Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 75: Save humanity?


Rhododendron is a very beautiful flower. Their noses smelled the elegant fragrance of flowers, and their eyes were almost stung by the eye-catching red, but the more brilliant the rhododendron was, the more frightened they were.

"This kind of flower is poisonous." Shen Liumu said solemnly, "Extremely poisonous!" A tender white flower appeared in his palm, and he lightly threw it on the top of the azalea field, and saw that the white flower instantly decomposed and turned into that The dots of light that just fell on Tan Yanya's palm!

Nie Ping frowned and looked over, popping out a bright halo, but hearing the flowers and leaves rustling, the halo melted and disintegrated before touching the rhododendrons, and turned into beautiful crystal light spots floating above the flower field.

Shen Chi also felt his scalp tingling, and was about to say something when he saw Fang Haixu throwing an ordinary rabbit he had just caught into the flower field without saying a word, and it disappeared in an instant, which was really chilling. vertical.

"Can those who can fly go there?" Tan Yanya asked.

Ji Jia released her scout bees, one disappeared, two disappeared, three disappeared...

"Ah, it's fine!" Ji Jia breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine if it goes up to more than 20 meters high."

But the question is, how many of them can fly here

But at least it was a way, they had no way to bypass this large rhododendron field, the zombie town was on the left, and the cliff was on the right, and the place they were going to was behind the rhododendron field.

"Fang Haixu, take us there." Nie Ping said, "Be careful, fly higher to investigate first, and pay attention to safety."

"Okay." Fang Haixu turned into a sea eagle and soared into the sky, flying towards the boundless flower fields.

Shen Chi watched him slowly fly away on the map, and he didn't come back after everyone waited here for twenty minutes.

"He won't come back." Mingze's face was gloomy. "To have this opportunity to approach there alone, he must have—"

"Mingze!" Liu Minghui scolded him, but she knew in her heart that Mingze was telling the truth.

Shen Chi looked at Fang Haixu who was continuing to fly there, a faint sneer appeared on the corner of his lips.

Shen Liumu chuckled directly, "What an idiot."

"He must be poisoned." Mingyue curled her lips, "I feel a little uncomfortable. Is this floral fragrance also poisonous?"

"Hmm." Shen Liumu said with a smile, "This kind of floral fragrance is very special. It can penetrate the human body through breathing and skin. Ingesting a little bit of non-lethal will only make people feel tired, sleepy, and want to sleep. Hypnotic effect, but flying on it will make this effect stronger."

Shen Chi saw that Fang Haixu on the map was flying slower and slower. Before he could fly out of the Rhododendron field, he had already fallen, and he had another ashesed name.

"The last method, everyone, look for any evolved thick trees nearby." Shen Chi then opened his mouth and looked at Ji Jia.

Ji Jia nodded, "No problem, Uncle Shen is keeping those eyes closed."

It was also lucky, on the way here, they encountered a huge evolutionary dragonfly, its terrifyingly large eyes were put away by Shen Chi in his backpack.

Shen Chi has already said about his half-baked "spatial ability", the space is not big, and the things that can be taken in are limited. In this primeval forest, other things will be lacking, but trees will not be lacking. They stayed near the rhododendron field for a while. In a week, Ji Jia completed her third puppet that can be used as a means of transportation. This is a puppet dragonfly. Compared with the real dragonfly, it is also naive, but its long and narrow body can accommodate quite a lot of people like a bus. People in China are not as practical as Qingqing as a "home", but this dragonfly can fly.

The original idea of the plane came from a dragonfly. This dragonfly has wings carved by Ji Jia that are almost as thin as cicada wings. Much lighter and more flexible.

Xu Mengzhi once again lamented the magic of Ji Jia's abilities.

The fully enclosed puppet dragonfly isolates the poisonous flower fragrance outside. As long as it flies to a height of tens of meters, it will not be afraid of this poisonous flower field.

In addition, there is really no way to pass through here. Airplanes can, but airplanes can’t fly here. Shennongjia is full of evolved animals and plants, birds and insects in the sky, and powerful evolved animals everywhere. Under such circumstances, which plane dares to fly to this depth? And even a flying-type supernatural user can't pass through this flower field by himself, um, unless he wears a full-body protective suit and brings an oxygen cylinder

The scope of this rhododendron field is too wide, who knows how penetrating this toxin is, so it is far better to sit in this kind of puppet, accompanied by wood-type supernatural beings throughout the process, and there is no need to worry about poisoning.

This giant puppet dragonfly named "Xiaoting" by Ji Jia flew for more than half an hour before seeing the other end of the flower field.

Shen Chi's heart was beating faster, he felt that they were not far from the truth!

"Fly straight forward." Xu Mengzhi held a magnetic field detector in his hand, "Turn 20 degrees to the north."

Nie Ping clenched his fist, he felt his palm was a little wet.

Originally, Beijing did not agree with him coming in person. Now Nie Ping is no different than a few years ago. He has already grasped considerable power and is considered an important figure in the circle in Beijing. There is no need to personally take risks, but Xu Mengzhi He insisted on coming, Nie Ping knew him well, Xu Mengzhi would be very stubborn when encountering certain things, and would not listen to anyone's persuasion. After thinking about it for two days, Nie Ping still decided to come in person. He felt that no matter what work or concerns he had, he could not compare to this. The secrets of the last days are important.

This is the matter that is really related to life and death. Otherwise, as the end of the world goes on year after year, one day it should be like what Xu Mengzhi said. How many people will really survive? After so many years in the last days, the population has dropped by half. No matter how many supernatural beings there are, they are still a small part of the human race. If this continues, it may not be long before human beings will disappear from the earth.

So, when Nie Ping came, even if he wasn't sure if he could go back, judging from the document Shen Chi brought back, the mission of this trip was too dangerous, and no one could calculate the probability of surviving in the end. .

"Okay, stop!" Xu Mengzhi clenched his fists, "Let's go down."

When they got down from the small pavilion, Shen Chi looked at the canyon that came into view, and said in disbelief, "How can there be a canyon in this kind of place?"

Yes, this is obviously a cliff, a cliff that goes straight into the sky. Originally, the main peak of Shennongjia is quite high in altitude and is called the roof of central China. Such a narrow canyon that at most two people can enter side by side

The location and appearance of this canyon is as if the mountain suddenly split a hole from top to bottom.

Xu Mengzhi took a deep breath, "It's right here."

Nie Ping said calmly, "Let's go."

There were only sixteen of them left, Shen Chi sighed, "Let's go ahead with Liumu, Jiajia, put your puppet at the front, and let us know if there is any danger."


In the end, Shen Chi and the others were at the front, which even Nie Ping had no doubts about. After all, Shen Chi and the others had fully proved their strength along the way.

This canyon is crooked, with naturally formed stone steps facing upwards, and it is not easy to walk. Some steep places are quite high. Shen Chi had to swing and double jump to barely climb up, and then use his claws to grab the sinking driftwood Come up, he put down the vine bridge to let others come up.

This is a canyon that gradually goes up. It is not a deep ditch cut from top to bottom as Shen Chi guessed, but it goes up gradually in the dark.

The nearby mountain wall is quite damp and cold to the touch.

"Everyone add some clothes, the higher you go, the colder it gets." Xu Mengzhi said.

When they fell into the ice cave, many people lost their clothes. Later, they managed to find some, but they couldn't find them all. But now they have lost so many people, so there is not enough clothes, but more clothes. a coat.

Just like what Xu Mengzhi said, it gets colder as you go up, and soon the nearby mountain walls are covered with ice. It's very dark here, with almost no skylight, but they didn't encounter any danger.

There were so many dangerous animals, plants, and zombies along the way, but it was quiet here, dead silent, not even a single mosquito was seen.

Shen Chi felt a little uneasy, but they had already come here, and there was no turning back for them.

They didn't even know how long they had been walking. Mingyue sent out cold talismans to everyone. Everyone ate two compressed biscuits with the water that was almost frozen, and curled up in their coats when it was dark. After a while, he moved forward in the dark again.

Just like in Alaska, the world of ice and snow, if there is no bright moon's cold talisman, it is estimated that people will be frozen to death here, even if the talisman paper is pasted, they will not be frozen to death. In this environment, there is no way to rest at all. .

This road twists and turns upwards, but it is unbelievably long. Shen Chi even wonders, is this mountain so high

I always feel like there is no...

After they walked in this narrow and cramped place for three days, almost everyone was going to be driven crazy by it. Everyone became more and more silent. After three days, almost no one spoke.

It was the first time for Shen Chi to feel so tired. He was so tired that he almost fell down. Obviously his physical strength should not be so bad, but he was so tired.

Xu Mengzhi's wheelchair is specially made, but in fact it is more like an electric car. Going up in this extremely bumpy place is more painful than in the jungle. He has vomited several times, but they are still going up. No one People say give up.

Until a beam of light appeared in sight.

"I'm going out!" Nie Ping, who was so calm and unchanging, was a little excited.

Everyone's legs, which seemed to be filled with lead, immediately gained strength, so they quickened their pace and ran towards the light-transmitting place.

After clearly seeing that beam of light, but after running for more than an hour, the sky was completely bright.

Shen Chi covered his eyes, his heart sank, Dingling Dingling dropped another skill, and more than one! He was amazed, but before he had time to look, the warm sun shone on his body, his nose smelled a faint fresh fragrance, and the soft green grass was under his feet, this feeling made him have no time to think about other things .

Especially a huge tree in sight, I don't know what kind of tree it is, it is so thick that ten people can't hug it, it has no leaves, and it is full of small light yellow flowers, just like the color of sunlight, And when the sun shines on these flowers, they are shining as beautiful as flowing gold.

"Flowwood, look—"

When he turned his head away, he found that the people behind him had all fallen to the ground, and he was shocked.

Except for one person, Xu Mengzhi's face was bright red, and he was staring at the tree, but his eyes were not steady.

Shen Chi hugged Shen Liumu, his forehead was hot!

This is - evolution!

"Quick-Shen Chi, quickly destroy that tree, we can't-grow too fast, we will explode..." Xu Mengzhi said these words with difficulty.

When a person with supernatural powers advances, he will be 100% unconscious. Xu Mengzhi can hardly suppress the feeling of fainting, because he is a person with brain powers, so he can barely maintain a moment of sobriety. A crazy idea came to mind.

No wonder there are no animals or plants around here. Ordinary animals and plants will not come here, but evolved animals and plants are afraid of this place. Getting close to this place will only lead to self-destruction, and they will continue to evolve until they explode. You can't get close to this original tree with powerful radiation power. Only ordinary people can get rid of this cursed radiation!

But if one day ordinary people are already dead, and the evolved and corpse-like animals and plants devour ordinary animals and plants, the world will become an unsolvable situation. All species will die out one day, right

This idea is too crazy and terrifying, but Xu Mengzhi faintly feels that this is the truth.

But why wasn't Shen Chi affected by it

Xu Mengzhi was wrong, and Shen Chi was also affected by it. He could absorb Yuanjing, and the radiation from this tree of origin was also increasing his strength. The jingle jingle ringing in his heart told him that in a short period of time, he had already He has dropped three or four skills, but he is a little different from these supernatural beings—

He has never really evolved, he will not have a fever, he will not advance, he is an "ordinary person" with a game system.

The increase in strength is obvious, and the tree of origin seems to be wondering why this person didn't fall down, didn't have a fever, and didn't evolve

For Shen Chi, this was a temptation to become infinitely stronger, but he couldn't help it.

Behind him is the precarious Shen Liumu, Ji Jia, Mingyue, and everyone who has come along this difficult journey.

He knew that what he did might mean another kind of exposure, but it was too difficult for ordinary people to break through so many dangers and reach such a place, and the price to pay must be even greater. Having paid such a loss to come here, it is almost an impossible task for ordinary people to come here, at least—until this is done, they will not abandon him, instead they have to rely on themselves.

Because of his experience in the previous life, what Shen Chi was most afraid of was his exposure. Now, he stood at the crossroads of this choice, but the previous life was nothing but the greed of those people because of his "immortality" and "eternal youth". This time, he didn't expose these things, but only exposed his difference from ordinary supernatural beings. Maybe, it's not that dangerous, right

At least until the matter is resolved, no one will have any ill intentions against him or dare to think badly about him. In China, there are still so many suspicious areas like Shennongjia.

Shen Chi made a decision in the blink of an eye, he was never one to drag his feet.

The lighter lit up, and the lighter he had stored in his backpack before the end of the world wasn't even fully used up.

Compared with the fierceness outside, the tree of origin as a source of radiation is extremely fragile, just a big fire, soon enveloped it inside, illuminating Shen Chi's peaceful face.

The fire started, and on the grass behind him were a group of unconscious people with flushed faces.

Soon, it was burned by the fire, and its ashes were also like little bits of flowing gold, which was extremely beautiful.

Such a beautiful scenery was only seen by Shen Chi.

Shen Liumu's aura behind him gradually calmed down, and Shen Chi heaved a sigh of relief, but there were three people who directly showed Shen Chi what an explosive body is. They didn't explode, but their bones made a crisp sound, which soon disappeared. Breathe, they failed to advance to the sixth-order ability user.

Three more people died, leaving only thirteen.

Shen Liumu opened his eyes, it was the first time he was so close to death, but he just held on, he knew he couldn't die, he couldn't bear to die, his father didn't say he loved him, he only fucked his father once Well, he couldn't be willing to die like this!

So even though the pain was so painful that he was about to lose consciousness, he still survived. He was the closest person to the sixth level. Such a surge in abilities put him in the most dangerous situation, but he survived.

"Shen Chi." He called hoarsely.

Shen Chi stared blankly at the beautiful sunshine on the top of the mountain that he hadn't seen for a long time, and belatedly discovered a problem——

He had become a hero who saved mankind before he knew it, damn it!