Revenge of the Garfield

Chapter 21


Li Zhenran is an introverted person. He sat next to Li Zhenruo without saying a word. Occasionally the doctor came in and just had a simple conversation.

But he was willing to stay by his side for such a long time, Li Zhenruo was moved enough.

If you think about it differently, Li Zhenruo himself definitely doesn't have that much time to spend with a pet, let alone a pet, even his girlfriend might just go and have a look and send a bouquet of flowers. Such quiet company is really rare.

After he finished the infusion, he was arrested by the doctor for a full-body examination. Afterwards, he was bathed and dewormed, and he was cleaned thoroughly. When the hair all over his body became fluffy again, Li Zhenruo looked almost the same as before. As for whether his face was sharp or not, that was definitely impossible.

Before leaving, Li Zhenran actually asked Hua Yibang to take a collar from the car, and then he put it on Li Zhenruo's neck with his own hands.

If Li Zhen wanted to refuse, his legs and feet were crushed and he couldn't move.

He heard Hua Yibang say that this is a positioning collar.

What the fuck!

If this is a positioning collar, doesn't it mean that no matter where he goes in the future, Li Zhenran will be able to know his whereabouts at any time? Can it be better

But this collar is quite beautiful, it is a black leather collar.

Li Zhenran put the collar on him, seemed very satisfied, reached out and pinched his ears, and then took a cat rope and put it on him.

Li Zhenruo gave up this time, but he couldn't struggle with Li Zhenran, and even if he refused to leave, Li Zhenran still picked up his two front legs and carried him outside.

Until he got in the car, Li Zhenruo expressed his objection by playing dead.

Li Zhenran said calmly: "I'll take it off for you if you behave well."

Hua Yibang sat in the co-pilot and turned his head to look at Li Zhenruo after hearing this.

Li Zhenruo looked hopeless, with tears dripping from the corners of his eyes. But these are completely physiological tears, maybe because of his poor physical condition, he has always shed tears a lot in the past two days.

Hua Yibang couldn't help but said, "Maybe it doesn't want to be sterilized."

Li Zhenruo silently praised Hua Yibang in his heart.

Li Zhenran actually noticed it too. Everything started from the day he said he was going to sterilize the cat, but he was also worried that it was because the cat started to go into heat, so it ran around.

Li Zhenran's silence made Li Zhenruo a little uneasy.

But in the end Li Zhenran still said: "Let's talk about it after a while, I'm afraid its current physical condition is not suitable for surgery."

Li Zhenruo let out a long sigh of relief.

However, the cat rope on his body has not been taken off for him, so it is extremely uncomfortable. He hesitated for a moment, approached Li Zhenran cautiously, put his chin on his lap, and raised his eyes to look at him.

Li Zhenran asked Hua Yibang to give a tissue to help Li Zhenruo wipe away the tears on his face, but when he spoke, he was very indifferent, and he said: "If you dare to run again, I will eunuch you and lock you up and never let you out again." .”

Li Zhenruo trembled in fright.

Hua Yibang also raised his glasses, thinking: What a terrible possessive desire!

Back at Li's house, Wang Ma had already arrived at the door of the house. As soon as she saw Li Zhenruo who was carried out of the car by Li Zhenran, she hurried over and said, "Why are you so hungry, baby?"

Li Zhenruo didn't know how hungry she was when she touched her head.

"It must be difficult outside, right? Who told you to run away?" Wang Ma said to him.

In fact, if it wasn't for checking the files of the identification center, if Li Zhen would not have been locked up for a few days, it seems that the Li family thought that he would lose the ability to survive if he left the Li family, and was starving pitifully outside every day.

But no one knew how carefree he was living in school, eating and drinking.

Li Zhenruo didn't take off the cat rope from his body, so Li Zhenran took him directly to the third floor and tied him near the door of the entertainment room. Then put his rice bowl and water basin over.

Now that he can eat, drink, and sleep around here, it seems that Li Zhenran doesn't intend to let him go anytime soon.

Li Zhenruo felt that Li Zhenran probably wanted to teach him a lesson so that he would not be allowed to run away again. However, after wandering outside for almost a week, Li Zhenruo felt that living in a big house without worrying about eating and drinking was really a blessing. If he wasn't forced, how could he be willing? run out.

Besides, if he ran away, who would help him deal with Li Zhen's self-revenge

Fortunately, the cat rope was quite long enough for Li Zhenruo to walk half a circle in the corridor from the entertainment room. He could even go down two flights of stairs and stand by the railing looking down.

Li Zhenran tied him up and left.

Although there is no time to get angry at him, Li Zhenran is sure to be angry, and now is the punishment for Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenruo was left alone on the third floor. It was already afternoon, the three brothers were not at home, and Wang Ma rarely came up, so he was somewhat lonely being tied here.

He was lying on the corner of the stairs, sticking his head out from the middle of the railing, and he could see all the way to the first floor.

It didn't make much sense, though, because no one was looking up at him from the ground floor.

Before he slipped out of Li's house, Li Zhenzi happened to be on a business trip to the west. Now that a week has passed, he thinks that Li Zhenzi should have returned.

I don't know if I can see him at dinner today.

But Li Zhenzi didn't come back during dinner.

Li Zhenran didn't go out after dinner. Hearing the sound of him going up the stairs, Li Zhenruo stood up unconsciously.

When he saw Li Zhenran walking all the way to the third floor, he just glanced at him indifferently, and then walked towards his room. Li Zhenruo wanted to follow, but was pulled by the rope and couldn't follow before he reached Li Zhenran's door.

"Meow!" Li Zhenruo called out.

Li Zhenran looked back at him, then turned around, walked up to him and squatted down, pointed his wet nose with his finger and said, "One week, reflect on yourself."

"Meow~" Li Zhenruo lowered her voice, a little pitifully.

Li Zhenran was not soft-hearted, got up and continued to walk towards the room, and then closed the door in front of Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenruo lowered the corners of his eyes, hummed in his heart, returned to the stairs and continued to lie down.

That night, Li Zhenzi didn't come back until after eleven o'clock. He probably had a social event at night, so he drank some wine. But today I restrained myself a bit, and I wasn't too drunk.

When he came back, even Wang Ma had turned off the TV and went to sleep, and the living room was pitch black.

Li Zhenruo stood up when he heard the voice. He went down two flights of stairs, stuck his head out from between the railings, and stared at the direction of the second floor.

Li Zhen didn't turn on the light, but walked up the stairs in the dark, because he was drunk, his footsteps seemed a little vain. When he reached the stairs on the second floor, Li Zhen raised his head inadvertently, and saw a black figure sticking out his head from the stairs leading to the third floor, and at the same time saw a pair of eyes that were shining brightly.

He was suffocating, but fortunately he was still able to hold his breath, he just looked up carefully, and then he saw clearly that it was a cat squatting there and looking at him.

Li Zhenzi raised his hand and wiped his face heavily. The fright just now half-scared his drunkenness. At this moment, he didn't rush up to Li Zhenruo to settle the score, but thought that he was actually scared by a cat. Half dead, there is something wrong with it.

Afterwards, he dragged his unsteady steps back to his room.

However, Li Zhenruo sat quietly in place for a long time before getting up and going back to his nest in the entertainment room.

The next day, Li Zhen didn't get up until after ten o'clock in the morning. There was no meeting in Yunlin today, and he was not in a hurry, but could arrange his time leisurely.

When he woke up, Li Zhentai and Li Zhenran had already finished breakfast and left the house.

Opening the door and walking towards the stairs, Li Zhenzi once again noticed that someone was looking at him from the fence of the stairs on the third floor, so when he looked up, he saw a round and flat cat's face.

Thinking of being taken aback by this stupid face last night, Li Zhen couldn't help laughing at himself. He stretched his arms and walked upstairs.

It is difficult for Li Zhenruo to manage his expression when facing Li Zhenzi, but fortunately, as a cat, he doesn't need to manage his expression, anyway, it makes no difference in Li Zhenzi's eyes.

Li Zhen stretched out his hand and pinched Li Zhenruo's face.

Li Zhenruo endured and did not escape.

Li Zhenzi seemed to be just teasing him. He looked up and saw the cat rope on his body, and asked, "Second brother tied you up? Who made you run around, please reflect on yourself."

After finishing speaking, Li Zhen turned around and ran downstairs, asking, "Mother Wang, when did Second Brother catch his cat?"

Wang Ma responded loudly: "Yesterday afternoon! Poor little baby, she was so hungry that she collapsed."

Li Zhenruo turned around and went back upstairs, wondering what was so exaggerated.

But when he saw Li Zhenzi today, he suddenly had an idea that there was too little he could do now, if he wanted to deal with Li Zhenzi, he would have to borrow someone else's hands.

However, before that, he probably still needs to find out whether Yue Zijia did this at the behest of Li Zhenzi, or is there someone else behind her

Li Zhenran did what he said, and actually tied Li Zhenruo with a cat rope for a week.

Every day when Li Zhenruo saw Li Zhenran going downstairs, he would meow at his feet, but it didn't have any effect. Sometimes Li Zhenran didn't even look at him.

Li Zhenruo felt that Li Zhenran must be angry.

While Li Zhenran was angry, he arranged Li Zhenruo's diet very well.

Every day, Li Zhenruo has boiled chicken and fresh milk eggs. Wang Ma told him that Li Zhenran specially asked the kitchen to prepare them to supplement his nutrition.

Li Zhenruo was bubbling while eating the chicken, well, he was somewhat moved. If Li Zhenran has been so kind to him since he was a child, he must repay this brother wholeheartedly, not that the relationship between brothers is not as good as ordinary friends.