Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 31: last time


Yang Ronghui's mood was extremely bad, he couldn't trust anyone in front of him, including Cheng Haiyi!

If this Cheng Haiyi is really reliable, how could they still die one by one! He even began to quickly calculate the probability that Cheng Haiyi would be the murderer. Under the threat of death for several days, people with brain powers like Yang Ronghui were overwhelmed and on the verge of collapse.

Human beings are always most afraid of unknown dangers. For a person with a developed brain like Yang Ronghui, it is easier to fall into the quagmire of various complex doubts, and therefore more fearful.

Shen Chi passed the day very calmly, the four of them got along quite "good" with the other people who stayed in Baidi City, in the eyes of others, Shen Chi was stable and sharp, Shen Liumu was lively and cute, Ji Jiawen was quiet and shy, Even though Mingyue is withdrawn, she is also very reliable. The juniors and juniors are a likable group. In terms of looks, they are above the same level. In fact, with their looks and abilities, they should be pleasing to others. Not a lot of effort at all.

On the contrary, the people near the research institute were extremely depressed, because they saw two bloody corpses hanging on the fence of the research institute early the next morning. It was just Ling Zhijun and Li Yafeng, they were obviously eaten to death bit by bit, no different from Ling Chi, the pain must be unimaginable.

Even the supernatural beings, who were used to seeing the blood of death, shuddered, with fear and joy in their eyes.

Fortunately, this lunatic who killed so cruelly only targeted people in the research institute.

Yang Ronghui was extremely anxious and kept turning around in the tent.

He was still in the tent where Ling Zhijun and Li Yafeng disappeared. The place where they camped was in a mountain depression. Although it was extremely cold, there was still a smell of grass and trees everywhere, so he didn't even notice the clusters of fallen petals in the corner. , This is the flower from Shen Liumu's hallucinating fragrant fruit tree, which was thrown on the ground by Shen Chi casually. Of course, a few petals did not have much effect, but it succeeded in making Yang Ronghui's mood more and more unsettled. The more you feel, the more uneasy you become, and you can't calm down for almost a moment, as if the faces of everyone you see are gradually becoming hideous.

He doubts anyone.

Cheng Haiyi was also very worried. It happened that Chang Anhui was killed directly beside him, so he didn't have much confidence to keep Yang Ronghui.

The sun was setting towards the west, Yang Ronghui finally couldn't take it anymore, he looked at Cheng Haiyi: "I want to go back to the research institute."

"What?" Cheng Haiyi was startled.

"There are still three days before the support comes. No matter who the murderer is, I am his only remaining target. There is my personal laboratory in the research institute. After the door is closed, it can only be opened from the inside. I don't believe that I will stay there for three days. God, that person can kill me!" Yang Ronghui said viciously, his eyes were bloodshot.

Cheng Haiyi hesitated for a while, but agreed to his suggestion, "Is it really so safe?"

"The security level was the highest level in China four years ago." Yang Ronghui took a deep breath, "The exterior can only be opened with triple unlocking with pupils, fingerprints and passwords. After the interior is completely locked, the exterior cannot be opened no matter what. !"

Cheng Haiyi looked at the sky that was getting dark, "Let's go then." He selected some relatively powerful supernatural beings from the team of supernatural beings, protected Yang Ronghui and walked to the research institute.

The teams in Baidi City rested early that night, Xiaoyunli, Shen Liumu, Ji Jia and Mingyue were all doing exercises, but they were obviously absent-minded.

"Liumu, you made a mistake in this question, and Uncle Shen will definitely teach you a lesson when he comes back." Mingyue said solemnly.

Ji Jia took a quick look and found that she had also done this question wrong, and she couldn't help being a little embarrassed, but Mingyue didn't seem to see it, and blatantly covered up one thing and favored another.

Shen Liumu laughed mockingly, threw down his pen and said, "I won't write any more!"

"Okay, then you'll just have cookies while we eat."

Shen Chi's method of educating children is extremely simple, food control method, Ji Jia has always been obedient, this method is very effective in controlling Shen Liumu and Mingyue.

Upon hearing this, Shen Liumu picked up his pen again indignantly, but he couldn't concentrate on the math problem in front of him—

"... I don't know what happened to Dad..." There was unconcealable worry between the brows.

Only then did Mingyue's complexion ease, she looked like a big brother, she patted Shen Liumu's shoulder and said: "Don't worry, Uncle Shen will be fine."

Shen Liumu still rested his chin in a daze for a while, wishing that Shen Chi would appear in front of his eyes now.

Shen Chi was in the research institute, and when Cheng Haiyi and the others protected Yang Ronghui and entered the research institute, he smiled, "Sure enough."

In a short period of time, he has already gotten familiar with the place of the research institute. In the dark, he is as swift as a ghost.

There is a personal laboratory in the depths of the research institute, and Shen Chi had sneaked into it before Yang Ronghui and the others arrived. This laboratory is not big, but it is different from those ordinary laboratories. It has an all-metal structure, and the main color is silver and white. The huge experimental table has a transparent glass cover, and there is a protruding metal needle point inside the semi-curved experimental table. , all kinds of reagents and petri dishes are neatly arranged, which feels like a sci-fi movie. Although the place is small, it has everything you need here. If it wasn’t for Yang Ronghui’s inability to take all the things here, he would be reluctant to give up here. Because there are too many of his research results in this laboratory.

"It's here." Yang Ronghui walked in first, Cheng Haiyi just wanted to follow, but was stared back by Yang Ronghui's eyes, the mental oppression of the brain powers made Cheng Haiyi and the people behind him all stunned Take a step.

In just such a short pause, a silver-white door in front of him was instantly closed!

Cheng Haiyi only had time to take a hasty look at the empty laboratory. Fortunately, the lights in the laboratory were very bright, and he could see everything in a small space.

Yang Ronghui's face appeared on the screen next to the door, and he said calmly, "I'm sorry, I can't trust anyone but myself at this time." Back in the familiar laboratory, his mood finally stabilized, The eyes are also a little brighter.

Then, the signal is interrupted.

Cheng Haiyi was very helpless and could only wave his hands, "Forget it, let's just guard here, since it's safe inside, it doesn't matter if we watch here."

"Chengke, you are happy to keep us here, but we don't want to." A person with supernatural powers muttered.

After these few days, Cheng Haiyi's patience was almost exhausted, "Go if you want to go, stay if you want to stay!"

Soon, there were only six people left. Obviously, these six people were originally assigned to Cheng Haiyi to assist him. There were not only Bao Xiaomei, a wind-type supernatural being, but also Zhou Boling, an earth-type supernatural power.

At this moment, Yang Ronghui, who was alone in the laboratory, rubbed his brows tiredly. This familiar place gave him an unparalleled sense of security. Throwing himself into the soft leather chair, he felt much better.

Suddenly, a figure slowly appeared, and Shen Chi, who was in the invisible state, lifted his invisibility as soon as he walked around. Hearing the sound of footsteps, Yang Ronghui suddenly turned around—"You!"

A syringe has been accurately pierced into Yang Ronghui's neck.

"Such a mental attack..." Shen Chi stared into his eyes mockingly, "it doesn't work for me at all."

He has experienced too much. Almost all the brain-domain superpowers are concentrated in the research institute. The feeling of being attacked by the mind is too familiar. At the beginning, Yu Qing brought two brain-domain superpowers to attack him mentally. Unable to resist, he was anesthetized by a large dose of anesthetic. Three years later, he has long been numb to this feeling. Even if he is reborn, this ability to withstand mental attacks is still beyond anyone's imagination.

It's not that Shen Chi doesn't hurt, nor does it feel uncomfortable, it's just that when you suffer too much, the pain becomes less unbearable.

Yang Ronghui passed out unwillingly and in despair.

In this enclosed space, it is impossible to even call for help. The sound insulation effect is so good that no one will hear you if you really shout out your throat.

Yang Ronghui never dreamed that there would be a day when he lay down on the experimental table by himself, and a sharp steel needle pierced his spine. This steel needle is the nightmare of all the experimental subjects who have been lying on this experimental table. It has two Function, electrification, once the experimental subject struggles, it will automatically conduct electricity to paralyze the person, making the experimental subject completely helpless to resist. Second, it is a needle tip that can smoothly inject the experimental medicine into the experimental subject's body through the spine.

Shen Chi is also very familiar with the experimental bench designed in this way. There is one in Beijing. He has been lying on such an experimental bench for three years. He understands the feeling of the cold steel needle piercing the body and the intensity of the electric current flowing into the body. pain.

"Fully automatic..." Shen Chi sneered, glanced at Yang Ronghui who was still unconscious, and simply pressed a button, and the glass closed cover covered the experimental platform. I walked around the reagent cabinet, grabbed a bunch of reagents, walked around the non-infectious virus area, and then walked to the test bench. On the left side of the closed test bench, I lightly pressed the silver The white button slid out of a metal shelf, and Shen Chi neatly arranged the reagents and glass bottles on the metal shelf one by one.

A metal frame was densely lined up, and at this moment his heart moved, and he looked at Yang Ronghui's wide-eyed frightened eyes in the glass cover, "As expected of a person with brain powers, he woke up faster than I imagined. Just ten minutes after the half-hour dose of coma, he opened his eyes."

"Oh, by the way, no one is more familiar with these things than you, right?" Shen Chi said with a smile, "These are all your most precious things, cherished research results, huh?"

"Now that they are all used on you, don't you feel very happy, honored, and happy?"

Yang Ronghui struggled a bit just now, he was bound tightly by the restraint belt, of course he couldn't break free, and as soon as he struggled, the blue electric current was directly directed into his spine through the steel needle, his eyes suddenly widened, the pain made him almost want to Fainted!

"It tastes good, right?" Shen Chi said with interest, then closed the silver-white lid, and the metal rack filled with various reagents and unknown viruses slid in.

This glass cover is a sterile room isolated from the outside world, but it does not isolate the sound. Yang Ronghui also likes to talk to the experimental subjects when doing experiments, but when he is lying in the position of the experimental subjects, he knows how much this sound is. It frightened him, and he wanted to shake his head, but the restraint belt tied his neck, and he couldn't move his head even a little bit.

As the owner of this place, he knew very well that any movement he made might be judged as a struggle by this cold machine, and then it would give him a blunt electric shock.

"Well, what time should I set, is it good for an average of half an hour?"

The devilish voice sounded again, and Yang Ronghui felt his heart go cold.

He was not the one standing outside leisurely, he knew what those reagents were, when the first reagent was slowly injected into his body through the steel needle pierced in his spine, he felt the burning sensation Pain, feeling like ashes for a moment.

Shen Chi looked at him indifferently, and then - he traveled thousands of miles!

In just a moment, he returned to Baidi City.

Plugging in the earphones, he listened to the silence over there, and after setting the person lying on the experimental table as the focus, he could know Yang Ronghui's life situation at any time.

There is no music playing in the earphones, it is just connected to the miniature bug that Shen Chi placed in the laboratory, he wants to make sure that Yang Ronghui has no chance of surviving, although the possibility of others breaking in these few days is extremely Small, but he still wants to be just in case. On that metal shelf, the last five or six potions were fatal. Shen Chi easily recognized them, because these potions had been injected into his body before, and those crazy guys in the research institute used them to test his "immortality". The way is more dangerous every time.

Yang Ronghui was alone, in the quiet and deserted space, counting the time every second in fear, the days seemed like years, the medicine slowly took effect on his body, his hair began to fall out, his mouth became parched, his eyes were bloodshot, The most important thing is that his body hurts deeply. In the reflection of the glass cover, he found that he has gradually become strange, and his whole body is covered with purple spots.

It is normal for this kind of mutation to occur. He is familiar with this potion and named it "lizard change".

This is just the first one. Yang Ronghui was so frightened that he almost trembled all over. He didn't know what the second one was. The most frightening thing was that he was lying in it without any hope of escaping. It was because of his familiarity that he was even more frightened. , more desperate.

He even cut off the possibility of others being rescued by himself.

Shen Chi was preparing dinner for the children at this time, so he took a look at their homework for the day.

Xiaoli and Qi Rongcui were sitting side by side talking not far away, Xiaoli glanced at Shen Chi's handsome and elegant profile, and sighed, "Sister Qi, brother Shen is really prettier than those celebrities, if in peaceful times, he would rely on this Your face can turn red and purple!"

Qi Rongcui burst out laughing, and looked at Shen Chi's helpless and tender expression towards Shen Liumu, "It's pretty but it's not for dinner!"

"Oh sister Qi, have you figured it out?" Xiaoli said in surprise.

Qi Rongcui said angrily, "Sister Qi, can't you find a man?"

Xiaoli laughed loudly, hugging her legs and resting her chin on her knees, "I feel so lucky to have a father like him."

"Yeah." Qi Rongcui also imitated her, "Because he is a good father, so he will not be a good husband."

"Hey, I've only heard that a good son doesn't make a good husband!"

Qi Rongcui knocked her on the head, "It's the end of the world!" Her eyes were clear, "You can tell by the look in his son's eyes, I'm afraid they will depend on each other after the end of the world, and his dependence on Shen Chi far exceeds the normal level , so he will look at me with malice and vigilance, I don't want to abuse myself to be the stepmother of such a child."

Xiao Li seemed to understand, "But Xiao Liumu is actually very cute."

"Well, it looks quite cute." Qi Rongcui smiled, "But look at the way Wei Bing over there looks at him, how can a child who has successfully passed through the end of the world for four years still be so innocent, lively, cute and cute."

Xiaoli said "Oh", "It's really not easy for Brother Shen to be able to take care of such three children by himself." Looking at Shen Chi who was smiling slightly over there, Xiaoli cupped her face again and became nympho again, but She is pure appreciation and never has any other thoughts, "Brother Shen is so gentle..."

However, Qi Rongcui's heart skipped a beat, he didn't know what to think of, and he looked at Shen Chi with deep eyes.

Will the person who brought up such three children really be such a perfect man who is calm, calm, courageous and persevering

Shen Chi didn't know what the two women not far away were thinking, so he glanced at the watch on his wrist.

The fourth reagent.

Enjoy your last time, Yang Ronghui.