip appeared in Shen Liumu's hand, he whipped down mercilessly, and the flower tree trembled even more.

"Crack, clap!"

For such a beautiful flower tree, Shen Liumu was not merciless at all, and whipped hard, which was quite fierce for a child who was almost eight years old.

A word came out of Shen Chi's heart silently: Destroy flowers with hot hands...

Shen Liumu's hands were hot enough, and his eyes were indifferent as he watched the flowers and trees rustling and leaves falling in front of him.

"Be obedient and I won't kill you." The voice was crisp, but the tone was a little sinister.

When his hand stretched over and broke off a small twig at the top of the flower tree, but the whole flower tree withered and withered in an instant, Shen Chi knew that Shen Liumu had tamed this special evolved celestial maiden flower.

"Dad, look!" Shen Liumu ran out to show Shen Chi, only to see this small twig was green and glittering, almost not like a branch, lying on Shen Liumu's white palm, the whole body seemed to be carved out of jasper, with brilliance Inside, it is very extraordinary at first glance.

... In the previous life, Shen Chi and Shen Liumu could only be said to be friends, but they gradually became estranged. Shen Chi's understanding of Shen Liumu was limited to the fact that he is a wood-type supernatural being, can control plants, and no matter how serious the injury is, no matter how intractable the disease is, He can solve it, but whether it can be cured or not depends on his mood, so he didn't know that the driftwood can also tame the evolved plants.

"Can you use it?"

"Yes!" Shen Liumu said with a smile, "I couldn't before, but after I got a fever last time, I can now."

It dawned on Shen Chi that a person with at least the second level of wood ability could do it.

No wonder Shen Liumu in his previous life was so powerful that almost no one dared to provoke him. He had never fought Shen Liumu before, so he didn't know what was special about the plants under his control, but if those plants were all evolved plants, Of course, its strength cannot be compared with that of ordinary plants.

Touching Shen Liumu's head, Shen Chi felt a little emotional.

After subduing the goddess flower, they went straight to the depths of the mountain forest. After those people woke up, they would naturally know the danger here and leave quickly.

The Huangshan mountain is mainly composed of Yanshanian granite, with criss-crossing fractures and fissures. It has been eroded by water for a long time, forming magnificent and colorful granite caves. Both Shen Liumu and Ji Jia are very novel, even Mingyue who claims to have grown up on the mountain All eyes widened.

Shen Chi had already led them deep into the undeveloped area of Huangshan Mountain. The mountains were densely forested, without any traces of artificial carvings, presenting a natural and prosperous style.

"Be careful!" Shen Chi grabbed Mingyue, who was walking in front of him, back with his claws, and a black shadow flew in front of him.

It's a little civet!

Huangshan has a rich variety of wild animals. This little civet is just an ordinary evolutionary animal, but it is a pity that it cannot be called a powerful one.

The bright moon begins to draw characters.

In fact, this was the first time he drew talismans in front of Shen Chi and the others. The talisman papers he took out before were all drawn before, and I am afraid that they are almost used up now.

Ordinary Taoist priests need cinnabar talisman paper to draw talismans, but his ability is to draw talismans.

The yellow talisman that gradually emerged from the void was suspended straight, and the pen in his hand was like a dragon snake, gradually revealing traces of bright red cinnabar, and when the talisman fell from midair, Mingyue fell into the skull beside him with a wave of his hand , only the attack type talisman will be soaked with the corpse oil that has been cursed, increasing its resentment, as he said, the damage can be doubled!

"Hurry up like a law, order!"

This is the fierce wind talisman, several wind blades shuttle through the forest, unstoppable.

This is not the time to watch Mingyue's performance. As the wind blade cut the body of the little civet, the smell of blood began to permeate, and Shen Chi's face became serious. Looking at the red dots rushing here on the map, he had a bad feeling in his heart .

"Mingyue, defend!"

Shen Chi himself turned his thousand machine crossbow into a continuous crossbow, and laid out hidden murderous intentions in the other three directions around him. Only he could see the transparent mechanism, and no other people or creatures could see the slightest trace of this mechanism.

There are many rare birds in Huangshan, such as red-billed lovesickness bird, three-treasure bird, white-breasted emerald, yellow-rumped willow warbler, dark green country-eyed bird, etc. People always hope to see these beautiful birds when they come here. When the end of the world comes, these unusually beautiful birds evolve or turn into zombie birds, and they are even scarier than some raptors!

Because they are habitually living in groups instead of always traveling alone like eagles!

Jumping up, Shen Chi had already seen the birds flying in the sky. The originally beautiful and gorgeous birds took on all kinds of terrifying forms. To his surprise, he saw the evolved zombie bird before seeing the B-level zombies. .

Perhaps this group of zombie birds evolved faster than human zombies because they always hunted in groups. Shen Chi judged almost instantly that more than half of this group of birds were advanced zombie birds!

too fast!

"Get down!"

Shen Chi only had time to press down on Shen Liumu beside him, seeing that Ji Jia was about to be scratched by the sharp claws of that small and cute red-billed lovesick bird—

burst! burst! burst!

The best thing about game skills is that you never have to worry about it hurting your companions! And the benefits he brought to Shen Liumu, Ji Jia and Mingyue also have this point, as long as he is there, the abilities of the three of them will not hurt their companions, which is simply a dream for people who are good at group injuries.

The hidden murderous intentions exploded all at once, and the zombie birds were blown to their feathers, exuding an unpleasant smell of rotting corpses.

Mingyue firmly protected Ji Jia under her body, a black mist suddenly sprang up from his back to block the attack of those zombie birds, but her own face turned pale, and she kept muttering incantations.

Shen Chi, who was protecting Shen Liumu, was not so lucky. In an instant, several bloodstains were caught on his body, dripping with blood, and the smell of blood stimulated these zombie birds. Their eyes were blood red, and they rushed towards Shen Chi in unison. Come!

"Father!" A huge flower tree suddenly grew out of Shen Liumu's palm, white petals fluttered one after another, and a rich fragrance permeated the air. Because of Shen Chi, Mingyue and Ji Jia will no longer be stunned by this smell. Unfortunately, the zombie birds have almost lost their sense of smell, and the goddess flower has limited effect on them.

Countless green vines sprang up from the ground and lashed at the zombie birds fiercely, but they also didn't feel pain!

This is the case with too many enemies. The zombie bird is small in size, and it is too difficult to aim at the head. Only Shen Chi, his skills have always ignored the type of opponent.

The light of the thousand receivers flashed, and the sky was destroyed! The goddess scattered flowers!

The thousand machine crossbow was withdrawn, and the rearranged thousand machine changes made a poisonous brake!

The blood fell drop by drop, and Shen Chi's face remained calm and his eyes didn't change a bit, as if the blood didn't flow from him, as if he didn't feel the slightest pain.

Shen Liumu, who was protected by him, had red eye circles, bit his lips tightly and did not speak.

He hasn't cried for a long time, so don't cry at this time, just hold Shen Chi's waist tightly, and the surrounding vegetation is full of riots!

"Flowwood!" Shen Chi said sharply, "I'm fine, hold on to your strength and don't try to be brave! It's too dangerous!" It's not a good thing for people with natural abilities to overdraw their abilities frequently!

Shen Liumu's forehead was already dripping with sweat.

The zombie bird fell down with a clatter.

It's another wave of Heaven and Earth Destroyer combined with Tiannv Sanhua and Du Sha, as well as hidden murderous intentions laid out in the gaps—


Only the last one left!

Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle!

The flickering light was dazzling, and the zombie bird fell vertically without even whining.

There were corpses of zombie birds all over the place. Such a brief but dangerous group attack left Shen Chi with scars all over his body, several of which were deep enough to show the bones.

In fact, this is nothing at all, it’s just a skin trauma, and it looks very scary. If it is replaced by the data in the game, it’s just a few thousand blood. What's the point

But to really have this body, it will hurt. To become a real person, it will hurt as long as it bleeds. Of course, Shen Chi will also hurt when he is injured, but he has been used to it since his last life.

Slowly sitting down, he closed his eyes and meditated.

The three children stood by his side quietly, Ji Jia's face was glistening with tears, even Mingyue's face was a bit ugly, and Shen Liumu held on so hard that he didn't cry out.

The miraculous thing is that just after he meditated, those wounds gradually began to heal, and that kind of healing speed is what can really scare people!

In the blink of an eye, those injuries completely disappeared as if they had never existed!

The three children stared wide-eyed and froze for a moment.

This is what Shen Chi saw when he opened his eyes, so he laughed, "You're freaking out! Don't worry, I'll be fine if I get hurt, and I'll recover soon."

Only now did Shen Liumu throw himself into his arms, "Father!" At this moment, he was obviously fine, but he cried loudly.

"Okay, okay, don't cry." Shen Chi patted him on the back, and helplessly comforted Shen Liumu, who was crying with tears, snot, and a loud voice.

It took him a while to grab the corner of Shen Chi's clothes, touching his tearful eyes and sobbing, "...Dad, do you hurt?"

Shen Chi was stunned, he didn't know where he was stabbed. In his previous life, since he found out that his injuries would recover quickly, he had already gotten used to helping him and them avoid all kinds of injuries. No matter how serious his injuries were, they all knew He'll be back soon—

No one ever asked him if it hurt.

In fact, he is also in pain. Before he traveled to this world, he was just an ordinary young man who was afraid of pain. How could he not be in pain

"... In the past, the orphans, the old woman in the orphanage pinched me, it hurt so much... Dad, you bleed a lot..." Shen Liumu burst into tears, "...It must have hurt..."

The childish words couldn't even be uttered coherently, but each word fell on Shen Chi's heart. He hugged Shen Liumu, as if his throat was blocked by something, and he couldn't utter a single word.