Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 32: The death of Yang Ronghui


In fact, Shen Chi didn't know exactly what those reagents were, but he could only find that Yang Ronghui's life value soared for a while and then fell back. His luck was really good. He was dying several times, and he was still dying. alive, not dead.

But he is not the "immortal" Shen Chi after all, he didn't even make it to the seventh day, and his HP returned to zero in the afternoon of the sixth day. For two days and two nights, every minute and every second was in emptiness Struggling to survive, but in the end he could only die in despair. After experiencing all kinds of unknown pains, he went to hell. I don't know if Yang Ronghui regretted it at the moment of death.

This trip to Baidi City was not a complete success. The third-order poisonous arrow tree that Shen Chi wanted to find was nowhere to be found. However, after experiencing these things, he doubted whether the third-order poisonous arrow tree existed. When they came to Baidi City, their casualties were already not small. If they didn't have themselves, wouldn't those people with their own ghosts come out

Could it be that it was not because of some third-order poisonous arrow wood at all, but because of their own internal strife that caused so many casualties

This time, Shen Chi and the others directly attacked the people in the research institute, which seemed to calm down those people who had other thoughts. When they gathered on the seventh day, at least the rest of the people were still safe and sound. The total number of people was five. Nineteen people were much higher than the number in Shen Chi's memory.

On the day of the rendezvous, Cheng Haiyi and the others hadn't come out of the research institute, so they had to go to the research institute again.

"What's wrong?" Qi Rongcui asked with a frown.

Cheng Haiyi said helplessly: "The doctor locked himself in three days ago, and he hasn't come out yet."

Immediately, many people present were shocked, and Ke Tao asked directly: "Did you agree to come out today?"

"Yes." Cheng Haiyi also had an ominous premonition in his heart, "Hurry up and find a way to break the door!"

Everyone looked at each other, Shi Lin looked at the smooth silver-white metal door, "How broken, there is no crack in the door."

Unlike the previous metal door that was closed in the middle, he could barely open it by force. This metal door is a built-in sliding door, and he has no choice.

Shen Chi thought for a while before saying, "Let the fire-type superpowers cooperate with the ice-type."

Thermal expansion and contraction.

The thickness of the metal door is a bit exaggerated, and it is indeed the highest security level mentioned by Yang Ronghui. It took a lot of effort to destroy the thick alloy bulletproof metal door after repeated burning and freezing.

The lights were bright, and everyone froze in place.

The entire laboratory is not big, and you can see everything from the door. There is no one in the quiet room.

Xiaoli couldn't help but let out an exclamation, she was already staring at the things in the glass case with extremely sharp eyes—

The reason why it is called a thing is that she can no longer tell that it is a person, she has never seen such a person... The whole body is covered with red bumps, the blood scabs have formed a layer of crust, and the eyes are wide open, the size of walnuts , congested, vertical pupils, dark yellow like the color of a cold-blooded animal, tongue sticking out, like a snake letter, forked and slender, the whole head is twice the size of an ordinary person, it looks very scary, and his belly is swollen , like a pregnant woman, but it exploded from the middle, a group of snake-like black worms entangled in a pool of blood, his hands were still bound by restraint belts, the skinny fingers wrapped in hard skin were half bent, and the nails had completely fallen off. Sharp claws grew out of the pointed flesh, and his legs were no longer legs, but were covered by a layer of dark red blood film, and the melted flesh and blood could be vaguely seen inside.

Such a monster who doesn't know what to say is so disgusting that it makes people want to vomit.

In fact, someone really vomited, and several supernatural beings covered their mouths and ran out retching.

Cheng Haiyi's whole body was cold, he stared at that "monster" in disbelief, and tried to find some outlines of Yang Ronghui from him, no matter how unbelievable it was, he knew in his heart that this dead monster must be Yang Ronghui.

But - how is this possible!

No matter what, Yang Ronghui wouldn't lie down on the experimental bench and toss himself like this, would he? But this space is closed, and there is no trace of others breaking in. Indeed, only Yang Ronghui is alone. They have been guarding outside the door, and no one has ever come. It is impossible for earth-type supernatural beings to enter here without destroying anything. Behind the research institute is a cliff, and there is no way to stay. There is an electric grid on the top, which is fully defended. Even people who can penetrate the wall cannot do anything. Come in.

Yang Ronghui died so miserably, it is not clear why.

Cheng Haiyi felt as if someone was staring at him from behind, his hair stood on end and he broke out in a cold sweat instantly. This person's methods were too clever, and he couldn't handle it at all. He immediately decided, "Let's go back to Beijing first!"

A group of people retreated silently, Shen Chi finally turned his head to look at the dying Yang Ronghui, his eyes were indifferent, a little cold, but calm.

Hatred has never been able to dominate him. If he was alone, perhaps once the revenge was completed, he would be empty and at a loss, but he still had Liumu, Jiajia and Mingyue.

He still has three children to raise, alas, he really didn't have time to think too much, so, with just one glance, he turned his head and his expression remained calm.

"Father, he died so ugly." Shen Liumu muttered.

Shen Chi laughed, "Really? Then don't watch it."

Shen Liumu curled his lips, if he has already seen it, can he not look at it? It's just ugly.

All three children saw Yang Ronghui's death. Compared with those supernatural beings who ran out and vomited, their ability to withstand it was amazing. Even at this time, no one dared to underestimate the three youngest members, but they behaved so calmly that those who vomited felt embarrassed.

The people in the research institute were all dead, and when the remaining supernatural beings left the research institute and went to the pier, the depressive emotions that were inexplicably shrouded in their hearts suddenly dissipated a lot.

A burly man with a beard is sending a message—

"Mission failed." There were only four words.

A woman with a handsome face and well-dressed clothes also wrote these four words.

In the same way, there was a tall, lean middle-aged man who hesitated for a while and said these four words with regret.

But they all breathed a sigh of relief while sending out the message. On the contrary, someone sent back the message: the mission was successful.

"Brother Feng, if we just say that the mission is successful, will we get into trouble? It seems that there are quite a lot of people who want to protect that doctor..."

The man named Brother Feng has a pair of narrow eyes. He can't be said to be outstanding in appearance, but he has a bit of elegance. Those eyes are cold and cunning, which ruins his temperament.

"This man has been very careful and careful from the beginning to the end, which means that he doesn't want people to know that he did it." He said, "Do you have a better way? You know what they say, once our mission fails , Xiaoqi will die. Fortunately, there are experts who have killed all the scum in these research institutes, otherwise, if we do it ourselves, I am afraid that there will be no casualties."

"But Brother Feng, if the superior finds out, we have no good fruit to eat."

"What are you afraid of! Isn't there still Major General Ye protecting us, by the way!" Brother Feng moved the curtains on the car to the side, and glanced at a passenger car not far away, "I heard that Dou Xin and the others are also in the same class. We went all the way, could it be that they did it..."

The small young man next to him shook his head, "Probably not, don't we know the virtues of Dou Xin's subordinates? Absolutely not such a powerful person! Especially this last method against Dr. Yang..." He couldn't help rubbing his hands Rubbing his arms, "It's a bit too scary."

Brother Feng sneered, "That's all you can do!" But soon his face darkened, "You're right, the end of the world is getting longer and longer, there are more and more supernatural beings, and all kinds of weird abilities are called People are hard to defend against, Xiao Liu, we will train them well when we go back, as far as our little ability is concerned, it won't be enough for us soon."


Not only them, but two groups of people also sent out the message of "Mission Success". Obviously, they had the same thoughts as this "Brother Feng". Among them was Dou Xin. They were also suspicious of each other. Who moved the hand

Shen Chi didn't know at all about his "merit", and three groups of people rushed to claim it. If they knew, they might laugh.

On the way back to Beijing, Shen Chi has been sifting through the messages sent to his mobile phone these days, because he only left one sentence, and there is no member information, etc. Of course, there are few messages sent, and most of them are It is spying or bad information, which is rarely useful. What he didn't expect was that it took them nearly a month to return to Beijing because of the detour. In the end, there were fifty-seven people who survived. The journey was indeed uneven, but compared to the hanging coffin The group is terrifying and gloomy, those dangers are nothing, it seems that everyone is holding their breath, and they are quite tough and sharp.

And the truth may be as Shen Chi guessed, there is no third-order poisonous arrow tree at all, because he has already flipped through the plant illustration book for Shen Liumu, and according to the growth habit, this kind of poisonous arrow tree should not appear here. Trees are right.

As soon as he arrived in Beijing, Shen Chi got the reward. Cheng Haiyi asked for his contact information and left. This time, Shen Chi took Xiaoyun back to the courtyard. When he bought this house, he had considered the courtyard. The size is just enough to fit Xiaoyun.

It was snowing heavily in Beijing. If it was a peaceful era, it would be almost the Chinese New Year, but after the end of the world, no one has such thoughts anymore. Three days later it would be New Year's Eve, Shen Chi looked up at the building opposite, it was still dark, and to his surprise, Lei Ting's people hadn't come back yet.

Soon after the Chinese New Year, Yu Qing—should be in Beijing, right

Shen Chi smiled slightly, Yang Ronghui was dead, and one of Yu Qing's left and right arms had been lost. He began to consider whether to cut off his other arm before Yu Qing came, and the detailed information of everyone in the institute was lying on the bed. In his backpack, he knows what is behind the research institute. It is a national research institute and cannot be moved easily. This is not the mountain city of Chongqing, but Beijing, where all kinds of relationships are intricate and full of experts.

But so what? As long as he takes his time and is not in a hurry, he will always find an opportunity.

"Father!" Shen Liumu walked into the yard, "Didn't you say you want to go out?"

Shen Liumu will be twelve years old after the new year, and has gradually begun to lose the childish baby fat, and the facial features on the cheeks gradually have the familiar contours of Shen Chi, but compared with the cynical, bloodthirsty, cruel, always carrying in Shen Chi's memory. Shen Liumu, who smiled contemptuously, at this time he is cute and delicate, his eyes are as clear as glass, very attractive, after all - is it different

"Let's go." Shen Chi laughed, "I received a business deal, I'll take you to buy some delicious food after I go there, it's the Chinese New Year!"

Shen Liumu cheered like an ordinary child and came forward to hold Shen Chi's hand. Shen Chi gave Mingyue and Ji Jia a few words and then pulled him outside. The figures of father and son were submerged in the heavy snow.

Ji Jia is cleaning the house seriously, she has always been a diligent girl, with puppets as helpers, cleaning the house suddenly became a not too troublesome task, so Mingyue can sit cross-legged on the kang and read a book.

A while after Shen Chi and Shen Liumu left, there was a knock on the door.

Mingyue and Ji Jia looked at each other, they were not ordinary children, Mingyue nodded, and then Ji Jia put on his coat and went out with him.


"Excuse me, does Taoist Master Mingyue live here?"

Ji Jia was surprised, he didn't come to look for Shen Chi, but Mingyue

"Squeak" and opened the door, but soon she regretted it, how do you say something

Don't talk to strangers—err, don't open doors to strangers...

A piercing sword light struck directly at Ji Jia!

At this time, Shen Chi and Shen Liumu had already arrived at their destination, a small villa in the suburbs of Beijing.

"Father, is this person very powerful?" Shen Liumu looked at the guards with live ammunition and asked quietly.

Shen Chi nodded.

Of course it is powerful, the person who sent this news is Nie Ping.

This name is very common and not noticeable at all, but Shen Chi knows who he is. At this time, Nie Ping is still not well-known. At most, some people regard him as the second generation of the army. It's not much use anymore, only the second generation of the army is much better, the ordinary second generation of the army may not be a big deal, like Nie Ping, is the real person who can walk sideways in the end of the world, but at this time people only know Nie Rongsheng , I don’t know Nie Ping.

Nie Rongsheng is Nie Ping's father. He is in charge of one-fifth of the military forces in Beijing. Don't underestimate this one-fifth. Those ordinary conscripts are comparable, such as General Li, although he is a figure in Beijing, he is far less powerful than Nie Rongsheng.

Ten years, no, eight years later, everyone in Beijing knew Nie Ping's name, he was a far more formidable and troublesome figure than his father.

Shen Chi never expected that Nie Ping would send out such a message. He hadn't heard of any serious illness that Nie Ping had? He himself is a light-type supernatural person with outstanding talent, and he is also one of the first people to awaken. No matter how low-key he is, after he stands on a high place, those pasts will still be dug out. Shen Chi has never heard of it Regarding the news of Nie Ping's illness, that's why I was a little confused.

After passing through the triple guards, they entered the villa, and heard a gentle voice before entering the door.

"Nie Ping, I'm really fine. It's just an old problem, and no one can cure it."

Shen Chi's heart skipped a beat, and he made a judgment in the blink of an eye that this person was very important to Nie Ping, because from the lines in that message, he could see Nie Ping's suppressed urgency.

With Nie Ping's character, this is a bit too rare.

"Young Master Nie, the person you invited has arrived." A tall and tall young man said loudly after knocking on the door.

"Come in." The voice was cold and deep, as soon as Shen Chi entered the door, a wave of heat hit his face.

He is Nie Ping.

Nie Ping is not an extremely handsome man like Shen Chi, but no matter where he stands, he is enough to attract most people's attention, because he grew up in the army since childhood, Nie Ping is as straight as a javelin no matter standing or sitting, There is nothing fancy about the short cropped hair, a pair of stern eyes under the thick eyebrows and thin lips that are tightly pursed, making this person very difficult to get close to.

But the first thing Shen Chi saw was not him, but the man sitting in a wheelchair next to him. Even though this man was sitting in a wheelchair and was thin, he still had a straight back and a calm smile. Shen Chi's pupils were constricted. He knows him.

His name is Xu Mengzhi, which is a bit feminine, but Xu Mengzhi is not a weak person, but has always been known for his toughness and sharpness. He is a member of the research institute.

Shen Chi clenched his fists tightly and adjusted his breathing. Fortunately, Xu Mengzhi was not from Yu Qing's lineage. It could even be said that Yu Qing hated Xu Mengzhi 100%.

Xu Mengzhi is also studying biological genetic engineering, but he has been committed to developing more food suitable for planting in this harsh environment and excavating evolved plant species in the last days, because Xu Mengzhi's background is too large, and it is from a place like Yu Qing Even if Yu Qing has his own independent research room, his resources and status in the research institute are beyond the reach of people like Yu Qing and Yang Ronghui. Yu Qing tried many times to win over Xu Mengzhi. They all ended in failure, so Shen Chi heard Yu Qing's slander against Xu Mengzhi more than once.

From this point of view, perhaps Xu Mengzhi is still a very principled person.

Good, he was thinking about how to approach the institute, and a ready-made excuse was sent to him so quickly.

"Nie Ping." Nie Ping stepped forward and held out his hand.

Shen Chi shook hands with him calmly, "Shen Chi."

"This is my lover Xu Mengzhi. He is a person with supernatural powers in the brain domain. He has bad legs and feet, but since the evolution of the brain domain, his body has become worse and worse. If you have a way, the price is easy to say."

… my sweetheart…

… spouse…

Shen Chi's eyes froze all of a sudden, uh, he definitely remembered correctly, right? Nie Ping is a man, and Xu Mengzhi is also a man. Unlike those beautiful men who are attached to others, these two are extremely powerful men. What did Nie Ping just say, his lover...

So, he seemed to know something, with Nie Ping around, no one would dare to touch Xu Mengzhi in the research institute! And Xu Mengzhi's research results also greatly helped Nie Ping consolidate his position. In his previous life, he only knew that Nie Ping and Xu Mengzhi were good brothers! Good brothers and sisters!

Shen Liumu looked at Nie Ping and then at Xu Mengzhi in a daze, and then his eyes fell on their hands.

As if the world had opened another door to him—

It turns out that men can also fall in love