Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 60: Exotic land


After breakfast, Shen Chi felt that he almost choked to death on the cake he made.

Regarding the growth of minors in the last days, there is really a problem... This is not a problem of broken three views, but that they grew up in this environment without systematic education, so they don't have three views at all!

The weather at sea is unpredictable, but the bottom of the sea is always calm and safe. Shen Chi didn't want to go anywhere in particular. He let Qingqing float in the sea, and took his three children to the surface of the water every day to hunt and kill evolved sea beasts, because Shen Chi could easily lock onto the red Name, judging the strength of the opponent based on the size of the red dot, not only avoiding the most dangerous animals, but also hunting all kinds of sea beasts within their ability to obtain Yuanjing, because the small amount of E-level Yuanjing stored in Japan is what? If it is not enough, there are also dead animals on the bottom of the sea. The puppet made of Abe Huanai's eyes played a great role. It is poured directly with the blood of sea beasts, and it can also upgrade the dead animals. It is just the evolution of sea beasts. Blood is better.

What surprised them even more was Minichi Fujima's eyes. He was gouged out by Ji Jia, but before he had time to show his abilities, Ji Jia soon discovered that Minichi Fujima's abilities were amazing. , not in combat, it belongs to the category of special abilities, that is language proficiency! After the end of the world, Fujima Minichi, who was originally proficient in three languages, directly acquired the ability to be proficient in various languages. This ability is most suitable for spy personnel, but he is the only son of Fujimae Yoshi, and Fujimae Yoshitoshi is of course reluctant He went to other countries as a dangerous undercover agent, which actually made this ability go to waste.

Therefore, another one was added to Ji Jia's puppet sequence. So far, Ji Jia's main puppets are the aggressive Rhubarb, Little Yellow and Little Fire. Rhubarb is the eyes of Zhang Kaiyi, who was first installed, pure power Type, Xiao Huang is a puppet with "hair" that can turn into a giant python. Ji Jia doesn't use it very much now, and the auxiliary type Xiao Hei is the ability of the voice department. Whether it is singing or violin, it is a big killer. Ji Jia Jia always puts it on a black gothic lace dress, and it is the most beautiful of the dolls. Xiao Huo is the biggest puppet, with wings that can fly, and the power type is also quite fierce fire power.

The newly acquired puppet wears white clothes, and is called Xiaobai by Ji Jia. It has the eyes of Abe Hana, and is slightly smaller than other puppets. The last one is the puppet doll made with the eyes of Minichi Fujima. In fact, It can no longer be regarded as a puppet, because it is not made of wood. When Ji Jia broke through to the fifth level, he can already use other materials, so this doll is more special than other dolls—

It is made of fish bones, its body is as white as jade, it is small in size, and its eyes are even bigger and more energetic, because they are human eyes after all. Fortunately, Fujima Minichi's eyes are not big, and he lives in such a place. Only a doll can have a pair of big round eyes.

"This is a small fish." Ji Jia smiled and put it on his shoulder.

In addition to these dolls, she also has a bunch of animal puppets, including Qingqing, the biggest one they have now.

They have a moving paradise, floating in the quiet and peaceful Pacific Ocean.

Such days almost made Shen Chi forget the passage of time. If Shen Liumu, who was in heat from time to time, was ignored, life would still be beautiful. He seemed to let himself get used to it on purpose. Looking at him with those eyes that almost drowned him, it was a look that was hard to refuse. Shen Chi was very passive and slow in emotion, while Shen Liumu was naked like a beast that obeyed his instincts, over and over again. Say you love him, say it directly if you want to have sex, kiss him with a strong sense of aggression, and moan and pant without hesitation when you are emotional.

In Shen Liumu's body, there is no trace of reservation, shyness and introversion. He just spread his feelings and desires in front of Shen Chi, no matter whether he shrinks back, is unhappy or angry, Shen Liumu will not be sorry So moved, he loves Shen Chi so passionately and intensely.

And every time Shen Chi was aroused by him, Shen Liumu would be very happy to help him solve it. Every time Shen Chi thought of Shen Liumu's erotic expression and voice when he was lying on his lower body to release him, he wished that he would never see Shen Liumu again. Driftwood!

Among the four people in this place, he seems to be the only one who feels ashamed. This feeling makes Shen Chi feel bad. The worst part is that he can't come up with any reason to dissuade Shen Liumu from such behavior. , this dead child hasn't called himself daddy for a while, and called daddy with that look and voice when he licked his bottom—

Shen Chi would rather he didn't bark!

Where the hell did he learn this, don't tell him it's Shen Liumu's instinct!

Shen Chi doesn't believe that Shen Liumu's natural sex skill tree is full!

The weather gradually turned cold again. I don't know how long I have been floating on the sea. It was astonishingly cold outside, but the sea was not frozen, and the world under the water was still lively.

It wasn't until the weather turned cold and hot that the driftwood in Shen Chi's eyes grew a little higher, and they finally saw the port not far away.

They didn't deliberately control Qingqing's direction of travel. Most of the time, they just drifted with the tide. They also saw islands several times. Based on the feelings of those islands, after the end of the world, many ports have been submerged by sea water, and this port is no exception, but now that the sea water is at low tide, its former prosperity can be vaguely seen.

Looking at the huge crooked billboard in the distance, Shen Chi frowned, "This seems to be—America?"

"America?" As children who have learned a short history from a history teacher, their impressions of the United States are limited to those in books. After the apocalypse, they read a part of it from books and newspapers. Their lives must not be like children in peaceful times. They are so familiar with this country that wants to be the boss.

With both feet on the ground, the weather was scorchingly hot, and Shen Chi saw zombies wandering the streets from afar, and he also smelled an absolutely unpleasant stench from his nose.

Shen Chi remembered that in two or three years, there would be another exchange between the United States and China. A modified aircraft could withstand the current severe weather conditions and cross hurricanes that were absolutely impossible to fly in peacetime. It is the reason why human beings are at the top of the food chain. At that time, the Americans discovered that their top supernatural beings were much less than those in China. kind of message. The reason is actually not complicated at all. The United States is a country that allows the possession of guns. Although not all states allow guns, it is different from China and other countries that have bans on guns. It is possible to rely on this lethal weapon born of modern technology.

In China, human beings are struggling to survive. Many people have evolved in the face of adversity. After evolution, the constant battles with zombies and the absorption of Yuanjing have gradually improved their abilities. Military weapons are still in the hands of In the hands of the military, ordinary people simply cannot hold it.

It is completely different in the United States. People rely on guns and weapons, and the possibility of surviving at the beginning is greatly increased. Gradually, they become dependent on guns. Many private individuals began to manufacture various guns and ammunition to fight against zombies, just like many American films and As in the movie, most Americans will not use their powerful bodies and abilities to defeat zombies, but rely on their incomparably accurate marksmanship and zombies can never kill him, but he survived to the end with the luck of hitting a zombie with one shot, and they even I like to use ordinary people as protagonists, and in the early days of the end of the world, ordinary people in the United States are the real protagonists, and to some extent, some superhumans died early under the guns of ordinary people—

Abilities also gradually become stronger through development. For example, first-order natural-type abilities can't fight against ordinary people with guns.

Such a fact has a serious consequence, that is, it inhibits the growth of supernatural beings who have evolved. The United States is by no means a paradise for supernatural beings to grow. Zombies, the tide of zombies has not decreased, but because ordinary people are fighting on the front line of zombies, they are constantly being produced. It is not until people discover such things as Yuanjing that they know that supernatural beings should become the main force against zombies. They will not Because of being hurt by zombies, you will become corpses, but you will become stronger because of zombies!

Ordinary people have a numerical advantage, but supernatural beings are getting stronger day by day in the last days. This conclusion alarmed a large number of ordinary people in power.

The United States claims to be the freest country in the world. In fact, this kind of freedom has to be restricted. From their expulsion of Indians, from their serious racial discrimination, we know that they are actually quite xenophobic, so the group of supernatural beings just started It’s just a small number of people who are excluded and expelled by them, which is completely different from other countries. Until now, there is still a gap between the alliance of ordinary people and the alliance of supernatural beings. This is a phenomenon that only exists in the United States, even in China. In Japan, supernatural beings have considerable status in the government, military, etc., and ordinary people can also occupy a place if they have the ability. Only the United States distinguishes supernatural beings from ordinary people so clearly, almost to the point of clear distinction.

After contacting other countries, the United States began to change its attitude and strive to integrate the relationship between the two. However, just as the United States has been trying to change the situation of racial discrimination for so many years, until the two years before the end of the world, there was still a lot of racial discrimination. The situation is the same, the superficial ice has been broken, but the damage and hatred that has been caused is not so easy to eliminate.

Shen Chi looked at the street signs and stared at the English words that he hadn't seen for a long time, feeling quite awkward. They seemed to be able to read them all, but they didn't recognize them when they were put together... Fortunately, there was the almighty little fish.

"Further beyond is San Francisco." Ji Jia said, "Uncle Shen, the feeling here is very different from our country."

Even if they have been to Japan, they have never felt this way before. The reason is that there are such dense zombies. Obviously in non-central urban areas, there are also scattered zombies. A few years after the end of the world, the suburbs of China wandered The zombies have completely disappeared, because they are the best hunting targets for supernatural beings. They are alone and surrounded by open space. Slowly grinding them will also kill them. Therefore, Ji Jia has not seen this scene for a long time. A very different exclamation.

The four of Shen Chi were sitting on Qingqing's back, and it was crawling forward like a toad. It's not too weird to make such a move in the shape of a frog, but when they passed a certain town, two shots directly After hitting Qingqing, Shen Chi became a little unhappy.

It seemed that the bullets were shot from the second floor of the small villa next door. Shen Chi looked up and saw a hairy head, a disheveled hair and a beard. This is a standard thick-haired Westerner, while he Only then did I realize that there were four human beings on the back of that astonishingly large "evolved animal", and they didn't look like the prey of this "evolved animal".

"Hi, we have something to ask you!" The little fish on Ji Jia's shoulder said loudly in standard American English, "Don't worry, it's just a frog made of bamboo!"

Shen Chi and the others waited for a while, then saw the door with several layers of metal plates opened slowly, the bearded man was holding a gun, his eyes were full of vigilance, "What are you doing here! Its territory is not here!"

"Territory?" It was still Xiaoyu who asked back.

Only then did the bearded man realize that it was not these young men with black hair and black eyes who were talking, but a strange doll, and his hairs all stood up, and he muttered: "God, what a bunch of freaks, why did you let them speak?" Come into this world…”

Ji Jia quietly told Shen Chi about this, and Shen Chi raised his eyebrows, "Ask him where 'our territory' should be."

He probably knew that this was an ordinary person, and he felt that there were at least a dozen guns pointing at him and four of them. Unfortunately, neither he nor the three children beside him who had broken through to the fifth-order supernatural ability were all the same. These guns can handle it.

Xiaoyu repeated Shen Chi's meaning a bit, and the bearded man stretched out his hand full of mud between his nails, and pointed in one direction, "Chinatown."

Shen Chi was surprised, he understood the word without a translator, San Francisco's Chinatown.


He did not expect that the stronghold of supernatural beings here is actually in Chinatown. However, from the attitude of this bearded man, it can be seen that even if the top of the United States wants to break the ice between supernatural beings and ordinary people, the situation is not optimistic.

Qingqing's speed was quite fast, and it didn't take long for Shen Chi to see the familiar Chinese characters.

Different from the heavily guarded towns of ordinary people, the environment on this street almost made Shen Chi feel that he had returned to a peaceful age, because there were noise and laughter of children, car horns, and people's conversations. There were even dogs barking. It was more like a normal world than Beijing. There was no one guarding it at all, and no one questioned the people who were not on guard.

But Shen Chi glanced over, which really surprised him, because without exception, all of them were supernatural beings! Not a single ordinary person, including the kid who just ran over—err, flew over...

At this time, of course, they looked at Qingqing curiously, such a big man, it is difficult not to attract attention.

The four of Shen Chi slid off Qingqing's back, and Xiaoyu asked, "Is there anyone in charge here?"

Compared to ordinary people's surprise before, a puppet's words did not make them show the slightest strangeness. An eleven or twelve-year-old blonde girl pointed to a house with red tiles not far away, "Uncle Tang is managing here."

"Thank you." Shen Chi can still speak English. Originally, he just wanted to exchange some rice noodles with the people here, and then continue their journey around the sea. They haven't touched land for too long. The rice noodles they prepared. They have all been consumed, and the three boys and girls are still in their prime, Shen Chi doesn't want their nutrition to be too lacking.

But just seeing this place, Shen Chi liked it very much. He liked this kind of environment full of life.

So, soon he planned to live here for a while.

But at this time, Shen Chi never thought that it was just such a small reason that he knew a secret that he didn't know in his previous life in this remote American land.

About the secrets of the end times.