Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 23: graduate School


When Mingyue and Ji Jia came out, the sky was already full of sunset outside. This day was originally a rare sunny day. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the river, sparkling and extremely beautiful.

But the river was windy and the weather was astonishingly cold, because passing by the group of hanging coffins, seventeen of the original one hundred and three people died, and only eighty-six people remained. Everyone was very depressed. Full of resistance.

Although they are all accustomed to dangerous missions and the death of missions, it is unavoidable psychologically unacceptable to have such a large number of casualties before arriving at the mission site.

These supernatural beings who had worked hard for four years in the end of the world were just buried on the river, leaving nothing left, such as the big guy who was bitten to death by a mummy. In order to prevent him from becoming a zombie, those companions and friends first put His head was chopped off. Because Mingyue said "Blood and Light Disaster" at the beginning, this club named "Black Thorn" is the most hostile group to Shen Chi and the others, although they also understand that it has nothing to do with them.

"He's still resting, and I'll ask him when he gets up—" Shen Chi was talking to Cheng Haiyi and Xiang Jing, and Mingyue and the others just crawled out of Xiaoyun.

Cheng Haiyi smiled and said, "What a coincidence."

Shen Chi was helpless, "This child may not have a good personality, please don't mind."

Mingyue is the kind of person who can keep her face sullen for a long time without uttering a word when she meets a stranger.

"I understand that my junior sister is spoiled by the master and ancestors because of her good qualifications, and her temper is even worse." Xiang Jing said with a smile.

Cheng Haiyi turned to the three Russians and muttered something, Shen Chi couldn't understand anyway, but why were the three Russians interested in Mingyue

"They mean they want to talk to little friend Shen Liumu and Taoist Master Mingyue." Cheng Haiyi relayed their request, and Shen Chi looked at Shen Liumu beside him, looking for wood-type supernatural beings and Taoist priests? Then he guessed a little bit, is there any special person in Russia who suffered a strange injury

These three Russians are two men and one woman, all of whom are not over thirty years old, especially the young woman, who looks older than her actual age in the eyes of Westerners, Shen Chi doubts whether she is eighteen years old .

Mingyue walked over but said directly, "Are you going to the Hanging Coffin Group again?"

Cheng Haiyi's expression froze, and he looked straight ahead. The sky was about to get dark. The mountain ahead was steep and straight, and the rock wall was smooth and flat. In the crevice of the cliff about 100 meters above the river, there were several iron-gray coffins that had been eroded by wind and rain. looming!

Not only did his expression change, but the others had also noticed that compared to the previous unpreparedness, everyone could be said to be ready for battle at this moment.

Cheng Haiyi has already hurried over, apparently to explain to several teams how to deal with this crisis.

"Don't be nervous, there are much fewer hanging coffins here than before." Xiang Jing didn't know whether she was comforting them or herself.

Judging from the scale, the hanging coffin here is not as big and tall as the previous one, and it looks even darker and gloomy in the gradually darkening night.

"Look!" Xiaoli not far away exclaimed, because she is a shape-shifting falcon, her eyesight is much better than that of ordinary people, so she can see clearly from a distance.

On the cliff hundreds of meters high, those dark shadows floated down extremely fast like a group of ghosts.

The mummies in the hanging coffin group came suddenly, but because of the preparation, seeing those mummies lying on the cliff is even more frightening.

Qi Rongcui's face was serious, "Here we come!"

The two earth-type supernatural beings who were at a disadvantage on the water yelled in unison, and saw that the steep mountain wall began to collapse slowly, accompanied by huge rocks falling into the river, and the wind and waves were rolled up at the same time. , Those dark shadows also fell together.

"Whoosh!" Shen Chi directly shot a life-chasing arrow, nailing a mummy lying on the rock wall near the ferry to the steep rock!

Sure enough, as Xiang Jing said, the scale of this group of hanging coffins is much smaller, and the mummy is not as dense as before. With everyone's preparations, this time, except for one person with a sense of smell who was accidentally injured by the mummy , and there were no other casualties. A few natural superpowers successfully sniped most of these mummy in the middle. The weakest supernatural beings were all protected. Sufficient and not a sudden incident, and the degree of danger is much weaker than the last hanging coffin group, so there is such a record.

The person with the sense of smell acted decisively. It was his left arm that was injured. He cut off his arm shoulder-to-shoulder without blinking. With Shen Liumu present, there was also a young man who was originally a doctor in their own team. Although he lost an arm, he survived anyway.

The crystals in these dry corpses are very special, not bigger than the crystals of B-level zombies, but their brilliance is restrained, and they look extremely special.

But the people in the small team could only watch with envy and hatred that Shen Chi and the others obtained the most crystals with the least number of people... In their minds, the crossbow's supernatural abilities were simply unscientific! Especially among them there is a bow and arrow supernatural being similar to Cheng Pei in Shanghai in the past, whose lethality cannot be compared with Shen Chi at all. Now that young man only hopes that he can be like Shen Chi when he reaches the third level sharp.

But Shen Chi really wanted to say - this is impossible, because his ability is not supernatural at all.

Because this time went well, the atmosphere on the ship was relaxed. Perhaps it was because of the cooperation of life and death, the relationship between the teams that were not very harmonious before was much better than before, and the dinner on this day was even better. All the young people gathered together to drink, and bursts of laughter came from time to time.

The four of Shen Chi and the others didn't get along well, but no one dared to provoke them. In the process of facing the mummy twice, they have fully demonstrated their strength. The most proud supernatural beings in each team, such as Tan Yanya They are still being polite to them. After all, there are still very few people who are ignorant of current affairs in the last days. After a long time, no matter how self-willed people are, they can learn to forbear.

"Dad, will we go to Russia one day?" The three Russians invited Shen Liumu and Mingyue to go to Russia, and promised a very high reward, but Shen Chi was not sure that they would survive this trip .

Shen Chi tasted the soup in the stone pot that was simmering on the small alcohol stove, "Maybe."

Shen Liumu said "Oh", and watched Shen Chi making dinner with his knees folded. Ji Jia started to do her homework. She is a very special girl. It is obviously the end of the world, but she still seems to be in a peaceful age. At the age of ten, she has already read the textbooks for the fifth grade. Occasionally, she would come to ask Shen Chi some questions, mostly by self-study, and even found exercises from long-abandoned bookstores. Do it, when there is no pencil, I just use a small wooden stick to burn to make charcoal pencils. Driven by her, Shen Liumu and Mingyue also picked up the textbooks again.

The harsh environment and complex human nature in the last days may teach them a lot, but perhaps what these children desire more in the last days is to be able to sit in a bright and spacious classroom and study like in the peaceful age, with teachers teaching and even free time Cultivate some extracurricular interests, but unfortunately, everything has become a luxury nowadays.

Mingyue was reciting the "Southern China Sutra" silently, her eyes half closed, her expression solemn.

The four of them are doing their own things, but the atmosphere is warm and peaceful, naturally peaceful.

Shen Chi looked calm, but felt a little heavy in his heart. This time passing through the hanging coffins did not let him breathe a sigh of relief, but made him feel a little more depressed, because he remembered that less than half of the people from this mission made it back alive, and there are still 80 of them left. Of the six people, only those in their early forties will survive, and there will be a large number of casualties. Judging from this, it is not caused by the hanging coffins. It seems that the road ahead is not easy. Listening to the loud laughter outside With the crisp sound of colliding with the wine bottle, Shen Chi felt that they were a little too happy.

But what Shen Chi wanted more was to bring the three little guys around him back safely.

So, after the four of them had dinner and took a rest, they climbed onto the wooden bed and fell into a deep sleep on the rickety ferry. Only with Xiaoyun's protection could they fall asleep at ease.

In the early morning of the next day, I heard the sound of wind and waves that were more violent than yesterday. As soon as I opened the wooden lattice in front, I found that there was heavy snow falling outside.

The ferry had already landed, and after Cheng Haiyi coordinated everyone's team, a car got off the ferry, and finally Shen Chi and his Xiaoyun.

After walking for about half an hour, I arrived in Fengjie, Chongqing.

Shen Chi had never been here before, and Cheng Haiyi, who was leading the way, didn't seem to be very familiar with the roads, he always stopped and stopped, and then he got up smoothly, seeing the commercial vehicle driving to more and more remote places .

But in this season, remoteness is a good thing. The big cities in the past are now zombie paradises, and the more prosperous they are, the more dangerous they are.

"Okay, everyone, please listen to me!" Cheng Haiyi, who is a shape-shifting tiger, said in a loud voice, "I promised you before that all the crystals you get in the zombie lair will be yours. To help the country bring back a person—Dr. Yang Ronghui is the most outstanding doctor of biology in China, and he is currently trapped in this research institute. As long as he is rescued and brought back to Beijing, everyone can get extra generous rewards!"

Ke Tao, a gold-type superhuman, frowned and said, "Why didn't this point be mentioned in the mission statement?"

Cheng Haiyi said helplessly: "Because Dr. Yang Ronghui's research direction is unique, and there are some only one research materials, we can't take the risk of being known by some people with ulterior motives."

"A person with ulterior motives?" Bao Xiaomei was puzzled.

"In short, some people don't want Dr. Yang Ronghui to return to Beijing, so I can't explain it to you in advance. I apologize for this," Cheng Haiyi said sincerely, "but as long as Dr. Yang Ronghui and the materials are brought back to Beijing, everyone will Everyone gets an extra C-grade crystal!"

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd, one for each! This price is so generous that it is unbelievable, especially for some ordinary second-level abilities and those with special abilities, they usually cannot deal with C-level zombies by themselves. If they can get a C-grade Yuanjing, this is simply a piece of cake from the sky!

But one thing is very strange, since it is an important national mission, there is no one from the army, but only Cheng Haiyi, a third-level shapeshifter, and Xiang Jing, an Emei disciple who can only be called half-baked, and three A Russian, but no trace of anyone in the army can be seen.

Just to illustrate one problem, it seems that some people in the country—at least those in the military are not enthusiastic about letting Yang Ronghui return to Beijing.

This is even better, killing Yang Ronghui doesn't need to worry about causing too much trouble, and maybe it will win the hearts of many people. However, Shen Chi didn't want people to find out that it was Yang Ronghui who killed him. He would not be so stupid as to attack him openly. Whether it was himself or the children around him, they were unexpectedly masters of assassination.

Shen Chi narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the mottled copper plaque—

Sino-Russian Gene Science Institute.

He had never heard of this research institute before. Behind the dilapidated iron gate in front of him was a large desolate building. The research institute hidden in the deep mountains was lifeless. It didn't look like a human being at all. It is dark and treacherous, and huge benefits mean huge dangers, but he has seen many people change their eyes because of this benefit.

In the apocalypse, one is always struggling to survive. Who hasn't taken a little risk? If there is no courage to break out in the face of adversity and death, except for the first batch of awakened people, those who came later would not be able to become supernatural beings at all. Their initial awakening evolution was when they broke through their limits and were greatly stimulated or Fighting desperately in a dead situation, so at this time, no one flinched.

"Let Cheng Ke tell us what situation we will face." Qi Rongcui said steadily.

Cheng Haiyi looked at the research institute, which was as silent as a tomb, and said with a wry smile, "Actually, I don't know what's going on here. If I'm lucky, there might be nothing. Just find Dr. Yang Ronghui and his assistants. Mission successful."

"Then what are you talking about! Hurry up and go in!"

The snow was pouring down, and the world was silvery white. With a "squeak", the dilapidated iron gate was pushed open, and the world was so quiet that only the sound of people's boots stepping on the snow was heard.

The building of the research institute is very modern in design, most of which are metal structures, but in just a few years, it looks rusty, and the thick glass door has been completely shattered, looking extremely depressed.

"There are still living people here?" Someone finally questioned, "Could it be that they have been here for four years?"

Cheng Haiyi nodded, "That's right, they have been here all this time. The country has delivered supplies to them several times, but since the land route was cut off and Chongqing became a nest of zombies, they haven't been able to come back. It's been almost a year, but this The research institute itself is located in a remote location, and has always had the habit of storing food. After the end of the world, the number of personnel in the research institute has decreased sharply, and the food in the warehouse should be able to eat for a relatively long time."

"Then how can you be sure that Dr. Yang Ronghui is still alive?"

"Because he sent a distress signal to Beijing last week."

Even though it was daytime, the building of the research institute looked dark, because it was the base of genetic science research. Except for the piece of glass at the door, the interior was almost entirely made of metal. In peaceful times, the design looked very technological. At this time It doesn't look so wonderful, the whole place is like a huge cage, and the passages that look similar can easily make people lose their way, like a desolate and abandoned maze, because there is no electricity, it looks even more eerie and weird.

"In order to save time, let's search in teams." Cheng Haiyi suggested, "A group of ten to eleven people should turn on the radio communicator in case of any dangerous situation, and notify other teams if they find anything. One sound."

This proposal was quickly approved. In the end, Shen Chi, the four of them, Cheng Haiyi, Xiang Jing, and the three Russians were assigned to a team, and the rest were a second-level power user Shi Lin and a second-level speed type. Xue Pei, the superhuman, each team still hopes that the main members who are powerful will be together. After all, they are more trustworthy, so these two unlucky guys were pushed out.

Shen Chi has already opened the map of the research institute. Even if it is a flat map, he is a little dizzy looking at it. This complicated structure can really kill strangers who have just arrived here, and one place is accurately marked: living laboratory.

His heart suddenly felt a little heavy, and some bad memories made his whole body almost occupied by negative emotions.

"Father!" Shen Liumu called him quietly.

Facing his worried eyes, Shen Chi smiled comfortingly, "It's okay."

As soon as he finished speaking, the radio pinned to Cheng Haiyi's body rang!

Mixed with the indistinct rustling sound, a hurried voice sounded over there, "I don't know what... strange... something... missing..."

"What did you say?" Cheng Haiyi shouted loudly, but the voice over there was still rustling, making it hard to hear.

Cheng Haiyi's face darkened, "The interference here is too serious! Everyone be careful! There seems to be danger here—" Before he could say anything, a shrill scream came from the radio in his hand!

Different from the unclear sound just now, this scream was so clear that it seemed to happen right next to my ear!