Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 25: hate


In the end, Cheng Haiyi took a few steps forward and stepped into the door first.

Shen Chi walked calmly, but the tightly clenched hands still revealed some emotions.

Standing at the door, he saw a familiar person inside the door.

Yang Ronghui is not young anymore, he is more than ten years older than Yu Qing. When he was in the Beijing Research Institute, his silver hair was always neatly combed, and he looked elegant with time, but now Yang Ronghui's hair is messed up. His hair was fluffy, and the hair on his forehead was very long, almost covering his eyes, leaving thick black shadows. He was scribbling in his notebook and didn't know what he was writing. He didn't even lift his head when a group of them came in.

But the young man standing beside him looked at them like lightning.

Seeing Cheng Haiyi took out his ID, he was relieved, "Xiang Songbai."

"Cheng Haiyi."

The two shook hands, and Xiang Songbai waved to the other people in white coats, "Fortunately, you are here. In a few days, we may run out of food here. I went to the mountains to find some food a while ago. Recently, because we can’t go out, everyone can only cut down on food and clothing.”

"Is it because of the little girl outside?" Shen Chi asked suddenly.

Xiang Songbai was taken aback, before he spoke, a bald man in his thirties and forties said dissatisfiedly: "Yeah, No. 92 was originally the best experimental product, but unfortunately it became uncontrollable. If it wasn't for her, here It won't be like this either!"

Shen Chi smiled coldly, and stopped talking, not to mention Shi Lin and Xue Pei, even Xiang Jing showed some disgust on his face, only Cheng Haiyi looked calm, "Then can we go now?"

"Wait for a while, it's very difficult for the doctor to wake up every time he falls into this state." Xiang Songbai said, "Are only a few of you here?"

Looking at his hesitant face, Cheng Haiyi guessed what he was worried about, "Don't worry, that little girl has been wiped out, we still have others, we should leave early."

Xiang Songbai stopped hesitating immediately, "Okay, let's pack our things first."

"Where are the others?" The bald man asked again, "I don't send more people to pick up the doctor..." He muttered, "What are these children and women..."

There are a lot of people offended by these words, not to mention Shen Liumu and the others, even Xiang Jing and Xue Pei's faces are not very good-looking. Ordinary people, it seems that they only get into the position of an assistant at such an old age. They really think that they are special people, so they dare to make such nonsense. If someone like him really comes to Beijing, he probably won't live long. There are plenty of supernatural beings. He disappears.

At least Shen Chi had never seen this disgusting face in his memory.

"Father, who is this man?" Shen Liumu asked directly pointing at the bald man.

Shen Chi raised his eyebrows, "I don't know."

This middle-aged man, who is no more than 1.6 meters tall, bald and small-eyed, jumped up on the spot, "Did no one teach you manners? To the teaching assistant, I think this kid is quite suitable for our new experiment—"

"Assistant Li!" Xiang Songbai hurriedly interrupted him, but it was too late!

Suddenly, a huge green plant sprang up under Shen Liumu's feet, and a giant deep purple flower bloomed instantly, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth. Assistant Professor Li was held in his mouth by the flower, and drops of mucus fell from its mouth. The drops on the ground corroded the marble floor until it sizzled.

"Say it again?" Shen Liumu said softly.

Shen Chi looked at the man-eating flower in front of him. In fact, it was worse than the three evolved camellias, but it was much scarier in appearance. The piranha is somewhat similar, Shen Liumu usually doesn't like to use this piranha at all, at this time he deliberately wants to scare Assistant Professor Li to death.

"Little friend Shen!" Cheng Haiyi's face changed, children are the most difficult to control, adults you can reason with him, but once children become self-willed, they are far more terrifying than adults!

Shen Chi smiled coldly, "He's just an ordinary person, who do he think he is? Cheng Ke! Our task is to bring back that Dr. Yang, isn't it? We didn't say that we must bring back Assistant Professor Li."

Before Cheng Haiyi could speak, Xiang Jing nodded and said, "That's the request from the superior."

Assistant Professor Li, who was held in the mouth of the piranha, was already pale with fright. He smelled the stench in the mouth of the piranha, and when he heard this, his crotch became hot and he lost control, and he could not wait to pass out immediately.

"What's wrong?" Yang Ronghui finally raised his head.

Xiang Songbai's complexion is very ugly, but to be honest, this Li Yafeng is a bit self-inflicted, and he usually doesn't like this person's style. He thought that his talents were underappreciated, and he was still a research assistant after working in the research institute for more than ten years.

"Yafeng?" Yang Ronghui looked at Li Yafeng, who had fainted from the mouth of the piranha, in surprise, and then his eyes fell on Shen Liumu, "Kid, it's okay to be scary, put down my teaching assistant."

Shen Liumu's eyes shrank, but he still gritted his teeth and resisted. Shen Chi took out the thousand receivers and pointed it at Yang Ronghui in an instant, his eyes were cold, "Dare to do something to my son? I don't care what doctoral professor you are , At worst, kill all the people here!"

Mingyue and Ji Jia were on the left and right, Mingyue was holding a talisman in her hand, and all the puppets on Ji Jia's backpack fell to the ground, staring at Yang Ronghui with dark eyes.

"Comrade Shen, don't get excited!" Cheng Haiyi broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly said to Yang Ronghui: "Dr. Yang, we are here to bring you back to Beijing together, not enemies! This Assistant Professor Li just said something rude to little Shen, Only kid Shen can scare him..."

Yang Ronghui's face softened, and he looked at Shen Liumu in amazement, "Little friend, you are already a third-level supernatural being at such a young age, it's amazing."

Cheng Haiyi's eyes looking at Shen Liumu also changed subtly. Shen Liumu's eyes were deep, and suddenly he showed a timid expression, and then Pingbianzui actually started to cry!

As an eleven-year-old child, he was only a primary school student in peaceful times, and crying now seemed extremely childish.

"...Dad, Dad! My head hurts! This doctor is also a bad person... woo woo..."

By crying, Li Yafeng forced Li Yafeng to hold him for a while before throwing him down. Poor Li Yafeng wished to be worse than ordinary people in terms of body. Seriously.

Two young men and women in white coats dragged him over, their movements were not gentle at all, and at a glance, it was clear that this person who was usually in the research institute was not good, but he didn't know what kind of shit luck he had to live on. until now.

Yang Ronghui was also a little stunned to see Shen Liumu crying. He knew there was some misunderstanding when he heard Cheng Haiyi's explanation. Chocolate, "Little friend, don't cry, come, grandpa will give you chocolate."

Shen Chi had never seen such a warm and affectionate appearance. Yang Ronghui in his impression was always serious and harsh, and he was quite cold towards those "experimental products".

"Oh, grandpa also has a grandson who is about the same age as you." Yang Ronghui said with a smile, the wrinkled face was very friendly, "Don't cry, grandpa apologizes to you, okay?"

Taking off his white robe, Yang Ronghui looked like an ordinary white-haired old man, even kind.

Shen Liumu didn't pick up his chocolate, hugged Shen Chi and said nothing, Shen Chi patted his back with a calm expression, looked at his white fingertips with half-down eyes, and remained silent. Shen Liumu turned his back to Yang Ronghui and the others, his eyes were full of hostility, he was never a child who could be fooled by a piece of candy or chocolate.

Cheng Haiyi hurriedly said, "Let's go quickly!" Then he picked up the radio and yelled twice, but unfortunately it was all the noise of "Ziz" and he couldn't hear clearly at all.

"Oh, by the way, Xiao Xiang, go and turn off the interference."

"Interference?" Xiang Jing asked strangely.

Yang Ronghui carefully put away the notebooks on his desk, "Well, among the escaped experimental subjects, there are people with special abilities who can search by radio, so we have been using interference for a long time here."

Cheng Haiyi was stunned, "No wonder!"

After Xiang Songbai turned off the interference, Cheng Haiyi's intercom was cleared immediately, and he said loudly, "I have received Dr. Yang, everyone meet at the door!"

I don't know which team's communicator was turned on, and there were messy footsteps and panting sounds, "Got it! Quick, run! Don't let it catch up!" A man's voice shouted, obviously the situation is not very good good.

Six of the other seven teams responded. Only one team was lucky enough to only encounter a group of researcher zombies. The other five teams were all attacked by unknown dangerous objects, and the remaining team did not respond at all.

Cheng Haiyi's heart sank slightly.

Except for Yang Ronghui, there are only five researchers left, three men and two women. Among them, Li Yafeng is half dead, and Xiang Songbai is a rare light-type superpower. It is because of him that several of them can survive until now. The others didn't talk much, they packed their things in a very low-key manner and hurriedly followed them out. Compared with Li Yafeng, they were still very knowledgeable about current affairs.


The huge snake tail swept over, and Shi Lin, who was carrying Li Yafeng, almost threw him out, and the tail swept to his chest, so painful that when he touched it, he knew that two of his ribs were broken.

"... Ka... My sister is carrying a doll... Ka Ka... I went to the garden to see the cherry blossoms... The doll cried and called her mother..." The strange singing sounded with the sound of the puppet joints. This time, she was wearing a black gothic skirt. Instead of playing the violin behind her, the puppet opened its mouth and sang a song with a strange tone.

The boy with the huge snake tail let out a fierce "hissing" sound, and an unscientific horizontal cut was made on his face, revealing sharp snake teeth and opening his bloody mouth to bite the puppet!

However, this bite couldn't go on, the puppet was still singing, and its dark eyes were particularly bright.

"Let's go." Ji Jia said, "It will soon fall asleep without pain."

"Asleep?" Xue Pei couldn't help asking.

Ji Jia nodded, "Well, as soon as Xiao Hei's lullaby is sung, someone will die."

This time, even Yang Ronghui couldn't help but look at Ji Jia several times, the faces of the two female researchers turned pale, and they were far away from Ji Jia.

In the empty corridor, there is still the puppet's shrill and weird song:

"... we buried my mother under the tree... and then, father, raised the axe... Ka... peeled off my skin and made a doll, buried under the tree to accompany mother..."

With Cheng Haiyi's strong nerves, he couldn't help rubbing his arms, feeling cold.

Not long after, the puppet doll in a black dress returned to Ji Jia's side, "Well done, Xiao Hei."

"Crack." The puppet's long, curved red lips grinned, and the upper and lower lips of the wood touched.

A sharp claw viciously grabbed Yang Ronghui! With a move of Xiang Songbai's hand, a ray of light directly penetrated the paw, and there was a smell of burnt meat.

"Doctor, come here!" Xiang Songbai pulled Yang Ronghui behind him, and directly pulled up a light curtain. With the brightness of the light curtain, everyone could clearly see the scene in front of them.

The men and women are tall and short, the older ones are only in their twenties and thirties, and the younger ones are just toddlers, all kinds of strange shapes, ugly or weird, but they all stare at them and the group with hatred. Wearing the same white robes, but some of them have been torn into disrepair, and almost no introduction is needed to know that they must be the original experimental subjects.

Xiang Songbai pursed his lips, and threw out a ball of light coldly, "Get out of the way!"

Shen Chi glanced at the researchers from the corner of his eyes, and found that all of them looked indifferent. When they saw these "experimental subjects", there was not even a trace of pity in their eyes.

"Mingyue, drive them all away."

"Okay." Holding the talisman in one hand, Mingyue looked solemn, "Urgent as a law, order!"


Not only does it work on ghosts and gods, it is also effective on these creatures.

After all, there are only a few experimental subjects who are as powerful as the little girl before. Most of the experimental subjects are not very powerful. Apart from being a little scary, they don’t have much ability. Yang Ronghui swallowed it alive, the kind of hatred that penetrated into the bone marrow was the most heart-shattering. But there are too many of them, more than anyone expected, and Shen Chi's rough calculation shows that there are hundreds of them.

Here, is a hell.

Shen Chi felt that if he had met Yang Ronghui and Yu Qing when he was just reborn, he would not be any better than them. During those three years, in order not to let him escape, they hardly gave him any time to wake up. , the kind of pain that would tear his soul apart from hatred, it was difficult for him to keep calm. If, without the precipitation of the past few years, if, without the company of the children, to give him peace of mind, he would now, He will hate more than these people in front of him, and will cut Yang Ronghui to pieces the moment he sees him.

But at this time, he just stepped on the blood of these poor people, slowly walked out of the institute, and let their boots leave dark red footprints on the silvery white snow.

The three Russians prayed all the way, rarely opening their eyes.

If you don't read it, you can pretend that you don't know it. It's a good way.

The sun at twelve noon fell on them, but there was no temperature at all.

Twenty-two of the sixty-four people who returned to the team died in this eerie research institute.

Shen Chi smiled slightly facing the sunshine, and decided not to let those who were just taken out of the research institute see the sun outside the mountain city of Chongqing. They must die here to commemorate the people who have been buried here all their lives.

From tomorrow.

One by one - go to hell!