Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 3: Yuan Jing


bang bang bang!

There was a sound of slamming the door, and Shen Chi looked at the door indifferently. He knew that those zombies were starting to forage. They could smell the smell of strangers. After becoming zombies, their strength and sense of smell would be greatly improved. At this time, ordinary people have almost no power to fight back in front of them, especially in China where the use of guns is banned.

He remembered that the United States was just beginning in the last days, and many families with guns united as a community, which saved a lot of people. China and India, which are populous countries, are the countries with the heaviest casualties and the densest zombies. However, because of this concentration and casualties, China has become the country with the most supernatural powers in the world, and it became more and more obvious later on. Except for the first batch of awakened natural powers, many of the supernatural powers that were awakened later were in absolute difficulties. The potential is stimulated under the environment, and the harsh environment brings not only disasters, but also evolution.

Zombies are difficult to kill unless their heads are chopped off, shot in the head, or hit right between the eyebrows, but for Shen Chi, this is not a problem, because his crossbow mechanism can cause special damage to zombies. It is completely deadly to them, just like beating those poisonous corpses in the game. Under the game skills, zombies are not zombies, and they are not much different from ordinary monsters.

bang bang bang!

The sound of slamming the door became more and more intense, and Shen Liumu, who was burning in a daze, shivered. Shen Chi patted him on the back soothingly, and stood up.

It is not a problem for this door to block those zombies for one night. Shen Chi knows that as long as this night passes, Shen Liumu, who has awakened his supernatural power, will be fine even if he is injured by zombies. Supernatural beings are different from ordinary people. If you cut a hole, you will be infected into a zombie. A person with supernatural powers will not, and neither will Shen Chi himself. His body is even more special than a person with supernatural powers. His resilience is amazing. As long as he is not dead, he can recover quickly Healthy, the wounds on his body healed in an instant, the toxins of the zombies had no effect on him, and even after more than ten years, he would not age at all.

People with supernatural powers will also delay aging. For example, those "partners" in the previous life, more than ten years later, they are already in their thirties and forties, and they still look young in their twenties, but they have not changed at all from him. The end is different.

Shen Chi looked back and realized that there were too many flaws in his body, no wonder it aroused their suspicion, and it was no wonder that he made that Dr. Yu so fanatical, and even paid a huge price to make them willingly betray him.

Although the thickness of the door should not be destroyed too quickly, Shen Chi went to the door and set up a thousand machine crossbow to prevent any accidents. This night is too important for Shen Liumu, and he will never allow it to happen any surprises. I don't know what happened to Shen Liumu in his previous life, which made his character so extreme and harsh later on. There was a permanent scar on his cheek. Shen Chi still remembered that time when he said to himself with a smile, "This is a souvenir from the night I woke up."

Driftwood can go that far without himself, but every step is dangerous and full of blood. Shen Chi doesn't intend to protect Driftwood tightly, but just hopes that in this end times, his suffering will be less, and we can walk together , It's always easier than being alone. Shen Chi has already picked out a sharp knife, and when Shen Liumu wakes up tomorrow, he will give it to him. The first step is to teach him how to use a knife.

In his previous life, although Shen Chi had game skills, after more than ten years of being in the apocalypse, he was more or less familiar with many other skills, and he knew more about supernatural beings than anyone else. He didn't intend to give up the advantage of rebirth. From the very beginning, he had to go faster than everyone else! Of course, the same is true for Shen Liumu.

A skinny claw came in from the crack of the door. It was the hand of a zombie. The black nails were long and sharp, and the nails were filled with dark red half-dried blood.

Without blinking, Shen Chi raised the knife and chopped off the claw directly. There was a sharp and piercing howl from outside the door.

Although the zombies outside couldn't get in, the rancid smell from the zombies had already begun to spread. Fortunately, the temperature was very low now, so it wouldn't be too hard to bear. But for Shen Chi, he was already used to this smell, and it won't take long for humans to get used to it. In the last days, how can we pay so much attention to it.

Shen Chi was sitting on the seat by the gate, and Shen Liumu was curled up beside him, his cheeks were flushed from the heat, and his hair was already soaked. In this cold weather, wearing wet clothes on his body would make him easy to get sick, so Shen Liumu Sooner or later, the sinking driftwood was stripped off, and it was directly covered with an adult's down jacket.

After taking off his clothes, he found that there were big and small bruises all over Shen Liumu's body, only one face was smooth and fair, it seemed that he was not lying, the people in that orphanage were actually not kind to him at all.

bang bang bang!

The ash driftwood burned for a day and a night, and he heard the violent impact sound in the dimness. When he opened his eyes, he saw the handsome and cold man with long eyebrows looking at him with concern. Why, with a feeling of peace in my heart, I called in a hoarse voice, "Dad."

Shen Chi smiled and stroked his head, Shen Liumu felt his heart beating louder than the pounding in his ear.

"Put on your clothes quickly." Shen Chi had already prepared the clothes for him, Shen Liumu found himself wrapped naked in a big down jacket, and his face turned red.

Shen Chi didn't notice, "Liumu, your hair is too long, can I cut it short for you?"

Shen Liumu was hurriedly putting on his clothes, when he heard this, he replied: "Okay."

When he got dressed and sat on the seat, he realized the deformed door and the chain lock that was about to split, and his eyes widened immediately and he froze.

Shen Chi took the scissors to help Shen Liumu cut his hair, and the clumps of black hair fell to the ground.

"... Dad, what's that?"


Shen Liumu didn't dare to move, feeling his mouth was a little dry, "What is a zombie?"

Staring at the horrible half-missed head seen through the crack of the door and the black nails sticking out of the door, Shen Liumu felt his fingers tremble a little, and his nose already smelled the disgusting smell.

Shen Chi's hands are very steady, and his craftsmanship is actually good. In the last days, almost everyone can do such a simple job as a haircut.

Shen Liumu's hair is very soft, soft, thin and straight, not as hard and prickly as many men's hair.

"Don't be afraid, Driftwood, we can kill these weak guys."

The zombies at this time are really weak compared to the future. They have not yet evolved, but they are stronger than humans. In terms of wisdom and speed, they are far inferior to humans. Let mankind retreat steadily.

In the apocalypse, zombies have never been the scariest thing, but the most terrifying thing is the human beings in the apocalypse.

"Okay, Liumu, come." Shen Chi patted the broken hair on Shen Liumu, and Shen Liumu, who had cut his hair short, showed a cute face of Yuxue. A pair of beautiful big eyes are particularly eye-catching. No matter who sees such a child, I am afraid that they will feel a little bit of love.

When he was in the orphanage, if Shen Liumu didn't have such long and short messy hair covering half of his face, maybe he would have been adopted long ago, right

"Father." Shen Liumu raised his head, looked at Shen Chi who handed him the knife, Shen Chi smiled at him, "Take it, Liumu."

Shen Liumu silently took the knife that was longer than half of his arm, and he didn't panic like ordinary children, but his stern face revealed a little nervousness.

He comforted himself, it's okay, they're just monsters, he's seen scarier ones than this, don't back down, there's—Dad.

"Flowwood, back off!" Shen Chi slashed down, and the chain lock that was about to break was snapped in two!

Zombies are pouring in!

Only a small part of these zombies still maintain the appearance of a complete human being. Most of them are missing half of their heads, and the white brains are flowing all the way, or they are missing an arm. The cracked opening has been rotten and festered, and it looks extremely disgusting, and some are simply crawling on the ground, only half of their bodies are left, and there are dark red bloodstains all over the ground, Shen Liumu clearly saw a zombie mouth with bloody flesh, Disgusting mince of meat on the teeth.

Under Tang Sect's deceitful way of thinking, there are many group attack skills, such as Poison Brake, Heaven's Judgment, Hidden Murder, Heavenly Girl Scattering Flowers, and Peacock Ling. Zombies rushed in from outside the door, and Shen Chi stood calmly. , didn't even move his eyebrows, and in an instant, these zombies fell down one after another, the mechanism of extermination kept turning, Shen Chi leaned back, and the heavenly maiden who burst out from the thousand receivers in his hand scattered flowers to the ground ,burst!

Shen Liumu was stunned, the knife in his hand almost fell to the ground.

With the powerful group attack skills, no matter how many zombies there are, it is useless. Shen Chi is really easy to deal with the lowest level zombies now, any hidden weapon can kill them! Soon, there were only three or two zombies that poured in. They were blocked by the bodies of the zombies in front, but they still walked forward blindly, ignorant.

"Flowwood." Shen Chi said.

Shen Liumu looked at Shen Chi with bright eyes, "Dad!"

"I leave this to you, and you cut off their heads with the knife in your hand."

Shen Liumu was stunned.

Shen Chi put away the thousand receivers, jumped up holding the knife, Xuehan's knife flashed, and a zombie's head rolled down.

"Don't be afraid, they're actually not that scary, they're slow, you can reach this zombie on the ground, come, cut off his head."

Shen Liumu stepped forward silently, hardly needing Shen Chi to teach him a second time, he cut off the head of the zombie crawling on the ground with one knife, without hesitation at all! Red blood spurted out, stained his shoes and clothes, and even splashed on his face, but his face was calm.

Shen Chi: "..." As expected of Driftwood, that bloody driftwood.

Looking at a child who was only five or six years old, the hand holding the knife didn't even shake. This time, Shen Chi completely believed that this child could walk through the end of the world alone...

"Dad, I told you so." Seeing Shen Chi's expression, Shen Liumu became a little timid, lowered his head, and said in a low voice, "I've seen... I've seen my mother holding a knife—Dad , in case I'm like her..."

Shen Chi's hand landed on his head, and he rumpled his hair, "Liumu, no matter what you become, you will be my son for the rest of your life, you know?"

It was a long time before Shen Liumu gave a vague "um", but with a little crying sound.

He knew from a long time ago that maybe he was a little different from other children. Last year, he broke the head of the little stone head who always bullied him in the orphanage. Although he was beaten up by the dean afterwards, But when he saw that Xiao Shitou's head was bleeding, he was not only not afraid, but also slightly excited.

He thought, maybe he, like the mother who cut his father into pieces, also likes to see people bleed? Many times at night, he was so frightened by his own thoughts that he couldn't sleep.

He was afraid that his new father would dislike him because of this. This father's chest is very broad and reassuring. Moreover, his father smells very good. His father is very good-looking, his father is very gentle to him, and his father also gave him a big bear. In the orphanage, there is only one dirty little bear, who seemed to be given by a sister from some university the year before last, but he has never had his turn to play with.

Shen Liumu didn't want his father to hate him because of this.

Hearing Shen Chi's gentle voice, he hugged Shen Chi's leg and gradually felt relieved.

"Liumu, watch it." Shen Chi patted Shen Liumu on the back, motioning for him to let go, took a knife and cut open a zombie's head at once, and after searching for a while, he found a grain of rice that looked like a transparent drop of water. thing.

Some of these primary zombies are just such rice-sized crystals, because they are too unobtrusive, so no one noticed them at first, until the zombies began to evolve, and the evolved B-level zombies had pomegranate crystals in their heads. However, not many people noticed it until the C-level zombies appeared, and the grape-sized Yuanjing attracted attention. However, it would be two years later.

Primordial crystals can enhance abilities, but it is very difficult to preserve them. The primal crystals in the heads of these zombies are equivalent to their hearts. Once they die, the primordial crystals will turn into water within half an hour at most.

"Dad, what is this?"

"Liumu, take it." Shen Liumu took Yuan Jing doubtfully.

"Feel it, is there a hot air in your body?"

Shen Liumu was puzzled.

"Probably in this place." Shen Chi poked Shen Liumu's lower abdomen with his long and slender fingers. Although the seven-year-old child didn't know much yet, he was still embarrassed by instinct. He blushed immediately, "Dad!"

Shen Chi laughed, "Little devil! This is called Dantian!"

Shen Liumu stared at him without speaking.

"Feel if there is a hot air flow in the dantian, leading it to the palm of your hand."

Shen Chi saw Shen Liumu's small palm suddenly covered with a layer of green shimmer, which was very beautiful, and the small Yuanjing quickly melted like water, was absorbed by his palm, and disappeared !

This is the wood ability.

In the whole world, people with supernatural powers of the natural department are precious treasures. They are the fewest in number, and the wood department is the least among them. Ryumu is the only capable person, and this is the reason why others dare not completely offend Ryumu. Wood-type abilities represent life, and no one knows whether they will need to ask Ryumu for help one day.

Liumu is such a person who disregards life, and his methods are bloody and cruel, but he is the only wood-type supernatural being in the world.

So Shen Chi believed that there must be a soft place in the heart of this kind of driftwood, which is the kind of green that is full of vitality.

"Father, what is this?" Shen Liumu looked at his hand in astonishment.

"This is Yuanjing, something that will make Flowing Wood's ability stronger."

"Will it become stronger?"


"Is it better than Dad?"

Shen Chi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and patted his head, "Father is also very good, and Liumu will become as good as him in the future."

Shen Liumu said "Oh", and said firmly, "I will become better than my father in the future."

Shen Chi ignored the child's declaration, he still had a lot of zombies to deal with, these crystals should not be wasted.

In fact—he didn't know until a long time later that he could also absorb Yuanjing, but at that time, his power was already very strong. In order to let them evolve and improve himself faster, he always gave them Yuanjing. , but it is like that.

"I will become stronger than Dad, and then I can protect Dad."

Shen Chi was stunned, feeling that something had been pricked in his heart, slightly painful and itchy.