Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 61: molesting


San Francisco's Chinatown is the largest place in the western United States comparable to New York's Chinatown. There were about 80,000 overseas Chinese living here. Of course, it is impossible after the end of the world. It used to be a sea of zombies. When being pushed out and expelled, Chinatown, a place with complicated streets and good places for Tibetans, became the best hiding place for them, and gradually became a settlement for supernatural beings. This place has become lively again, but it is very different from the past .

It looks very lively, but in fact there are less than 5,000 people living here, and the supernatural beings are not everywhere. Among the 5,000 people, there are some family members and family members of the supernatural beings who are willing to follow them to live here. There are a small number of refugees who request the asylum of supernatural beings. There are probably only about 2,000 real supernatural beings. In the vast western United States, Chinatown in San Francisco is the largest settlement of supernatural beings, but it only has such a large population .

However, 2,000 supernatural beings are already terrifying. The number of supernatural beings in Beijing must exceed this number. However, that is the capital of China. In other safe areas, supernatural beings are far from comparable to this number. Compare.

Because of their special experience, the supernatural beings here are far more united than those in China. The unfair treatment they suffer makes them regard the rest of the supernatural beings as friends, but it is difficult for them to accept ordinary people except their family members. There are a small number of people here Ordinary people who escaped from the disaster, if they want to be sheltered by these supernatural beings, they have to pay a lot of labor and do the lowest physical work here.

In places where there are many supernatural beings, they will not be turned into corpses due to the damage of zombies, and the personal bravery of supernatural beings is much stronger than that of ordinary people, so compared with ordinary people's towns with a depressing atmosphere, there will be such monsters here. Lively life atmosphere.

The little girl's directions were very clear. Standing in front of that very simple Chinese-style building, Shen Chi could hardly feel that this was America, which is far away on the Pacific Ocean.

"Xiaoru said long ago that there would be guests coming today. My lord Tang Manhui, it's really disappointing to welcome the guests." A man who is not too young came out to greet him. He spoke Chinese quite standard. At first glance, he is Chinese. Although his hair is half white, he does not look too old. He has a refined appearance and a graceful bearing. He is wearing a Tang suit with gold patterns on a black background, black trousers, and a pair of simple cloth shoes on his feet.

This is also a fourth-level supernatural user. Shen Chi found that his health was even slightly higher than that of ordinary fourth-level supernatural users, but it was worse than himself and the three fifth-level supernatural beings around him. Just a few.

This person was too polite, but made Shen Chi uncomfortable, "Too polite, I am Shen Chi," and then pointed to the three children one by one, "Shen Liumu, Ji Jia, Mingyue, we are from China. "

"China?" Tang Manhui looked a little surprised, "Did you come across the ocean at this time?" After all, the aircraft that can withstand today's bad weather has not been successfully developed yet.

Shen Chi smiled and pointed to the huge Qingqing, "it floated here from the sea." He didn't say much about the others, such as why he traveled across the ocean from China.

Tang Manhui is a very sophisticated person, and his behavior is reserved for oriental people. Since Shen Chi didn't say anything, he didn't ask, "Welcome, welcome, no matter where you come from, as long as you are a supernatural person, you can use this place." Make it your own home."

"Then what obligation do we have?" Shen Liumu asked, they are not really children who don't know anything about the world, but what they know are the rules of the game in this era.

Tang Manhui laughed, with some meaning, "The United States is a capitalist country, but after the end of the world, it uses a socialist management method. Our place is somewhat similar to China in the 1960s and 1970s. Of course, it is somewhat different. Yes, we are a work-point system. As long as you are a supernatural person, you can live in a house for nothing. Food is distributed, but only the most basic food is distributed. If you want to live better, you have to exchange work points. We are a collective. They have their own uses, let’s use their strengths. Even those who are not good at fighting can still use other methods to accumulate work points. Oh, by the way, we also have to hand over things like Yuanjing for distribution, but C-level The above Yuanjing can choose to exchange for work points, or choose to belong to the individual, this is not mandatory... "

It has to be said that this collective system is the most effective management method in the last days.

Shen Chi didn't talk too much to Tang Manhui, he didn't feel bad about this person, especially he could clearly feel that almost everyone in this place respected him very much, but out of intuition, Shen Chi felt that there was something in him that said no. It's not a simple person, he has too deep thoughts, Shen Chi asked himself that he couldn't understand such a person, and he didn't want to get involved too deeply with such a person. He has nine holes in his heart, and he can't do it in a few lifetimes. so.

Chinatown is still the same Chinatown. China has established safe areas in the suburbs, slowly encroaching on cities full of zombies, but the United States is different. For example, this Chinatown was originally a sea of zombies. Now the zombies have been cleaned up. It was taken back, but there are still wandering zombies everywhere in the suburban town. To take back such a place, the price must be paid, but it looks much more decent than the safe zone in China.

In China, only Beijing is like this.

The house Shen Chi was assigned to was near Tang Manhui's residence. It was on the second floor of a red brick building. The decoration was not too old, even though the outside was in an extremely oriental style and even had wooden carved fences, but the inside The decoration is still very westernized, simple and bright, metal and glass can be seen everywhere, the people who lived in the past estimated that the economic conditions are not bad, and you can move in here after cleaning, and there is hot water. Water consumption is limited, a notice says to save water and electricity, and the number of electricity is limited every day, not only here, but also in all residences.

There used to be 80,000 people living in the entire Chinatown, but now there are only 5,000 people, so there is enough space, and the houses allocated to the four of them are quite spacious, enough for four people to live in, there are three bedrooms, and there is a whole set of furniture. With a large living room with fabric sofas and a modern bathroom, the living environment here is better than the small courtyards in Beijing.

You can see Tang Manhui's residence from the balcony. Similarly, Shen Chi believes that he can also see his side from Tang Manhui.

However, Shen Chi didn't have any opinion on this point, the four of them were not spies, let alone had any ulterior motives, so he could just watch it if he wanted. What he is most satisfied with is that in this Chinatown, there are some scenes that cannot be seen in Beijing. The Shaxian snack downstairs is opened by a real Fujianese. A little work can feed several people. There is a candy store opposite , a lot of candy, it is estimated that the three children around Shen Chi have never even seen each other. Next to the candy store is a cupcake shop. The proprietress who opened the shop is an ordinary person, but her husband is a supernatural person. At that time, he was excluded and expelled by the residents of the whole town, including their relatives, who could not accept that he had turned into a monster—yes, her husband was a shapeshifter, so she accompanied her husband and three children from Seattle A small town moved here and settled down.

Even, Shen Chi saw a thrift store on the corner of the street, which sold some very interesting things.

Tang Manhui said that this is a socialist work point system. In fact, there are still many traces of fundamental differences. In China in the 1960s and 1970s, there were not so many shops.

Moreover, Shen Chi knew in his heart that all the Yuanjing handed in would definitely not be distributed, and the rest, did he just exchange for these materials through a way that others did not know? However, these are not things that Shen Chi cares about. From the respectful eyes of people around Tang Manhui, Shen Chi knows that at least Tang Manhui has the ability to stabilize one party. He likes this kind of environment, so he doesn't hate Tang Manhui.

As long as he doesn't mess with him, Shen Chi is still willing to show him some respect. After all, he is also a very capable Chinese from a foreign country.

But when facing Shen Liumu, Shen Chi said quite seriously: "Tang Manhui can just see us where we live, so be serious with me recently!" Shen Liumu was a little displeased when he made a fuss in this name. Let it go, especially when Shen Chi sleeps on the sofa in the living room at night, three bedrooms are given to three children, Shen Liumu wants to do something, looking at the open balcony and the house opposite the balcony, he can't help feeling a little resentful.

Therefore, Shen Liumu was undoubtedly the one who hated Tang Manhui the most among the four.

Of course, he doesn't mind, so what if people see it, but Shen Chi's skin is too thin, and Shen Liumu thinks that for the sake of future happiness, it's better not to provoke his father too much, so he restrained himself after all. A few minutes, except for blocking Shen Chi in the bathroom twice, it's not much at ordinary times.

He is willing to help Shen Chi release, Shen Chi is quite passive in sexual matters, he is willing to indulge every time he takes the initiative, but even if Shen Chi just solves it with his hands, it is enough to make Shen Liumu fascinated, because he is too Longing for this person, longing for this person so much that he was going crazy, as if he had been poisoned by him, Shen Liumu even thought about whether it was because he loved such a person in his previous life that he could never be satisfied with this person. I never knew I could love someone so much! When he was young, he just relied on him and wanted to monopolize him. After growing up day by day, from the first time he had that kind of dream dimly, there was only one person in the dream, and he knew that his feelings for his father were not to a father.

Until one time, when they were standing by the water, from the corner of Shen Liumu's eyes, Shen Liumu saw his own eyes looking at his father from the reflection on the water surface. That kind of eyes even made him feel scared, but why didn't his father notice it

He didn't look at his father with the eyes of relying on his elders like Ji Jia, but a kind of possessive desire to swallow him up.

As long as he can touch his skin, Shen Liumu can almost reach an orgasm. He even specially understands what two men should do. Of course, he knows that this is not all, but he does not force Shen Chi. This kind of thing is even more shrinking, he wants his father to love him more, even more, even if he wants to enter his father's body every day in his dreams.

Shen Chiyu is passive and indifferent when it comes to sex, but Shen Liumu tries to melt him with enthusiasm day by day.

When he was not yet fully grown up, when his father was still somewhat tolerant of himself, he used his willfulness to get him used to it. This was his last favor and pride.

In his view, it was a gamble where only victory was allowed but no defeat was allowed.

Even if it is death, it cannot fail.


"I wonder if Mr. Shen is interested?" Tang Manhui said to Shen Chi with a smile.

When Shen Chi first came here, he exchanged a few C-grade crystals for some work points, and these days are quite comfortable, but this day is obviously past the observation period, and Tang Manhui will come to them.

"Las Vegas?"

"Yes, we are now in a cooperative relationship with the U.S. government," Tang Manhui said with a bit of sarcasm, "The people in power in the U.S. government are ordinary people, and there is still a phenomenon of crowding out the appointment of supernatural beings, but they cannot do without Let us go, you can only hire us to do some work. The early cleaning of Las Vegas has already ended, and the surrounding construction is almost done, but the cleaning progress in the city is not fast. There are too many high-level zombies. It’s a bit expensive to go in, so the rest of the work is left to us.”

"Do you often do this kind of work?"

Tang Manhui nodded, "Forget it, this kind of case is a big case, usually not once a year. In the past, it was just a few small cases. The U.S. government employs not only us, but also a special case in Boston. There is another settlement in Miami, and occasionally they will find supernatural beings from Canada and Mexico to help."

Las Vegas is closer to Los Angeles. According to Tang Manhui, Los Angeles is a city for ordinary people. There are US government troops stationed there, and they don’t go there often. This time, we have to pass through Los Angeles to contact the US government troops before Go to Las Vegas.

The reputation of this gambling city is really impressive to Shen Chi, but it is completely unfamiliar to the three children. If it was a child of this age in a peaceful age, he would probably have heard of Las Vegas. .

In the past, it was most famous for its luxurious casinos and strippers. It was a golden cave in the city that never sleeps, a place suitable for indulgence.

Shen Chi knew that Tang Manhui's seemingly negotiating tone was in fact a kind of politeness that could not be refused, so Shen Chi took advantage of the situation and agreed, and set off with hundreds of other supernatural beings here three days later.

To be honest, it was the first time for Shen Chi to see so many supernatural beings acting together. Thinking of cleaning up a city that had been occupied by zombies for nine years, Shen Chi felt that these individuals were not enough at all, and all the elites here were dispatched. , but the evolution rate of the supernatural beings in the United States is indeed slower than that of China. It is the eighth year of the end of the world. Among these supernatural beings, the second-level supernatural beings are still the main ones, and the third-level supernatural beings are only about 20%. , there are even only a few fourth-tier ones, and Tang Manhui personally leads the team. Their means of transportation are still cars, but they don't burn gasoline, but natural gas.

Qingqing slowly hung at the end and crawled like a toad. Many people who didn't know Shen Chi and the others looked at the huge frog at the end of the line with surprise from time to time.

At this time, the United States may not know that they are far away from the evolution level of Chinese superhumans. There is such a big barrier between ordinary people and supernatural beings. Shen Chi has a wicked thought in his heart, such as , to scare the always arrogant American Emperor

Not to mention anything else, the strength of the four of them is higher than all the supernatural beings on the scene, and in fact, even in China, their strength is still higher, but the Americans don't know, if they think that China of supernatural beings have reached this level...

Shen Chi is no longer afraid of high-profile, because just a month ago, he had a new skill that dropped. The fallen Jianghu skill is also the most useful one—

God travels thousands of miles.

He no longer has to worry about being interrupted by someone who knows his ability, and he doesn't have to worry about being unable to escape when he is restricted, even if the magic will consume all his strength, so what, at least now he can fly whenever he wants, As long as he flies to any place he has been to, it is safe and sound, even if he has no strength for a while, there is nothing to be afraid of.

When he set off, he decided to make a high profile. The three children around him were already at the fifth level, and the fifth-level supernatural beings were different from the third-level and fourth-level. If they could not protect themselves in this situation, they should What's the use of abilities! Level 5 supernatural beings are no longer within the imagination of ordinary people. For example, level E zombies may not be able to kill them with heavy firepower bombing.

Shen Chi's evil taste is to frighten the emperor of the United States and let him pretend to be aggressive again. In the last days, pretending to be aggressive will be struck by lightning!

The United States is now a mess by them. The supernatural beings and ordinary people are completely different from each other. I don’t know how many of the first batch of supernatural beings who should have been very promising died in the hands of ordinary people. On the day when the end of the world comes The evolved supernatural beings should have been the best among the supernatural beings. Unfortunately, many of them were strangled in the cradle by their companions because of the ridiculous reason of fear when they were weak. It was just a gunshot That's all.

This is called self-inflicted evil.

To be low-key needs to be concealed, and to be high-key, for Shen Chi and the others, there are only four words—

Let go!

Coming out of Qingqing, a very uncomfortable voice came from Shen Chi's ear, and Xiaoyu dutifully translated the sentence.

"Hey, the four oriental beauties over there, if you feel lonely, I can make you feel good!"

Shen Chi: "..."

Shen Liumu: "..."

Ji Jia: "..."

Mingyue: "..."

Forgive them, it’s the ninth year of the last days, but this is the first time I’ve experienced this kind of naked molesting. Generally, after seeing their ferocity, it’s not bad if people around you can avoid it. How can they be molested? Wake up, this teasing is too explicit, it is inevitable to be shocked!

But their momentary silence was regarded as cowardice by those American soldiers, and they surrounded them with smiles.

Fuck, Shen Chi was so angry when he got out, the fucking brother just wanted to make a high profile, and you came to the door, brother, this will make you feel good-

It will make your face full of peach blossoms!