Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 51: Ruined Thunder


Even the city of Beijing in the last days is not about to be bombed. It is still the political center of China. Although it is extremely difficult to develop the economy in the last days, Beijing has been quite prosperous in these years, so when there is an explosion, it will cause a sensation. There are so many people.

Shen Chi was lucky. When he chose his residence, he chose this courtyard house because it was close to Lei Ting's stronghold, and because it was quiet and quiet with few neighbors.

This kind of courtyard is a very unpopular place to live in the last days. The last days are not as peaceful as they are. There is not so much money and so much leisure. It is impossible for many teams of supernatural beings to live in such a small place. There are also celibate mercenaries. These people have arrived In the last days, they are still called mercenaries. Most of them are alone, and they also take on tasks and work for various forces, but they can’t afford such a big place. Even some capable people with good abilities resettle their families, and most of them are placed in safe houses. In a high guarded building.

So when Shen Chi chose this place, the left and right sides were empty, no one lived at all, every inch of land here was expensive, even the outskirts of Beijing were crowded with people, but this place was so deserted.

However, being deserted also has its benefits. In the past few years, a family lived next door, but this night happened to be away, so when Shen Chi's courtyard was completely blown up, there were almost no other casualties, only the people nearby. They were all frightened to varying degrees.

In the last days, people's acceptance of this kind of danger is much higher than in peaceful times. When an explosion happened suddenly, not many people panicked. The night in Beijing was still quite calm and did not cause riots.

Soon someone rushed to the scene, there were people with water ability, ice ability and earth ability, and it was a matter of minutes to put out the fire.

"Are there any survivors?"

"Not found yet."

"Who is registered to live in this area?"

"The news from the General Affairs Office is that there is a society called 'Yun' with only four members. Oh, they have just made great contributions in smashing the Zhejiang Temi military operation plan."

"The residence was bombed just after making great contributions?"

The leader happens to be a direct line officer of the Nie family. Although he is only in charge of public security in Beijing, his authority is not small. This person is surnamed Chen and ranks as a major. He is somewhat related to Nie Ping, so he has some knowledge of what happened in Zhejiang. It can't be said that he thought too much, you know, the incident in Zhejiang was a bit too big, and the upper echelon in Beijing was alarmed. Nie Ping made great contributions to this incident, and he was about to be promoted. No matter how you look at it, it is a bit subtle that the residence of the hero of the news was blown up.

"Report sir, there is a survivor!"

Major Chen hurriedly said, "Take me to have a look."

Even if he survived such a violent explosion, it would not be much lighter. When everyone dug him out of the ruins, one of his legs was completely broken. It was still intact, but half of his face was ruined, and his whole body was horrible, but it didn't seem to be caused by the explosion, because there was a faint layer of thunder covering his body, and the explosion did not blow him into charred black, but was dripping with blood It was as if his whole body had been cut with a knife.

"Major! This person—is not one of the few people who live here." Someone immediately compared his identity, "He is Wei Ning from 'Thunder'!"

Major Chen frowned and said, "Go and inform the 'Thunder' people, why is he here..." While wondering, he glanced at the thing in Wei Ning's hand, "Huh?"

It's like a remote control, but who would be stupid enough to blow themselves up like this

"Ah!" A young soldier who stepped forward suddenly exclaimed, and Major Chen hurriedly took another step forward. Looking at it so carefully, he was really shocked.

It turns out that Wei Ning's body is not only dripping with blood, but something is entangled with it. It doesn't even look like it has been strangled into the flesh, but grows out of the flesh, thin light yellow vines Not noticeable in blood.

"Major, this seems to be... Cuscuta?" a soldier hesitated before saying.

Just as Major Chen was about to answer, the communicator on his body rang. After connecting to the message, his face sank after hearing two sentences. He glanced at Wei Ning, who was covered in blood, "This matter is beyond our control. Take him away!" After a pause, he said, "Find a doctor to show him." There was already a bit of disgust in his tone.

Wei Ning, who was in a coma, didn't know what happened at this time, let alone Shen Chi would use his tricks to completely sink him into the abyss and never climb out again.

At this time, Shen Chi was standing in a dark alley not far away, his eyes flickering, looking at the unsettled battlefield opposite. Ji Jia with a fair face raised her head and lowered her voice, "Uncle Shen."

"How about Liumu and Mingyue?" Shen Chi turned his head and asked.

Ji Jia shook her head and said with some frustration, "I haven't woken up yet."

"What on earth do you want!" The man who spoke was a man with an ordinary face. No one could have imagined that he would be Wei Ning's elder brother. He has no features at all, ordinary facial features and ordinary features, and he won't be too noticeable in the crowd, but the cold and serious expression makes him a bit strange.

"Don't you know how to listen yourself?" Shen Chi looked at him with a half-smile.

The man's face had become extremely pale. If eyes could kill people, Shen Chi would have been killed countless times by him, but after all, he couldn't. Even Wei Ping was not a supernatural being, but just an ordinary person.

When the explosion happened, Shen Chi thought of a new plan in the blink of an eye.

At that time, Shen Liumu and Mingyue both had explosive hand speed, and the abilities were released crazily. When Ji Jia dragged Mingyue and Shen Chi to hold Shen Liumu and ran out of the ruins, they fell into a coma, and Shen Liumu was killed by Shen Chi He was protected by death, but he was not injured. Shen Chi was seriously injured, but he just meditated for a while, and it was fine. Even though there was still pain in his body, he was used to it, so it didn't affect much. After killing Ji Jia, his arm was broken, and Shen Chi gave him a simple treatment.

On Shen Chi's body was a distress letter from Ji Ying, which he had just received that afternoon. Nie Ping withdrew with a large force, but he did not completely wipe out the remnants of the Japanese. There are many mountains and forests in Zhejiang, so it is not an easy task to completely wipe out them. Instead, they surrendered, and then, the upper echelons of Beijing made a private deal with Japan. The content of the deal is unknown, only that when Nie Ping returned to Beijing, he brought a team of Japanese with him. Back to Miura Tsubasa.

Ji Ying got the news, because the most important point in the transaction was that Beijing wanted to let Miura Tsubasa go back. Miura Tsubasa gritted his teeth at Ji Ying who "betrayed" him, and demanded that the Japanese side must take Ji Ying back with him.

The change in the situation made Ji Ying have to ask Shen Chi for help. Shen Chi knew that even if Ji Ying, an ordinary person, made a lot of contributions in this matter and contributed to the country, she would most likely be punished by those upper-level politicians. For those who sacrificed, the military may still speak morally, but politicians don't. They only care about interests. Ji Ying's identity is inherently embarrassing, and she can't disclose her meritorious service. It is not too difficult to erase her. She was able to send this letter, which already made Shen Chi admire her EQ skills very much, but before Shen Chi could find Nie Ping, Wei Ning's night attack happened to kill her.

Shen Chi did not delete Miura Tsubasa from the focus list, in fact Shen Liumu still had a small seed in his body.

So he knew that Miura Tsubasa was currently in the embassy not far away, and was protected as a key person. Before the transaction was carried out, he could be said to be a very important exchange item.

There is a dedicated communicator between Thunder members. Ji Jia has a magical puppet parrot that can imitate anyone's voice. She has never heard that person's voice, but Shen Chi has. After fine-tuning it a few times, it is almost similar . Moreover, after catching himself, it was completely the same. There is no doubt about Shen Chi's familiarity with Lei Ting, he even knows all Lei Ting's code words and contact signals, even in this life, these have not changed at all.

Wei Ning was clearly in the ruins, and Shen Chi regretted that the schedule was too tight for him to dig Wei Ning out of the ruins and stab him in the heart, but it didn't matter. , enjoy the days of vomiting blood until death! What's more, this plan will let him taste what it means to be truly indisputable, and Shen Chi is suddenly reluctant to let him die so soon.

The explosion occurred at 12:37 in the middle of the night.

At 12:41, Shen Late arrived at the Leiting stronghold.

At 12:47, he stole the communicator and issued the highest-level confidential order, using the coded command exclusively for Wei Ning’s brother Wei Ping. As the manager of Lei Ting, he has the same highest level of authority as Wei Ning.

At 12:59, Major Chen led the team, and the military arrived at the explosion site.

At 1:03, Shen Chi caught Wei Ping, who was sound asleep, and took him away from Leiting's stronghold.

At 1:07, Thunder Elite members attacked the embassy less than a kilometer from their stronghold.

At 1:09, Wei Ning was found in the ruins.

Time is so tight that there is no waste of time. The main members of Lei Ting are all quite powerful supernatural beings. Shen Chi looked at the familiar faces and the "brothers" in the past, just watched silently, and then Giving orders one by one through Ji Jia's puppet, the instructions are extremely clear, completely in Wei Ping's style, and they know their elite members like the back of their hands, and it's not like the people inside Thunderbolt can't do this at all.

He watched Leiting's members rob Miura Tsubasa, and watched the wind-type supernatural being Bai Pengze take him away quickly. The alarm was sounded, the military quickly dispatched, and half of Leiting's people were arrested.

Miura Tsubasa was successfully sent out of the city, the military's reaction was extremely fast, and immediately detained the Japanese team that came to Beijing to negotiate a deal.

Shen Chi squeezed the communicator in his hand and said softly, "It's over."

"What about Miura Tsubasa?" Ji Jia frowned, "Is this how he should be allowed to escape?"

"How is it possible." Shen Chi shook his head, "Don't underestimate those people in the military, Lei Ting's people can't fight them." He knew very well where Lei Ting's limit was.

Ji Jia looked at the embassy building, "Is my cousin okay?"

"Well, when something like this happened, the Japanese and Lei Ting's people couldn't argue with it, and the Japanese would never have the face to make any other demands." Shen Chi said with certainty.

Wei Ping's face was pale, " you know what you are doing?"

"Of course I know." Shen Chi looked at him, even smiled, and answered him affirmatively, "Destroy Thunder."

"Why!" Wei Ping was about to gnash his teeth. You know, he even spent more effort on Lei Ting than Wei Ning. It was almost him who devoted himself to developing it step by step without sleeping and eating!

Shen Chi looked at him calmly, "When you abandoned Chi Le, did you tell him why? When you abandoned Li Yirong, did you tell her why? When you abandoned Wei Jian, did you tell him why? You abandoned Xu Chunyu When you were with Xu An, did you tell them why? Even—when you abandoned Guo Ning, you didn't tell her why!"

Every time Shen Chi uttered a name, Wei Ping's face became ugly, and gradually his whole body trembled violently.

"I know that there is only one reason for you. They can no longer bring you greater benefits, so they can only die."

Just like himself in his previous life, Wei Ping will always consciously choose the side with greater interests, without hesitation.

Shen Chi clasped his neck, "Have you ever imagined that there will be such a day? If you die for no apparent reason, Lei Ting's people will think that you ruined Lei Ting, and will hate you and Wei Ning's 'betrayal'. After tonight, The two of you brothers betrayed each other, and the thunder disappeared, isn't that a good ending?"

" lunatic..." Wei Ping's face was flushed red, almost suffocating, but he still spit out these five words.

Shen Chi shook his head, "No, you are wrong, I am not as crazy as you and Wei Ning, you are the lunatics, I will never understand what is going on in your mind, but I know what I want to do .”

"Destroy you, ruin Thunder."

Ji Jia watched quietly, but Shen Chi looked at her, "Jia Jia, bring Liumu and Mingyue to the alley and wait for me."

"Okay." Ji Jia has always been obedient and obedient.

Shen Chi turned his head, "Don't worry Wei Ping, I won't kill you."

Before Wei Ping could breathe a sigh of relief, Shen Chi pinched his jaw, and the dagger in Shen Chi's hand flashed coldly. Wei Ping almost passed out from the pain, and then realized that a small half of his tongue had been cut off! I don't know what was stuffed into the throat, and the throat felt like it was on fire, and the pain was severe.

"I cut your tongue, ruined your voice and your face."

"Then, blind your eyes."

"Then, crush the bones of your feet."

"And then, the hand bones."

"If you step on it and smash it into pieces, things like bones won't grow well if they are broken into pieces like this."

"Now, you are penniless, you can't see, you are ugly like a ghost, and you can't speak, but you can hear clearly with only one pair of ears. Wei Ping, you who have always been pampered and obsessed with cleanliness, how can you do this?" How many days can I live like this?"

Shen Chi's voice has a gentleness that makes people feel like a spring breeze, but it makes Wei Ping tremble, as if falling into an abyss, the pain in his body is far less than the chill gushing out of his heart.

This is called life is better than death.

Abandoning Wei Ping, who was as silent as a dead dog, Shen Chi walked towards the direction where Ji Jia was, towards a new tomorrow. Wei Ping was dead, Thunder was destroyed, and Wei Ning would not survive this summer. With the reputation of betraying his brother, the military must treat him well. Maybe he is not so easy to die, and it would be nice to suffer more, and there is nothing wrong with it.

No matter how long he lingered, the ending would be a dead word anyway.

The great revenge has been reported.

Shen Chi's mood was extremely calm, he carried Mingyue on his back and picked up Shen Liumu, leading Ji Jia to a new tomorrow.