Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 74: Shennong top


Based on Shen Liumu's understanding of Shen Chi, there was nothing he could do now, otherwise Shen Chi would definitely become angry from embarrassment.

Shen Chi is not a thin-skinned person, but he is quite concerned about this kind of thing. Shen Liumu felt that the blood in his whole body was boiling, but he could only suppress it. He was so depressed that he was about to vomit blood.

Shen Chi was thinking about a very serious matter... Uh, Ding Yan, the five-sense supernatural being, could she have heard everything!

Thinking of this, Shen Chi felt something was wrong.

It's all the fault of this dead boy, why the scale of talking and doing things is so big! He began to think about what Shen Liumu said and did just now, but luckily he wasn't too out of line, so he was a little relieved.

Thinking of this problem, he was no longer willing to talk to Shen Liumu. Fortunately, nothing happened after this night. When the man slowly emerged from the tent behind him at dawn, Shen Chi moved his stiff hands and feet.

Because it was washed into the ice cave by the flood, most of the tents were lost, leaving only a compressed tent under the wheelchair by Xu Mengzhi, two on Xiaohuo, and one brought by Weidong, and one taken by Jiang Jia. One, fortunately, there were only twenty of them, so they fell asleep when squeezed together, but in this way, Ji Jia went to squeeze with Tan Yanya, Jiang Jia, Ding Yan and the others, and Mingyue was obviously very unhappy about it.

Shen Liumu quickly figured out what Shen Chi was thinking.

So when Ding Yan got up in the morning, she felt that something was wrong, and she always felt like she was being stared at by something, but when she turned her head to look for it, she couldn't find anything.

Uh, did something happen last night? But she was really tired yesterday. Among the crowd, she has special powers, and her body is only weaker than Xu Mengzhi. After these two days of tossing, she has almost reached her limit, and fell asleep almost as soon as yesterday...

Although this kind of sight made her uneasy, fortunately there was not much hostility, so she was relieved.

They continued to advance to the depths of Shennongjia, and encountered many high-level evolved animals and plants, but they were not in groups like the zombie tide. Of course, they could not threaten them with twenty-one fifth-level abilities. Yes, with Shen Liumu around, their injuries were all healed, and after they calmed down, they still displayed quite outstanding combat abilities. Shen Chi gave the three children cheating skills. Without him, they would not have been able to The speed of advancement is so fast, although the aptitude of the three of them is quite good, they have not yet reached the level of monsters. For example, in actual combat, Cheng Pei obviously came from the blood rain to become what he is today, and his aptitude is not as good as Tan Yanya and Liu Minghui's innate excellence made up for it with hard work.

According to Xu Mengzhi's measurement of the magnetic field, they slowly approached the radiation source, but it became more and more difficult. It took another half a month to pass through a forest. Everyone's spirits were not as good as they were at the beginning. They encountered a fifth sixth-order animal, which made them a little uneasy.

Just like F-level zombies, it is not so easy for them to deal with sixth-level animals. In addition, there are even more unpredictable dangerous plants.

However, Shen Chi was horrified to find that Shen Liumu and Ji Jia had already approached the sixth level in just a few days here, and Mingyue was not far from the sixth level.

"There is Shennongding." Xu Mengzhi stared at the mountain peak not far away. The mountain peak was covered with mist and exposed rocks. The mountain was full of arrow bamboo, fir trees, and rhododendron leaves. It looked very beautiful from a distance. "Also, I'm afraid we are all here. I found out that the closer the plants and animals are to the higher level of evolution, we are also subject to this change."

Mingze clenched his fists, his eyes filled with desire, "If we get there, will we evolve faster?"

Nie Ping warned him, "Mingze! Our mission is to destroy it, not take advantage of it!"

"But we are supernatural beings, those zombies can't hurt us at all, why should we let us defend them—" Mingze defended, but was interrupted by a "slap".

Liu Minghui looked at him coldly, "I don't want to hear it a second time."

Liu Minghui is different from Mingze in this way. Although Mingze had a miserable childhood, after being adopted by the Ming family, he never had any troubles. However, Liu Minghui was sent to Japan as an undercover agent at a very young age. The life he experienced was completely unimaginable for Ming Ze and even Shen Chi. The education and experience he received in the first half of his life made him more mature than anyone else.

Mingze is a little afraid of his cousin Liu Minghui. He has been praised by many people and knows that he is quite good, but he will never be able to compare with Nie Ping and Liu Minghui. The circle in Beijing is so big, and the next generation in the circle will inevitably have to Being compared, Mingze has no confidence, he was adopted originally, even though his father Mingrui has the right to speak, but he is not the real blood of the Ming family after all, plus Nie Ping and Liu Minghui are really outstanding …

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep up with them.

This frustration and frustration gradually turned into a fear that he couldn't explain clearly.

Shen Chi paid attention to the expressions of the crowd, but found that Mingze's words were not unintentional. He sighed, really wondering what these people were thinking.

Haven't had enough of the last days yet? Such a day when you don’t even have a taste for eating, even if you are a supernatural person, once you slack off, you may be wiped out by others, not to mention that there is a huge risk for supernatural beings. It can be 100% safe when you advance to the next rank, maybe you will die immediately when you advance to the next rank.

He longed for the days of peace so much that he was almost crazy, and he never thought that there would be such a naive fool.

"Mingze," Nie Ping said, his eyes were calm, "If you do this again, I must order you to quit this mission." His words were stronger than Liu Minghui's.

Mingze covered his face that had been scorched by Liu Minghui and did not speak. Liu Minghui slapped him quite hard.

Xu Mengzhi smiled lightly, and suddenly said, "I heard that Mingze was very dangerous when you were promoted last time. Why, are you not afraid now?"

Mingze said unconvinced: "Maybe it won't happen here? There are so many fifth- and sixth-level animals and plants here, as long as you stay here, maybe it will be easier to advance to the next level..."

Shen Chi obviously felt that people's hearts were fluctuating, not everyone was not tempted by becoming stronger.

"So, when the ordinary people in the world die one day and only the supernatural beings are left, will such a world be beautiful?" Xu Mengzhi looked at him and said, "Besides, the zombies will become more and more vulnerable to radiation like this." Strong, we will become stronger and stronger, and in the end, have you ever thought about what our ending will be in the end, and what the world will look like?"

Mingze lifted his lips, but did not speak.

"Perhaps one day, high-level zombies will evolve higher intelligence and be able to mix with humans. At that time, ordinary people will find it difficult to compete. In the end, only high-level supernatural beings and high-level zombies will be left. Maybe one day, Neither zombies nor humans can bear the power given by this radiation source anymore—bang!" Xu Mengzhi still smiled, "It is the extinction of all species on this planet, maybe this is its purpose. "He pointed in the direction of Shennongding, "Everything starts from the beginning, all species change from weak to strong, and when they are so strong that they can't accept it, such strength is just an illusory temptation, to the extreme, to the end. At this time, is there a second possibility besides death?"

His tone was gentle and soothing, and it had to be said that the man's voice was convincing in its own right.

Shen Chi's heart froze, he looked at Xu Mengzhi's warm eyes, which were deep and bright, with a faint light, he was almost sure that Xu Mengzhi used his power, he is a brain power, he is good at spirit control.

Of course, he can't control so many fifth-level supernatural beings, but with his ability, it's quite simple to add a little bit of material to his words and get a little spiritual hint.

Because Shen Chi was not a fifth-level supernatural being, he noticed it.

Xu Mengzhi's words easily disintegrated the desire that had just risen among the people present, and they all deeply believed Xu Mengzhi's words, at least on the surface.

No matter how great the temptation to become stronger, it cannot withstand the threat of death.

Shen Chi finally understood why Nie Ping insisted on bringing the frail Xu Mengzhi with him. It was necessary. Other than him, it was difficult for others to control this situation. From Nie Ping's face, Shen Chi guessed that he had expected this kind of thing to happen, but maybe he didn't expect Mingze to jump out first.

Mingze—it's quite stupid, it really has everything written on its face, whether it's this stupid ambition or its dislike for Mingyue, such a person is actually not difficult to deal with, I'm afraid that those who hide their thoughts in their hearts and don't say anything of.

The closer they got to the destination, the more serious the faces of Nie Ping and Xu Mengzhi became, and their eyes stayed on other people more.

Shennongding used to be a scenic spot in the peaceful era, and it was not so troublesome to get here, but after the end of the world, the virgin forest here is many times denser than in the peaceful era, and the vegetation has returned to a state that has never been seen in history. There are only some house wreckages in the mountains and forests, which have been occupied by trees and plants and turned into deep mountains and old forests, so it took them so long to reach Shennongding.

"It seems to be a small town there." Ji Jia said, pointing to the front.

Xu Mengzhi smiled slightly, "That's Muyu Town."

"Wooden Fish Town?"

"Well, it's nice to live here when people used to travel here." Xu Mengzhi said with nostalgia in his tone, "When I was still in school, I went here with my teacher to investigate the ecology."

Nie Ping looked at the dilapidated town in sight, not to mention the overgrown weeds. The once bustling town was now deserted, and when it was about to fall into the night, it looked even more gloomy and chilling.

"I remember there was an inn along this road." Xu Mengzhi pointed to the road, "That's the inn. The conditions in this town are pretty good..."

Before the words fell, I heard a shocking movement from the wooden house not far away!

"Zombie!" Shen Chi's eyes narrowed, "Go back!"

He saw red dots representing enemies on the map of the town, but there was no place without red dots in Shennongjia, so he didn't pay much attention to it, only then did he realize that they were all zombies!

The people in a small town have turned into zombies, and they are at the foot of the main peak of Shennongjia. How terrible will it be under this long-term radiation

You don't need to guess, so Nie Ping pushed Xu Mengzhi's wheelchair out, and ran quickly, "Everyone, go into the mountain!"

Everyone ran desperately, even if they were all fifth-level supernatural beings, under the siege of a large number of F-level zombies, even if there were no higher-level zombies, there was absolutely no possibility of surviving, even Shen Chi I feel that I can't live in this situation, because these zombies will definitely tear him to pieces. This is an impossible battle, and there is no other way to go except to escape.

While running fast, he caused a little trouble for the zombies who gradually crawled out of the house behind him.

The only good thing is that these zombies have been trapped in the small town for too long, and it seems that they have never smelled the smell of strangers. They were a little strange and confused for a while, but after a while, their instincts were awakened, and they chased after them. At this time, the group of them had already run a certain distance.

No one is bad at escaping. There are mountains and forests everywhere here, and they are not powerless people. Zombies are very sensitive to hearing and smell, but weak in vision. The sinking driftwood releases a large number of blooming flowers, which are sweet and fragrant. Si Yi, they try to run as lightly as possible, but Fang Haixu is the best, flying directly into the air, the zombies can't do anything to him, but there are F-rank zombies that can jump into the air.

He didn't know how long he had been running, but Shen Chi looked at the stagnant red dots on the map and heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that these zombies were only used to move around the small town? But looking at the four names in the team that have disappeared again, Shen Chi's heart is heavy. Ding Yan failed to survive this time. Her physical strength is too weak, and she doesn't have a special means of transportation like Xu Mengzhi. She has no way to escape. birthday.

The other three who died were Li Yu, Xiong Qiubai and Fan Yi.

Li Yu is a shapeshifter from the elm tree, and his movements have always been slow. It is not surprising that he was besieged by zombies when he was behind. Xiong Qiubai is also a shapeshifter. The weak one, even a handsome guy, can't escape the fate of death.

There were twenty-four people when they came, and now seven have died, leaving only seventeen people.

After gathering again, the sky was pitch black, and everyone's hearts seemed to be pitch black.

"What's this?" A little fluorescent light floated over and lightly landed on Tan Yanya's palm.

Everyone walked a few steps in that direction, and saw a scene that took people's breath away.

A large field of rhododendrons, bright red like blood, shrouded in a shimmer of light under the night, countless light spots flew out of them, floating in midair.

So beautiful, yet so strangely beautiful.

Facing such boundless, beautiful and hazy rhododendrons, the people who had just experienced an embarrassing disaster felt a slight chill in their hearts.

No matter how beautiful the rhododendrons are so close to the source of radiation, they dare not take a step closer to them.

This is an inexplicably horrifying, terrifying, and chilling beauty.