Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 26: First


All the teams suffered heavy losses, especially the team that Shi Lin belonged to. Except for him who was pushed out, the rest of the team was wiped out, and none of them survived. Shen Chi suspected that they died before his own team. Encountered that terrifying half-human half-zombie little girl.

Almost no one is willing to stay here anymore, and none of the team came back. Of course, Shi Lin’s bus was empty. Cheng Haiyi discussed with him and exchanged his bus with a commercial vehicle. It was just right to put all the people there, including him, Xiang Jing and the three Russians.

On the same day, they went to Baidi City, even if it was a dangerous zombie lair, it was better than this chilling research institute.

Even if it turned into a nest of zombies, the pavilions with flying eaves, hidden in the lush green trees, still reveal a bit of quaint tranquility.

The zombies on the periphery are all ordinary zombies, at most B-level zombies. Before nightfall, they successfully seized a building on the edge. Unfortunately, almost all the precious cultural relic plaques in the peaceful era have been destroyed, and no one has been here. Shen Chi didn't know where this place was, but he could still see some of the charming scenery from before.

"I'm afraid there will be zombies coming after nightfall, everyone be careful, don't walk around alone!" Cheng Haiyi said, "We will stay here for a week, and the ferry will pick us up in seven days."

"Should we still go that way?" Qi Rongcui, who had been silent since he came out of the research institute, asked the question.

This question also represents the aspirations of many people. Obviously, many people have psychological shadows about those hanging coffins.

Cheng Haiyi smiled wryly, "You don't have to take that route, but you have to go ashore in a big circle, and the land route is not so easy, so now there are two options for you to choose."

"Let's vote, I think it's better to go by land, too many people are lost, and it's too dangerous to go through the hanging coffins!" Qi Rongcui said first.

And the proposal was passed unanimously.

Leaning on the tree next to the fire, Shen Chi voted with his eyes half closed, and did not speak. After a brief meeting, he vaguely saw the three Russians talking to Yang Ronghui, and there seemed to be a little dispute , just returned to Xiaoyunli with a cold smile.

"Father, which one should we start with?" Shen Liumu asked directly when he saw his reply.

Shen Chi looked at Ji Jia and Ming Yue who had no hesitation in their eyes, "Do you agree too?"

"Of course!" Ji Jia said crisply: "Uncle Shen, do people like them want to let them live in Beijing to harm more people?"

The small coffin tied with a red string swayed slightly in Mingyue's hand, "Look, my little Fourteen is surprisingly hostile." Inside this small coffin was the corpse oil of the little girl No. 092.

Shen Chi smiled slightly, "Then come one by one."

Many people could not sleep peacefully that night, and almost no one could fall asleep after such an experience. They are all people who have been struggling for so long in the last days. I can't count them, but I don't know why, after I came out of the research institute, everyone was very depressed.

The only ones who can sleep are those white coats in the research institute.

It was deep in the middle of the night, and there was still heavy snow falling outside, reflecting the sky and the earth into a pure white.

After all, this building is an ancient building. No matter how much it was renovated and repaired in the peaceful era, it still retains the traces of the times. It has become more and more old in the past four years. The inside and outside of this place have been cleaned up. Although there are no zombies, it is still very dirty and dilapidated. However, as a human being who survived the end of the world, this environment is not bad. Only the people in the research institute are a little picky. So they were given the cleanest room.

Only Shen Chi and the others still lived in Xiaoyun. Xiaoyun was no safer than those high-risk buses or houses.

It was late at night, and the room where several people from the research institute lived was not big, and the latches of the door and windows were intact. Because it was cold outside, the doors and windows were locked tightly, and then they huddled together and fell asleep wrapped in quilts.

Suddenly, a small wooden figure the size of a thumb squeezed in through the gap in the window.

Holding a green seed in its arms, it nimbly slid from the window to the ground, walked to the darkest corner on the other side, and the seed fell into the soil in the corner.

In just a moment, the seed grew into a flower tree half the height of a person, and a faint fragrance permeated the air. Before they knew it, those people fell into a deep sleep.

The wood chip figure quietly climbed up the window, and with a "click", the latch was pulled open, the window opened suddenly, and the cold wind came in, so cold that even Xiang, who was a supernatural being, was not fainted by the fragrance of flowers. Songbai and Li Ronghui trembled together, especially Xiang Songbai, who rubbed his eyes and saw the inexplicably opened window, and didn't even notice the flower tree in the corner and the almost undetectable fragrance of flowers.

He just wanted to get up and close the window, and a hidden weapon sank into his back without a sound!

Misty Nails!

Shen Chi in the invisible state gradually showed his figure, and then Shen Liumu crawled in from the window, and the first step was the third-level evolution of Cuscuta. It is not for nothing that Cuscuta is called a vampire among plants. When Cuscuta invades plants, It will grow a haustoria to penetrate the host body, absorb the nutrients of the host, and continue to grow other branches. This seemingly weak name is actually a very terrible killer, far more terrifying than the blood-sucking vines and those piranhas. .

Cuscuta completely entangled Xiang Songbai, and unless Shen Liumu ordered him to be released, even Xiang Songbai, a second-level light system supernatural power user, would not be able to get rid of the entanglement of this evolved dodder, especially the water secreted from its sipper. A special substance that can cause stiffness, and soon this powerful supernatural being could no longer even move his fingers.

Mingyue pasted a talisman on Yang Ronghui's forehead with a "snap", and smiled softly, "Don't worry, it's not your turn yet." Yang Ronghui, who seemed to be about to wake up, immediately fell asleep again.

How could he just let him die without going through a long period of fright and mental torture

Shen Chi easily hung Xiang Songbai from the beam.

With the help of Mingyue, Ji Jia climbed over the window, opened her woolen backpack, and densely packed little puppet mice got out. They all have the same big black and round eyes, matched with their round shape, watching Especially naive, very cute.

But their eyes come from a group of specially evolved mice in the city. The strange thing is that they are not ordinary mice, but newly purchased hamsters in a pet store. There are about thirty of them. For some reason, they all evolved together. , Turned into a group of terrifying evolved animals that can bite and eat anything.

But when they climbed up Xiang Songbai's feet, it only made people feel chills.

At least this is the case for Li Yafeng who was lying alone on the side. He opened his eyes wide in horror, but unfortunately his throat was burned by the mucus of the piranha, and he couldn't even shout. He didn't understand why everyone else was sleeping like that. Didn't even hear a sound

Xiang Songbai, who was entangled by the dodder flower, couldn't move, he just felt itchy and painful, and at this moment, those puppets and mice opened their mouths and gnawed countless wounds on his body!

Blood dripping.

Shen Chi stood in front of him, "How does this feel?"

Xiang Songbai opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound, and there was also an inhaler pierced by the dodder flower in his Adam's apple.

"Those experimental products are the same, so weak, painful, and desperate." Shen Chi said softly, his hanging technique is very special, it will make Xiang Songri feel pain, but it will not kill him, and the stimulation of the brain even makes him feel sick. He couldn't go into shock from blood loss.

The puppet mice left countless small wounds on his body, and blood soaked his clothes and snaked down from his body.

"Jiajia, you go out first." Mingyue said thoughtfully.

Ji Jia was puzzled, "Why?"

"Because we want to make him more artistic!" Shen Liumu's eyes had undeniable enthusiasm.

Ji Jia thought about it silently, but still didn't ask what kind of art it was. She remembered the moment when she saw Shen Liumu kill Zhang Yun, so she took her puppet mice outside to guard them.

"Mingyue, come here!" Shen Liumu looked at Xiang Songbai who was still staring at him with eyes full of hatred, "Come on, take off all his clothes!"

Mingyue dismissed it, "Where is the need for such trouble!" He directly sacrificed a talisman, and a bright yellow flame shot up, burning all the clothes on Xiang Songbai's body.

Xiang Songbai is an extremely proud person. He has never received any setbacks since he was a child, even after the end of the world. As a light-type superpower, he thinks his future is bright, even in Beijing, his His strength also gave him the capital to be proud. He had never suffered such humiliation, so death was fine, but this kind of endless torture made him almost pass out, but it was painful and itchy, and his consciousness was still getting more and more clear. At that time, all the clothes were stripped off, and the cold hit his body. He only felt that this kind of humiliation was more painful to him than death!

Shen Liumu's height is not high enough, he only reaches the height of Xiang Songbai's armpit, he raises his hand, picks up the nail prepared in advance, and slowly penetrates the nail into Songbai's hand bone , Nail his palm to the wall! First the left hand, then the right hand, and then the right foot. Only the left foot hangs down naturally, as if touching the ground with the tiptoe.

"What is this?" Shen Chi asked strangely.

Shen Liumu took out a book from his body, "Look, Dad, how about this ballet pose?"

Shen Chi: "..." It seems that Liumu's appreciation ability has been upgraded again, "Here, raise it a little bit higher."


Shen Liumu's height can't be reached, Shen Chi is like a good father who is leading the child to make art, hugging him and watching the child finish his own work, the nails slowly fixed Xiang Songbai's hands and feet, he was already handsome The tall Xiang Song has a naked body, his hands are naturally opened, one leg is half sideways, and the other leg is naturally hanging down as if his toes are pointing to the ground. He is completely a male dancer dancing a beautiful ballet——

If you ignore the countless scars on his body and the blood that is slowly oozing out.

The blood permeated the entire wall and flowed to the ground, like a mirror reflecting Xiang Songbai's appearance at this time.

If it was in a peaceful age, there is no doubt that Shen Liumu would be a perverted murderer with great potential, but now is the end of the world.

The dodder completely anesthetized Xiang Songbai, and as soon as Shen Liumu stretched out his hand, the dodder quickly withered and turned into a small vine as thick as a hair and returned to his wrist. The flower tree in the corner also disappeared. Mingyue blew a whistle, and a piece of yellow talisman paper slowly burned in the room, absorbing all the smells.

Shen Chi and Mingyue flipped out of the house lightly, and then Shen Chi carried Shen Liumu out, leaving only the sleeping research staff and Xiang Songbai who was "dancing" in the room. He is not dead yet, Shen Chi It has been calculated that this slow rate of bleeding will take him more than three hours before he loses his life, and these three hours will allow Xiang Songbai to fully understand what endless pain and despair are, and how to die like this. Then let everyone see the shame of his naked body.

The window was closed again, and the little wooden figure stood in the window, slowly inserted the latch, and then squeezed out from the gap in the window.

The world was very quiet, Shen Chi carried the three children one by one and flew back to Xiaoyun, without even leaving a trace on the snow.

Cheng Haiyi slept and woke up all night, tossed and turned in the middle of the night, finally woke up at dawn, Xiang Jing had already made a simple breakfast, drank the hot rice soup, and he felt much better.

"Doctor, are they still asleep?"

Xiang Jing gave a soft "hmm", and the people in the research institute stayed alone all night, and almost no one wanted to sleep with them.

"Go get them up and have breakfast too."

Xiang Jing obviously didn't want to, so she dawdled for a while before walking towards the room where they lived.

Knocked on the door, but there was no response for a long time.

"Ah—" Suddenly there was a scream, Xiang Jing couldn't care about anything else, and suddenly pushed open the door!

Including Yang Ronghui in the research institute, there are six people in total. Li Yafeng was injured and couldn't move. Among the other five people was a master like Xiang Songbai, so they slept very peacefully this night. No one would have expected to wake up and see such a scene!

A person is hung on a beam that is not too high, with his back against a white wall, his hands open naturally, nailed to the wall by thick iron nails, one foot on one side, like an outstanding dancer, dancing gracefully He is facing the direction where other people in the institute are sleeping, his eyes are wide open, as if seeing something terrifying, his lips are so pale that there is no blood, but he has a strange smile. It makes people shudder, he has countless thin scars all over his body, the bruises are extremely terrifying, blood seeps from his wounds drop by drop, and flows down the white wall extremely slowly, the wall has been completely stained. It turned red, and the winding bloodstains on the ground merged into a river.

There was a faint singing sound coming from nowhere, as if the naked dancer was about to jump down and dance in the next moment.

Xiang Jing's face turned pale, she had no doubts, judging by the wounds and bloodstains, he was not killed all at once, but was hung here alive and slowly lost blood to death, his companions just fell into a deep sleep, No one found out.

This utterly dead person is none other than Xiang Songbai, the powerful supernatural being among them, Xiang Songbai who has always regarded himself as a protector.

"Songbai!" Yang Ronghui looked extremely sad. Among the people around him, he valued Xiang Songbai the most. Without him, perhaps they would have died in the research institute long ago!

The two female researchers began to cry a long time ago.

Not only because they were sad, but also because of the indescribable fear in their hearts!

Xiang Songbai died beside them! And they didn't realize it!

"What happened?" An elegant voice sounded, and when Shen Chi walked up to Xiang Jing, he looked into the room in surprise, Shen Liumu beside him acted like a child, screamed and quickly hugged Shen Chi's neck, "Dad!"

Mingyue covered Ji Jia's eyes, "Jia Jia, don't look."

Soon, everyone ran over and gathered around to look at Xiang Songbai's naked body.

The corner of Shen Liumu's lips, which was buried on Shen Chi's neck, curled into a smug smile.

There was also a faint smile on the corner of Shen Chi's lips.

Don't worry, he is the first one.