Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 42: Human face and animal heart


It is called stealing without asking, and sneaking into the territory of other countries without saying hello is essentially an invasion.

Shen Chi didn't believe that these Japanese were just ordinary civilians! For the most part, civilians cannot cross the ocean and come to China. No matter when, the civilians are the first to be abandoned.

Even though the hatred with Japan has passed for a long time, the Japanese nation itself is very aggressive, especially when a domestic crisis occurs, the most common way is to divert this crisis. During World War II, it used the war against China. After the end of the world, Shen Chi didn't know much about Japan, but he knew that an island country like Japan should at least double its territory in such a climate. After the establishment of the new order, there must be many crises.

"It's the army." Shen Liumu, who was fifteen or sixteen years old, already had such judgment. During the three years he lived in Zhejiang, he happened to have time to read books.

Although those peasant households are all country folks, one of them has a daughter-in-law who is a high school teacher, who happens to be a history teacher, but she is a graduate of Chinese language and literature, and she teaches three children who have almost never received formal studies since they were young. Of course, it is more than enough. After the end of the world, the husband and wife went back to their hometown to visit the old man. How did they know that the husband died, but this daughter-in-law returned to her husband's house, so she stayed to take care of the old man. The world outside is so chaotic, she is powerless The woman couldn't go out no matter what. Because of her, the three children have received two years of education.

What Shen Liumu said is right, it is the army. Japan is not allowed to have a regular army in peacetime, only the so-called self-defense force, but Japan has always been good at selling dog meat. What is the core of this self-defense force? Countries have long been tacit understanding. What Shen Chi saw through the binoculars told him that this is a place where troops are stationed. It looks like a Chinese safe zone on the outside, and even the national flag hangs from China. Only by looking through the binoculars can you see the inside. Japanese military flag.

The Japanese military flag is not the Japanese flag. It is not the familiar white sheet with a little red on it, but a flag with a pattern of red sun and rising sun rays. Will recognize this flag.

You don't need to ask to know that they have hidden evil intentions.

The eyes of the three children who had just finished studying modern history almost started to sparkle, and Shen Chi laughed when he saw it, "Don't get excited, let's observe first."

"I know, we won't act recklessly." Mingyue's words became more and more polite.

As the sky gradually darkened, Ji Jia let her puppet bird fly. Under the cover of night, such a bird quietly landed on the eaves of the house, which was clearly the center of this "safety zone", without attracting the slightest attention.

She can hear the speech inside through the puppet bird's ears, but she can't understand Japanese at all. Because of the last encounter with the Russians, Shen Chi found some small translators in the city, instant voice translation, with recording function, and now it was lying in the puppet bird's stomach.

This puppet bird is not the first one. Ji Jia now has three puppet birds in total. They are all good at speed, and the size is slightly different. The stomach is hollow enough to put things in. After about ten minutes, Ji Jia has another puppet bird. Instead, a puppet bird with a translator flew over.

After a while of noise, I heard a very awkward electronic sound. Although this type of instant translator is claimed to be the best, it is said that the accuracy rate is as high as 98%, but after all, the machine is not a human being, and it is not that smart.

"… how much longer?"

"The next batch will be in three days."

"Boat, at sea, it's too dangerous."

"Before, the person who caught it."

"It's well locked up in the warehouse. Will your lord use it now?"

"Well, get some more pigs."



I don't know why, just hearing these contents, Shen Chi felt a bad premonition, "Put on the translator earphones, let's go in."

"Now?" Shen Liumu asked this question not because of doubt, but because of excitement, his eyes were amazingly bright in the dark night, "Dad, why don't you kill them all!"

"Go and have a look first." Shen Chi said calmly, "I don't know what he meant by three days later, whether there are still people coming."

Ji Jia stood up suddenly, "Someone found my mistress!"

Xiao Er is the puppet bird, and sooner or later Shen has given up any hope for Ji Jia's naming ability, even if she grows up. At this time, she pursed her lips, and was controlling the puppet bird to fly back, when she paused suddenly, "Dead." There was a bit of sadness in her tone.

Mingyue comforted her, "It's okay, I will avenge it in a while!"

...just a puppet bird...

"It's not easy, someone can find out." Shen Chi said with narrowed eyes.

Mingyue's expression turned solemn, she looked at the sky, her expression changed suddenly, she pinched her fingers, slapped her backpack and shouted: "Go!"

A stream of black air flew out, wrapped around a strange mist in the distance, Shen Liumu saw through the telescope that it was a hideous ghost with disheveled hair, and couldn't help but wondered: "What the hell!"

Shen Chi said uncertainly, "Is it some kind of 'shikigami'?" Japan's cultural soft aggression was quite powerful in the peaceful era, and many children in the 1980s and 1990s loved watching Japanese anime.

"Although I don't know what it is, but this thing is very similar to my little ghost, it should be something like a soul." Mingyue said in a deep voice.

As they were talking, a soft and gentle voice resounded through the sky: "It's such a joy to have friends coming from afar! That man, who is actually speaking standard Mandarin! , and the tone is particularly comfortable and elegant.

Shen Chi raised his eyebrows, "Liumu, Jiajia, Mingyue, are you afraid?"

"Little Japan who is afraid of him!"

Shen Chi laughed loudly, "Of course we will not hide our heads and show our tails, and we will not come to China like you all!" His voice was also very loud, and it was rhythmic and powerful!

The four people gradually walked from the darkness to the bright light. These Japanese people did not know where to connect the power supply, and the entire "safety zone" was brightly lit, but Shen Chi thought, this is not an ordinary "safety zone". Most of the safe zone is ordinary people, they are under the protection of the army and supernatural beings, even if survival is difficult, but it is really safe, here is just a Japanese military camp covered with a layer of "safe zone", These Japanese soldiers put on the clothes of ordinary people and entered China without much fanfare. They were much more low-key than in history, but they were also much more cunning. I don't know what kind of conspiracy they were playing.

There is a carpet in the middle, and it is covered with a wide wooden couch similar to tatami mats unique to Japan, a gleaming lacquerware low table, and a flawless white porcelain tea set. A young man dressed heavily was pouring tea with his sleeves rolled up.

Shen Chi had already seen this person from a distance, and only when he looked closely did he find that this person was more eye-catching than he looked from afar. The robe on his body was white without any stains, and the wide front was embroidered with green ink bamboo. Looking fresh and elegant, he not only He is handsome and handsome, and has a gentle and calm smile. Just looking at his appearance, it is difficult to make people feel disgusted.

"Please." Seeing the arrival of Shen Chi and the others, he didn't seem surprised at all, and invited them to sit on the couch.

Shen Chi glanced around. Just looking at the health value, he had already found a dozen or twenty supernatural beings. The number was really quite a lot. Moreover, this was a military camp in itself, and there were countless guns pointed at it in the dark. Looking at them, Shen Chi even saw a few boxes of high-risk explosives from the binoculars, which were piled up not far from here.

"Is this a Hongmen banquet?" Shen Chi smiled slightly.

The onmyoji also smiled and said: "How could it be? I am a guest from afar. My humble Abe Hana is looking forward to entertaining such an outstanding guest like you. How could it be a Hongmen banquet?"

"A visitor from afar?" Shen Liumu smiled, "If I remember correctly, what I'm stepping on now is still my Chinese territory?"

Abe Hana sighed, seeming to be infinitely sad, "Now is the end of the world, and the strong of all human beings should unite. How can there still be differences between countries?"

Shen Chi couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth. This man looked very handsome and magnanimous when he said this, but he felt it was hypocritical and pretentious... Don't pretend, Pretending to be struck by lightning! If you don't do it, you won't die!

"Mr. Abe speaks Chinese well." Shen Chi said suddenly.

Abe Hana said modestly: "It's too much, I have admired Chinese culture since I was a child..."

"It seems that there is always such an onmyoji named Abe in many stories."

"Really?" Abe Hana said with interest.

Shen Chi looked at him sincerely, "But these onmyojis usually die badly." He was referring to the fact that in many modern articles on a famous male video website in the peaceful era, as long as there were onmyojis appearing in the articles... many of them were surnamed Abe , without exception, are used to be abused by the protagonist.

Abe Hana: "..."

"Why don't we talk about those 'pigs'?" Ji Jia said suddenly.

Abe Hana's eyes were sharp for an instant, and she looked at Ji Jia.

Shen Chi also imitated his tone and sighed, "Mr. Abe, this kind of attitude is really not very good. First of all, we are not customers, but you are, and you are customers who come without asking. Secondly—" He looked Xiang Abe Huanai, "Don't hide it, let's talk about the 'pig'."

All the supernatural beings around took a step forward, and the atmosphere became tense in an instant.

There are several seeds in Shen Liumu's palm, Ji Jia's little fire is like a lifeless puppet lying in front of her, but in the next moment it can spray flames at Abe Huanai, Mingyue's hand has already quietly reached into her arms , pinched a few talisman papers.

Abe Hana stretched out his white and slender hand, waved it lightly, and those people backed away again, and he instantly changed back to the gentle, elegant and calm before, "I smell the breath of the strong from you."

"Oh?" Shen Chi laughed mockingly, as expected of a Japanese dog with a dog nose!

Abe Hana stood up with a smile. He was wearing snow-white socks, as if he could only stand on this kind of couch that had been cleaned. He half-closed his eyes and said, "The strong need to be sacrificed." The fan in his hand Pointing, a hurricane rolled up not far away, and he admired his own power, "The power of the strong is fascinating. You, like me, are already the new masters of this world."

"Come on, bring the pig up!"

Shen Chi had a very bad premonition in his heart, turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw seventeen or eighteen men and women being pushed out, and he immediately stood up.

"Don't worry." Abe Huanai said softly, looking at the frightened crowd, "Have you used 'tooth kiss'?"

"Yes, my lord!" This man can actually speak Chinese, but compared to Abe Hana, his speech is much more difficult.

They didn't even have time to ask what the hell Tooth Kiss was, because they'd already seen it.

These people screamed and cursed in the local Zhejiang dialect, and gradually began to grow sharp nails and teeth, the pupils of their eyes shrank and turned bright red, their skin became pale, and their blood vessels were about to burst. condensation on the body.

Before Shen Chi's eyes, they transformed from human beings into zombies!

Abe Huanai shook the paper fan in his hand, and these people who had just become the first zombies couldn't move immediately, "Now, we can take a look at the deliciousness of these pig meat, of course, I need my hair!

The complexions of Shen Chi, Shen Liumu, Ji Jia and Mingyue had become very ugly, and at this moment, Abe Huanai cut his smooth and fair skin with a sharp dagger, blood overflowed, and after chanting words, the blood suddenly congealed into a ball The blood beads turned into a blood mist in mid-air, and poured down on those zombies!

Shen Chi's eyes widened, what did he see! Almost instantly, those zombies were upgraded from ordinary A-level zombies to B-level zombies!

It's just a few seconds of effort!

What surprised him even more was that Abe Huanai let out more blood, and these zombies soon became C-rank zombies again!

Abe Huanai is still sighing, "Well, this is their best use. After the end of the world, God gave me the technique of raising corpses, and it was it that gave me an increasingly powerful body. Selection, survival of the fittest, we are stronger than them, so we are human and they are pigs, it is that simple."

"Is that how you treat you Japanese as well?" Ming Yueshang spoke for the first time, her voice was cold and without any warmth.

Abe Hana slowly put down the wide sleeves, "Oh, of course, but there are always not enough pigs, so we will go through the dangerous sea and come here to find more."

... This is completely crazy and crazy!

"How? This is already the world of the strong, why not join us and create a better future together? As long as you follow me, you will never lack Yuanjing."

Because these C-level zombies have just evolved from A-level zombies, they haven't had time to awaken their powerful abilities. They are almost as fragile as A-level zombies, but the crystals in their bodies are indeed C-level crystals!

Shen Chi looked at the wildly admiring faces around Abe Huanai, knowing that these supernatural beings followed Abe Huanai because of this, and crawled at his feet, relying on him to survive.

But even in the last days, Shen Chi never thought that he was any different from those survivors, maybe because he was not a supernatural being, maybe because he was still a human being, it was as simple as that.


"Huh?" Shen Liumu raised his head.

"what do you think about this?"

Shen Liumu smiled, his eyes sparkled, he looked up and down at Abe Huanai and saw that something was wrong with him, "It's really great."

Abe Hana was a little inexplicable, but still had a flawless smile.

"It's really suitable to be our pig!" Shen Chi said softly, almost whispering.

What a perfect crystal maker! The best pet that is easy to keep is wood!

Only Ji Jia felt wronged: "...I still like Mimi like that..."

When they left those farmers, they wanted to find a pet to raise, but they didn't expect to bump into such a beast with a human face and a heart.

"Ji Jia!" When the exclamation came, Shen Chi immediately looked to the right, but saw a woman who looked very familiar.

With calm eyes, Ji Jia looked at the woman in a kimono with a low neckline, revealing her beautiful collarbone, "Cousin, long time no see."

That woman was Ji Ying, the Ji Ying that Bai Sheng said was dead.