Revenge of the Garfield

Chapter 19


Facts proved that Li Zhenruo's decision was very wise. He stayed at the entrance of the university cafeteria for more than an hour, and countless passing girls offered to feed him food, and most of them were meat.

Thinking that he ate cat food every day at Li's house, and today he had the opportunity to open such a meat meal, he suddenly felt that the food in the school cafeteria became delicious.

After eating so much that he couldn't walk anymore, Li Zhen found a shady lawn and took a nap for a while.

As a result, before he woke up, he was expelled by a stray cat nearby.

It was a male cat, the territory here and the female cat should all belong to it, and it would be unforgivable for Li Zhenruo to trespass on its territory without authorization.

Li Zhenruo hadn't degenerated to the point of fighting with a cat. When threatened by the male cat, he got up and left, shook off the grass leaves on his body, and went to see if he could get in at the appraisal office.

In the afternoon, Li Zhenruo was lucky enough to sneak in. He had been to this appraisal office once, but he didn't know where the archive room that recorded the appraisal materials was.

He searched floor by floor, and finally found the archive room on the sixth floor. Unfortunately, the anti-theft iron door of the archive room was locked tightly, and there was not even a window on it. With his half-baked cat skills, he must not be able to break in. of.

After making two circles around the floor where the archives room was located, Li Zhenruo left helplessly.

When going out from the gate of the identification office, Li Zhenruo was seen by the security guard again. The security guard picked up a long broom and pretended to chase him, but Li Zhenruo ran away with his tail between his legs.

For dinner, I still go to the entrance of the cafeteria in the school.

Li Zhenruo even ate half a small pan-fried fish. The fish was fed to him by a short, fat girl with glasses. Li Zhenruo looked up at her, thinking that she was as beautiful as a fairy.

Although Li Zhenruo didn't like fish at first, but now that he is a cat, his tongue probably loves this taste.

This dinner was more filling than lunch. Ever since he became a cat, Li Zhenruo hadn't eaten so much meat for a long time. He began to like this place a little bit, thinking that even if he couldn't go back to Li's house, he would stay in school It's okay to be a stray cat.

At night, Li Zhenruo spent the night in the school, found a clean corner, smelled carefully that there was no smell of other cats, and curled himself up.

Well, although there was a lot to eat, at night he began to miss his warm and clean bed again. And after just wandering outside for a day, his hair was already dirty and started to tangle, so he missed the clear bath water, and the time when Li Zhenran's slender fingers stroked his hair and dried him after taking a bath. comfortable touch.

So not to mention people, even a cat is always difficult to be satisfied with its own life.

Sleeping until the next morning, Li Zhenruo sneaked into the appraisal office. The security guards were relatively weak in the morning, so he got in without being found, but he stayed until the appraisal station got off work in the afternoon, but he still found nothing.

Li Zhenruo lingered around there for three or four days without giving up, sneaking in during the day, finding a place to sleep at school at night, and leaning against the entrance of the cafeteria to look cute when eating.

She really lives like a stray cat.

However, on this day, he slowly walked to the sixth floor of the appraisal office, and found someone standing in front of the iron door of the archive room and opening the door with a key.

He hid in the corner, and after the man opened the door and went in, he sneaked in behind him.

At the beginning, he stood behind the man, and when he sat down in front of the computer, Li Zhenruo rushed to the filing cabinet beside him.

This is the most convenient place for him as a cat. He can always be silent, and his explosive power is extremely strong. If he doesn't want the prey to find out, he can hide his whereabouts very well.

There are rows of filing cabinets in the archives room, all of which contain the archives of the laboratory.

Li Zhenruo hid himself behind a row of file boxes, peeking at the man's movements through the gap in the middle. With his excellent dynamic vision, he clearly captured the sequence of numbers when the person entered the password. He took a deep breath silently, and continued to stare at him without blinking, watching him log in to the file management system and remember his password.

Now is not the time.

Li Zhenruo memorized the two passwords firmly, and lay down quietly. He had to wait until that person left.

The man stayed in the archives room for almost an hour, seemingly entering data, turned off the computer and left after the entry, and locked the door firmly.

Li Zhenruo still did not act rashly.

He has been observing here for several days, knowing that no one will come in the archives room for a long time, he can't help feeling a little nervous. Counting the days, today happens to be Friday, and the day after tomorrow is a holiday. The next time this room will be opened may be next Monday, but if he is unlucky, it may be next Friday.

Thinking of this, Li Zhenruo looked around and found that all the windows were locked. He jumped to one side of the windowsill and tried to unlock the locks from the inside, but found that they had been nailed to death and could not be opened at all.

By this time, Li Zhenruo was even more flustered.

If he had to wait a week, would he just starve to death inside? What if no one came in for two or three weeks if he was unlucky

Li Zhenruo began to blame himself for acting rashly and not considering the consequences of doing things.

But now that you have already entered, it is too late to regret it now. It is better to finish what you have to do quickly. If you are lucky, someone may come to open this door this afternoon. Can slip away.

Li Zhenruo jumped to the front of the computer desk and stretched out his paw to press the computer.

He still clearly remembers the power-on password and the password of the file system, but it is not convenient for cats to type or hold the mouse. Think you are dreaming.

However, the response of this old machine was very slow. Li Zhenruo was a little impatient, and kept tapping the computer desktop with his cat's paw while waiting for it to start up.

Finally turning on the computer, he entered the file system and began to recall the time on the appraisal certificate.

The appearance of that appraisal certificate was probably the biggest setback in his twenty-three years of life. He had read it over and over again, and many details had been deeply imprinted in his mind.

He entered the entrustment time to inquire, and after a while, he saw a file named Li Jianglin's paternity test.

At this time, Li Zhenruo's breathing began to become short, and his movements became a little flustered. He had to stop and take a few deep breaths, telling himself not to be nervous.

The air is filled with the smell of old paper, and because of the airtightness of the space, it is particularly dull.

Li Zhenruo tried to relax himself, clicked on the file, and saw a row of relevant information on the left side of the file, including power of attorney, appraisal letter, and other related documents.

Among them, Li Zhenruo found a scanned copy of his ID card.

He pressed the mouse with his paw, opened the scanned copy of the ID card, and saw an unexpected person on it.

Li Zhenruo had inquired about this appraisal client before, and he knew it was a young and beautiful woman. He always felt that this woman might be a woman who had some relationship with Li Jianglin, because the sample sent for inspection was Li Jianglin's semen. There are so few vague names, but I haven't had time to rule them out one by one.

But now, Li Zhenruo saw that the owner of the scanned ID card was Yue Zijia.

The beautiful young woman matched the information I had obtained before. At the same time when he saw Yue Zijia, a name popped into Li Zhenruo's head, and now he was gnashing his teeth when he pronounced the name, that was Li Zhenzi.

Seeing this, clicking on other documents and materials is meaningless information.

Both the laboratory and the power of attorney are pseudonyms, and only this scanned copy of the ID card shows the client's information, presumably it is a regulation of the laboratory, and it is absolutely confidential information.

Li Zhenruo quickly shut down the system, then turned off the computer, and jumped down from the computer desk.

He didn't know how close Yue Zijia and Li Zhenzi were, but Li Zhenzi would provoke a woman whenever he saw a woman, and the relationship between the two would not be simple.

If Yue Zijia is Li Zhenzi's lover, it is not very unreasonable for Li Zhenzi to hand over his blood sample to Yue Zijia for identification, because Li Zhenzi may not want people around him, such as Su Yao, to come forward. He didn't want to involve himself in it, so he found someone who others couldn't easily think of him and trusted to do it.

As for whether Li Jianglin and Yue Zijia have anything, Li Zhenruo naturally can't know now, but it's not surprising that there is nothing wrong with it. Whoever loves me is not a disadvantage.

Thinking of this, Li Zhenruo felt that Li Zhenzi's suspicion was instantly magnified infinitely.

He lay down quietly behind the door to calm himself down, because he might have to spend a long and closed period of time in the future.

But his mind couldn't calm down no matter what, maybe he could think about it carefully when he calmed down in the future, but at this moment, what Li Zhenruo was thinking in his head was nothing more than how to defeat Li Zhen.

Li Zhenruo slowly closed his eyes.

To be honest, after the initial anger, Li Zhenruo felt a little sad.

Although he and Li Zhen had a bad relationship since they were young, and they even fought in front of Li Jianglin over some trivial matters, but deep down, he still felt that Li Zhen was his brother, not only Li Zhen, but also Li Zhenran. , Li Zhentai, they are all his elder brothers. Even if it's not the same mother, shouldn't an older brother protect his younger brother and stand up when his younger brother is in danger

But Li Zhenzi was so impatient, after knowing his identity, he revealed it to Li Jianglin without hesitation, and in such a decisive way.

Li Zhenruo lowered his head and rested his round chin on a pair of fleshy paws.