Revenge of the Garfield

Chapter 29


Li Tuanzi followed Li Zhenran to the airport.

To be honest, Li Zhenruo was a little depressed because the name Li Tuanzi was really unpleasant, but he knew that it must be difficult to feel such an identity information. If he asked Luo Fei to help him make a new one because the name was too ugly, it would be too much. Too much.

As a result of suppressing this depression, Li Zhenruo gritted his teeth at Li Zhenran all the way.

When changing the boarding pass, Li Zhenran asked him, "What are you looking at me for?"

Li Zhenruo said: "I wish I could eat its flesh and sleep on its skin!"

Li Zhenran unexpectedly asked, "Who?"

After asking, Li Zhenruo clearly saw him smile briefly, it's not that he didn't understand, but he was just teasing Li Zhenruo.

Hua Yibang was also walking with them.

He followed behind them without speaking, and he didn't respond to the name Li Tuanzi.

Later, when passing through the security check, the security officer looked up at him, "Li Tuanzi?"

Li Zhenruo replied bitterly: "Yes."

The security inspector didn't say anything, but couldn't help but look at him more, probably such a weird name is rare.

After about two hours of flying, they arrived at their destination.

Sure enough, as Li Zhenruo expected, they arrived at the capital city of the province where Qijiang is located. Li Zhenruo made several trips here, and finally decided on the project location after repeated investigations and discussions with the government.

it's getting dark.

It's just that I slept on the plane just now, so I don't necessarily feel very tired now.

When they came out of the airport, a driver from the branch here came to pick them up.

After getting in the car, Li Zhenran said, "Go to the hotel first."

Then he said to Li Zhenruo: "Wait for me in the hotel later, Yibang and I will pick him up, wait for some experts to come over, and have dinner together."

"Do you want to eat?" Li Zhenruo asked, he ate a lot on the plane just now.

This trip until now, Li Zhenran has not told Li Zhenruo what it is for, and Li Zhenruo didn't say anything, Li Zhenruo didn't ask, just heard him say that he was going to pick up an expert, and couldn't help wondering if there was something wrong with the project site over there .

Li Zhenran raised his hand and touched his head, "Do you still want to eat?"

"Eat," Li Zhenruo replied, "the food here is delicious."

Before we got to the hotel, it started to rain lightly.

The driver who picked them up complained, "What the hell is it, it's raining every day."

Li Zhenruo leaned his face to the side of the car window and looked out, thinking that it was probably the rainy season.

When they arrived at the hotel, the manager of the Yunlin branch was already waiting for them.

After checking in, Li Zhenran accompanied Li Zhenruo to take the luggage up and put it in the room. The two of them had a suite with a living room and a bedroom, and Hua Yibang's room was next to them.

When opening the door with the room card, Hua Yibang couldn't help but glanced at them, but didn't ask anything.

Sometimes Li Zhenruo envies Li Zhenran for having such a taciturn and capable assistant who can read words and deeds.

Li Zhenran put down his things and went out with Hua Yibang. He asked Li Zhenruo to stay in the room and wait for his call.

Li Zhenruo lay on the big bed, lazily spread out his limbs, and found that he didn't want to do anything. The rain outside seemed to be getting heavier and heavier. He grabbed the remote control on the bedside table and turned on the TV, just in time to see that the local news was issuing an orange rainstorm warning.

It has been raining here for many days in a row, and many low-lying places are severely flooded.

Qijiang is only more than 200 kilometers away from the provincial capital, and it is probably raining heavily. I don't know if Li Zhenran's rush here has something to do with the heavy rain here.

Seeing that the news had jumped to social news, Li Zhenruo used the remote control to change the channel to see if there were more reports.

After about an hour, Li Zhenran called him and asked him to go down for dinner.

Because it was quite late at that time, dinner was arranged in the hotel restaurant. Li Zhenruo went downstairs and saw Li Zhenran standing and talking with three or four people who looked like teachers and scholars. Behind him, besides Hua Yibang and the manager of the branch, was also the project manager of the Qijiang project.

They sat at a table in a private room of the restaurant.

Li Zhenran said: "It's too late today, and we have business to do tomorrow morning. Let's have a light meal tonight. When the things over there are over, we must have a good dinner for the teachers."

Everyone said that Li Zhenran was too polite.

If Li Zhenruo was not hungry, he picked a few dishes he liked to eat, and at other times he used a spoon to drink the soup in front of him.

The collar around his neck was really conspicuous, but no one asked him, only someone asked Li Zhenruo's identity, and Li Zhenran introduced him as his cousin, and he brought it to learn something.

Listening to everyone's conversations during the meal, Li Zhenruo realized that there was something wrong with the construction site on the Qijiang River. The construction site had already started to be surrounded, but due to the heavy rain for several days, the flood control wall of the nearby river collapsed in a large area, flooding the construction site. Of course, the flooding of the construction site can be said to be due to the flood disaster that has not happened in nearly a century, but a nearby building under construction collapsed, and the project team couldn't help getting a little nervous. They were afraid that there was a problem with the geological layer below, which would affect future Construction work is affected.

So Li Zhenran invited top experts in geology, architecture, and engineering to come, hoping to ask them to conduct on-the-spot surveys, how much impact geology has on the construction of the entire tourism project, and how likely geological disasters will occur in the future, and whether it is necessary to revisit the tourism project. planning

In fact, Li Zhenruo had hired someone to do the survey work during the site selection in the early stage, but it seemed far less detailed than Li Zhenran's this time. Although there were only a few people who had dinner together tonight, the experts brought their students and teams here, which must have cost a lot of money.

Li Zhenruo bit his spoon, thinking that Li Zhenran was too pursuing perfection, and sometimes in Li Jianglin's eyes, it was almost nitpicking, so Li Jianglin chose to hand over the Qijiang project to him instead of Li Zhenran.

After eating and going back to the room, Li Zhenran went to take a bath first, Li Zhenruo lay on the bed and didn't want to move.

After lying down for a while, he suddenly remembered something, got up and went through Li Zhenran's bag, trying to find his ID card. Although the name is really unbearable, it is always more convenient to have an ID card on the body. Originally, he had already put away his ID card when he went through the security check at the airport, but just now he took it to Li Zhenran for room registration.

He thought that if it wasn't for this sudden trip, Li Zhenran wouldn't have planned to give him his ID card at all, or even told him about it.

After searching for a while without finding it, Li Zhenran came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and asked him, "What are you doing?"

Li Zhenruo said, "Where's the ID card? Can you give it to me?"

Li Zhenran passed by him, sat down by the bed, and said, "Why are you here?"

Li Zhenruo said: "It's more convenient, if you're not by my side, there is something urgent."

Li Zhenran said, "Stay by my side, don't go far."

Li Zhenruo couldn't hold back, and said, "I'm sick..."

Li Zhenran looked at him coldly.

Li Zhenruo didn't dare to continue to provoke him, and said, "I'm going to take a bath."

He took a shower and put on his pajamas before going out. In the past, Li Zhenruo didn't really care about these things. He was a man anyway, and he was his second brother. He often walked around the house in a pair of underwear after taking a shower.

But after what happened last night, he felt a little embarrassed again, thinking that his estrus period might not be over yet, so he should wrap up tightly so as not to cause any misunderstanding.

Li Zhenran was lying on the bed watching TV, which was broadcasting the evening news.

Li Zhenruo lay down beside him and asked, "Are you going to go when it rains tomorrow?"

Li Zhenran nodded, "Go, everyone has been invited, no matter how bad the environment is, you have to go, who can guarantee that this will not happen again in the future?"

Li Zhenruo guessed that Li Zhenran would definitely say that.

Li Zhenran suddenly stretched out a hand, propped his elbow on the head of the bed, and played with Li Zhenruo's hair with his fingers.

Li Zhenruo turned to look at him, but saw that he was not looking at him, but was staring at the TV screen thoughtfully. His thoughts should not be on Li Zhenruo, but he was just playing with his hair like teasing a pet. .

Looking at Li Zhenran's side face, for some reason Li Zhenruo's heartbeat quickened a few beats, his body became hot for no reason, and his breathing became short of breath. Finally, he couldn't jump out of bed and went to the bathroom.

Regarding the matter of cats in heat, Li Zhenruo actually checked it carefully on the Internet. It seems that many people have different opinions. Some people say that it is because of contact with female cats that they will go into heat. Some people say that it will be fine after a few days or ten days. It is said that birth control is necessary, and some people say that it is enough to mate.

Li Zhenruo watched a lot, but he didn't know what his situation was anyway. It would still be painful if he kept on like this, and he had always reacted to Li Zhenran recently.

Li Zhenran is actually a female cat, right

When he went back to the bed, Li Zhenran had already turned off the TV and fell asleep.

Li Zhenruo groped and lay down, Li Zhenran grabbed his wrist, pulled him into his arms and hugged him.

His body stiffened for a moment, and he asked in a muffled voice, "Why are you hugging so tightly?"

Li Zhenran buried his face in the side of his neck, and rubbed against him, and said, "Isn't that the purpose of bringing you out?"

Li Zhenruo said angrily, "I'm not a pillow."

Li Zhenran said: "Don't make trouble, you don't feel safe sleeping in a hotel."

"..." Li Zhenruo thought silently, "Are you sick?"

Early the next morning, they drove to Qijiang.

When she got up in the morning, Li Zhenruo stood by the window and opened the heavy curtains to look out, and unexpectedly found that the sky was sunny, and it should be a sunny day today, so she couldn't help but sigh that she was lucky.

Driving on the high speed, Li Zhenruo sat in the back seat and yawned.

Li Zhenran asked him, "Didn't you sleep enough?"

Li Zhenruo nodded and rested his head on Li Zhenran's shoulder.

Hua Yibang was not surprised, but the driver kept his eyes on the nose and his heart, staring at the front and driving.

Because the weather is fine, the road is relatively smooth today, and it takes less than two hours to reach Qijiang city on the highway. The construction project of Yunlin is in the north of Qijiang city, and there are still about 20 minutes' drive.

Going over there, after leaving the spacious road and entering the small road, it gradually got away from the hustle and bustle of the city and became quieter. The distance from here to Qijiang River was originally the name of a river. Qijiang City is just a city built along the river. In the lower reaches of the river, there are high mountains and gentle slopes in the distance, and tens of thousands of hectares of plains nearby. The forest coverage rate has reached nearly 45%. As soon as the car window is opened, fresh air blows in.

Li Zhenruo took a deep breath, and his mood seemed to become calm.

The government urgently repaired the embankment of the Qijiang River before, and the embankment was re-enclosed. Now the flood has receded a lot, but there is still a large area of water in the distance, especially at the construction site where the siege has begun, and even a part of the wall that was washed away by the flood can be seen. .

The person in charge of the construction site has come to welcome Li Zhenran.

However, due to the stagnant water at the construction site, it was impossible to get inside dry anyway, so Li Zhenran asked the driver to park the car on the dry flat ground outside, and said to Li Zhenruo, "You wait for me in the car."

Li Zhenran was wearing a casual outfit today with a waterproof jacket and a baseball cap on his head. He looked like he was out for an outing.

Li Zhenruo said, "I'll go in with you."

Li Zhenran said, "Stay here, don't run around."

Then he and Hua Yibang got out of the car and got into another car. The off-road vehicle drove forward for a certain distance and stopped, fearing that it would get stuck in the mud and turn off, and the people in the car had to get down and wade into it.

If Li Zhenruo pressed down the car window, he could only see Li Zhenran's back from a distance. When they entered the construction site, they could only see a few off-road vehicles left outside.

Forget it, he thought, anyway, the affairs of the Li family have nothing to do with him.

A little bored, he opened the car door and got down to walk around. He saw the driver also got out of the car, and started smoking and chatting with several other drivers.

Li Zhenruo's character, it's okay to go over and chat with them, but he looks like a child now, knowing that those middle-aged people don't want to talk to him very much, so he didn't go there.

There is still some distance from the river, but the wind is still a bit chilly, Li Zhenruo stood for a while, then went back to the car and huddled in the back seat to play with his mobile phone.

He didn't know how long it had passed, but when he suddenly raised his head, he felt that it was getting dark outside. Originally, when he came out in the morning, there was still sun in the sky, but at this time, it seemed that a storm was about to come.

Li Zhenruo couldn't help being a little nervous. He sat up and looked outside, and saw several drivers running in the direction of parking, and the ground outside began to fall with big raindrops.

The rain became huge in an instant, and the driver opened the door and sat up, saying, "This is a heavy rain coming."

Li Zhenruo saw the surrounding tree branches being blown wildly by the strong wind. Even with the car windows closed, he could still hear the sound of raindrops beating on the roof and glass of the car and the sound of the strong wind blowing by. It was very dark, as if it was the scene of the end of the world.

The rain was getting lighter and heavier, and within ten minutes, some water began to accumulate outside.

The driver stared nervously into the distance, and suddenly shouted: "Oops!"

Li Zhenruo looked in the direction of his gaze, and saw that the river in the distance was deepening rapidly, and the newly built flood embankment began to become precarious, as if it might be washed away at any time.

If the flood control embankment breaks, the construction site may be flooded immediately.

Li Zhenruo took out his mobile phone and immediately wanted to call Li Zhenran.

Unexpectedly, the driver started the car at this time. Li Zhenruo rushed forward when he heard the movement, and asked, "What are you doing?"

The driver said nervously: "We can't leave when the flood rushes over!"

Li Zhenruo reached out to stop him, "They're still inside!"

The driver didn't listen to him and insisted on starting the car. Instead of grabbing the keys from him, Li Zhenruo simply opened the car door and jumped off, running towards the construction site.

Sure enough, the flood control embankment collapsed, and Li Zhenruo saw the river rushing out. The turbid yellow water rolled up white foam, and instantly set off a huge wave and slapped towards the wall of the construction site.

Li Zhenruo, on the other hand, ran madly towards the construction site, shouting at the same time: "Li Zhenran!"

With this loud cry, he woke up suddenly, opened his eyes and sat up straight, realizing that he was still in the car.

Li Zhenruo couldn't help being in a trance for several seconds. When he came back to his senses, he realized that he was actually dreaming. He had a dream that was so realistic that even now when he touched his forehead, he was still covered in cold sweat.

Li Zhenruo turned to look out the window, the weather was still sunny, and several drivers still gathered together to smoke and talk nonsense.

He closed his eyes and leaned back on the back seat, and waited until his mood calmed down before he began to recollect the mood in the dream. That kind of emotion was very real, and he could still feel it now. At that moment, he was really not afraid of death, even if he died, he would definitely go to Li Zhenran's side.