Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 49: Come fuck me


But the comparison of the number of people is flawed in the end. It seems like an impossible task for more than 300 people to surround 5,000 people. Those with supernatural powers are not omnipotent, not to mention that these soldiers are elite, and soon they organized an effective counterattack. People with supernatural powers will be injured or even die if they are shot by guns. Fortunately, those who come are at least second-order Many of the superhumans, nature-types, and shapeshifters are Tier 3, so guns are not that much of a threat to them.

"Be careful!" A Japanese soldier was half-kneeling on the ground, holding a gun that looked like a machine gun, but its appearance was slightly different. Wu Yu's face immediately changed, "Grenade gun, kill him quickly!"

Before he could say anything, Shen Chi shot a heart-piercing crossbow, directly opening a hole in his chest, but as soon as the man fell, the Japanese soldiers beside him were silent, and immediately picked it up again, with a continuous Send a heart-piercing crossbow!

Wei Ning who was not far away was slightly surprised. He knew Shen Chi and almost all of Shen Chi's abilities, but he had never seen the skill that Shen Chi was using now. It was almost not like a game skill at all, but like It only belongs to Shen Chi's ability, which is really strange.

What made him even more strange was that he was still behind, only to see Shen Chi soaring upwards and sprinting past the moon, throwing a hidden weapon, that's right, it was a real hidden weapon!

The bursting appearance made him a little familiar, as if it was called Tiannv Sanhua, but how could it be possible! This skill is not like this at all, and it cannot be used when Shen Chi is still in the state of Jing Yu Jue.

Looking at the fallen soldiers, Wei Ning's eyes darkened slightly. It seems that something happened in this life that he didn't know about. Shen Chi's ability has changed. Could it be that he no longer has specific game skills in this life? ? For some reason, Shen Chi experienced a change that he didn't know about, which made him feel depressed and angry!

"Over there!" Wu Yu yelled, and there was a sharp roar in the air, and the huge mountain eagle swooped down, directly grabbing the Japanese soldier's head to pieces.

Before Wu Yu could breathe a sigh of relief, under the cover of a group of Japanese soldiers, several individual soldiers appeared carrying RPG rocket launchers. RPG rocket launchers, also known as portable rocket launchers, are heavy anti-tank weapons that can be used to Attacking tanks, armored vehicles and destroying fortifications at close range, his face suddenly became extremely ugly. The well-equipped and well-trained Japanese soldiers entered China and carried so many heavy and high-risk weapons.

This time without his order, all the members of the assault team around him began to shoot at the Japanese soldiers in this team, and Wu Yu also started to shoot. It seems that his ability is somewhat similar to Guo Ning. Guo Ning did not appear this time. Since Lei Ting's main force didn't show up, it meant one thing, because her eyes were ruined, she had already been abandoned by the Wei brothers. They are all vision-type power users, but compared to Guo Ning, Wu Yu was originally a soldier. After having vision-type powers, using a gun is like a godsend. Because his eyes are so powerful, he can even effectively avoid the opponent's bullets .

Wu Yu took a deep breath and said, "Someone needs to explode their arsenal."

"I'll go." Ji Jia suddenly stood up, "I don't need to get too close, I can make the puppet close to self-destruct."

Mingyue glanced at her, "I'll go with you."

"Okay!" Wu Yu handed the two grenades to Ji Jia without any hesitation, "I'll send a small team to cover you, Red Fox, you take someone to protect this little girl close to the opponent's arsenal and destroy the opponent's heavy firepower reserve .”


Shen Chi looked at Ji Jia and Ming Yue, "Be careful."

"Don't worry, Uncle Shen." Ji Jia smiled sweetly. There were several black marks on her fair face, but her eyes were shining brightly. This little girl who only knew how to cry at the beginning has gradually grown up day by day, and has a girlish appearance. Shen Chi couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, these children seem to have grown so big in the blink of an eye...

Three hundred and forty-seven people versus 5,000 people, this is a one-to-ten battle. If the supernatural beings are facing a dozen ordinary people, it is naturally not a problem, but it is a dozen well-equipped opponents. Well-trained soldiers are more dangerous, which is why this battle was fought so hard.

In a camp not far away, the deputy captain Ichiro Imai was looking at the camp below the mountain, "How is the situation?"

"A Chinese army of several thousand men attacked the camp."

Compared with the young Miura Tsubasa and Abe Hana, Imai Ichiro is already quite old. He looks close to fifty years old. He is not tall and looks ordinary, but he is undoubtedly the best at fighting among Japanese One, he is an experienced veteran, Miura Tsubasa is the captain of the detachment, but in fact the whole team listens to his command.

"Thousands of people?" He paused for a moment, "It seems that they haven't discovered the power on our mountain, Maruyama, you go to gather troops and prepare for support."


Once they are sure that they can be completely wiped out, they will immediately counterattack down the mountain, trying their best not to let anyone escape alive.

But after waiting for another quarter of an hour, only the sound of gunfire from down the mountain was heard, and after a short while, the flames were everywhere, and then, a red signal flare rose into the sky!

Ichiro Imai's face became a little ugly, "Shimada, activate the backup plan! All will be evacuated in half an hour! Ohno, prepare to dispatch an assault force to meet His Highness Tsukihito and Mr. Abe!"

"Vice captain, let's just leave like this?" They have managed to operate here for so many years, are they going to give up like this

Imai Ichiro's stern look flashed away, "Retreat first and then plan other things, Morihara, give me a report on the formation of the nearest Chinese safety zone before dark today!"


On the other hand, the first battle was won, and the superhumans lost seventeen. This is not a small casualty, but the commando members only lost three. They are more accustomed to dealing with such a scene of bullets than the supernatural, After all, capable people are not used to fighting soldiers.

"Captain Wu, the other party's communication has been intercepted!" the communication soldier in the red fox said loudly.

A charming-looking woman came over with a Japanese soldier in her arms, her face was a little tired, "This man is a communication soldier, yes, he has learned the communication code." Her ability is to read memories, but at present, she only has the second level. The strong-willed soldier has already made her very tired, and her abilities have no effect on those who are stronger or higher than her.

Imai Ichiro didn't even know that one of their camps had been wiped out.

"Captain, the Japanese are going to withdraw in half an hour!"

This is not good news for them, "We need to speed up!" Wu Yu said quickly, "The colonel will try their best to hold back the person they want to rescue, but it will take at least an hour for the large army to respond! In short, we cannot let them walk out of this forest within an hour!"

"Attack and block at the same time," Wei Ning said, crossing his hands, "It seems we need to divide into groups."

"Split?" Qi Rongcui said coldly: "If we continue to divide and have insufficient manpower, it will be death rather than attack."

Shen Chi suddenly said, "If they don't pick up Tsubasa Miura, they definitely won't leave."

"What do you mean?" Wu Yu looked at him.

"Miura Tsubasa is the Japanese royal family. He is the central figure of this army. We obtained their communication code. The news said that we are going to meet Miura Tsubasa and Abe Hana. If we snatch them in advance, then these Japanese People will definitely come and chase us, and if we don’t leave the mountains, they won’t leave either.”

Wu Yu thought for a moment, "It's a solution! But there is still a backup plan, in case the Japanese abandon him and escape."

Shen Liumu said directly, "As long as he enters the mountain, I will have a way to catch him."

Wood-type supernatural beings occupy an absolute advantage in the forest, and it is not a problem to catch them all, especially now that the weather is astonishingly hot, the forest is lush and lush, and there are vines and trees that can be used as cover everywhere.

Shen Chi was silent for a while before continuing, "I have a way to find him."

Miura Tsubasa is on his focus list, and Ji Ying is also there. He has to admire Ji Ying's methods. It seems that she is with Miura Tsubasa now, at least for the time being, there is no threat to her life.

"If we took the initiative, the situation would be different." Qi Rongcui said neatly.

This is indeed the case, there are too many methods for a supernatural person to sneak attack and assassinate.

"Let's go, and ask Mr. Shen to lead the way!" Wu Yu spoke politely all the way, and he knew that if Shen Chi hadn't sent the news this time, the dire consequences would have been immeasurable.

More than 300 people passed through the forest, Shen Liumu and three experienced assault teams cleared the traces, and shapeshifters with supernatural powers kept an eye on the surrounding movements at all times. The group of them crossed the two Japanese camps like ghosts, They didn't notice it at all.

"It's right in front." Shen Chi lowered his voice, Wu Yu nodded, and took a look through the binoculars, "Their response personnel are about 300 people, and they are also commandos. We must try to intercept them as soon as possible."

Wei Ning, Qi Rongcui, and several supernatural teams stood up and sneaked towards the responders.

Miura Tsubasa in Shen Chi's sight was a little embarrassed, with some blood on his clothes, but he was not injured. Abe Hana who was beside him could no longer care about his demeanor at this time, and his snow-white kimono was stained with all kinds of dirt , they were protected by more than a dozen Japanese soldiers and entered the mountain, while Ji Ying was dragged forward by Miura Tsubasa. Seeing that she was in the worst condition, Shen Chi checked her health. She was injured, and the injury was not serious , Looking at her intact clothes, it should not be a gunshot wound, and the blood on Miura Tsubasa's clothes is probably hers.

Ordinary people's life is too fragile, no matter how high Ji Ying's emotional intelligence is, her body is really just an ordinary person.

Ji Jia could also see it, her face was a little worried.

"Senior Colonel, yes, Miura Tsubasa has entered our sight, yes, the order has been received!"

Wu Yu took another look at the binoculars with a solemn expression, "Listen up, everyone, this Miura Tsubasa is going to be caught alive!"

At this moment, Abe Hana's face suddenly changed, and Shen Chi thought inwardly, "They found out!"

Anyway, it didn't say that Abe Huanai was going to live, Shen Chi rushed out, the thousand receivers in his hand lit up, and Shen Liumu, who cooperated with him tacitly, moved his hand, and a large area of trees and vines moved towards Abe Huanai, Miura Tsubasa and others Squeeze past.

Miura Tsubasa's complexion also changed. He looked at these trees and vines and felt a shadow in his heart. He almost wanted to jump away like an electric shock. There was no way. Before, the vines were entangled with him and the sinking tree cut his skin open almost to death. The memory is too deep. Abe Hana's face was pale, and a figure gradually appeared on the other side. A shikigami in white was pierced by an arrow in his place, and quickly disappeared.

Abe Hana does not know how to use stand-in dolls. This shikigami is not an ordinary shikigami, but a family shikigami raised with the blood of his heart. It is not usually summoned, and only appears when life is threatened. Although Shi's arrow didn't pass through his heart, it still made him spit out a mouthful of blood from his vital energy, and with a white fan in his hand, two dog ghosts made strange calls and rushed towards Shen Chi's direction!

Mingyue sneered, "Small tricks!" The exorcism talisman in her hand shined brightly. Dogs and ghosts are monsters. I am most afraid of this kind of Taoist exorcism power. Zong compared.

However, Abe Hana cut his arm with a dagger, murmured words, and his eyes flashed red. He was forced to the last moment and had no choice but to use the technique of blood sacrifice at the risk of being backlashed by dog ghosts.

Suddenly, the whole forest was filled with gloomy winds, and the two dog ghosts instantly turned into black, huge, hideous and terrifying monsters with two heads!

Shen Chi was surprised, whoops, elite monsters!

But it's like a level 90 game character meets an elite monster at level 80, not to mention he's not alone, this is a team fight against monsters, it's just a group fight, these two puppies look too scary What's the use, it's just scaring people.

Shen Liumu rescued Ji Ying, Miura Tsubasa was caught when he was cutting vines frantically, and after he and Abe Hana were caught, they moved immediately without stopping. When Ichiro Imai got the news, they had already entered the deep mountains.

"Crack!" Ichiro Imai slapped the table angrily, "What? His Royal Highness Prince Yiren was taken away?! You useless bastards!"

"Deputy Captain, what shall we do now?"

"What can I do, chase!"

"Didn't you withdraw?"

Imai Ichiro said coldly: "The life of His Royal Highness Yiren is more important than all of you combined. Don't you know that he is one of the only two remaining members of the royal family in our Great Japanese Empire? His Royal Highness Prince Hanako only According to the words of the Prime Minister, the only thing the General can rely on is His Royal Highness Yiren."

The Emperor's family was only a symbol of Japan in the peaceful era. In the end of the world, the people's hearts and morals collapsed, and the Emperor's family was better utilized. As the pillar of faith for the whole nation, their role was even greater than in the peaceful era, but the Emperor's family is used to being pampered. , the end of the world is approaching, Japan is an island country, and disasters occur frequently. After a few years, the members of the royal family who did not have supernatural powers gradually died, leaving only Prince Miura Tsubasa and Prince Akikamiya Hanakochi. Of course, this kind of death There are natural factors in it, and there are also two factions in Japan who are now fighting secretly. The surviving Yiren and Huazi are all supernatural beings, and they were pushed out as the core of the two factions.

"Your Excellency, the Admiral, shouldn't have allowed His Highness Prince Yiren to come to China!" Imai Ichiro said angrily, but he knew that compared to Japan, which was full of worries, it was actually a waste of time for the Admiral to send His Highness the Prince to China. For his safety considerations, at the time it seemed that China was safer than Japan.

Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness Yiren actually fell into the hands of the Chinese!

On the other side, Wu Yu was relieved when he heard the report that the Japanese were catching up, "Now we just want to hold them back and wait for the support of the large army."

It is definitely not a beautiful thing to drag the tail of 25,000 people behind. People with supernatural powers will also be tired. After losing their supernatural powers, they are no different from ordinary people. They are definitely not as good as these Soldiers who are much more durable in physical strength and energy.

"Cousin, change into this dress." They went to a mountain valley for a short rest, and members of the three assault teams deployed defenses and patrols around the perimeter to wipe out the traces of the tail. .

Ji Ying took off her blood-stained clothes, Ji Jia looked at the mottled marks on her body, and slightly lowered her eyes.

The trauma has been healed by Shen Liumu, but he can only heal the wound, but not remove the blood stasis, so these marks remain, and there are some scars that have healed and scarred a long time ago. Scars would be left, and her fair skin made those scars even more hideous.

"Is it scary?" Ji Ying said lightly.

Ji Jia shook his head.

Ji Ying glanced at Miura Tsubasa who was downcast not far away, "When he is in a bad mood, he likes to beat people with a whip. At the beginning, I couldn't bear the pain, but later, when he beat me, I could And showing him an admiring smile... Ji Jia, I really hate you."

Ji Jia remained silent.

"Although uncle and aunt died early, you have supernatural powers, you can live so cleanly and easily, how unfair, you are such a stupid girl, you can live so well, but I want Struggling and enduring the pain to survive.” Ji Ying’s tone was very light, “So I don’t like you at all, and you don’t ask me if I want to be with you if I leave here, I’m afraid that one day I’ll see you Will be so jealous that I want to kill you."


"Listen to me." Ji Ying looked at her, "I think if I want to kill you, no matter how powerful you are, you will die in my hands, because you are so easy to deceive, Ji Jia. So, from From now on, you stay away from me, do you hear?"

Ji Jia's eyes slowly turned red.

"I originally wanted to live by you." Ji Ying said lightly, "After all, I just want to live. You are stupid, stupid and easy to cheat. You will support me almost without giving anything, but with you Those three people who are together are not easy to mess with. Most of the people who can scare Miura Tsubasa like this are also mentally ill. Ji Jia, you have to be careful, anyway, I don’t want to get close to this kind of person anymore , I would rather live a bit harder and stay with ordinary people, otherwise I feel that I will become abnormal."

Then, Ji Jia watched Ji Ying slowly walk towards Wu Yu, and after only saying a few words, Wu Yu's ears gradually turned red, and she didn't look like the calm and serious officer before.

Ji Ying is really beautiful, and she is more proficient in pleasing men. In peaceful times, such a woman would never make any female compatriots have any favors. Not to mention, this is what men do. Men and women are often not the same kind of creatures.

For example, Ji Jia didn't understand why that Wei Ning could say such things, it was really... so amazing! Compared with him, my cousin's little tricks are nothing short of pediatrics, okay...

After less than a quarter of an hour of rest, a commando rushed over, "The Japanese are coming!"

"What's the matter, no matter how we go around or cover, they can always find the right direction." Wu Yu felt something was wrong.

Shen Chi glanced at the red dot on the map, "It's very simple, there are people with this ability among them."

"It's too dangerous for them to keep chasing us." said a tall and stable supernatural being, the leader of a very good supernatural team.

What was chasing behind was not Little Tail, but a troop of 25,000 people, including supernatural beings, but they only had more than 300 people, and most of the supernatural beings fought against 5,000 soldiers because of the first battle. And tried my best, and now I am in a state of fatigue.

Wu Yu frowned and gritted his teeth, "Let's go! I'll contact the colonel."

They had no choice but to quickly go deep into the mountain forest. Fortunately, there was Shen Liumu, a fourth-level wood-type supernatural being, who could continue to cause trouble for the Japanese soldiers in the rear, otherwise they might have been chased by them long ago.

"When will the reinforcements arrive?"


Wu Yu looked at the tired supernatural beings behind him, and said decisively: "Let's divide into groups and take the captives back first!"

"I'm afraid it won't work at all." Ji Ying said suddenly.

Everyone looked at her, and Ji Ying looked at Tsubasa Miura, who was not far away, who was listless, "I am afraid that the Japanese are following him. If you want to take him down the mountain, the Japanese will chase him."

"What if we bring him back to Beijing quickly?" Shen Chi said suddenly.

Ji Ying looked over in surprise, "How fast is it?"

Ji Jia whistled, and Xiao Yun ran over from the forest and flicked her tail, "Why don't we send him and Abe Hana to Beijing first."

Wu Yu nodded emphatically, "This method is very good. As soon as he leaves, the Japanese will lose their target and can no longer chase after us. The colonel said that the defense has been completed at the foot of the mountain, and we will strive to catch all these Japanese. "

Xiaoyun's interior space is not big, Shen Chi and the others didn't have such good intentions to stuff the two Japanese inside, they just let Ji Ying go in to rest, no one knows Miura Tsubasa and Abe Hana better than her, she needs to go to Beijing The superior explained the situation, she occupied Ji Jia and Mingyue's bed, Ji Jia and Mingyue could only sit side by side on the other side, anyway, they were not sleeping when they came in, Shen Chi and Shen Liumu were just sitting, Shen Liumu tied Miura Tsubasa and Miura Tsubasa with rattan Abe Huanai was tightly tied to Xiao Yun's body. In order to prevent them from doing anything more, a powerful supernatural person directly "clicked" several times and dislocated their limbs, and gave his mouth When it was blocked, there were four more Shen Chi watching, making sure nothing would go wrong.

Xiaoyun ran at full speed, the speed was quite fast, faster than any other car, especially in the mountains and forests. After a while, the Japanese soldiers almost lost their target.

Imai Ichiro's face was extremely ugly, "What do you mean by losing your target?"

"It's more than a hundred kilometers away from here..."

"Are you kidding me! How long has it been? It's more than a hundred kilometers?" Imai Ichiro's saliva was about to spray on the face of the supernatural being.

The supernatural person's face was not good-looking, "How do I know! In short, it's more than a hundred kilometers away, and it's hard for me to locate his location. The direction should be to Beijing."

Imai Ichiro cursed several times viciously, "Why are you still standing there, quickly get the army ready to go, retreat, retreat! A bunch of useless things!"

It happened to be one or two o'clock in the afternoon when Shen Chi and the others left. The two strapped to Xiaoyun's back were enjoying the scorching sun and the endless pain caused by the dislocation of their limbs during the vibration. It was like death.

It would take fifteen or sixteen hours to drive from Zhejiang to Beijing, but under Xiaoyun's full speed, it took less than ten hours to reach Beijing in the middle of the night.

Nie Ping had already arranged for people to respond, and soon Miura Tsubasa, Abe Hana, including Ji Ying were all taken away by the military, and Shen Chi and the others were even able to return to the small courtyard in Beijing to take a nap for a few hours in the middle of the night .

It wasn't until five days later that the rest of the supernatural beings returned to Beijing one after another, but Nie Ping hadn't come back yet. It seemed that the Japanese army was quite tenacious and could not be completely wiped out in a short while.

In just five days, Shen Chi had already felt the whole building of Lei Ting clearly, it was no different from the place in his previous life, except that the label on the door of the room that originally belonged to him read "Wei Ning", Shen Chi looked at the opposite room that originally belonged to Wei Ning. It was the room with the best view and the best lighting in the whole building, but it was empty and no one lived there.

Before Wei Ning came back, he had already made all the preparations, just waiting for the man to fall into the net and let himself be strangled slowly, slowly.

Wei Ning gave him a sense of urgency, and Shen Chi hated him deeply. If he met Wei Ning in the two years of his rebirth, he would definitely not let Wei Ning die so quickly. He died after betraying the pain of being hurt, but now, he just wanted to torture him to death happily, and then return to a peaceful life.

——Wei Ning is also a reborn person. Shen Chi is not afraid of him, but he knows that Wei Ning is a lunatic. He doesn't want to procrastinate and cause consequences that he regrets. He is not afraid of Wei Ning, but he is afraid that Wei Ning will hurt Liumu, Jiajia and Mingyue .

Now in his heart, Wei Ning is not the most important person, whether it is love or hate, he simply wants him to die.

I want to stab him in the heart with a knife and kill him!

Who knows, before he could find Wei Ning, Wei Ning came to his door.

The night was dark, Shen Chi opened his eyes, and Wei Ning gently rolled in from the window.

Shen Chi looked at him.

In the darkness, Wei Ning smiled softly, "I know the darkness has no effect on your vision."

Shen Chi looked at him, "...are you crazy?" He grabbed the receiver with his right hand, while his left hand reached for the dagger under the pillow.

Wei Ning wears a tight black T-shirt and trousers. He took off his top to reveal his fit and fair upper body. His body is beautiful. Before the end of the world, he was a soldier and never stopped exercising, so the lines of his body are very beautiful, not refined. She looks thin, but every inch of her skin is full of strength and firmness.

He went to unbutton his trousers. Shen Chi looked at the little tent he had erected, and his whole body froze. Damn, this guy's head was caught by the door, right? !

"Shen Chi, come fuck me."

Shen Chi: "..." I'll probably kill you! He stood up, the dagger half hidden behind his back.

Just at this time, an extremely sober voice came: "Dad."

The boy standing at the door hugged the pillow, his hair was slightly messed up, and his expression was inexplicable.

In this courtyard, Shen Chi tidied up the four bedrooms, but Shen Liumu was unwilling to sleep in separate rooms with Shen Chi from the very beginning. Shen Chi went to bed.

This day is no exception.

Shen Chi felt his forehead jump up.

What the hell is this!