Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 57: Love poison


Shen Chi is not good at any political balance tricks, nor can he play high-end tactics. All he knows are simple and crude methods. Japan has plans for China, and when he has no skills, of course he can't play other tricks To put it bluntly, it's just killing people, but it's about killing the right person.

Liu Minghui is an undercover agent. In fact, he is not suitable for undercover work, because he is too good-looking, and it is easy to cause trouble if he is too good-looking. Whether it is an undercover agent or a spy, or someone who looks ordinary and makes people forget at a glance is the best of.

Just because he is good-looking, it is not completely useless. For example, His Royal Highness Ji Zi is very interesting to him.

There are only two survivors left in the Japanese imperial family, one is Tsubasa Miura and the other is Noriko Akiga. Tsubasa is older and male, so logically speaking, he is much more legitimate than Kiko, but Kiko's Their identities are different. She is the biological granddaughter of the previous emperor. Even if she is the daughter of the second son, she is more pure-blooded than the collateral line of Yiren. It is because of this particularity that Prime Minister Fujima Eyoshi is able to control Kiko and Miyamoto Nanami. All courts stand against each other.

When the end of the world came, Noriko was just nine years old, and she has just passed her seventeenth birthday. She is just a girl, but she is not a good-tempered girl. To some extent, she has a more violent personality than Miura Tsubasa. More than that, she is a fire-type supernatural being, and if she is in a bad mood, she will burn two servants to death. It's just that Fujima Jiangyi blocked the news to death for her image in the hearts of the people.

From the point of view of abilities, Noriko's abilities are better than those of Miura Tsubasa, which is why she survived, but since her parents died one by one, the dark side of her character has completely dominated, and has always been This is still the case today.

But when she faced Liu Minghui, she was as well-behaved as a real seventeen-year-old girl. Ye Yang was able to be her secretary probably because she liked Liu Minghui.

No matter how bad-tempered a girl is, she will restrain her personality in front of the person she likes. Liu Minghui doesn't want to provoke her because it will easily arouse Fujima Eyoshi's jealousy. He has always wanted his only son Fujima Minichi to marry Noriko. Even if Fujima Minichi is ten years older than Kiko. But Ji Zi didn't care, she only liked Liu Minghui.

"Tomorrow there will be a dust-cleaning banquet. If there are no accidents, Miyamoto Nanami and Fujima Eyoshi will be there."


Liu Minghui looked at Shen Chi and said directly, "I believe you can get in as for the location, but the scene is heavily guarded, there are people with supernatural powers everywhere, and there are some special supernatural people, I just say what I know, There are two onmyojis, and compared to Abe Hana, his uncle Abe Yuto is much more powerful, and the other is Abe Yuto's disciple, who is a very special spiritual power."

"Psychic supernatural powers?"

"It's similar to the sixth sense." Liu Minghui didn't know how to explain it. "In short, she is the type who can warn in advance when she encounters danger. It is useless to pretend to be in front of her. If you want to attack them, The first thing to do is to get rid of her."

And this kind of supernatural ability? Shen Chi has never seen it before, but maybe those big bosses in Beijing also have such strange abilities around them.

"What else?" Ji Jia asked.

Liu Minghui smiled at her, "As far as I know, there was an earth-type superhuman and a gold-type supernatural being in charge of the defense work that day, and there was also a very special shapeshifter. The animal he transformed was a hippopotamus. It is very big, with extremely thick sebum, not only invulnerable to swords and guns, but also hard to hurt by bullets and artillery fire. It is not a problem to protect two people, not to mention that Fujima Jiangyi has a wood-type supernatural being beside him..." He looked at Shen Liumu , "Of course, the rank is not too high, he is just a second-order wood-type supernatural being, but he is very loyal to Fujimae Yoshi, and is willing to save his life when necessary, So, it’s hard to do.”

Mingyue snorted coldly, "You understand quite clearly."

Liu Minghui shook her head, "Not everyone is clear, these are just what I know, and some people I don't know, such as Miyamoto Nanami, I only know that he is also a supernatural power, but I don't know what kind of supernatural power he is , this person is unfathomable, I guess it is not easy to handle, I am not very clear about the other guards, there are people from the cabinet at the scene. There is a major with an evolved dog, very obedient and quite fierce... "

After Liu Minghui babbled a lot, and it was getting dark outside, Shen Chi suddenly said, "What about that Ye Yang?"

Liu Minghui fell silent this time.

Shen Liumu frowned and sneered, "Do you still need to tolerate this kind of person?"

"My suggestion is to send her back to the country." Liu Minghui said calmly, "After all, she is a spy, and I haven't reported the treason. It would be troublesome to just die like this."

Ji Jia sighed, "Did you know she was pregnant?"

"What?" Liu Minghui was surprised.

"It is said that it is the child of Minichi Fujima."

Liu Minghui was thoughtful, and immediately said: "This matter can be used..." and then explained, "Fujima Jiangyi wants Fujima Minichi to marry Akikamiya Noriko."

Shen Chi: "..." Look, this guy is also a black guy in essence!

Ye Yang was anxious at this time, her stomach hurt when her mood fluctuated, and her face turned pale with fright when she blushed a little, she couldn't care about anything on the spot, and went out in the dark.

Because of her haste, she didn't even realize that Liu Minghui was following her.

Ye Yang has no way to tell Fujima Minichi her real identity. Fujima Minichi has a special status. As the secretary of Akikamiya Noriko, Ye Yang has the opportunity to approach him. Once Fujima Minichi knows that she is actually A Chinese spy, let alone with Fujima Minichi, I’m afraid he won’t trust her at all. Most of her end will be a complete mess, so she dare not say it, but when she is uneasy, she still has an intuition Sexually rely on the father of the child in his womb.

"Ye Yang!"

Ye Yang stopped in his tracks and turned his head with fear.

Liu Minghui looked at her calmly, and after two more steps, it was the place where Teng Zhenmin lived. It only took two steps. When Liu Minghui called her Chinese name here, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if As if to pop out of her chest, "Minghui, don't..." There was a look of pleading in her eyes.

"If our identities are exposed, do you think it will be you who die first or I who die first." Liu Minghui smiled slightly, "I have already told Uncle Lai that if anything happens to me, he will treat you as a spy." Put the evidence in the hands of Minichi Fujima, this time the failure of Miyamoto Nanami's plan is said to be a message from you, what do you think of this idea?"

Tears welled up in Ye Yang's eyes, he shook his head in fear, and lowered his voice, "I'm sorry...I'm sorry, Minghui..." She choked up and cried, "I don't know what happened to me just now, please forgive me , Minghui! When you were so young, I have been taking care of you... We are like biological siblings..." If their identities are exposed, she must die first, because no matter how Liu Minghui is, she is a powerful water-type alien. A capable person, but her ability is not suitable for fighting. Liu Minghui is not so easy to die. She almost succeeded in poisoning him before. In fact, there was only one chance. No one knows Liu Minghui better than her. This man is wise Calm, with a gully in his heart, he is different from himself, and he will never be swayed by others. He has no hesitation in making a move, and his heart is much harder than his own. He has already become wary of himself, so he will never There is no second time, and he will not let himself succeed.

However, Liu Minghui had the same status as her own, and she couldn't even use other people's hands to deal with Liu Minghui, otherwise she would be easily exposed. After all, everyone believed that Liu Minghui was her younger brother. Since Liu Minghui said so, Ye Yang believes that he must have evidence to make people believe. The fact that Miura Palace and the others entered China was obviously concealed by him, and it was not the news from her, but he can definitely convince Fujima and the others...

Just thinking about it, Ye Yang couldn't help shivering, she knew how angry Miyamoto Nanami was about this matter.

Warmth card.

She wasn't too stupid, Shen Chi in the dark smiled, but if he read correctly, Liu Minghui was not a soft-hearted person at all.

"Do one thing for me, and I can ignore your behavior just now, but you must promise me that you will follow the arrangement and return to China in three days." Liu Minghui's voice came.

Ye Yang was crying, and after a while he said in a hoarse voice, "Okay."

Looking at the shimmering house, Ye Yang still had no choice but to follow Liu Minghui away step by step. She couldn't take the risk, covering her stomach, she decided to slow down Liu Minghui first.

The next day was Miura Tsubasa's dust-cleaning banquet. The road was too bumpy, and this dust-cleaning banquet was extremely grand. Liu Minghui, who came back with him, was of course qualified to participate. As the secretary of Akikamiya Noriko, Ye Yang was also allowed to participate, not only them, but all the members of the Japanese cabinet, most of the main officers of the military, and the surviving chaebol leaders, all participated in this cleansing banquet. Japan has not had such a grand banquet for a long time. After the end of the world, the quality of life of those at the top of the pyramid did not decrease much, and even worsened because of the collapse of laws and morals, so this banquet was completely luxurious.

Ye Yang got four invitations from Noriko. As a descendant of the Japanese Emperor, Noriko Akikamiya can still make decisions about this matter, especially Ye Yang is Liu Minghui's sister, and she is usually willing to open up to Ye Yang. The door of convenience, taking four invitations is just a trivial matter, and the four Shen Chi that Ye Yang said were cousins of the Hasegawa family in Osaka, her old acquaintances, and they can be regarded as a famous family, but they have been in Osaka before The safe zone, which has only recently come to Saitama.

They just mixed into the banquet so openly.

Ye Yang didn't know the identities of Shen Chi and the others at all. She only thought that Liu Minghui wanted to find out some news and got four spies in. She couldn't guess that these four people were here to kill people.

The format of the banquet is round tables with nameplates written on them one by one. The spacious and luxurious hall is covered with a shiny marble floor, above which is a rather neatly arranged rostrum, decorated with red carpets and velvet curtains, surrounded by decorations There are silver stars, red and white roses arranged in the shape of the Japanese flag, and four pots of blooming flowers are placed at the four corners.

A young man in a tuxedo playing the piano, a beautiful woman in a dress playing a violin, elegant music ringing in his ears, snow-white tablecloths, transparent goblets and exquisite tableware, all waiters in white shirts and black vests, chatting and laughing happily. In this environment, there is no way to make people feel that this is the end of the world.

Is this still the end of the world where zombies are everywhere outside and people are hungry and cold, struggling to survive

The four of Shen Chi were arranged at a table in the corner. Except for the four of them, the other four seemed to be the second and third generations of some kind of family, and they were not keen on socializing. The boy drank the juice from the glass alone, another girl who was about the same age as him was holding a book and reading without looking up, and the other two were just talking in a low voice.

This is exactly in line with Shen Chi's wishes. You must know that among the four of them, only Ji Jia can speak a little Japanese, and the other three will definitely reveal their secrets when they speak.

Looking at the delicacies on the table, not to mention the end of the world, even in peaceful times, they are all worth a lot, but just outside, in Saitama, the current center of Japan, there are still many ordinary people who cannot fill their stomachs , sallow and emaciated like livestock, these Japanese upper classes are still so extravagant, even the young man sitting next to Shen Chi dialed something on the plate, took a bite, then curled his lips and threw it away.

Obviously these foods did not meet his taste, which shows what kind of life he usually leads.

The wine is good wine, and the food is delicious food. At this time, the lights suddenly dimmed, and a beam of lights hit the rostrum. The middle-aged man with half-haired white hair in a suit began to speak. Shen Chi looked at him in surprise. If you guessed correctly, this is the current Prime Minister of Japan, Fujima Eyoshi, but didn't Liu Minghui say that he is just an ordinary person

In his opinion, obviously not.

Shen Chi's way of looking at people is extremely simple, the health value, the health value of a supernatural user is different from that of an ordinary person, this Prime Minister is obviously a third-level supernatural person, not an ordinary person!

Shen Chi didn't understand a word Fujima Jiangyi said, but he winked at Mingyue, and Mingyue nodded slowly.

At this time, the spiritual sense-type Apricot Hirano was accompanying Ye Yang in the bathroom. She was a spiritual-type power user. It's a secret, but fortunately she can't read memories like the one in Beijing, otherwise Ye Yang might not be so natural in front of her. Her undercover identity is the most worrying thing, and what Hirano Xing can detect is only at the moment situation only.

"I'm sorry, Xing, I can only trust you now." Ye Yang stopped vomiting, raised his head and said to Hirano Xing.

Hirano Xing shook her head and sighed. With her eyes closed, she was born blind and couldn't see at all!

"Haven't you told Min Yijun yet?"

Ye Yang was silent for a while before begging, "Wait a few more days, I'm afraid, I'm afraid..."

At this moment, the lights above their heads flickered twice, and suddenly it was pitch black!

A sense of coolness came over, Ye Yang couldn't help shivering, but Hirano Xing's face changed drastically, "No! I have a very bad feeling, Yoko, hurry up! Let's go back to the banquet hall !"

At this time, the banquet hall was also pitch black, and there was a commotion.

"Ah—" I don't know who screamed, and the scene immediately became more chaotic. From time to time, there were sounds of glasses and plates falling on the ground, interspersed with various exclamations, and even screams. No one knew what happened. what happened!

"Quiet!" A voice broke through the air, and then a bright light lit up.

Next to a man in kimono standing next to Fujima Eyoshi, there stood a white shadow with a glowing light all over his body, illuminating a space around him, and this light became brighter and brighter, and the situation in the entire hall gradually became clearer up.

But at this time, most people would rather not see it!

In the middle of the hall, two people were rolling on the ground. They gradually grew fangs and black nails that belonged to zombies. Their eyes shrank and turned into small red dots—

This is corpse!

And some so-called high-class people who are not supernatural beings look at the scratches on their bodies with endless despair on their faces.

After ordinary people are attacked by zombies, the time it takes to turn into corpses is uncertain. Those two are obviously the ones with the shortest time to turn into corpses, and the rest of these people will not slow down much, as long as they are ordinary people and are caught by zombies. If you are bitten, you cannot escape this fate.

Immediately, with the light emitted by that onmyoji Abe Yuto's shikigami, the scene became even more chaotic, no matter how hard it was, it couldn't be suppressed.

At this time, a faint light flashed in the long and narrow eyes of a middle-aged man near the rostrum. His body was a little swollen, and his face was overwhelmed with alcohol, "Don't worry, Your Excellency, my poison can temporarily suppress their corpses." speed of transformation."

The pink smoke filled the air, carrying a strange sweet fragrance.

"Be careful of that poisonous person." Liu Minghui's voice drifted past their ears, "...I seem to have forgotten to tell you that his best poison technique is poison charm..."

Shen Chi: "..."

Meidu Nimei! There is nothing good in Little Japan! This thing is only good at Japanese poisonous abilities!

Besides, I bet Liu Minghui that you must have done it on purpose!

"... Love Poison?" Ji Jia blinked suspiciously.

With a sullen face, Mingyue grabbed her hand, "Don't be afraid!"

"Do you know what kind of poison this is?" Ji Jia looked at him.

Children who have not experienced the influence of the information network in the peaceful era obviously do not know what this word means.

As for the bright moon—

"I don't know!" He said confidently, he only knows about corpse poison, what is love poison!

Shen Chi: "..." Damn it, I didn't know you were going to grab Jiajia's hand, this godlike intuition!