Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 38: Arrive at the lab


"Ah—" There was a scream, which could make a supernatural person utter such a piercing scream, which showed that he was already in unbearable pain. It just so happened that the first prey of this box jellyfish was the researcher that Shen Chi didn't know. stranger.

The normal box jellyfish is only 16 inches long, less than half a meter, and it is already a terrible killer in the ocean. This box jellyfish is half the height of a person, almost double the size of a normal box jellyfish.

This is a terrible poison after evolution, and it is a disaster in itself for the research institute to get it out of the ocean.

Everyone was drenched by the water. Although the water couldn't reach their knees, under the instant impact, everyone couldn't stand still. Shen Chi saw nearly a hundred tentacles six to seven meters long suddenly Suddenly, it attacked everyone, and each tentacle was covered with translucent spikes, just looking at it was shocking.

Shen Chi held Shen Liumu in his arms. After a few years, the four of them had a tacit understanding. Mingyue quickly pasted a Vajra Talisman on herself, and hugged Ji Jia tightly with both hands.

The poisonous thorns pierced Shen Chi's body, even though he was wearing a leather coat, but under the stingers of the evolved jellyfish, these defenses seemed to be nothing. Shen Chi was wearing the equipment in the game. Stabbed directly in.

Those who have never experienced this kind of pain will never know how painful it is, otherwise the person with the ability closest to the box jellyfish would not have screamed at once. No one can bear it. In peaceful times, there is no cure for the poison of box jellyfish, which can stop a person's heart from beating in just a few minutes.

Shen Chi didn't even wrinkle his brows. He had tasted more painful pain than this, but seeing his unfavorable state was really shocking, even if he is now worse than a third-order ability user. With a much longer life value, according to this blood loss rate, the blood bar will inevitably return to zero within 20 minutes.

"Father!" A large piece of Houttuynia cordata burst out suddenly! It completely fills the small space and consciously blocks the attack of box jellyfish.

Shen Chi felt Shen Liumu hugging him tightly, and a warm air flowed into his body quickly.

That unfavorable state was not gradually eliminated until Shen Liumu's face turned slightly pale, which shows that the toxicity is severe.

Mingyue, protected by the Vajra Talisman, was almost invulnerable, but his face was still pale. Even if the poisonous thorn failed to penetrate completely, he was still slightly poisoned. Shen Chi saw it and shouted: "Use Houttuynia cordata, it can relieve the poisoning!"

This is the third-order Houttuynia cordata that Shen Liumu got just before he came to Beijing. It has no other special effects, but it is still a third-order plant. It can grow in water and land, and it has miraculous effects on detoxification. Ordinary Houttuynia cordata It can detoxify snakes and insects, and the effect of this evolved Houttuynia cordata is even more miraculous.

As soon as these words were uttered, almost everyone frantically stuffed the unpleasant smell or even the smelly green grass leaves into their mouths, even the ice-type supernatural being Tan Yanya and the water-type The same is true for the superhuman Liu Yi.

Shen Liumu had already held Mingyue's hand, and his expression quickly returned to normal, after all, the poisoning was not deep. In such a dangerous moment, he can release such a large piece of Houttuynia cordata in an instant. For a child like him who is only twelve years old, his reaction ability is simply better than that of an adult.

When everyone was attacked by this box-shaped jellyfish, laughter like silver bells sounded again.

The snake girl unexpectedly has a very pleasant voice. If you only listen to the voice, you will definitely think it is a beautiful young woman. No one would have imagined that she looks so hideous. However, maybe a long time ago, she was indeed a beautiful woman. woman.

", you all deserve to die..."

Only one kind of "person" is not affected, and that is Ji Jia's puppets.

The "long hair" of the puppet in the yellow skirt turned into long snakes twisted in the water, all entangled with the jellyfish, and its fangs pierced into the jellyfish's body. These poisonous snakes frantically poured venom on them, hoping to kill them as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, they are not real snakes, and even Xiao Huang, who controls them, is not a real person, and his puppet body is not afraid of this poison at all.

The small fire flapped its wings, and the fire burned.

It is obviously an extremely terrifying evolution box-shaped jellyfish. Its poison is enough to kill a city of people. It happened to meet Ji Jia, the nemesis. A powerful person with supernatural abilities would probably be able to eat a pot if they encountered a box-shaped jellyfish, and a person with supernatural abilities of the gold system could not guarantee that they would not be corroded by the venom under such circumstances.

A puppet has no life, even if its body is full of toxins, as long as Ji Jia, the controller, does not die, it will not die.

The water receded, and everyone described it as a mess. After the box-shaped jellyfish was entangled by the long snake, it was burned to a jellyfish by a small fire. Poor Xiao Huang's "beautiful hair" all became bald.

But the ability user who was first attacked by the jellyfish still failed to survive, and his heart had already stopped beating.

There were twenty people when we set off, but now there are only eighteen left.

From encountering the box jellyfish to its death, it took no more than five minutes, but it was so long for all the supernatural beings present.

In this short period of time, the evolutionary spider and the human-faced spider had already laid a thick web, densely packed, obviously trying to trap them to death.

"Qi Rongcui, you and that fire-breathing puppet quickly deal with these spider threads!" Wei Ning said sharply.

Although Qi Rongcui didn't want to listen to Wei Ning's instructions at all, "You still have to say!" Big balls of flames sprayed towards the spider silk, but unfortunately the spider silk that had just been soaked in water was sticky and wet, and it was difficult to burn for a while.

They were not out of danger. The snake girl flicked her tail and said darkly: " could you die so easily!" Perhaps it was because half of them had turned into snakes. With the hair-raising hiss of a snake.

She and the human-faced spider have become such monsters, but after all, they still have human brains. Unlike animals like box jellyfish, Snake knows exactly who to kill. In the chaos just now, She only curled her tail around one person, and that was Hou Fei.

However, because of her actions, Hou Fei escaped from the poison of the box jellyfish. Among all the people present, he was the weakest in body. If it wasn't for this snake girl, he probably went to accompany the research institute The ending of the supernatural beings going to hell.

But at this time he fell into the hands of the snake girl.

"Yu Qiu!" Hou Fei frowned in pain, but he held back his screams and called out a name instead.

Snake girl was startled, "... I almost forgot... I used to be called Yu Qiu..."

Yu Qiu, this is a very beautiful name. Judging by the outline of her face, she was also a very beautiful girl before.

But now, she is looking like this monster, so her expression is even more stern and hideous, "You—damn it! It's all you! Hou Fei!" She was so angry that her teeth were chattering.

Shen Chi knew exactly what kind of feeling it was. He had the same feelings towards Yu Qing and Hou Fei, but the deep-seated hatred was gradually settled, so he was able to remain calm. In fact, a part of his heart had already been corroded by hatred. , his enemy is right in front of him, but because he has worries again, he can maintain his reason.

Otherwise, he would be like the snake girl in front of him, wishing to tear them to pieces immediately.

"Ah—" Hou Fei finally couldn't help screaming, because the snake girl tore off one of his arms alive! Then, I threw it into my mouth and ate it! Bright red blood flowed down the corner of her mouth, and dripped onto her chest, staining the white robe red.

But the next moment, the snake girl screamed sharply and threw Hou Fei out!

Hou Fei called Snake Girl by her real name on purpose, otherwise, with her hatred, she might have killed him all at once, and reminded her of the past, so she would be reluctant to kill him just like that, on the contrary, she wanted to torture him even more. life.

The pale-faced Liu Yi stared at the struggling snake woman, and another water arrow shot towards her throat! The water arrow just now was hidden in the blood gushing from Hou Fei's arm, and the snake girl didn't notice it at all, and pierced the right side of her throat. She couldn't laugh anymore, and looked at Liu with hatred. Yi, the whole body rushed towards her!

Even at this moment, he did not forget to twitch his tail towards Hou Fei, this slap was extremely ruthless, obviously intending to put him to death!

Hou Fei quickly slid towards them. It turned out that Li Ya was dragging him suddenly with the spider silk. At this time, in order to save him, Hou Fei's body was worn from the ground, and then was crushed by the staff in the research room. There was a long gash cut by the broken glass, and the whole body was dripping with blood and looked extremely miserable.

Shen Chi didn't want Shen Liumu to save such a person at all, but with Hou Fei's blood loss, he would probably die from blood loss soon.

Li Ya sealed the wound on Hou Fei's arm with spider silk, and looked at Shen Liumu.

Shen Liumu's face was very pale, he coughed twice, "No, in order to release these Houttuynia cordata and detoxify, my physical strength is not enough, I need to take a rest."

Li Ya could only carry Hou Fei on his back first, "Miss Tan, help me."

Tan Yanya nodded and froze Hou Fei's wound. Although this made Hou Fei shiver from the cold, at least it would not make his injury worse. They had to wait for Shen Liumu to "recover his strength".

In fact, it is not impossible for Shen Liumu to save him, but he is Hou Fei.

Shen Chi wished Hou Fei that he would die immediately, and he was going to go to hell anyway, so why waste Shen Liumu's energy!

Fortunately, the attack ability of the evolved spider and the human-faced spider is not strong. Apart from the flexible spider silk, they don't have much other means. A shapeshifter, he transformed into a giant green praying mantis, who could easily chop spider webs with a long knife.

In a short period of time, these superpowers who were all elites lost two staff members, one dead and one injured.

"This won't work." The weak Hou Fei was almost dying, "There are too many exhaust outlets, and our group is too attractive. These experimental products are not stupid, and they will probably be blocked on the way to the biological genetic research laboratory. My arms There is a map here, it is better for one person to close the exhaust vent, it is safer not to go this way, and the others follow this road to rescue Dr. Yu."

"Let me go." Yue Hong took the initiative to say, "I'm better at hiding, boss, I'll contact you after closing the vent." Hidden, if he is acting alone, he is undoubtedly the safest who can almost blend in with the surrounding environment.

Wei Ning nodded, and handed him the blood-stained map, "Be careful."

"No problem!" Yue Hong smiled, turned around and disappeared, leaving only a pile of clothes on the ground.

Of course, it's not really missing. He is a third-order chameleon, and he can instantly blend into the surrounding environment. If you look closely, you can still see the outline of his body, but you can't find it casually.

When a shapeshifter transforms into another form, the clothes cannot be kept, but there is a special method. For example, there is a pocket-like thing close to the body under Yue Hong's belly, even if the shapeshifter is made of special fabric. The pockets will not be damaged, and a small amount of items can be placed inside. There is no way for the clothes to be too thick in winter, but at least a pair of pants can be put in in summer.

Therefore, female shapeshifters are far more troublesome than male shapeshifters. They usually have special people to keep their clothes for them. Qi Rongcui often holds clothes for Xiaoli. Xiaoli also has to fly back into the clothes before turning back into the appearance of a human girl. Shapeshifters will use special cloth to make certain clothing that will not be damaged by deformation.

For example, Zheng Jingjun will not have much trouble, he just needs to pay attention to some clothes, after turning into a praying mantis, he will only become thinner and will not stretch his clothes, although it will look a little ridiculous, like a praying mantis wearing clothes , but over time after the end of the world, human beings have gotten used to it, and no one will laugh at this situation.

After Yue Hong left, the remaining seventeen of them walked towards the innermost research room. To their horror, the journey was peaceful.

They only encountered seven or eight evolved animals and three evolved plants—they were all taken into the bag by Driftwood, so Driftwood's small face remained whitish all the time.

It is very strange that I have not encountered a single experimental product.

Hou Fei is right. These experimental subjects are all human beings, and their intelligence is not comparable to that of evolutionary animals and plants. The only possibility that can explain this situation is that they are all waiting in front of them.

"You say, Dr. Yu and the others will still be alive?" Wei Bing said suddenly.

Even Wei Ning's footsteps paused, that's right, in this posture, will Dr. Yu and the others still be alive

Only Shen Chi knew that he was still alive. Yu Qing has always been on his target list, he is living well, oh no, it should be said so, his health goes up and down, um, not too stable, a bit like Yang Ronghui who was set to inject various reagents by himself at that time.

Shen Chi couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Could it be that some of these experimental subjects have the same hobby as him

But it's not fun to die before you go or something.

It was less than half an hour when they walked all the way to the biological genetic research room smoothly. If it wasn't for the delay in destroying those evolved animals on the way, they could have been faster.

As soon as I walked in the door, suddenly, the lights came on!

Shen Chi's heart shuddered suddenly, because he knew that Ji Jia's puppet mouse had already bitten off all the wires! There is an independent power distribution room here, which means that someone has connected the disconnected wires again!

"Welcome to my laboratory." A voice that sounded like an electronic sound made goosebumps appear on people's arms.

The eyes adjusted to the light, and in the wide chair not far away, sat a person, or half a person

Half of him still looks like a normal person, he doesn't look very old, he should be slightly younger than Hou Fei, half of what is exposed is the mechanical skull, including the protruding eyeball embedded in the skull.

Hou Fei's face instantly became whiter than snow.

"...Jin Xi..."

This strange young man laughed lowly, "It turns out that Dr. Hou still remembers me. Didn't you see me several times in the laboratory and pretended not to recognize me? Oh, of course, for you, in the last days What's the use of a lover who hasn't evolved, even if you know he's been treated as an experiment, it doesn't matter, doesn't it?"

His voice was weird, not human at all, more like a semi-electronic voice made by a machine.

Wei Ning winked at Bai Pengze who was beside him, but before they could act, Jin Xi said coldly: "Don't move! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Of course he is not alone. There are experimental subjects in white robes standing around him. They have numbers on their bodies. More than half of them have all kinds of unimaginable appearances. Some of them can't even be seen as human beings at all. They were more pleasing to the eye. The one standing closest to him was covered with red blood scabs, and his hands and feet had become webbed. The other had shrunken limbs, cleft lip and palate, and had seven or eight huge tails. He didn't know what kind of monster it was.

"Jin Xi, it's not me—"

"Yeah, it wasn't you who turned me into this, it was Yu Qing." A sneering smile appeared on the young man's still human face, "I don't know if I became like this, do you believe this kind of lie? ?Before the apocalypse, Yu Qing was just an associate researcher, and you were just my deputy, but after the apocalypse, you all evolved supernatural powers, and everyone called Dr. Yu and Dr. Hou, but I was just an ordinary person. Transfer me to Yu Qing's research institute, don't tell me you don't know their plan!"

"Oh, by the way, what did Yu Qing say? An ordinary person with a high IQ like me is the most suitable for this kind of in vivo experiment, right?"

His eyes were cold, "Then this laboratory belongs to me now! All of you supernatural beings will become my experimental subjects! Not only you, but also the whole of Beijing, I want everyone to taste the lab. The taste on the cold test bench!"

There was a moment of silence, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of Shen Chi's lips.

Being able to control these experimental products, this Jin Xi is a character, Shen Chi is very clear that he also wants revenge, but his revenge will never be like Jin Xi's—

He wants revenge, but he also wants to live. He has always been very clear about who he hates. Shen Chi, he has never hated all supernatural beings like Jin Xi.

Even in this last days where survival is difficult and humanity is lost, he still hasn't hated the whole world.

Because there is always a little warmth in his heart, so hatred cannot dominate him.

Jin Xi, however, has completely sunk.