Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 45: crush you


Shen Chi didn't want to just give in and tolerate. He doesn't know most Japanese people's personalities very well. However, Abe Hana is not an impulsive type at first glance. Not being impulsive means thinking too much. He won't be here There are only four of them to act rashly when there is a risk. If the four of them pose any threat to the camp, he will have to think again and think of a safer way to deal with them instead of simply encircling and suppressing them.

In terms of numbers, the four of Shen Chi and the more than 30,000 people in this camp are really incomparable, but this group of Japanese has been dormant in this place for so long, and they definitely don't want to make it public. When people come here, the loss is not small. Whether it is Abe Hana or Miura Tsubasa, they will cherish everyone here even more for this reason.

They don't want these people to suffer too much damage, and Shen Chi knows that once the four of them show the strength to crush everyone, Abe Hana will definitely think more carefully, because they want to deal with them openly. There is also a certain price to be paid. With Abe Hana's pretentious personality, it is more likely to find a way to layout and design them secretly.

Therefore, what Shen Chi wanted was to shock and intimidate him!

There is a special training ground in the camp, which occupies quite a large area, and it must have been prepared to a certain extent for the supernatural beings in the camp. When Shen Chi and the others went, a group of soldiers were practicing their guns here, "Papapapa" The sound of guns hitting targets can be heard endlessly.

Not to mention Shen Chi, even Ji Jia, who was the youngest and weakest among the four, did not change his face, and did not show any timidity due to the dense gunfire.

They are really not afraid. They have seen so many zombies in the last days, they have killed people, they have seen bloody corpses, they have gouged out people's eyes, they have survived corpse oil or children who helped them survive corpse oil. How can you be scared because of the gunshots

Hana Abe retracted his gaze without a trace, Tsubasa Miura waved his hand, and the soldiers saluted a standard military salute and then ran down in line. Shen Chi glanced at the target, and almost all the bullets penetrated the bull's-eye. Slightly shivering, it seems that the soldiers here are almost all elite!

"Mr. Shen, we have a lot of people, and anyone can play. I don't know who will come first among the four of you?" Abe Hana said with a smile.

Shen Chi raised his eyebrows slightly, "Mr. Abe, I have to say it first, life and death are fate, we are not measured in our actions, and we use murderous methods."

Abe Hana's eyes deepened, "Don't worry, it's already the end of the world, and everyone is living in precarity. Is there anyone who is afraid of death?" A familiar face I saw yesterday, "You say, is there anyone among you who is afraid of death?" The last sentence was spoken in Japanese, but it did not prevent Shen Chi and the others from understanding this sentence.

"Not afraid!" They replied in Japanese, their voices were neat and neat.

In the bones of the Japanese, there is such a ruthlessness, which is their national characteristic, just like those Japanese soldiers in history, once defeated, they would rather cut their stomachs. Shen Chi just smiled coldly, "In this case, the first one will be the Let me do it!"

Abe Huanai also expected that Shen Chi and the others would stand up in the first game, so he was not surprised that Shen Chi was the first to play, so he looked at the group of supernatural beings and pointed out one of the Japanese A rather tall middle-aged man said, "Nakajima, you can do it this time!"

"Yes, my lord!" The man replied without any hesitation.

Shen Chi took off the thousand receivers on his back. With the internal strength of Jing Yu Jue, the thousand receivers are much larger than Tianluo's deceitful ones, and the thousand receivers don't look very big when folded together, no matter the color or the color. The appearance is very low-key, but it is instantly deformed in the hand like a machine, and the murderous intent is immediately awe-inspiring, showing a bit ferocious.

This Japanese supernatural being is called Eiji Nakajima. He felt that these four young men were very murderous yesterday. Looking at him, he felt a chill in his heart. He is one of the most powerful among the twenty or so people. Although he is not the strongest, he is cautious and experienced. Before, he used to live a life of licking blood on the edge of a knife, so after the end of the world, he didn't have any maladaptation. On the contrary, after awakening the supernatural power, he attacked more viciously. In terms of killing or fighting the enemy, almost no one present could match on him.

No, can't wait any longer!

Eiji Nakajima felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, and his intuition told him that if he waited any longer, this person would kill him soon!

Nakajima can also be regarded as a special ability user. Even Abe Hana does not know which category his ability belongs to, but it is undoubtedly very useful. But at this time, his figure flickered, and he ran quickly.

Although Eiji Nakajima is a big man, he runs very swiftly and lightly, like an antelope.

There was still a smile on Shen Chi's face, and he had already picked up the thousand receivers.

The cold sweat on Eiji Nakajima's forehead suddenly poured out, and he could no longer hesitate. He just felt that that thing made him fear, and he hadn't felt this way for several years. The days when he was walking on the edge of danger in the past made him feel scared. He has an extraordinary intuition for life-threatening dangers!

Shen Chi's heart moved, he jumped back and quickly retreated, and an arm appeared at the position where he was standing just now, with a dagger covered with poisonous blue on the blade, obviously smeared with poison, and it was extremely sharp. cut human skin.

Hey, it turned out to be such a weird ability.

Splitting his body, he passed through in an instant, and just as he stood still, a leg hooked towards his feet sinisterly.


On the contrary, Shen Chi's smile deepened. Unfortunately, he had already made a decision. In the first match, he wanted to make an example of others. However, if such a special supernatural being was killed by him, would Abe Huanai become angry?

Probably not, the more elegant, gentle and unparalleled he is on the surface, the more scheming he is on the inside, and he is best at forbearance, so he won't become impulsive for such a person.

This thought flashed through his mind in an instant, and Shen Chi disappeared on the training ground!

That's right, completely disappeared!

"... It's not ninjutsu, I can't feel any trace." A small man with sweat on his head whispered to Miura Tsubasa.

In just one sentence, Nakajima Eiji had already collapsed. He was running at an extreme speed, going left, right, up and down. Even if it was a sharpshooter pointing a gun at him, it would be difficult to guarantee a hit. In terms of experience, he is indeed very rich and knows how to avoid the enemy's attack in this situation.

But in front of Shen Chi, his efforts had no effect at all, like a clown trying his best to show off, but there was no one to cheer him up.

There was a big blood hole in Eiji Nakajima's chest, and a sharp silver crossbow pierced through his chest and was buzzing and vibrating on the ground.

An arrow pierces the heart.

Ever since the heart-piercing crossbow became his own skill, Shen Chi liked this skill very much, even more than the life-chasing arrow, even though the damage of the life-chasing arrow was actually greater than this heart-piercing crossbow. Two-shot life-chasing is enough, but he still likes the heart-piercing crossbow with one arrow piercing the heart.

Eiji Nakajima was not dead yet, he fell down in disbelief, his hands and feet were still twitching and struggling.

But the heart has been shot through, and there are no wood-type supernatural beings among these Japanese, so he is destined to die.

Shock flashed in Abe Hana's eyes, but he quickly covered it up and ordered softly, "Go and bring Nakajima-kun back. Since he died in battle, he must be buried properly."

"Yes, my lord."

Among the supernatural beings present, some of their faces showed sadness, while the rest of their faces were calm and fearless. Even though Shen Chi's display of strength was so powerful, there was no cowardice in their eyes when they looked at him , Even the soldiers watching the battle didn't show the slightest fear on their faces, and there was only a fanatical fighting spirit in their eyes.

Shen Chi's heart was heavy. The Japanese in front of him were not ordinary soldiers or ordinary supernatural beings. With such high quality and stable mentality, these must be the elite of Japan...

Thinking about it this way, he was even more afraid of these people in front of him, and only hoped that Beijing would not take this news as a joke. He was very worried that the people who came would be no better than these Japanese, and he would end up with a bloody river.

Because there are more than 30,000 such people here! It's not thirty, it's not three hundred, it's not three thousand, it's more than thirty thousand!

Shen Chi has already started to think about whether to find another time to send another message.

What worries him even more is that in his previous life, until the eve of when he was sent to the research institute in the fifteenth year of the end of the world, he had never heard of these Japanese in Beijing. I don't know what kind of attack it was, and the whole city was massacred, with no one alive. But at that time, everyone thought it was done by powerful advanced zombies and evolved animals.

Now that he is here, he suddenly thinks through a lot. I am afraid that there are no advanced zombies and evolved animals at all, but these Japanese elite forces, like an army of ghosts dormant on the land of China.

"Mr. Shen is really a master." Abe Hana's attitude is still gentle, he clapped his hands lightly, "I'm afraid these people here are not Mr. Shen's opponents, I don't know if the other three are interested in playing in the end ?”

Mingyue stood up. He still had that iceberg face, showing no emotion at all, "I practice the authentic Taoist method, and I don't want to fight with other people. I wonder if Mr. Abe is interested in discussing with me."

As soon as these words came out, the scene immediately fell silent!

With a faint smile on the corner of Shen Chi's mouth, he looked at Abe Hana with interest. This sentence is not what he asked Mingyue to say, but Mingyue's own idea. It seems that someone in this group of Japanese is thinking about Ji Jia, which makes Mingyue very annoyed. Even if he tortured and killed those five people last night, his anger still did not dissipate. .

Tsk, young people are really angry.

The smile on Abe Hana's face faded, and he looked at Mingyue with a cold face and indifferent eyes. Mingyue was wearing a white cotton blouse and black wide pants, her long black hair was tied in a bunch, and her eyes were clear and handsome. Standing there, he looks calm and breezy, but he is too young after all, he is only seventeen or eighteen years old, and his face is still a bit childish, but his whole body is not immature at all.

He didn't expect this young man to be so courageous that he would say such a sentence in public, making him say no, no no.

Abe Hana's prestige in this camp is very high, not only because of his special corpse raising skills and personal charisma, but also because he is very powerful. No matter what, power is the greatest guarantee in the last days. Once he agrees Now, in the hearts of everyone, it is the right thing for him to win, and if he wins beautifully, he might not look good if he shows a little bit of embarrassment. Once he loses—it will be a big blow to his reputation, not to mention this kind of competition. Life and death itself is irrelevant.

Although he didn't think the boy in front of him could kill him.

"Why, Mr. Abe, don't you dare?" Mingyue's tone was always calm, as if there was no mood swing.

This sentence is almost provocative.

Abe Hana couldn't do it without playing, he laughed loudly, "There is an old saying in China that 'a newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger', this young man is so courageous." He praised on the lips, but raised his vigilance in his heart. This young man must have something to rely on for daring to provoke him like this. He will not be furious because of such a sentence, but he still feels a little uncomfortable. "Then, please." Finally, he stood in the training ground.

Mingyue also stood up, and the two stood facing each other. Mingyue was only seventeen years old and already half a head taller than Abe Hana. The weather this day was not as sunny as Abe Hana said, but rather gloomy, because Not far from the sea, the wind is getting stronger and stronger, but it can't take away the slightest heat. Seeing that a tsunami and wind and rain are coming, Mingyue's clothes are loose, hunting and flying in the wind, gracefully riding the wind, Abe Hana wears The wide kimono and the long hair are also flying. Visually speaking, the confrontation between these two people is still very pleasing to the eye.

But soon, everyone was no longer pleasing to the eye, because for some reason, a gloomy feeling pervaded the air!

Abe Hana half-closed his eyes, muttering something in his mouth, and soon a huge pentagram appeared at his feet, looking at the extraordinary momentum, Mingyue sneered, and a piece of talisman stood between his fingers like thin The knife flew into the void as if falling into a transparent space, and the edge suddenly lit up.

A tall armored man appeared, wearing black armor, carrying an antler bag, and holding a dragonfly cut, looking unstoppable. Abe Hana smiled lightly, "This is my Shikigami Heihachi!"

Anyone who knows the history of the Warring States Period in Japan will know that Oni no Heihachi was the number one general in Japan during the Warring States Period, Tadakatsu Honda. Unfortunately, among the four people in front of him, Shen Chi only had a superficial understanding of Japan, and the three children even more so. I don't know anything, I don't know anything about the history of the Warring States Period, the only feeling I have when I say this to him is - what nonsense are you talking about when you are all fighting!

Mingyue is not inferior, a huge golden armored man appeared, Taoists have a saying "Scattering beans into soldiers", Mingyue will not sow beans into soldiers, but after his fourth level, he can draw such a golden armor talisman, every time A single talisman can release a giant in golden armor, holding a huge black axe, extremely powerful.

"Clang!" The two weapons collided violently.

Abe Hana's face was a bit ugly, he could see that this kid was really not easy to deal with, so he folded a fan in his hand, and a glint of butterfly light began to dance and circle around him, beautiful is pretty enough, but in Shen Chi's eyes Come on, it's so coquettish, why bother to be so pretentious...

Looking at Mingyue, he threw two five thunder talismans at Abe Huanai fiercely! That's called a crisp.

Enough man! Shen Chi thought appreciatively.

Abe Hana's expression was awe-inspiring, and the light purple flying butterfly obviously couldn't compare with this thunderous thunder, and retreated quickly, shouting in his mouth: "Lin, soldier, fight, person, all, array, row, in front!" A huge talisman appeared, When a thunder strikes, the amulet vibrates suddenly, and when two thunder strikes, the amulet shatters!

His face turned pale, and Abe Huanai resisted the desire to vomit blood, because such a force made his internal injuries worse, no matter what he didn't expect this half-old child to be so powerful!

"My Taoist nine-character mantra doesn't work like that at all!" Mingyue's tone was still flat, but it seemed to be freezing cold. He didn't mean to teach Abe Hanai the nine-character mantra, but took out a few more Five Thunder Talismans!

Everyone present stared at him, but Abe Hana's face changed in horror.

... Is this kid just keeping hitting it with the Five Thunder Talisman on purpose...

Abe Hana knew deeply that this could not go on, he gritted his teeth and recited the secret mantra again, the pentagram appeared, and the second shikigami!

Mingyue remained silent, and threw out another golden armor talisman.

What kind of trouble is this going to be! Abe Hana used a few shikigami, he used a few golden armor talismans, and then bombarded them with five thunder talismans!

There are no tactics or even any technical content at all. It is neither a fighting technique nor a fighting technique.

Facing such an offensive, Abe Hana has nothing to do.

There is really no way.

His chest hurts badly, and his internal injuries are not serious. I'm afraid it will take a long time to recover. Abe Huanai took a deep breath, and seemed to lift up his breath lightly, and landed gently. It was three points heavier, and I could hardly bear the sweetness in my throat, "This Taoist priest is really powerful, and I, Abe Hana, bow down."

Only then did Mingyue withdraw with regret.

Before he could say anything else, Shen Liumu stood up, "Is it my turn next?"

Now people in Japan don't dare to underestimate these "children" anymore. One Mingyue is so powerful, even if the remaining two look younger, they don't dare to underestimate them any more.

"Then, uncle, I think you are the most powerful of these people, why don't you come and compete with me?" Shen Liumu smiled innocently, because he is not very young, and a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy is still very naive. He looks good and has a cute smile.

But the person he was referring to was indeed the most powerful person here, the captain of this self-defense force—

Tsubasa Miura.