Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 63: See also Doctor


Americans have some hero worship plots in their bones, but what they worship is ordinary people who become Spider-Man and Superman heroes at critical moments, rather than the X-Men who are different from them all the time, so the United States Only people don't like supernatural beings.

Only those who are also supernatural beings looked at Shen Chi and the others with so much reverence in their eyes.

A new city has been built near Las Vegas. Soldiers are enforcing martial law on the periphery. The new city has a bit of the style of Las Vegas in the past. The many casinos and dance halls make Shen Chi a little dumbfounded. It's the end of the world. Is there such a business in this business? He said he couldn't understand.

In the apocalyptic world, gamblers are still drunk and dreaming, and they never think about eating tomorrow until they lose everything and are thrown out of the casino. It's not dark yet, it's clearly broad daylight, but there are still quite a few women wearing very little clothes standing outside the door, yawning and smoking, wearing heavy makeup with inferior cosmetics to cover up their haggardness. They don't shy away from doing business with supernatural beings. Many supernatural beings are more generous than ordinary people. They are very willing to accept such guests. Westerners are far more open than Easterners. This place is no different from Beijing's red-light district. The way they strike up a conversation is comparable. Women in this kind of business in the East are much more open. Uh, of course, men are the same. Shen Chi saw several young men in revealing clothes. Westerners look older than Easterners. He estimated that these Most of them should not be men, and it would be more appropriate to call them boys.

After being grabbed a few times by several women, Shen Chi's face turned dark, and Shen Liumu's face beside him was even darker than him, and he almost ran away on the spot. If Tang Manhui hadn't persuaded him, he would have almost crippled a prostitute's hand.

So instead of staying in the "prosperous" outer city that Tang Manhui talked about all the way, Shen Chi and the others entered the inner city of Las Vegas that day.

After nine years of devastation in the end of the world, the city still retains some traces of its former prosperity, but it is now occupied by zombies, including several famous hotels in the peaceful era. On a long street, tourists used to rub shoulders All kinds of themed hotels are eye-catching. Now those fountains have dried up, and the hotel signs that used to shine in the sun have long been dilapidated.

Here, it used to be a world-famous city, but now there are only groups of ugly and disgusting zombies, and there are bursts of stench that cannot be concealed even in hot weather.

The four of Shen Chi started to work, while Tang Manhui stood worriedly on the top of the tallest building in the outer city, staring fixedly at the inner city not far away.

A huge tree soared into the sky and stood in the center of the inner city. Even from a distance like him, he could see it clearly. The flames all over the sky and the scattered air currents made him feel as if they were brushing his face. The wind above was filled with the heat of fire, and the occasional flashes of thunder made him even more frightened.

Such strength made him amazed, and then terrified.

It has to be said that Tang Manhui was somewhat complacent at first. In San Francisco Chinatown, he was firmly seated as the number one supernatural person, so that he could overwhelm the people below. The US government also gave him face. After all these years, if If it wasn't for self-cultivation in previous years, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to show such a humble and friendly appearance. Anyone would have some high-spirited thoughts under the admiration of everyone. It has to be said that the previous Tang Manhui also had some.

But now, this small thought was completely wiped out by a basin of cold water.

Tang Manhui doesn't know the details of these four people, but he is used to judging people. The three children are all in their teens, definitely not more than 20 years old. The leader looks calm and his eyes are a bit vicissitudes , but appearance can't fool anyone. Tang Manhui thinks that he is about twenty-five years old at most, and the four of them are all so young. How could the mature old fox not be able to see their origins? They should have come all the way in the end of the world. Maybe they have enough food and clothing, but they are not the children of those aristocratic families. Tang Manhui met the children of Chinese aristocratic families a long time ago. Arrogant, but with a distinctive nobility, that's the real son of the family.

These four should not be.

Tang Manhui could see clearly that this was purely an intuition brought to him by time experience.

These four people are special, but not that special, that's why Tang Manhui let them hang out for a while before using them. Remembering that when he invited them, his tone was a bit tough——

Sweat broke out on Tang Manhui's forehead. They didn't want to do this because they were dissatisfied with themselves, right

What made him think more deeply was, they came from China, what level are the supernatural beings in China

He thought of this, and of course the U.S. government also thought of it. The day after Shen Chi and the others entered Las Vegas, people from the White House went to the outer city of Las Vegas.

When Tang Manhui was called, he was still in a complicated mood. With his wisdom, he certainly understood why these people asked him to go.

At this time, Shen Chi and the others had just returned to the outer city to rest. Zombies like to go out at night, so they didn't come back until early in the morning. Tang Manhui had already arranged the room and hot water so that they could rest in peace , As soon as he walked outside, he was stopped by people from the US government.

Looking at the quiet room behind him, Tang Manhui sighed and followed.

What he didn't know was that a doll was watching him not far away, and quietly followed him when he was leaving.

The little fish is not made of wood, but fish bones. It has a pair of human eyes, so it can understand all languages, but the fish bones on its body come from a strange evolutionary fish. Although it is big, it can only be regarded as clumsy, and what is barely noticeable is that it is not ugly, but it is an evolutionary fish after all, and it has to save its life and survive. The dangers in the sea are no less than those on land, so it is the most The skill it is good at is hiding. Its body can change colors like a chameleon in the sea to hide its own figure.

Xiaoyu can do it, too. It followed Tang Manhui, even though Tang Manhui was a powerful fourth-order power user, but he couldn't find it.

He was supposed to be in the resting room, but Shen Chi looked at Ji Jia solemnly, "How is it?"

Ji Jia nodded, "It's the US government who came here."

Tang Manhui didn't know that Shen Chi and the others had already rested in the inner city for two or three hours. To others, sleeping in a city full of zombies was no different from courting death, but this was not the first time for Shen Chi and the others. , When they were in China, they often did this. In their view, sometimes the scariest thing is not the zombies whose intelligence is inferior to that of humans, but the deceitful humans. A city full of zombies, sometimes no more than humans Many places are dangerous.

Relying on Xiaoyu, their eavesdropping was effortless. These people never thought that Shen Chi and the others who should be resting after a hard night's work would be so cautious.

In addition, they never imagined that a little puppet would huddle in a dark corner, listening intently to their conversation.

"Is it really that powerful?"

"I saw it with my own eyes." Tang Manhui said, "If you don't believe me, you can call Colonel Wilson. Oh, by the way, those soldiers who were punished are still in Los Angeles."

The people who came were all wearing plain clothes, but they were still wearing suits in this hot weather. In Ji Jia's view, this kind of casual clothes were still called casual clothes? The man's shoulders were straight, and two characters were written from head to toe: Soldier.

"According to Mr. Tang, what level of abilities should they be?"

Because they knew that Tang Manhui was a fourth-level power user, they were kind to him. After all, not everyone was as stupid as Wilson.

"At least better than me." Tang Manhui said calmly, "According to my estimation, it is definitely above the fourth level. I only saw that the person who released the piranha should be a wood-type supernatural being, and that little girl is a puppet master. The abilities of the other two people are not very clear, the young man in the lead is surnamed Shen, and he killed Wilson's adjutant out of self-defense." He paused, "It was the adjutant who fired first."

The visitor was terrified, Tang Manhui was at the fourth rank, and he was a relatively powerful supernatural being among the fourth ranks. If he was stronger than him, wouldn't he be at the fifth rank

The leader took a step forward, doubtful, "It's only the ninth year of the apocalypse, and there are already fifth-order supernatural beings?" No wonder he doubts, the level of supernatural beings is not so easy to upgrade, and it's not like playing online games to upgrade , even if supernatural beings can absorb Yuanjing, every upgrade still depends on opportunity, luck and strength are indispensable, otherwise wouldn't using Yuanjing be able to raise a bunch of high-level supernatural beings

Things are not so simple at all. Every time a supernatural person advances, he will take a certain risk. The higher the level, the more dangerous it is when upgrading. If he can't make it through, he will die directly. The superhumans even didn't absorb Yuanjing in order not to advance so quickly. This is the reason, they were afraid that one bad one would end up like this.

At this time, the wood-type supernatural powers have shown their extremely important status. With the wood-type supernatural powers on the side, the danger of promotion will be greatly reduced, and among the four of Shen Chi, there is a strange one Mingyue, Mingyue has a wonderful heart-cleaning talisman, which can keep the spirits of the supernatural beings in the process of promotion, which is very useful. So far, they have reached the fifth level smoothly, even though Mingyue was in a coma when Shen Liumu advanced to the fifth level. He still survived tenaciously on his own.

"Besides, it's the wood type..." A gray-haired old man beside this person had bright eyes, "Your Excellency, maybe this is an opportunity."


"You forgot our current research project?"

Tang Manhui was startled suddenly, and said hastily, "I only know that their strength is higher than mine. Although I can't be sure if they are at the fifth level, I guess they are."

"Okay, Mr. Tang, go back and rest first." The man finally issued the order to evict the guest.

Tang Manhui hurriedly backed out of the door, touched his forehead with cold sweat.

There are many things that he doesn't want to know too clearly. If the quagmire is deep, he is afraid that he will be submerged in this way. Although he is not young, Tang Manhui still cherishes his life.

Those four people were obviously not to be trifled with. Tang Manhui had never seen such eyes several times in his life.

If they underestimate them, they are afraid that the U.S. government will stumble this time. People who are not superhumans don’t even know what level a real high-level superhuman is. Tang Manhui was at the fourth level, and he vaguely knew how powerful he would be if he reached the fifth level, so he didn't want to get involved in it at all.

Xiaoyu continued to squat in the corner and listened calmly. It is a doll, it has no heartbeat or breathing, and it has the ability to hide, so it really won't attract attention at all.

And its eyes are Ji Jia's eyes, its ears are Ji Jia's ears, what they say and what they look like, Ji Jia knows everything about it.

Shen Chi and the others listened to Ji Jia's report, the more they listened, the more ugly their faces became.

"It seems that they are the same as the people in that bloody research institute in Beijing?" Shen Liumu sneered.

Ji Jia shook her head shyly, "Not all of them, the oldest of the three grades should be, they said they were doing research on supernatural beings, and they said there was a big project recently, but they didn't make it too clear. "

Shen Chi's eyes were extremely cold, but he was extremely calm, "Jiajia, how many of them are there in total, and what are their general characteristics? Tell me carefully."

"A total of seventeen people," Ji Jia said softly, "Ten of them look like soldiers, without military uniforms, but their expressions should be correct. Three white-haired, two old men and one old woman were killed Called Dr.…”

Shen Chi's eyes fixed, he hated the word "doctor" the most in his life! none of them!

"I don't know who the remaining four are, but there's a beer-bellied man with half-bald hair and a hook-nosed woman in a suit who are probably people in the government. I hear these people call them Mr. Brennan and Mrs. Miss Bellinger, they are the only ones in the room with notebooks and pens, and there are two more—” Ji Jia frowned slightly, “Maybe they are similar to those few Russians back then. Said 'God' several times and crossed himself at least once."

Shen Chi listened to their calculations and smiled slightly. Without exception, these seventeen people were already on their death blacklist.

It's really bold. Seeing that they came from China, they are isolated and helpless supernatural beings. They just caught them to carry out their big research project? What a joke!

What is the research project related to all mankind? I really think highly of myself. It seems that since a long time ago, the United States has liked to give its dirty behavior a nice name. The world police is not called for nothing, but to put it bluntly, it is just Wearing a sheep's clothing, under the guise of this kind of hypocritical justice, it's just running amok and domineering, but there is still a ferocious and greedy wolf underneath, there is no doubt about it.

Therefore, for the enemies who were plotting against him, Shen Chi had no tolerance for them, especially the word "research institute", which just hit his sore spot and stepped on his bottom line.

It is tolerable or unbearable!

"Today, let's start the first one." Shen Chi smiled playfully. Originally, he just planned to scare the US emperor, but now he planned to upgrade a level.

Shen Liumu smiled bloodthirstyly, "Father, we can give them an unforgettable bloody memorial, what do you think?"

Even the bright moon, which was always like an iceberg, raised the corners of its lips, and the temperature in the whole room immediately dropped several degrees, and there were faint laughter of children.

His little ghosts had something to play with again, Mingyue pricked his fingers and sucked a little blood from them, seeing the bright red on his fingertips, his voice was a little gloomy, "Good boys, this time, you can play however you want How to play-"

"Don't worry about anything!"

The silver bell-like laughter gradually became clear, and even Shen Chi felt goose bumps on his arms.

After Mingyue reaches the fifth level, it seems to be more wicked than before.